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Quite a few people have expressed an interest in the list I posted a few days ago so I have decided to attempt to translate it into English. I will post bait recipes as and when I have time to translate the same if there is any interest in the subject. Please also share your own recipes. Here is the first of 61:

1. Banana Dessert

Ingredients: 2 bunches of ripe bananas ((Nam Wah variety) all other references to bananas are for this variety unless specified otherwise); ½ kg rice flour; 1 carton of coconut milk (all references to this mean the type used for cooking and 300 ml size); 100 gm grated coconut;

Preparation: Peel the bananas and blend (squeezing by hand is fine to make a nice mushy mess) in a bowl. Mix in the rice flour and then add the coconut milk and grated coconut, mixing well together. Do not add sugar. Steam the dough until bread/cake like consistency is obtained.

Method of use: When ready to use cut the cake to size and use on a single hook.

Types of fish: White striped catfish, black eared catfish; Cyclocheilichthys enoplos (no idea as to the common name in English)

Happy fishing.


2. Three Day Coconut

Ingredients: 1 kg grated coconut; 2 kg fine rice bran (preferably from new rice or jasmine rice); 1 kg breadcrumbs (fine crumbs); soya bean meal; 1 carton of soya milk 300ml

Preparation: Mix the coconut, bread and bran (sieve the bran first). Once well mixed add soya bean meal and soya milk, continuing to mix them together by hand until a nice consistency is obtained, not too dry and not too moist. Adding the milk a little at a time is best rather than dumping it all in and praying. Put the dough in a plastic bag and seal (just tie it off to keep it airtight). Keep for three days and it will be ready for use.

Method of use: Check the bait to make sure it is ready (don’t ask). It should simply look ready and smell ready. Fish using a spring feeder rig. Can also be used as ground bait.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish.


Please note that I have not used all these baits. However, for the ones that I have used I have added a few comments. The names of the baits have nothing to do with me, I am just putting them into English. I have also taken the liberty of giving some minor explanations where necessary as the Thai version does not give a clear picture in some instances.

Here are a few more. I will continue to add others if people are interested.

3. Pickled Mackerel

(all references to mackerel are for the Indo-Pacific variety unless specified otherwise)

Ingredients: 1 kg mackerel innards; 5 tablespoons salt; 1 kg uncooked fish meat (fresh water fish).

Preparation: Mix up the fish meat with the innards by hand and then add the salt. Squeeze in the salt by hand so that it is thoroughly mixed with the fish and innards. Place in a stainless steel or plastic container, cover and leave for three days.

Method of use: Hook the innards on a single hook and use the fish meat as ground bait.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaleless fish such as catfish. It also mentions that the bait is good for soft shelled turtle but I must warn you that this is a protected species. Also, personally speaking, I am totally against fishing for turtles.

4. Pickled Chicken Innards

Ingredients: 1 kg of chicken innards (not just the giblets, the whole lot); 5 duck eggs; 3 tablespoons salt; a small amount of rice bran (about a handful).

Preparation: Select only the intestines that are in good condition (i.e. not broken) so you have long strips of intestine. Break the duck eggs onto the intestines and throw away the shells. Add the salt and bran and mix up well. Seal in a plastic bag and leave for four of five days.

Method of use: Hook the innards on a single hook.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaleless fish such as catfish. Especially good for sheatfish (Pla Got).

WARNING: I have used this bait several times and it is excellent for sheatfish, the stronger the smell the better. However, it can stink to high heaven and it is difficult to wash the stink from your hands after you have baited up. So if you are going to be drinking or eating while you are fishing, take some limes with you to scrub your hands. Also, if the bag containing the innards is hung up in a hot area for too long such as in direct sunlight, they can explode leaving a real stinky mess. Gas builds up in the intestines. You have been warned.

5. Bread & Fragrant Bananas

Ingredients: 2 loaves of sliced bread; 7 bananas

Preparation: De-crust (Is there such a word?) the slices of bread and tear up the bread into little pieces, but not too small. Put the bread in a bowl. Peel the bananas and mash them up, add the bread and knead the mixture until you have a paste that is not to stick and not to dry.

Method of use: You will need another loaf of bread. Use a single hook and surround it with a small lump of the bait making sure that you have a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook supporting the bait. It is often easier to hook the bread first and then add the bait.

Types of fish: White striped catfish.

6. The Madam

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg of steamed rice; 1 kg breadcrumbs (fine crumbs); 2 packets of instant noodles (pick your poison)

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove husks and put in a bowl, mix in the breadcrumbs until well mixed. Quickly soak the instant noodles in hot water (don’t use too much water) and when the noodles become soft add them to the bran and breadcrumb mix and mix by hand. Add the steamed rice and mix everything together by hand. Do not use the rice from the bottom of the rice cooker, only use the good stuff.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish. (I have caught some good sized barb (pla yisok) with this and very similar baits)


Four more baits.

7. Hot Egg Yolk

Ingredients: Egg yolks (chicken eggs); 2 loaves of bread

Preparation: De-crust the bread and shred the bread into small pieces (but not too small) pour in the egg yolks and knead everything together until a semi paste consistency is reached. Put in a plastic bag. It is ready for immediate use or can be kept in the fridge.

