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Banter, it seems to be a come back at the moment.............., for some who possibly believe they have gone too far and, need a way out.

Please don't use this thread as a tool to start a slaggin match, more a tool to understand that this isn't the red issue forum or other club forum where you let rip at the drop of a hat. I'd like to think we have more class than that here.

I have offended people here, I'm not perfect but I'd like to think that people know I have never intended malice, this is Thai Visa Football Forum.


  / [ban-ter]


1. an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery.

Now we all know that the above discription is not the banter we use, either in this forum or, at whichever ground/stadium or pub you choose to worship at. Ours is a far more dry or, if you will, offensive type of banter. We don't hold back sometimes, not backwards in coming forwards. What we are not is overtly in peoples faces and aggresive or, sick.

Some songs from United fans this season that, for me typify banter, good natured and, FUNNY.....!!!!!

Man United fans to Fulham's Bobby Zamora - "When the ball hits your head/And you're sat in Row Z/That's Zamora!"
Man United fans, to the tune of Lord Of The Dance - "Kaka, wherever you may be, Have you heard of Man City? Don't go there, It'll end in tears. They've not won a trophy in 30 years."

Our forum is pretty much self ruled, I don't think Mig and Jocks jobs are too hard although a good job they do when needed.

Our football forums eticate is styled I believe by the nature of the general forum on TV. A lot of others slag it off as being too harsh, those that have spent enough time here know what its about, you like it or lump it....!

Where are we going at the moment, some pretty un funny things being said/posted of late, some silly arguments, a few new names i've not seen before too. Is it just silly season, as it is in the papers or do we have a/some troll/s in our midst...? Either way, lets back to the good natured stuff and the talk about football, the sport we all love..... Take the pisssss by all means, I support United as you all know, I get a bit of it but I'm cool with that................... Lets all be eh.....!

Lets have some thoughts and feedback people....?




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Banter, it seems to be a come back at the moment.............., for some who possibly believe they have gone too far and, need a way out.

Please don't use this thread as a tool to start a slaggin match, more a tool to understand that this isn't the red issue forum or other club forum where you let rip at the drop of a hat. I'd like to think we have more class than that here.

I have offended people here, I'm not perfect but I'd like to think that people know I have never intended malice, this is Thai Visa Football Forum.


  / [ban-ter]


1. an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery.

Now we all know that the above discription is not the banter we use, either in this forum or, at whichever ground/stadium or pub you choose to worship at. Ours is a far more dry or, if you will, offensive type of banter. We don't hold back sometimes, not backwards in coming forwards. What we are not is overtly in peoples faces and aggresive or, sick.

Some songs from United fans this season that, for me typify banter, good natured and, FUNNY.....!!!!!

Man United fans to Fulham's Bobby Zamora - "When the ball hits your head/And you're sat in Row Z/That's Zamora!"
Man United fans, to the tune of Lord Of The Dance - "Kaka, wherever you may be, Have you heard of Man City? Don't go there, It'll end in tears. They've not won a trophy in 30 years."

Our forum is pretty much self ruled, I don't think Mig and Jocks jobs are too hard although a good job they do when needed.

Our football forums eticate is styled I believe by the nature of the general forum on TV. A lot of others slag it off as being too harsh, those that have spent enough time here know what its about, you like it or lump it....!

Where are we going at the moment, some pretty un funny things being said/posted of late, some silly arguments, a few new names i've not seen before too. Is it just silly season, as it is in the papers or do we have a/some troll/s in our midst...? Either way, lets back to the good natured stuff and the talk about football, the sport we all love..... Take the pisssss by all means, I support United as you all know, I get a bit of it but I'm cool with that................... Lets all be eh.....!

Lets have some thoughts and feedback people....?





I agree wholeheartedly with what you say.

If anyone wants to understand 'banter', then I think looking at your previous posts would give a good example :D I dont always agree with you, but I dont think you are offensive, and you take it as well as give it :D

We can all get defensive when talking about our teams. From my point of view, I have supported City all my life. For most of that time we have been shit :D but now for the first time we have real money behind us and have a chance to really do something, yet some so called fans have a pop, which in itself isnt a problem, but they keep pushing and pushing the wrong buttons. Now if they are doing it to wind me up, then fair game :D that becomes apparant after a few posts, but some just cannot take it as well as they give it, in other words they really do not understand 'banter', and they then become personal, which I think is unneccesary.

Just my 2 bobs worth :D

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Blimey mate, your posts don't half ramble on. But I suppose that your intentions are fair enough.

I've posted on this football/soccer forum for years. Can't remember how many, you'd have to check the date of my West Ham thread to find out exactly how long.** But I've only experienced anything near to being malicious only once, and that was in the last day or so -- it was from , and to do with , a quite despicable caricature depicting Ronaldo being a child molester/abductor. But let's not start that one up again. Otherwise , generally it's all been to do with football related issues. Even though certain antipathies can get very near to the bone sometimes. But nothing overtly nasty as a rule.


