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Self Learning Book From Thai To English

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can anyone recommend to me a good starter book for someone to learn english.?

a friend of mine is a thai issan migrant worker in hawaii and has many non work days due to weather and picking seasons etc; rather than sleep all day and feel lonely, he wants to learn english.... i will buy him the book (or if someone has a used book i can give manpower company adress etc to send direct i will pay)....

i think we are talking like first grade third grade level, he knows ABC but wants simple useful english sentences and vocab...like maybe a thai/english handbook for tourists even with functional sentences: NOT : " mr. frank would like to purchase a silk suit if you please" type thing.... obviously there is no book like this in israel for me to check out....

maybe somebody in the states w/thai wife/husband or university student who has no more use for book???

he's got ten more months and sounding desparate to do something with himself (he doesnt drink or play cards, they dont have t.v. etc, they cant leave the premises really) can pm me or whatever

thanx in advance


Hi Bina,

"Thai for Beginners" seems to be a good candidate here. I used to work with the owner. She is from issan too! I've read, edited and revised it with her before. I know that its contents can go both ways. Thais can use it to learn English language. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy with me since I moved back to Thailand. Here is the web site for the book you can check it out: www.paiboonpublishing.com.



thanks golf,

i have that one : benjawan becker?? i really like it i find it very user friendly, good job; yeah it might do actually, w/o the cd (he has no computer)... will have to look at mine again.... maybe i will order him one... i need mine, i only just started with the thai writing now, or i can photo him stuff, last time i sent him photos of family and books by registered mail express, he never received it (i think the manpower company just throws stuff in the garbage if they cant find the worker and the workers are moved around all the time) so not sure i want to send book if he wont receive it...

anyone in hawaii area??


thanx for the idea but he's a migrant worker, him and 150 other thai men in less then wonderful living arrangements.... hs to be small compact and no computer or other major hardware and when they are working they are up at 3:oo am so if one person doesnt work that day, they have to be quiet to let others sleep.... no lounge, pub, salon etc... all our phonecalls to each other he is outside in rain wind whatever.....so as not to wake someone....

golf, i was thinkinh he may be most comfortable with the type of books the kids get in school for learning english in thailand , i dont know.....his reading thai isnt wonderful either.....stopped at 6th grade.... anybody else suggestions??

is there not a thai center or wat or something in mauii that i could contact maybe??? this is really so frustrating ....


Hi Bina,

I was at the beach last week and met one of the workers from Issan.He was with

two of his friends, they were catching some crabs to make som tom. Im sure your

friend is staying with the same group.There is a small Thai community on Maui,but

no Thai center or wat.There is a book store(Borders) that has a selection of

English books for beginners.The one my wife uses is called Basic Grammer in use,

By Raymond Murphy.It comes with a audio CD.If your friend does not have access

to a vehicle I can buy a copy and run it over to him.I would be happy to help him

out.Let me know......


sent u a p.m.

cant believe somebody can actually help me out!!!! :D:D:D

what a great valentine present.....

couldnt understand exactly where he is located, just by a beach as he stands outside to speak to me and described the beach to me also.... but his geography is vague and mine, for hawaii , is worse.... but u are closer than i am.... i can ask my folks in the states to write check for book; i have no way to send $$$ in a safe manner (in israel)... and last package i sent him the company never gave him ... :o


thanx i got your pm twice :o:D

am pm'ing the cell phone of his friend and the name of the friend as i was able to understand it over the bad phone connection....

this is what is so great about internet..and forums like these....


hi, chaladmak

go to our language forum, we have lots of info on the different 'teach yourself' systems in the threads there; i use the internet links and benjawan becker's teach your self,....

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