Method of use: You will need another loaf of bread. Use a single hook and surround it with a small lump of the bait making sure that you have a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook supporting the bait. It is often easier to hook the bread first and then add the bait.

Types of fish: Not indicated but should be classed as a high protein bait and suitable for a wide variety of fish.

8. Steamed Flour

Ingredients: 1 kg rice flour; 5 or 6 steamed or boiled cobs of corn (maize); 1 cup coconut milk

Preparation: Put the flour in a bowl and thinly slice the corn kernels off the cob into the flour and mix together. Add the coconut milk and knead everything together. Place in a steamer and steam until bread/cake like consistency is obtained.

Method of use: When ready to use cut the cake to size and use on a single hook.

Types of fish: White striped catfish, black eared catfish; Cyclocheilichthys enoplos (no idea as to the common name in English) and various scaled fish.

9. Raw Flour

Ingredients: Fermented flour (it can be found at local wet markets and is used for making Nom Jeen or gelatinous noodles); rice bran; chicken eggs; milk (Sorry no quantities given. You will just have to see what works.)

Preparation: Mix the fermented flour, rice bran and eggs together slowly adding the milk. Continue kneading until the right consistency has been obtained, not too dry and not too moist. This bait should be used fresh.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: All.

10. Crazy White Striped Catfish (It just doesn’t have the same ring to it as the Thai version which is “Crazy Sawai”

Ingredients: 1 kg rice bran; 200 gm hoary basil seeds (no idea where you can by these, presumably at the market); 1 can or carton of coconut milk; fragrant banana essence/flavoring (can be bought in most hypermarkets)

Preparation: Sieve the hoary basil seeds and soak them until they swell up. When swollen, mix the seeds with the pre-sieved bran and pour in the coconut milk knead and add a few drops of banana essence (Not two much. Just enough so the mixture starts smelling good. For smokers get a non-smoker to do the smell test). Can be used straight away. There is no need to ferment it or keep it overnight.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig. You can bait the hook(s) either with bread or this bait.

Types of fish: Fishing park white striped catfish and black eared catfish


Five more. Some of these may seem odd and also a couple do not include quantities for all the ingredients. Just give it your best shot.

11. Rice Bran fermented with Rice Whiskey

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg breadcrumbs (fine crumbs); ½ bottle of rice whisky (what you do with the other half is up to you.

Preparation: Sieve the rice bran to remove husks and put in a bowl. Add the bread and mix well by hand slowly pouring in the whisky. Continue to knead until the right consistency is obtained and put in a plastic bag.

Method of use: Can be used as both ground bait and bait.

Types of fish: A wide variety of scaled fish.

12. Pickled Pork

Ingredients: ½ kilo of pork belly; 3 duck eggs; 3 tablespoons salt.

Preparation: Wash the pork belly and place in an airy space (outside is fine but should be out of reach to the pet dog) until it starts sweating. Once it has started sweating cut up into small pieces – just the right size to bait a hook- and put in a bowl. Add the duck eggs and salt and knead everything together so the salt and egg is absorbed by the pork. Transfer the bait to a jar, seal and leave 3 days before use.

Method of use: Use on a single hook.

Types of fish: All varieties of sheatfish.

(I have not used this bait myself but have seen it in use and it was quite effective.)

13. A Ghost Told Me

Ingredients: 1 kg rice bran; ½ kg rice flour; 1 kg breadcrumbs (fine crumbs); an appropriate amount of coconut milk

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove rice husks. Put in a bowl and mix in the bread and rice flour . Slowly pour in the coconut milk and knead until the right consistency is obtained (not too moist). Put the bait in a plastic bag, seal and leave for 3 days.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig. The hook(s) can be baited with foam.

Types of fish: All scaled fish and can also be used for scaleless fish.

14. White Striped Catfish

Ingredients: 1 large bunch of bananas; coconut cream with 1 kg grated coconut (can be bought at most wet markets); ½ kg rice flour;

Preparation: Peel the bananas and blend (squeezing by hand is fine to make a nice mushy mess) in a bowl. Mix in the rice flour and then add the coconut milk and grated coconut, mixing well together. The bait should not be too dry or too moist.

Method of use: Can be used straight away. Use a single hook and surround it with a small lump of the bait making sure that you have a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook supporting the bait. It is often easier to hook the bread first and then add the bait. Alternatively fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: As its name suggests, white striped catfish.

15. Ancient Pickle

Ingredients: 1 kg barb or white striped catfish meat; ½ kg beef fat; 1 cup of coconut cream; ½ kg chicken innards; chicken eggs; kapok

Preparation: Take the fish meat, beef fat and chicken innards and mince together. Put into a container, add coconut cream and eggs and mix together by hand. Fluff up the kapok and slowly add to the mix a little at a time, kneading continuously, until fully mixed in with the bait. Seal up in a container and allow to ferment for 3 to 5 days.

Method of use: Use a single hook.

Types of fish: Scaleless fish including various catfish such as white striped and black eared, sheatfish


Here are five more. I do not know how they come up with some of the names of the various baits. Let me know if you want me to add any more, otherwise I'll just leave it at this for the time being. If any of you try out any of these baits, let us all know the results.

16. Pickled fish balls

Ingredients: ½ kilo of white fish balls; 1 carton of unsweetened milk (300ml); 3 duck eggs.

