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Dangers Of Driving Without A Driver's Licence?


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I mightn't be able to get a DL due to being on a Tourist Visa and not having one from my home country (expired).

I had a bike in BKK before and it wsn't a hassle, that was on a small bike though.

What's the worst that can happen when driving a bike big (taxed and insured and registered in a Thai's name) without a licence?

I've also never driven intercity but have seen alot of road blocks etc. when on buses. I think it's the highway police or transport police or something... the guy's in the navy and orange.

Do they stop traffic a lot? especially bikes, and do they normally ask for a DL?

If I don't qualify for one I don't not want to get a bike because of it.

Thanks for any experiences.

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The danger of driving without a license in Thailand is you may be relieved of 200 baht for the offence and sent on your way. I once used my Tax exemption card which had a picture for 6 months. never had a problem and those times that they were not sure it was 200 and on your way. Don't you just love Thailand :):D

Thai police ' you go too fast, 200 baht fine " Sorry officer thank you goodbye.

UK Police " we checked your speed from our hidden radar trap and registered your speed to be 6 MPH over the limit. You will now be reported for this offence and pay a fine of 80 pounds and have your license marked with 3 penalty points.

Just one of the reasons I love this place :D

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I mightn't be able to get a DL due to being on a Tourist Visa and not having one from my home country (expired).

I had a bike in BKK before and it wsn't a hassle, that was on a small bike though.

What's the worst that can happen when driving a bike big (taxed and insured and registered in a Thai's name) without a licence?

I've also never driven intercity but have seen alot of road blocks etc. when on buses. I think it's the highway police or transport police or something... the guy's in the navy and orange.

Do they stop traffic a lot? especially bikes, and do they normally ask for a DL?

If I don't qualify for one I don't not want to get a bike because of it.

Thanks for any experiences.

Dunc and i will probably get slated by the honda civic bridgade, but me too,ridden all over thailand, for 11 years now, never had a licence to show, they would much rather see a crisp 200 baht, . :)
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I mightn't be able to get a DL due to being on a Tourist Visa and not having one from my home country (expired).

I had a bike in BKK before and it wsn't a hassle, that was on a small bike though.

What's the worst that can happen when driving a bike big (taxed and insured and registered in a Thai's name) without a licence?

I've also never driven intercity but have seen alot of road blocks etc. when on buses. I think it's the highway police or transport police or something... the guy's in the navy and orange.

Do they stop traffic a lot? especially bikes, and do they normally ask for a DL?

If I don't qualify for one I don't not want to get a bike because of it.

Thanks for any experiences.

Would the insurance be valid if you didn't have a licence ??

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My two baht worth, the ONLY danger without a driver's License is getting caught, if :yohan:you are a good driver I would rather be on the road with you than with some of these nuts with a license :D Day in and day out as I go about my daily routine driving here and there with license in pocket/insurance sticker on car and watch some 10 year old on his motorbike whiz by a break neck speed, no helmet, a driver's license, yeah right DONKEYs can FLY :D:D police never seem to be around, even seen some of them with no helmet, guess they figure on duty so if they fall no injures, yep more Donkeys Flying :):D

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I mightn't be able to get a DL due to being on a Tourist Visa and not having one from my home country (expired).

I had a bike in BKK before and it wsn't a hassle, that was on a small bike though.

What's the worst that can happen when driving a bike big (taxed and insured and registered in a Thai's name) without a licence?

I've also never driven intercity but have seen alot of road blocks etc. when on buses. I think it's the highway police or transport police or something... the guy's in the navy and orange.

Do they stop traffic a lot? especially bikes, and do they normally ask for a DL?

If I don't qualify for one I don't not want to get a bike because of it.

Thanks for any experiences.

Would the insurance be valid if you didn't have a licence ??

Heaven forbids even the slightest of accidents !!

... an auzzie friend of mine who rode bikes all over australia, ran over a boy in bangkok !!

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Okay, that seems positive except for the insurance angle, cheers.

Can I ask......


I see up to 5 of them everytime I travel out of BKK to another city on the bus, usually pulling everyone over. Do they usually ask for licences?


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If you get pulled over they ask a licence. As other has said you might be ok showing whatever document with your picture in it. The options are 400 baht ticket or 200 baht on the spot.

I would not worry of this, i would be more interested in the quite high risk of accident but that can be taken care of with 10k to several millions depending if there is only minor injuries, permanent disabilities or death. Also prepare to spend couple of years in Thailand waiting court decisions if there is legal case against you.

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Would the insurance be valid if you didn't have a licence ??

My understanding is that if you don't have a Thai drivers license, then your insurance will not pay damages on your behalf. Routine traffic stops are no big deal, pay up and you're on your way.

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Nobody in their right mind drives a bike or car surely without a licence as you will be totally uninsured.

Go and total a Merc and see where flashing your 200 baht will get you ??

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Chivas put it perfectly.

You may as well not bother with insurance if you have no licence and save yourself even more baht.

You may never need either, but you will be VERY relieved if the time occurs when you do and you bother to spend a couple of hours in the DVL office to get a legit licence. Riding a bike in Bangkok with no licence (and hence no insurance) is just plain stupidity IMHO.

Whenever I am driving in my motor and I get even the slightest attack of road rage or the red mist descends, I just say my mantra "The farang is always at fault" and it calms me down very quickly.

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if you bother to spend a couple of hours in the DVL office to get a legit licence.

Ahem. I will be bothering. But with only a Tourist Visa and a 5 yr old expired licence from home it's out of my hands.