1 : desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another

2 : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse

** Just checked, only 3 years as it goes. How time flies when you having fun. :)

Edited by Happy Hammer
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Blimey mate, your posts don't half ramble on. But I suppose that your intentions are fair enough.

I've posted on this football/soccer forum for years. Can't remember how many, you'd have to check the date of my West Ham thread to find out exactly how long. But I've only experienced anything near to being malicious only once, and that was in the last day or so - that was from , and to do with , a quite despicable caricature portraying Ronaldo being a child molester/abductor. But let's not start that one up again. Otherwise , generally it's all been to do with football related issues. Even though certain antipathies can get very near to the bone sometimes. But nothing overtly nasty as a rule.


1 : desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another

2 : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse

LOL Cheers pal............! I just wanted to open the debate, all sensible like...!

I meant malice, like malicious, picky git.... :)

Thanks for the comments J&D, I started watchin United when we were <deleted>, times change, you'll have your day one day, maybe..... :D


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You Lemons.... :D

In my opinion, the day i or anyone else for that matter, should be offended by someone you have never met, will never meet & don't know from Adam, on a Public Forum, is the day you should really think about if a Public Forum is a place for you...

Of course we're only Human & get would up by others who aim certain stuff at us personally but big deal..

I won't, & no one else should, lose any sleep over it at the end of the day..

Oh & one last thing, we were " United " before the Mancs were even a Football Club as we know them & when they were still Newton Heath... :D

As you were.. :)

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Internet Warriors, Keyboard Soldiers...................... :)

Yeah yeah MS but, there's only one UNITED......! :D


I take it you mean Rotherham United then redrus :D :D


FCUM all................!!!!!! :D :D


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Internet Warriors, Keyboard Soldiers...................... :)

Yeah yeah MS but, there's only one UNITED......! :D


Wish you would have told that to your Committee back in 1902 then... :D

I have trouble remembering 19:02 last night mate..... :D


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if it offends I can easily have it removed

How comes a man of your status ani't a moderator then ?

But there again:

Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens. :)

Look forward to some football banter, can't say that I've come across you yet in that area.


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Hi Redrus,

Did you see this recent thread?


My opinion is that banter is mostly fun and harmless - the problem arises when people go from taking the piss out of other clubs to taking the piss out of other members.

(Oh, and the other problem is people whose sense of humour stopped developing at the age of five!)

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Hi Redrus,

Did you see this recent thread?


My opinion is that banter is mostly fun and harmless - the problem arises when people go from taking the piss out of other clubs to taking the piss out of other members.

(Oh, and the other problem is people whose sense of humour stopped developing at the age of five!)

I didn't see it, will have a read through.....

Cheers Al.


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(Oh, and the other problem is people whose sense of humour stopped developing at the age of five!)

& there be plenty of them on here Rix... :D

Ever watched Channel 3 ? :)

:D The Channel 3 that i flick through sometimes, their whole Brain stops developing at the age of 5, not just their sense of humous..

Poof, Bam, Bap, Boom !! :D

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My team,Stoke City have suffered more than most teams with malice and and nastiness by newspapers and ex footballers.Also i remember a certain aresole venger crying after we beat them,that we wouldnt let them play the carpet football,and that remark affected decisions by refs for weeks and weeks.

The best comment was by Micky Quinn,before the game with the cartoon army,he said we were a pub side,now who is smug now fattie lardarse,the bar codes are in the championship league hehehehehehehehehehehehheeheh.I think Shearer got muddled up to,the chairman said he wanted to be in the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE lol lol lol,made me so happy when they got relegated.

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You need to us that big long plastic button at the bottom of your computer a little more often Klang.

Oh SM, it is you, it is you...... :D

& Pat, stop all that feeling sorry for yourslef & thinking the World, Media, Refs etc are aginst you cos they/we're not, thnat's reserved only for Millwall.... :)

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You need to us that big long plastic button at the bottom of your computer a little more often Klang.

Oh SM, it is you, it is you...... :D

So why the change from SM to SML? Isn't light beer for woofters? :)

Yes but if you put a slice of lime in it, it makes you look dead hard and like a real man!

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Orr,its nice to be nice.Good to see you regular posters have regrouped.Your a sensitive bunch.Has for being personal,certain posters should re-read certain forums.And not get too confused.Any 5 year old could understand it :)

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Orr,its nice to be nice.Good to see you regular posters have regrouped.Your a sensitive bunch.Has for being personal,certain posters should re-read certain forums.And not get too confused.Any 5 year old could understand it :D

Maybe, but i had to re read ^^ three times... :D

I don't fall for the regular Posters/Clique sh*t to be honest, i find it gets on my nerves more when people pop in here, have a dig, then don't reply/write agan for weeks on end..

I find most of the constant Posters on here alright to be honest, that's why i still Post here.. :)

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