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The Lie About The Thai Woman


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Have a look in the villages, many gave birth to a baby before they hit the noble age of 20 (then to be abandoned by the Thai man).

There is a huge difference between what society shows as "good behavior" and what goes on in reality, sic.

I was shocked looking for a bus at the original Mo chit bus station in 1990 when I saw a supposedly 15 year young girl accompanied by her parents breastfeeding a baby. I thought I was in Africa. But Thailand still is a 3 world country, isn't?

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I have only ever been with one Thai woman (my wife) but in my dating days in the USA, 1980's and 1990's it seemed to me taking the average American woman out to dinner almost certainly guaranteed sex providing you weren't a jerk.

:) Ok, granted, im not American. But, in this western femaIes experience, a man taking me out for a meaI wouId never equate to him getting sex. I have aIso never heard this from any of my friends. I aIways thought it was the norm that peopIe get to know each other over some time then decide if they want to take things further.

What about drinks then lol.

Seriously there was a girl on here who said she had sex with a thai guy on the beach after getting slaughtered on booze,maybe she married him months/years later.I can only talk about uk women mainly,and even up to 50 yo i would virtualy be 100% of getting leg over after going out on the lash.Some of my jamaican brummie frineds said they always pulled with a white british girl but had problems getting leg over on the first date with black women.Turkish men say english women are the easiest lay in the whole of europe,and these guys are big gigilos too.The big problem with women all over is if they have a first night sex its love not lust and all the excuses come out.

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Good for you if you had virtuaIIy 100% of getting women drunk then into bed on the first night. I can assure you however, I, and many other woman, wouId never have been one of them.

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Well, I guess I am not the ladies man that some men posting here are.  I am somewhat oriented to the phsyical pleasures in life, but I don't get that far with most of the women I meet on a dating-type situation.

Thinking about it, though, I think my experiences with Thai and non-Thai women have been about the same.  Maybe 25% of the time, we do have some degree of intimacy on a first date.  Another 25% will have the same result after mulitple dates.  And maybe 50% will never get that far.  

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Good for you if you had virtuaIIy 100% of getting women drunk then into bed on the first night. I can assure you however, I, and many other woman, wouId never have been one of them.


Can you please tell me where i have said that i get women drunk and then take them to bed.

Typicaly you are trying to make excuses,Again for modern european woman.Also i never suggested you were the type to do that and i dont know if you are european,Jmaican ot an alien.Maybe say you are a Jamaican woman as they dont seem to want a one night stand,even though,been there done that.

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You know the Lie: Thai (and sometimes Asian) woman are often unfairly portrayed as more promiscuous than western woman in the Western media

Here's the myth of Asian women as I understand it:

Chinese -- neutral

Indians -- baby machines with their husbands

Japanese -- frigid, but prolific porn producers

Filipinas -- promiscuous, but Christian, therefore repentant

Thais -- outright whores, the lot

Indo, Malay -- I don't think they're allowed to have sex. Ever.

Israelis -- promiscious until marriage -- then immediately frigid

Arabs -- Promiscuous ones are culled from the herd immediately

Russians -- frigid in temp only, otherwise hot

Western women -- seems the council estate/trailer trash are the only promiscuous ones

The Promiscuity Lotto winner has to be Africans.

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"Men are gold, women are silence, silence is gold, men are women and women are men"

Thailand is a land of myths.........but so is every other country. "The myth about Thai women" is just that, a myth.

In terms of sex or promiscuity, I do not see Thai women as significantly different from most non-Thai women.

There are some cultural differences (to be expected), but ultimately they want the same thing from men: SECURITY.

Living in a small town, I see what shy, innocent girls go through before they become Pattaya girls.

They are almost always pushed into that life because of poverty......often they come from families where alcoholism and violent behavior is the norm.

In Thailand men are seen as important only to the extent that they have power. Power = money = security.

If you are a male and do not have that, females look elsewhere for it (e.g., the expat farang with money).

They myth, I think, comes from males and not females. Part of it is associated with the tendency to always see the grass as being greener on the other side of the fence.

Thai females, to the best of my knowledge (and maybe one will comment), tend to think Japanese men are sexy. Why? I have no idea.

So, they too have their own set of myths.