Preparation: Cut up the fish balls into small pieces of a size suitable for baiting the hook (size is according to your own preference). Put in a bowl and add the duck eggs and mix up with the fish balls. Pour in the milk so that it just covers all the fish ball pieces. Transfer to a plastic bag and seal. Allow to ferment 3 or 4 days.

Method of use: Use on a single hook or a double hook.

Types of fish: All varieties of scaleless fish.

17. Morning Sickness

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; ½ kg grated coconut; 2 bottles of drinking yoghurt.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove husks, add the grated coconut and mix up well. When well mixed add the drinking yoghurt and mix in well. Seal in a container or plastic bag and allow to ferment for 3 days.

Method of use: First check the bait to make sure it is not too moist. If it is, add bran and mix until the right consistency is obtained. Fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: All varieties of scaled fish, especially barb and carp.

18. Barb/Carp Bait

Ingredients: 1 kg cooked rice; ½ kg chicken food (can be bought from agricultural supply shops);1/2 kg fine rice bran (from jasmine rice).

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove husks, add the cooked rice and mix up well. Knead the mix while adding water (ideally rainwater) until the mixture is moist. Add the chicken food and mix in well.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig baiting the hook(s) with a foam pellet or with a foam pellet squeezed between a small piece of bread. That is, hook the foam pellet and then take a small piece of bread and fold it over the hook and pellet and squeeze the bread so it stays on the hook.

(I often use this method of baiting, i.e. using the foam pellets when fishing for carp).

Types of fish: Barb and carp and other scaled fish.

19. Bran fermented with soya bean meal

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg breadcrumbs (fine crumbs); 1 kg soya bean meal; soya bean milk.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove husks and put in a bowl. Add the bread crumbs and mix up. Check the soya bean meal to see if it is well mashed and if not mash up further. Add the soya bean meal to the bran and bread mix and mix up well adding just enough soya bean milk to obtain the right consistency of the bait.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig baiting the hook(s) with a foam pellet.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish.

20. Coconut Pudding If this doesn't work, at least you have go something to snack on while you are fishing.

Ingredients: 1 kg sticky rice flour; ½ kg grated coconut; 1 cup coconut milk.

Preparation: Put the flour in a bowl, add the coconut and the coconut milk (just enough so the dough is not too hard and not too soft). Steam for half an hour or until bread like consistency is obtained and then cool.

Method of use: When ready to use cut the cake to size and use on a single hook.

Types of fish: White striped catfish, black eared catfish and other scaleless fish.


All the above baits are for freshwater. For the basic sea baits, you can't go wrong with raw squid, shrimp (prawn), small fish similar to sand eels and the Thai variety of rag worm (probably not available on Koh Chang but especially effective in estuaries with shale and mud/silt bottoms). Jellyfish is also very good - you can buy it in the market. In fact, many seasoned Thai anglers swear by jellyfish for not only saltwater fishing but also freshwater.

Go with a paternoster rig or anything similar to keep the squid/shrimp/whatever off the bottom.

All the above baits are for freshwater. For the basic sea baits, you can't go wrong with raw squid, shrimp (prawn), small fish similar to sand eels and the Thai variety of rag worm (probably not available on Koh Chang but especially effective in estuaries with shale and mud/silt bottoms). Jellyfish is also very good - you can buy it in the market. In fact, many seasoned Thai anglers swear by jellyfish for not only saltwater fishing but also freshwater.

Go with a paternoster rig or anything similar to keep the squid/shrimp/whatever off the bottom.

paternoster rig?????? Do you have a picture?... fished on the bottom or on a flote


Thanks for the information, Gary. I'm more of a fly fisherman, but I know that English anglers have taken bait fishing to a higher level than the old worm and a bobber that guys use here in Canada.


Five more.

If you have bothered to read through the posts, you will notice that most of the paste baits follow a common pattern with rice bran or bread as the base or both. Using these bases you can come up with you own baits and test them out. A simple one could be bananas bread and bran mixed together.

21. Rice Porridge with Bran

Ingredients: 1 kg broken milled rice; 1 kg fragrant rice bran; 4-5 kg pandanus leaf.

Preparation: Put the broken rice in a large pan with some water, bring up the boil and simmer until the rice appears as porridge. It should not be watery. Add the bran and mix up well. Boil up the pandanus leaf in water and then add the water to the rice and bran porridge, discarding the leaves. Leave to cool. Hopefully, once cooled the mixture should be congealed into a solid cake.

Method of use: Cut off small pieces and carefully bait a single hook. Ideal for use from a boat or gently casting by hand so as to avoid the bait breaking up when hitting the water.

Types of fish: White striped catfish, black eared catfish and other scaleless fish.

(This does not sound like a good bait to me. Very hard to keep on the hook and too easy to screw up in the preparation).

22. A Bit of Everything

Ingredients: 2 kg rice bran; 5 kg boiled sweet corn; 1/2 kg sweetened sticky rice (the kind you eat with mango); 300 gms grated coconut; 200 gms Thai parsley (the leaves only) finely slices; 1 carton fresh milk.

Preparation: Thinly slice the corn off the cobs and put it in a bowl. Add the other ingredients and mix together well so the ingredients are fully mixed together.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish.

