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This morning my Girlfriend gets a call in the morning before she goes to her uncle’s house which is also an office downstairs; the call is from a member of staff at her office. There was all this crying and shouting down the line. So I ask what happened. the news is that one of the two cats in the office was killed by a car, the security guard said that one of the attendants, their neighbor came home drunk as usual and found the cat sleeping on the bonnet of his old Porsche.

The last time this happened it was the other cat that happened to be on his Porsche and he smashed the cats face with his belt and this was a permanent affected too cats’ eye and now it has a constant twitch. Yesterday night however he decided that enough was enough and so he grabbed the cat off the car and carried it to the road and smashed it on the ground with full force probably injuring it there and then right before a car came speeding a lot to run it over and finish it off. The security guard tried to stop him but was too small for the big Farang.

This Italian guy is living off the owner of the apartment who is a high society Thai lady apparently the owner or owns some part in The Emporium shopping mall, the Thai lady offered the security 500 baht to remove the dead cat, but he refused. She’s a real bitch from what most people say.

Too bad there is noting I can really do, I love cats and hate people abusing them. I wanted to go there with my Thai/Chinese Business partners who would be happy too thrash his house and beat the living ^@#@^&%$ out of him, but what good would this do? What can be done? I guess nothing... so at this point on high society and Italians are very low on my lists. My Girlfriend insists we should do nothing because something bad will eventually happen to them. I hope she is rite it’s a really sad day.

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It's a Porsche.

I'm pretty sure if it was your Porsche, you wouldn't want some cat scratching up the paint or using the tires as a clawing-post.

So on the one hand, the guy's angry is entirely justifiable. He has a right to be angry if someone's animal is potentially damaging a VERY expensive piece of property he owns.

And I'm sure anyone from a Western country knows how unsettling it is to come to Bangkok and see half-feral animals running amok in the streets.

I'm pretty sure the people in that office never bothered to neuter or de-claw that animal. So that thing is probably out all night, running around making MORE stray cats and generally getting itself filthy (heck, just washing a Porsche is pretty expensive, so I could see why someone might be upset to find dirty cat prints all over the hood of the car every morning).

In a Western country, the owner of an animal would be responsible for any damages caused by their animal if they allowed it free range in the neighborhood without supervision. But here in Thailand, people are a bit more lax about their so-called "pets". A random stray dog they take a liking to and put out some rice and scraps for is "their dog", but once it does something wrong suddenly it's "just a wild stray".

Would your cat owners be willing to repaint the hood of that guy's Porsche if the cat damaged it? Yes, I know the cat DIDN'T damage the car, but that's not the point. Would they pay to repaint a Porsche if the cat DID damage the car?


However, on the other hand, the guy's a frigg'n dork. Anyone who drives a Porsche around in Bangkok is completely out of their mind, and anyone who drives a Porsche around in Bangkok AND expects to keep it scratch-free is absolutely delusional.

Additionally, blaming the cat for being a cat is stupid. It's the owner's responsibility to take care of the animal and keep it out of trouble, so if the guy was going to be mad at anyone, he should have been mad at the owners. Taking it out on the cat is pointless, and doing violence to the cat is simply unforgiveable.

So don't get me wrong, I don't think this guy was right to do what he did. Personally, if it was my cat, I would have beaten him senseless and then gotten my car out and run him over a few times.

But what I am pointing out is that someone who lets their cat run around the city all night shouldn't be surprised or upset when the animal is killed. It could have been killed in traffic, it could have been killed by a dog, or it could have been killed by some disease or accident. The point is, if you let your animal run around outside all day, you have to accept the fact that it's VERY risky out there, and the animal can get hurt.

In America, this guy would be up on charges for animal cruelty, and he'd probably end up doing jail time or community service (and a big fine). But then again, in America, this guy would be able to sue the cat owners for damages to his car, so...... see my point?

In a perfect world, this guy would have gotten a car cover for his car (and/or bought a more sensible machine for Bangkok driving), and the owners of the cat would have gotten it de-clawed (and/or kept it indoors). But this is Bangkok, and here, it's impossible to tell the difference between a "pet" cat and a dirty, mangy stray cat (because both are dirty and mangy). And here, rich Porsche owners can kill people's pets in a drunken rage.