Sorry JR i cant agree with this,"They are almost always pushed into that life because of poverty " Greed and jealousy more like,. :)
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It never ceases to amaze me how naive some people are. Males and females are pretty much the same all over the world. There are varying degrees of libido with everyone. When young people get horny they will experiment. Attractive ones are likely to get more action. There is no one size fits all and there are exceptions to every generality. I've been with dozens of women who have no real interest in sex and just as many who were almost nymphomaniacs. I know many men that don't have sex more than once or twice a year. Most are married guys in their 50s and 60s. Having spoken to hundreds of bar girls I would say 80% or more have a child or two. Most got pregnant from some young Thai guy when the girl was about 17 or 18, and the guy took off when he found out the girl was pregnant. The baby was left with the girl's mother while the girl went to work somewhere far from her village where there was no stigma attached.

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Sorry JR i cant agree with this,"They are almost always pushed into that life because of poverty " Greed and jealousy more like,. sad.gif

I do get tired of hearing that line "pushed into that life because of poverty"

I agree with the greed and jealousy, the village girls see what happens to a girl who goes off to Pattaya. She comes back, buys land and builds a house. Maybe has a car and 2 motorbikes, loads of gold and spending money. They get jealous and want the same for themselves.

There are poor people in Thailand for sure, but it really depends what you call poverty. Nobody starves in Thailand, very few freeze to death.

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There are poor people in Thailand for sure, but it really depends what you call poverty. Nobody starves in Thailand, very few freeze to death.

When there's a slight chill up North in Thailand loads of people kick the bucket.

You see them handing out blankets every year, and every year thousands still die.

Where I'm from those are summer temperatures too.

I'm sure prison inmates, refugees and the country's thousands of homeless and destitute would disagree about nobody starving to death either.

Just another Thai myth I'm afraid.

Edited by Oberkommando
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I have only ever been with one Thai woman (my wife) but in my dating days in the USA, 1980's and 1990's it seemed to me taking the average American woman out to dinner almost certainly guaranteed sex providing you weren't a jerk.

:) Ok, granted, im not American. But, in this western femaIes experience, a man taking me out for a meaI wouId never equate to him getting sex. I have aIso never heard this from any of my friends. I aIways thought it was the norm that peopIe get to know each other over some time then decide if they want to take things further.

You obviously werent hungry enough ! :D
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There are poor people in Thailand for sure, but it really depends what you call poverty. Nobody starves in Thailand, very few freeze to death.

When there's a slight chill up North in Thailand loads of people kick the bucket.

You see them handing out blankets every year, and every year thousands still die.

Where I'm from those are summer temperatures too.

I'm sure prison inmates, refugees and the country's thousands of homeless and destitute would disagree about nobody starving to death either.

Just another Thai myth I'm afraid.

I beg to disagree, the fruit falls off the trees and the fish jump out of the water, nah thais will never go hungry,only in extremes granted,. :)
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Thai females, to the best of my knowledge (and maybe one will comment), tend to think Japanese men are sexy. Why? I have no idea.

Clean, with Asian looks and Asian manners and they pay too much. What's not to like? :)

there is a stereotype that japanese men are sadists or sickos. they get this perception from the japanese porn.

maybe some thai ladies find this "sexy" but all i have talked on this subject say they are more so a bunch of sadists than anything else.

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The Promiscuity Lotto winner has to be Africans.

If HIV rates and Promiscuity are linked which surely they must be then this is true, hence why rates are so high in Thailand.

Everyone in the world is educated about the spread of HIV so this isnt an excuse.

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The Promiscuity Lotto winner has to be Africans.

If HIV rates and Promiscuity are linked which surely they must be then this is true, hence why rates are so high in Thailand.

Everyone in the world is educated about the spread of HIV so this isnt an excuse.

 The spread of HIV in Thailand and Uganda are really quite low in comparison with most other nations in Asia and Africa.  Both nations have been singled out by the WHO and other organizations as doing a good job to combat the spread of HIV.

Thailand still has a very high rate of HIV per capita (China and especially India have far more infected people than Thailand), but Thailand has been able to slow the increase of HIV-infected people while countries ssuch as Vietnam, India, and Chine continue to see growing rates.

And all of Asia pales in comparison to what is going on in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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You know the Lie: Thai (and sometimes Asian) woman are often unfairly portrayed as more promiscuous than western woman in the Western media

Here's the myth of Asian women as I understand it:

Chinese -- neutral

Indians -- baby machines with their husbands

Japanese -- frigid, but prolific porn producers

Filipinas -- promiscuous, but Christian, therefore repentant

Thais -- outright whores, the lot

Indo, Malay -- I don't think they're allowed to have sex. Ever.