23. Shiny Yellow Bait

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg pumpkin flesh; 1 carton fresh milk.

Preparation: Boil the pumpkin flesh until soft, remove from the water and leave to cool. Sieve the bran to remove the husks and the mix with the pumpkin. Knead together until thoroughly mixed, while kneading slowly adding the milk until the right consistency is reached. Seal tightly (airtight) in a plastic bag or other container.

Method of use: Fish using a single or two hooks.

Types of fish: Fishing park white striped catfish and scaled fish.

24. Natural (I don’t know how they came up with this name)

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; 1/2 kg fine bread crumbs; 2 cups boiled jasmine rice; 3 cobs sweet corn; 1 carton fresh milk

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks. Put the bran in a wok and put over a gas ring on low heat. The bran should not be allowed to burn (if it does it will be useless as bait and you will need to start again) keep stirring until the color starts getting darker and the scent is given off. Take of the heat, remove from the wok and allow to cool. Thinly slice the corn off the cobs and add to the bran with all the other ingredients except the milk. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, slowly adding the milk and knead until the right consistency is obtained. Seal tightly (airtight) in a plastic bag or other container and leave for three days.

Method of use: Can be fished using a variety of methods but using a spring feeder rig may be best.

Types of fish: All varieties.

25. Java Barb Bait

Ingredients: 3 loaves of bread; 1 kg fine rice bran; 300 gms tapioca flour (cassava flour); 300 gms grated coconut

Preparation: Tear up the bread into very small pieces and then put in a blender. Do not clear off the bread from the sides of the blender. This will allow for bread flakes of various sizes. Put into a bowl and add the bran and coconut and mix in the flour. When well mixed add small amounts of water and continue mixing until the right consistency is obtained.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig. Alternatively, use a single hook and surround it with a small lump of the bait making sure that you have a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook supporting the bait. It is often easier to hook the bread first and then add the bait.

Types of fish: All varieties.

Happy fishing.


5 more.

26. Red Ant Egg Salad

Ingredients: Sufficient red ant eggs; 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg fine breadcrumbs; water

Preparation: mix the bread and bran well and then add the ant egg pour in water and knead until dough consistency is right, not too moist and not too dry.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig on the bottom or on a float rig.

Types of fish: All varieties. Universal bait.

Note: Red ant eggs are not sold so widely in Bangkok but can be found at most upcountry markets in the season. Alternatively, you can have a fun afternoon collecting your own. All you need is a bucket of water, a long stick and trees with red ant nests (mango trees are the best bet). If you are feeling adventurous, do away with the stick and climb the trees yourself. Be careful that you don’t come down faster than you go up.

27. Fermented white striped catfish

Ingredients: 1 kg white striped catfish meat; ½ kg beef fat; 1 cup coconut cream; kapok.

Preparation: Mince up the fish meat and then knead it together with the beef fat and other ingredients. Seal in an airtight container for 3 to 5 days.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig or on a single hook.

Types of fish: White striped catfish and sheatfish.

28. Jam Roll with Bran

Ingredients: 2 kg jasmine rice bran; ½ kg jam roll; 1 kg fine breadcrumbs.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks. Mix the bran and jam roll and then knead in the breadcrumbs. You may add water if necessary. Seal in an airtight plastic bag.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish and white striped catfish in fishing parks.

29. Fermented Soya Beans with Bran

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; ½ kg unstrained white fermented soya beans (you can buy this in the market or at most hypermarkets); 1 kg fine breadcrumbs; 200 gms grated coconut.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks and but the bran in a bowl. Mash up the fermented soya beans and add to the bran (including the liquid that comes with the soya beans). Add the breadcrumbs and coconut and knead everything together. Seal in an airtight container for 4 days.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig. Also use as a ground bait.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish.

30. Pickled Fish

Ingredients: 20 to 30 gouramis; salt; 3 chicken eggs.

Preparation: Remove all the scales, gut and then wash the gouramis. Put them outside until they start to sweat. Do not allow flies to land on them and lay eggs. Put the eggs into a large jar, pour in the salt so it covers the fish. Break the eggs in a bowl and beat them, like you would do for an omelet, until lightly frothy and then pour over the fish and the salt in the jar. Seal the jar and leave for 3 days.

Method of use: Fish on a single hook. You can use the whole fish or jut it up into smaller pieces.

Types of fish: Sheatfish, all kinds of scaleless fish and eels.


5 more baits. BE WARNED most of these can smell pretty strongly and the smell has staying power. Simply washing your hands in the river, lake or pond may not be enough to remove the stench. This does note bode well for when you want lunch or a few bevvies. The smell may put you off. I have found that the best way to solve this problem is to pack a few limes or kaffir limes when using smelly bait. After baiting up, wash your hands in water then rub your hands with the lime. You can wash your hands again after that if you want. The effort is worthwhile as you will no longer have any odors putting you off your food and drink. Happy fishing.

31. Pickled Shrimp (Prawn)

Ingredients: 20 to 30 prawns; salt; 3 chicken eggs.

Preparation: Remove all the shell but leave the heads attached. Rub in salt so it is absorbed by the prawns. Put the prawns into a large jar. Break the eggs in a bowl and beat them, like you would do for an omelet, until lightly frothy and then pour over the prawns. Seal the jar and leave for 3 days.