So the lesson to be learnt is that if you want to keep your pets safe (and clean), keep them indoors or in your yard. Because if you let them run loose, it's partly your fault if they get hurt.

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Ryan, Not too cool. I love animals and can't believe someone could actually do that to a living being (though I am vegan and not too happy with the meat industry). I must say, though, in contrast to your feelings on Italians. My wife and father in law are Italian and love animals. Never would they do harm to a cat no matter if it were on their precious car or not. I think it would be better to say that he killed the cat because he was a drunk bastard. Just my piece.

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Nope the cat did nothing to the car, its even in pretty shitty shape for an old Porsche, all the cat did was sleep on the bonnet?? If something was damaged that’s understandable but if the cat was merely sleeping no need to torture it?

Also I have noting against Italians.... sorry. Just this ######

Edited by Ryan
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It's a Porsche.

I'm pretty sure if it was your Porsche, you wouldn't want some cat scratching up the paint or using the tires as a clawing-post.

So on the one hand, the guy's angry is entirely justifiable.  He has a right to be angry if someone's animal is potentially damaging a VERY expensive piece of property he owns.

And I'm sure anyone from a Western country knows how unsettling it is to come to Bangkok and see half-feral animals running amok in the streets.

I'm pretty sure the people in that office never bothered to neuter or de-claw that animal.  So that thing is probably out all night, running around making MORE stray cats and generally getting itself filthy (heck, just washing a Porsche is pretty expensive, so I could see why someone might be upset to find dirty cat prints all over the hood of the car every morning).

In a Western country, the owner of an animal would be responsible for any damages caused by their animal if they allowed it free range in the neighborhood without supervision.  But here in Thailand, people are a bit more lax about their so-called "pets".  A random stray dog they take a liking to and put out some rice and scraps for is "their dog", but once it does something wrong suddenly it's "just a wild stray".

Would your cat owners be willing to repaint the hood of that guy's Porsche if the cat damaged it?  Yes, I know the cat DIDN'T damage the car, but that's not the point.  Would they pay to repaint a Porsche if the cat DID damage the car?


However, on the other hand, the guy's a frigg'n dork.  Anyone who drives a Porsche around in Bangkok is completely out of their mind, and anyone who drives a Porsche around in Bangkok AND expects to keep it scratch-free is absolutely delusional.

Additionally, blaming the cat for being a cat is stupid.  It's the owner's responsibility to take care of the animal and keep it out of trouble, so if the guy was going to be mad at anyone, he should have been mad at the owners.  Taking it out on the cat is pointless, and doing violence to the cat is simply unforgiveable.

So don't get me wrong, I don't think this guy was right to do what he did.  Personally, if it was my cat, I would have beaten him senseless and then gotten my car out and run him over a few times.

But what I am pointing out is that someone who lets their cat run around the city all night shouldn't be surprised or upset when the animal is killed.  It could have been killed in traffic, it could have been killed by a dog, or it could have been killed by some disease or accident.  The point is, if you let your animal run around outside all day, you have to accept the fact that it's VERY risky out there, and the animal can get hurt.

In America, this guy would be up on charges for animal cruelty, and he'd probably end up doing jail time or community service (and a big fine).  But then again, in America, this guy would be able to sue the cat owners for damages to his car, so...... see my point?

In a perfect world, this guy would have gotten a car cover for his car (and/or bought a more sensible machine for Bangkok driving), and the owners of the cat would have gotten it de-clawed (and/or kept it indoors).  But this is Bangkok, and here, it's impossible to tell the difference between a "pet" cat and a dirty, mangy stray cat (because both are dirty and mangy).  And here, rich Porsche owners can kill people's pets in a drunken rage.

So the lesson to be learnt is that if you want to keep your pets safe (and clean), keep them indoors or in your yard.  Because if you let them run loose, it's partly your fault if they get hurt.

De-claw!!!? You've got to be joking or American or both!! :o

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In the west you could have the law on him, it wouldn't matter who he or his sponsor was, but here....

Same here. Many Thais would at least contact the police to try to get compensation for your loss at the hands of another. And they're often successful in such cases, in my experience.

I would do the same. Even if it's 500 baht compensation, it makes a point to the cat killer.

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It's a Porsche.

Oh, PS.

