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I have missed it or there is not alot of posting about Bing.  I have tried it Bing.com and it gives the Thailand version which is boring if you look in upper right.  I clicked on (thailand)  and selected the English US version and this is a vary nice search product.  news and main search really not differant then say google, but the video and image sections are really nice.  I can't see why this won't draw a few away from google.  My searchs all worked just fine and I like the way they do the video and image section.  MS has something here.  I put a link in my speed dial right next to the google one.  I would most likely be using the Bing for image and video searchs.


Yeah, there's only one problem with Bing, it begins with M and ends with icrosoft.

People often look at technology from a technical perspective only, without looking at the people behind it. That's a huge mistake because the intent behind a technology shapes its development and direction. In the case of search, that is plain obvious. If I have a search engine, I need to trust it to be impartial, to provide correct results according to my search. I need it to not take sides.

Here is where I was always appalled at Microsoft Search, later Live Search, now Bing. Because the first thing I do with a new Windows system is download Firefox. See for yourself what results you get with the Microsoft-owned search engine, vs. Google, both searching for the phrase download firefox:



Both lead you to download sites for Firefox. But the Google one leads you to the official website of the Mozilla foundation. Whereas the Bing first hit is a website that looks like spam.

Now why would Bing not go to the official website? Moreover, why doesn't Bing have the official website in the first page of search results? Call me paranoid but I don't believe that Bing search is simply so bad. I believe this is intention. Blocking competition is something that comes natural to Microsoft. So this is why, after using it for that first time, I never use a Microsoft search engine again.

It's as if Google would give you a plug for Chrome if you searched for download firefox - and that is something that Google does not do, because google knows that its entire business model depends on trustworthiness and integrity.


Not for me?! Here is what I get on Bing:


The first hit is spam-like site download-firefox.org.

The official download site is nowhere to be seen on page 1.

Search result #3 is, rather bizarrely, a german language page. I didn't set anything to german, and I am in Thailand, so that one is completely mysterious.


If you click on Thailand in the upper right

switch to English US or other if you want.

then click on the extra in the upper right and select perferances

below it says location bangkok, change to an area you want like New York

set it up and uncheck suggestion and get more pure search

get more per page. filters etc.

Now it works more local to your setting with more related search.   Its been working well for me.

I have google default as the web search, but I put bing in the speed dial for video and image search for the time bing anyway.

Not for me?! Here is what I get on Bing:


The first hit is spam-like site download-firefox.org.

The official download site is nowhere to be seen on page 1.

Search result #3 is, rather bizarrely, a german language page. I didn't set anything to german, and I am in Thailand, so that one is completely mysterious.

that you got results in German and in Thai presented isn't a surprise. You ticket "show all" and did not tick "only english"

I run the same search and received english only results but with that questionable web site as top result too


All I got to say that if you like to look for pictures of pretty birds, then bing has the hands down best image search on the net.... :)

Yup, best image search so far! :D


I like the preview when you hover the mouse over the video.  My linux does that on the system but not on remote locations like a search result.  And the daily picture on the front,  not really a big deal but kind of a nice touch.  Now, how do we get birds on that part.   :)


Bing will get those people who like "pretty" more than simple functionality. Google has never been about looking pretty so what's different? Not much. MSN has always been about shiny, pretty things and it's no different with their new attempt at beating Google at it's own game, with Bing.

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