Method of use: Carefully bait a single hook so the prawns do not break up. Gently lower the bait into the water by pier and bridge pillars (posts).

Types of fish: Various kings of sheatfish, eels and soft shelled turtles (Please do not target the latter and if caught please release).

32. Soft Shelled Crab Dipped in Egg

Ingredients: An appropriate number of soft shelled crabs (crabs which have just moulted); salt; 3 chicken eggs.

Preparation: Remove the innards from the crabs and put in a stainless container. Break the eggs in a bowl and beat them, like you would do for an omelet, until lightly frothy and then pour over the crabs. Shake the container so that the egg thoroughly mixes with the crab. Add the salt and shake again. Seal the container and leave for 3 days.

Method of use: Fish on a single hook. If the crabs are large cut the crabs in two.

Types of fish: Sheatfish and eels.

33. Fermented Prawn

Ingredients: 1 kg glass prawn (Riceland Prawn) those tiny prawns you sometimes see at the market or at Esan food shops); 1 cup coconut cream; ½ kg chicken fat; 3 eggs; kapok.

Preparation: Put the prawns in a blender and thoroughly blend. Add the chicken fat and continue to blend thoroughly adding the eggs. Shred the kapok and add a bit at a time. Put the contents of the blender in a sealed container and store for 3 days.

Method of use: Fish using a single hook or on a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: Sheatfish and all kinds of scaleless fish.

34. Bran Fermented with Fermented Fish Liquid

(Stink Warning)

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg fine breadcrumbs; fermented fish liquid (Pla Ra) – fermented fish is what is often put in Som Tam or spicy Thai papaya salad. When you buy fermented fish there is always quite a bit of liquid which comes with the fish.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks and but the bran in a bowl. Add the breadcrumbs and mix well together. Instead of water slowly add the fermented fish liquid and knead the bran and breadcrumbs well together.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig but individually bait the hooks with small pieces of fermented fish.

Types of fish: All kinds of sheatfish and white striped catfish.

35. Pickled Bamboo Shoots

Ingredients: Pickled bamboo shoots in pickling liquid; 2 kg fine rice bran; ½ kg rice flour; 1 kg grated coconut which has subsequently been air dried.

Preparation: Finely dice the bamboo shoots and then put back in the pickling liquid they came in. Sieve the bran to remove the husks and pour over the bamboo shoots. Knead together adding the rice flour and prated coconut. Continue kneading until right consistency is obtained. Seal a container and leave for 3 days. (Hint: do not use all the pickling liquid at once, set some aside before adding the other ingredients otherwise the mixture may be too soft to use as bait. If more liquid is needed you can then add some of what you have set aside.)

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: Barb, carp and a variety of other scaled fish.

  • 4 weeks later...

36. Sweet Potato & Rice Flour

Ingredients: 1 kg large sweet potatoes; 1 kg rice flour; vanilla essence (a food flavoring that can be found in most large supermarkets).

Preparation: Steam the sweet potatoes until soft and then peel them. When cool mash the sweet potatoes well and add the rice flour. Make sure the flour and potato is well mixed and add the flavouring but not too much so that the smell is overpowering.

Method of use: Use a single hook and surround it with a small lump of the bait making sure that you have a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook supporting the bait. It is often easier to hook the bread first and then add the bait.

Types of fish: White striped catfish and scaled fish, especially in fishing parks and during competitions.

37. Evil Spirit Bleeding to Death (Don’t ask!)

Ingredients: Chicken intestines; cows blood; salt.

Preparation: Select only the whole intestines and put in a large sealable jar. Pour the cows blood over the intestines and add the salt. Mix everything together well being careful not to break the intestines. Seal the jar and leave for 3 days.

Method of use: Thread the hook through the intestines similar to how you would bait a hook with a worm.

Types of fish: Sheatfish and white striped catfish (river habitat not fishing park).

38. Canary Scent (No birds used in this bait.)

Ingredients: ½ kg ripe jack fruit; 1 kg rice flour; 1 kg fine rice bran.

Preparation: Finely blend the jack fruit in a blender. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well together and continue kneading until the right consistency is obtained. It may be necessary to add a little water otherwise it may be too dry. Personally, I would use coconut milk instead.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: Fishing park white striped catfish. (the creator of this bait claims to have won competitions using this bait – don’t know whether I believe him. It’s probably just another one of those fishermen’s tales.)

39. Flavoured Bran

Ingredients: 2 kg fine jasmine rice bran; 200 gms dry fried rice (put uncooked rice in a wok and heat over a low flame, continuously turning the rice so it does not burn); 2 cups grated coconut; 1 carton yoghurt.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks, add the dry fried rice and mix well together. Add the grated coconut and yoghurt then knead together. Once well mixed, put it in a plastic bag and seal it airtight. Leave for 5 days.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig on the bottom.

Types of fish: All kinds of sheatfish and white striped catfish.

40. Banana Dessert (Another one)

Ingredients: 1 kg rice flour; 20 ripe bananas; 2 cups coconut cream; ½ kg grated coconut; ½ kg fine rice bran.

Preparation: Mash up the bananas (take off their skins first!!!). Add to the rice flour and knead together until well mixed. Add the bran, coconut cream and grated coconut (in that order) mixing everything together as you add each ingredient. When it all forms a nice dough, steam the dough over a high flame. When the dough is of cake consistency take out of the steamer and allow to cool.