Israelis -- promiscious until marriage -- then immediately frigid

Arabs -- Promiscuous ones are culled from the herd immediately

Russians -- frigid in temp only, otherwise hot

Western women -- seems the council estate/trailer trash are the only promiscuous ones

The Promiscuity Lotto winner has to be Africans.

I lived in Bali,Indonesia 8/9 years ago just before the bomb ocurred,with my ex-girlfriend and believe me the Indonesian girls used to come onto me when I was with my girlfriend,she was none too pleased.I would say they are less shy than the Thai girls! :)

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i think you will find that is women everywhere...

There are myths and Iies about aII denominations of women across the gIobe, usuaIIy started and perpetuated by men. :)

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i think you will find that is women everywhere...

There are myths and Iies about aII denominations of women across the gIobe, usuaIIy started and perpetuated by men. :)

With all due respect, eek, I have also heard many lies and myths being passed about women which were being said my other women!  

For example, I have not heard Thai men say much about Filipinas one way or the other, but I have heard a lot about Filipinas from Thai women.

But your point is well taken.

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Can't claim to have read the entire thread, but how do we (or perhaps, to return to the OP's question, the "Western media") define "promiscuous"?

Is a promiscuous person one who ...

has sex with another person before marriage

has sex with another person for money

has sex with another person for pleasure

has sex hoping a commitment can be avoided

has sex with another person on the first date

has sex with another person in the hope of a commitment ensuing

has sex with more than a certain number of others

(no need to continue, I hope...) ?

Seems to me that threads like this tend to bring people leaping to defend their partners'/their own practice, with very little real discussion taking place :) .

It could be an interesting discussion, but it's not heading in that direction at present.

Edited by WaiWai
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i have never seen anything anywhere in the media that suggests thai women are more sexually active than western women. its common knowledge that this is not the case as thai society is more patriarchal than western society... plus, it sounds like OP is one of those really weird old guys with psychological issues who wants to find himself a "young, pure, virgin" to marry or something like that...

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"Men are gold, women are silence, silence is gold, men are women and women are men"

Thailand is a land of myths.........but so is every other country. "The myth about Thai women" is just that, a myth.

In terms of sex or promiscuity, I do not see Thai women as significantly different from most non-Thai women.

There are some cultural differences (to be expected), but ultimately they want the same thing from men: SECURITY.

Living in a small town, I see what shy, innocent girls go through before they become Pattaya girls.

They are almost always pushed into that life because of poverty......often they come from families where alcoholism and violent behavior is the norm.

In Thailand men are seen as important only to the extent that they have power. Power = money = security.

If you are a male and do not have that, females look elsewhere for it (e.g., the expat farang with money).

They myth, I think, comes from males and not females. Part of it is associated with the tendency to always see the grass as being greener on the other side of the fence.

Thai females, to the best of my knowledge (and maybe one will comment), tend to think Japanese men are sexy. Why? I have no idea.

So, they too have their own set of myths.

I have to confirm my wife and her friends disagree with " Japanese men being sexy" , Or was she just being polite................. oh bugger :)

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It's the fact that we can't talk about birth control etc. Teenagers will experiment anyway and pregnancies are the result.

I tried to talk with my 16 year old students about birth control once, within 1 minute there where only 3 male students left as the students don't see it as a suitable sunject to talk about. I talked with my director about this and he told me that last time the school talked with students about birth control they got many angry reactions from parents.

Haha.. I guess parents think if the school doesn't tell their kids about sex then they will continue to live as innoncent good boys and girls!

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i think you will find that is women everywhere...

There are myths and Iies about aII denominations of women across the gIobe, usuaIIy started and perpetuated by men. :)

yes,very true..this post refers to the prevalent perception out there, and people do lie and exaggerate..the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle..these days all places are becoming almost the same..viva la difference!!

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What a load of old <deleted>

Lets leave the conservative Bangkok families out of the picture for a moment.

From my experience in this country there is a lot of totally SCANDALOUS things going on, which would give Jerry Springer a run for his money. Married people sleeping around, sleeping with their sisters boyfriend, next door neighbor, really daring things where they dont seem to be afraid of getting caught. I met one girls who admitted to me she had slept with their OWN brothers (perhaps unwillingly). Talk to almost any Thai and there is a huge amount of gossip going around and a lot of infidelity and utterly shocking things going on right under your nose!

Ive lived extensively in Chiang Mai so perhaps this is a northern trait.

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