But reading the first sentence of the OP might be too much for you. :)

Edited by Yimmy
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if you bother to spend a couple of hours in the DVL office to get a legit licence.

Ahem. I will be bothering. But with only a Tourist Visa and a 5 yr old expired licence from home it's out of my hands.

But reading the first sentence of the OP might be too much for you. :D

and you have a 5 year expired licence from home, because? :)

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if you bother to spend a couple of hours in the DVL office to get a legit licence.

Ahem. I will be bothering. But with only a Tourist Visa and a 5 yr old expired licence from home it's out of my hands.

But reading the first sentence of the OP might be too much for you. :D

and you have a 5 year expired licence from home, because? :)

One reason why we shouldn't drive in Thailand...Even the farangs can't drive or are no good!

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It's against the law to drive without a license.

Doesn't that mean anything?

Short answer....no. They have laws for everything but apart from murder people ignore them it seems. When the police stop you for some silly reason its usually the colour of your money that interests them. However, just occasionaly they can't be bought and you have to go to the cop shop to pay the fine. If the bike the O.P is riding is in a Thais name they are usually the ones where the buck stops.

The absolute thing to avoid is having an accident where someone is hurt or killed. In this event you can be seriously up shit creek whether you have a licence or not or whether you are properly insured or not.

Drive very carefully and leave road rage at home

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Would the insurance be valid if you didn't have a licence ??

My understanding is that if you don't have a Thai drivers license, then your insurance will not pay damages on your behalf. Routine traffic stops are no big deal, pay up and you're on your way.

Why not just take test and get licence then your fully legal saves all the problems :) , sorry BIB need tea money sometimes so best carry 200THB with your licence.

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Nobody in their right mind drives a bike or car surely without a licence as you will be totally uninsured.

Go and total a Merc and see where flashing your 200 baht will get you ??

Well considering that the compulsory insurance doesn't cover 3rd party vehicle damage either, and only pays out around 100,000 baht for 3rd party injury, it doesn't make much difference.

You could buy 1st class insurance, but you wouldn't be breaking the law if you didn't. Plus, it can be difficult to get for imported big bikes.

Edited by madjbs
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For what it is worth i have driven on uk licence for 7 years. Always been accepted by police on the road and in station and by insurance people.

Had 2 crashes with 2 different cars and using different insurance companies, in fact insurance was not in my name. Both paid out and just copied details of uk licence. The one crash cost them a lot as i my vehicle was nearly cut in two by a high speed motocy.

i think the going rate is 3,500baht to buy a license and btw lots of Thais dont have licenses. My gf was fined 400b on the spot at check point in Chai nat for no license, but i was waved through in my pickup. probably i look farang keenok

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^ I think some people need to read the OP.
and you have a 5 year expired licence from home, because?

I haven't been back there in 10.

10yrs on a tourist visa, wow, that's a lot of visa runs and a he11 of a long vacation.

Anyway, you are a tourist, so you are not allowed a licence. As your other licence is expired you can't get an international licence so you are not allowed to drive, legally that is. But, then again, TiT.

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It is a worldwide known and applied fact, that if an insurance company can get out of payments, they will !

THE excuse in your case is that your licence is not valid . Very easy for them, and you may end up paying for life. The farang is almost always in the wrong, and has to pay .

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Obviousely get a licence but even with first class insurance, in the event of a third party death or serious injury, whether the insured is Thai or a foreigner the insurance company has a limit as to how much they will pay out to them/family. I think it's around a million baht.

If someone believes they are entitled to more then the balance has to be paid by yourself. Could be millions if a rich person is involved/ not sure how the event would turn out in court. Anybody know of any such occurence and how it turned out.\?

regards Bojo

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^ I think some people need to read the OP.
and you have a 5 year expired licence from home, because?

I haven't been back there in 10.

10yrs on a tourist visa, wow, that's a lot of visa runs and a he11 of a long vacation.

Anyway, you are a tourist, so you are not allowed a licence. As your other licence is expired you can't get an international licence so you are not allowed to drive, legally that is. But, then again, TiT.

Not true!! Who says you can't have a license on a tourist visa? Of course you can. I have and I know of many other people who do. I live here month on-month off so I don't need any other visa.

Riding a bike without a license (I recently forgot to take it with me and of course got stopped on Sukhumvit:) can relieve you of 400 Baht these days...inflation I guess

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I mightn't be able to get a DL due to being on a Tourist Visa and not having one from my home country (expired).

I had a bike in BKK before and it wsn't a hassle, that was on a small bike though.

What's the worst that can happen when driving a bike big (taxed and insured and registered in a Thai's name) without a licence?

I've also never driven intercity but have seen alot of road blocks etc. when on buses. I think it's the highway police or transport police or something... the guy's in the navy and orange.

Do they stop traffic a lot? especially bikes, and do they normally ask for a DL?

If I don't qualify for one I don't not want to get a bike because of it.

Thanks for any experiences.

Would the insurance be valid if you didn't have a licence ??

Heaven forbids even the slightest of accidents !!

... an auzzie friend of mine who rode bikes all over australia, ran over a boy in bangkok !!

Much damage to the bike?

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^ I think some people need to read the OP.
and you have a 5 year expired licence from home, because?

I haven't been back there in 10.

10yrs on a tourist visa, wow, that's a lot of visa runs and a he11 of a long vacation.

Why do you think I've been in Thailand for 10 years?

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I mightn't be able to get a DL due to being on a Tourist Visa and not having one from my home country (expired).

Quite a few people haven't been able to read to first sentence. So here it is again.

Easier to read?

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