Method of use: Cut into appropriate size and fish using a single hook.

Types of fish: White striped catfish and Siamese giant carp.

I will try to add the remaining 40 odd bait recipes over the next couple of months.

If anybody tries out any of these baits, let us know the results good or bad.

  • 1 month later...

If you are not sure what any of the ingredients are or how to say them in Thai, you can print out the Thai version of the baits on the other bait thread and have a Thai friend explain.

41. Termite Salad

Ingredients: Young termites (a large amount but do not know where you will get them - red ant eggs may be easier to get); 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg fine bread crumbs; water

Preparation: Pour the termites into a bowl. Add the bran and breadcrumbs and thoroughly mix together. Add water and gently knead together. Do not add too much water. To test whether the dough is the right consistency, gently squeeze a piece of dough and see whether it holds its shape.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig with multiple hooks. Bait the hooks with polystyrene foam pellets.

Types of fish: All kinds of fish.

42. The Peanut Seller

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; 1/2 kg fresh peanuts; 200 gms white sesame

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks. Dry fry the peanuts on low heat until yellow and the peanut smell is strong. Grind up the peanuts and add to the bran. Dry fry the sesame but do not grind it up. Add to the bran and mix everything together adding water little by little until the right consistency is obtained.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig with multiple hooks. Bait the hooks with polystyrene foam pellets.

Types of fish: Barb, carp and many other kinds of scaled fish.

43. Foreigner Visits Samui (I assume this name comes from the understanding that farang are bread eaters)

Ingredients: 2 loaves of sliced bread; 1 can of coconut cream; 1 tablespoon of bakers yeast.

Preparation: Remove the crusts and divide each slice into equal rectangles and put in a container. Put the yeast in the coconut cream and mix together. Pour the coconut cream over the bread and close the lid of the container. Put in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours.

Method of use: Fish using a single hook with the bait wrapped around the hook. You may pre bait the hook with a small piece of bread.

Types of fish: White striped catfish in fishing parks. (This bait is claimed to be used by pros but honestly I have never seen it used.)

44. Carp Bait

Ingredients: 2 kg jasmine rice bran; 1 kg breadcrumbs; 1 can of Carnation milk

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks. Mix the bran with the breadcrumbs while adding the milk until the right consistency is obtained. When ready put the dough in a plastic bag and seal off the bag.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig, baiting the hooks with polystyrene foam pellets.

Types of fish: Carp and many other kinds of scaled fish.

45. Carp Bait (Version 2)

Ingredients: 1 kg sweet potato; 2 loaves of sliced bread; 100 gms butter; 1 carton of fresh milk.

Preparation: Peel the sweet potatoes and steam until cooked. Let the sweet potato cool completely and then mash by hand. Remove the crusts from the bread and put the bread in a blender. Blend until fine and then knead the bread with the sweet potato adding the milk and butter until the right consistency is obtained.

Method of use: Fish on a single hook. Do not use too much bait, it should just be a small ball.

Types of fish: Carp and many other kinds of scaled fish.


46. Fermented Pork Fat

Ingredients: 2 cups of coconut cream; 2 cans of Bear Brand fresh milk; 5 chicken eggs; 1 kg sheatfish meat ½ kg pork fat; kapok down.

Preparation: Finely grind the fish meat and pork fat and mix well together. Add the eggs, coconut cream and milk (break the eggs first as we do not want the shells duh!!). Knead everything together and add kapok down. When the everything starts sticking to the kapok fibres, put the dough in a plastic bag and seal. Leave for 3 or so days until well fermented.

Method of use: Fish on a single hook making sure that you have a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook supporting the bait.

Types of fish: Sheatfish and all kinds of scaleless fish.

47. Jasmine Scent

Ingredients: 1 kg cooked jasmine rice; ½ kg breadcrumbs; ½ kg catfish food; 1 kg fine rice bran.

Preparation: Soak the cooked rice in water and then drain. This is so that the grains of cooked rice don’t stick together before kneading. Soak the fish food until moist and then drain. mix the bran and bread crumbs, add the fish food, rice and knead everything together.

Method of use: Use as a ground bait and also fish using a spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled and scaleless fish. Barb and carp and other scaled fish.

48. Stuffed Chicken Intestines

Ingredients: 1 kg chicken intestines; 1 kg breadcrumbs; ½ kg fine rice bran.

Preparation: Remove all the broken intestines retaining only those that are intact and set aside. Do not allow flies to settle on them. Mix the bread crumbs and bran adding water as needed and knead. Stuff the intestines with the dough then seal in an airtight container and leave for 3 days.

Method of use: Fish on a single hook cutting the intestines down to a suitable size.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaleless fish.

49. Bran and boiled steamed peanuts

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; ½ kg mashed boiled peanuts; ½ kg breadcrumbs.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks and dry fry the bran. Do not allow to burn or it will be useless just fry until the bran scent is obvious and set to cool. Mix the other ingredients with the bran and knead into a dough adding water little by little until the right consistency has been obtained.

Method of use: Can be used on a single hook or spring feeder rig.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled and scaleless fish.

50. Dry fried bran

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; 1/2 kg fine bread crumbs; 1 cup jasmine rice (uncooked); 1 carton of fresh milk.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks. Put the rice in a wok and put over a gas ring on low heat. The rice should not be allowed to burn (if it does it will be useless as bait and you will need to start again) but just turn light yellow and the jasmine scent be released. Remove from the heat and grind finely in a mortar. Mix all the ingredients together adding the milk little by little. Knead until the dough is of the right consistency, not to dry and not too sticky.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig with a number of hooks.

Types of fish: Universal bait for fishing parks.

Only eleven more to go. I'll up them when I get round to translating them. :)


Dear GarryP,

I would like to know...there some item in ingredient that i don't familiar with such as kapok. What is kapok?

Maybe with some explanation or image can help me.

Beside that it will be helpful if u could attach image/ picture of different method that you told in your bait recipe so we all can know exactly what it look like. This will become helpful information too. If you don't have the time to show it maybe u can suggest the website that can show the method.

I hope to hear it from your soon.



Kapok is the fibre used to stuff mattresses and cushions. The very heavy Thai style mattresses. It grows on kapok trees in pods and as the pods rippen and burst they are gathered and their contents removed and saved.






thanks garry ..now i know what is kapok...

in malaysia we called it kekambu @ kekabu...

  • 2 weeks later...

A couple more. The last one may be of interest to anglers from the UK.

51. Dangerous Sour Bran

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg fine bread crumbs; 5 egg bananas; 5 Nam Wah bananas; 1 kg sticky rice; grated coconut and coconut milk.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks. Blend the bananas in a blender and mix in with the bran and bread. Quickly pass the cooked sticky rice through and add to the bran kneading everything together. Add the grated coconut and coconut milk and continue to mix well together. Put in a bag and leave to ferment for about 3 days before using.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig. Also use as ground bait.

Types of fish: White striped cat fish and other scaleless and scaled fish.

52. Maggots

Ingredients: 1 white striped catfish; 1 kg bran.

Preparation: Slice of the flesh from the fish and put in a place where there are a lot of house flies and/or blue bottles. Allow the flies to settle on the fish and leave for 1 day. The next day empty the bran into a large bowl and place a wire grill over the bowl with the sliced fish placed on the grill. Small maggots will appear on the fish and as they grow the will fall into the bowl of bran. Those maggots will then start eating the bran and get large enough for using as bait. When you have enough, throw away the fish.

Method of use: Fish as live bait on a single small hook.

Types of fish: Excellent bait for fishing parks.

Quite a few years ago, I did something similar but used a pig's heart instead of fish and rather than slicing it, I cut a hole in the heart so the flies could enter to lay their eggs. The maggots were of a very nice size but I found them very tough skinned when trying to put them on a hook. I didn't try again because my wife complained about the smell and hated the sight of the maggots. She nearly had a fit when I started to put a container load in the fridge. She did not appreciate all the effort I had put in to getting the bait I wanted. :)

  • 3 weeks later...

This final installments completes the translation of the 61 baits I uploaded on another thread. Please feel free to add any of your own or give your feedback on success/failure in using any of the baits posted here.

Any references to "crap", should in fact read "carp". I believe there are a few of these spelling slips in this series of posts.

53. Fermented Bran with Bamboo Shoot Pickle Juice (Now there’s a mouthful)

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg fine bread crumbs; bamboo shoot pickle juice.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks. Mix in the breadcrumbs and little by little pour in the pickle juice and continue mixing together until you have a dough of the right consistency. Put in a bag and leave to ferment for about 3 days before using.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig or on a single hook. Put a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook to support the bait.

Types of fish: This bait is especially good for scaled fish of all types, including barb.

54. Bran with Fermented Bean Curd (Fermented Tofu) Thanks to TV for this translation

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; 2 cups of cooked rice; 4-5 lumps of fermented bean curd with liquid.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks and put in a bowl. Add the bean curd and mix up by hand. Add the rice and knead together until you have a dough of the right consistency. Seal in a plastic bag and leave for 3 days before use.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig or on a single hook. Put a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook to support the bait.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish including carp and barb.

55. Drunken Angler

Ingredients: 2 kg fine rice bran; 1 kg fine breadcrumbs; 3 balls of yeast (get your wife or girlfriend to buy it for you at the local market as it is an under the table product); 200 gms grated coconut.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks and put in a bowl. Add the breadcrumbs and thoroughly mix together. Powder the yeast balls (it is a dry product) and add to the bran together with the grated coconut and mix together adding water as needed. Seal in a plastic bag and leave for 3 days before use.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig with foam pellets on the hooks. Can also be used as ground bait.

Types of fish: Good for all kinds of scaled fish and okay for scaleless fish.

56. Squeezed Rice 1

Ingredients: 1 kg Jasmine rice (uncooked); ½ kg Jasmine rice bran; 1 carton fresh milk; Milo.

Preparation: Rinse the rice to remove dust and put in a pot and mix in the bran. Pour milk into a cup and add Milo powder (the chocolate drink powder) and mix well. Pour onto the rice and bran in the pot. If the liquid level is not high enough to boil the rice (as you would normally cook boiled rice) add water. However, do not add too much as when the rice/bran is cooked it needs to be quite dry rather than soggy. When cooked pour contents on a cutting board or other hard surface and press down on the rice so it is squashed together as one single flat cake. You need to press down hard as it needs to form a cake. Allow to cool.

Method of use: Cut off small pieces of the cake and make a small hole in the bait through which to thread the hook.

Types of fish: White striped cat fish and carp.

57. Squeezed Rice 2

Ingredients: 1 kg Jasmine rice (uncooked); ½ kg Jasmine rice bran; 1 carton fresh milk.

Preparation: Same as Squeezed Rice 1, but no Milo is added to the milk.

Method of use: Cut off small pieces of the cake and make a small hole in the bait through which to thread the hook.

Types of fish: White striped cat fish and carp.

58. White Striped Catfish Bait

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; 3 tablespoons of white sugar; 3 balls of yeast; 5 ripe bananas.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks and put in a bowl. Powder the yeast balls and add to the bran. Mash up the bananas, either by hand or in a blender, and then add to the bran together with the sugar. Mix everything together very well, adding water if needed. Put in a sealed container or plastic bag and leave for 3 to 4 days.

Method of use: Fish using a spring feeder rig or on a single hook.

Types of fish: Universal bait for all kinds of fish.

59. Cold Bait

Ingredients: 3 loaves of bread; 1 cup coconut cream; 5 tablespoons of milk powder.

Preparation: Remove the crust from the bread and put the bread in a bowl pour the coconut cream over the bread and add the milk powder. Mix the milk powder with the coconut cream and pour over the bread. Make sure everything is absorbed by the bread. Refrigerate for approximately 2 hours.

Method of use: Fish on a single hook. Put a small piece of bread at the bottom of the hook to support the bait.

Types of fish: White striped catfish.

60. Pickled Mud Carp

Ingredients: 20-30 mud carp; 1 cup of boiled rice; 4 tablespoons of salt.

Preparation: Remove the scales from the fish and remove the innards. Wash the fish and cover in the salt. Thoroughly squeeze in the salt. Add the rice and squeeze together with the fish. Place in a sealed container and leave for about two weeks.

Method of use: Fish with one fish on a single hook. Before casting cover with some of the rice to act as an attractant.

Types of fish: Sheatfish.

61. Carp Bait

Ingredients: 1 kg fine rice bran; 2 loaves of mouldy bread; green food colouring; 200 gms grated coconut; yeast in an appropriate amount.

Preparation: Sieve the bran to remove the husks and put in a bowl. Add the bread and food colouring followed by the coconut and yeast. Knead everything together and then seal in a container or plastic bag and allow to ferment for 3 to 4 days..

Method of use: Fish on a spring feeder or single hook.

Types of fish: Universal bait.

  • 1 year later...

amazing thread, bumped.

too true - the guy deserves a medal.

Plus this comment brought back a lot of memories !

Quite a few years ago, I did something similar but used a pig's heart instead of fish and rather than slicing it, I cut a hole in the heart so the flies could enter to lay their eggs. The maggots were of a very nice size but I found them very tough skinned when trying to put them on a hook. I didn't try again because my wife complained about the smell and hated the sight of the maggots. She nearly had a fit when I started to put a container load in the fridge. She did not appreciate all the effort I had put in to getting the bait I wanted. :)


amazing thread, bumped.

too true - the guy deserves a medal.

Plus this comment brought back a lot of memories !

Quite a few years ago, I did something similar but used a pig's heart instead of fish and rather than slicing it, I cut a hole in the heart so the flies could enter to lay their eggs. The maggots were of a very nice size but I found them very tough skinned when trying to put them on a hook. I didn't try again because my wife complained about the smell and hated the sight of the maggots. She nearly had a fit when I started to put a container load in the fridge. She did not appreciate all the effort I had put in to getting the bait I wanted. :)

According to the gf who saw me use maggots for fishing on our last trip to Holland they are available on JJmarket. I must say i haven't seen them there.


2. Three Day Coconut

Ingredients: 1 kg grated coconut; 2 kg fine rice bran (preferably from new rice or jasmine rice); 1 kg breadcrumbs (fine crumbs); soya bean meal; 1 carton of soya milk 300ml

Preparation: Mix the coconut, bread and bran (sieve the bran first). Once well mixed add soya bean meal and soya milk, continuing to mix them together by hand until a nice consistency is obtained, not too dry and not too moist. Adding the milk a little at a time is best rather than dumping it all in and praying. Put the dough in a plastic bag and seal (just tie it off to keep it airtight). Keep for three days and it will be ready for use.

Method of use: Check the bait to make sure it is ready (don't ask). It should simply look ready and smell ready. Fish using a spring feeder rig. Can also be used as ground bait.

Types of fish: All kinds of scaled fish.

Could not select reply to recipe 1 as it had been edited

However, Cyclocheilichthys Enoplos common English name is 'Soldier River Barb' or 'Pla Takok' in Thai

Biggest catchable ones around are probably in IT monsters lake including this one of 5.05kg grow to 7-8kg



That looks a nice specimen. Your post represents the first third party confirmation of a bait working, which is greatly appreciated.

As it has worked for you, I may give it a try myself. I have used similar baits in the past but not this particular one. Unfortunately, I have not been out with rod and reel very often over the past year or two, so getting rusty.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 7 years later...

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