By the way, here's some of my favorite ways to get revenge on a car owner:

1) Key the car. Simple, effective, and you're unlikely to get caught. Just get your keys out, walk by one night and key the s--t out of the side of his car. Huzzah!

2) Slash the tires. Not really effective and you're more likely to get caught. Tires, while expensive, are easy to replace, and trust me, it's a lot harder to slash a tire than you think. You're more likely to slice your own hand up trying to puncture the tire.

3) Dog-s--t on the door handles. Aaaaaaaah, the wonders of dog-s--t. There's so just many uses for this wonderful excrement. :D So get a plastic baggy full of dog-s--t (Thai dogs are renowned for producing some remarkably foul poos. Try to seek out some of that green, running stuff that has bits of undigested cat poo in it), and then walk by his car and apply the poo to the door handles. Try not to get any on the visible parts of the handle. Underneath or inside the handle is best. When he opens the car door, the fun begins!

4) Dead fish in the air intake. If you can reach it, jam a nice big dead fish up into the car's air intake. Make sure it's not visible. I'm not 100% on how a Porsche is laid out, but on a lot of cars, you can get the fish wedged up behind the fan. Nice. A few days in this heat and the inside of his car will smell like a fish market. Joy.

5) Eggs on the hood. Wait until he parks it in the sun, and then crack a few eggs on the hood and roof of the car. I don't know what it is about eggs, but MAN can they ruin a paint job. Maple syrup, molasses, tar, or heck, just plain old ACID also do wonders for paint. :o

So here's my recommendation. Wait THREE to SIX months. By then, he'll have forgotten all about the cat and he won't think of you when his car gets messed up. Then go nuts. You can go the damage route (keys/eggs) or you can go the stinky route (poo/fish), or you can be creative (perhaps you should try saving the dead cat, and then shoving it up somewhere under the car where it can secretly get stinky vengence.

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It's a Porsche.

Oh, PS.

By the way, here's some of my favorite ways to get revenge on a car owner:

1) Key the car. Simple, effective, and you're unlikely to get caught. Just get your keys out, walk by one night and key the s--t out of the side of his car. Huzzah!

2) Slash the tires. Not really effective and you're more likely to get caught. Tires, while expensive, are easy to replace, and trust me, it's a lot harder to slash a tire than you think. You're more likely to slice your own hand up trying to puncture the tire.

{.... continuation of childish pranks ....}

Or you could simply confront the fcker and <deleted> him one.

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I think bad things WILL happen to this bloke , but there's no harm in hurrying the process along a bit.

He's obviously mad about his car.

Does this guy actually know you or know of your anger about this horrible incident?

If not then you could be the one to do some damage , as long as no-one sees you doing the act.

If the car isn't in great shape then scratching or denting it probably wouldn't hurt him that much. The engines on these beasts are always expensive to maintain / repair.So sugar in the tank would be nice , or cat piss in the radiator would have a nice effect . Use your imagination , but don't brag about it afterwards

ps Let us know what happens !


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yes you have to be neeky if you want to do somethig and get away with it - and don't try to do it drunk.

but you could get some good two part epoxy , time it right and go and add some between his tyres and the concrete/bitumen.

or if you want to see his dick get cut off - slip some love letters to him where his thai girlfriend will find them.


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Sugar in the gas tank is not as effective as most would think. Sugar is heavy and most of it will quickly sink to the bottom of the tank and do little damage. As far as slashing tires, it's tough to do it without taking a lot of time (which increases your risk of getting caught obviously) or cutting yourself in the process. Try an ice pick. Just do a quick puncture into each sidewall on the outsides of all four tires...nobody carries four spares. The tiny hole will be impossible to see, yet the tire will be flat as a pancake in no time. Also, if the sidewall is punctured, the tire must be replaced...a simple patch won't work. This happened to my grandfather (courtesy of some stupid teens) in Florida some years back so I know it would work. On top of this, Porsche tires are not cheap.

Another poster mentioned that you need to be responsible for your pet and I agree. A pet that's allowed to run around and terrorize the neighborhood is far more likely to be done in by an upset neighbor. Keep this in mind for the future. Good luck!

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thanks Pudgi for such a straight and to the point comment - enjoyed reading it - few lines found absolutely hillarious !

... blaming the cat for being a cat is stupid.... 

that's right - even though my wife who is the cats lover too insists that they have "unconditional love" and able to communicate with her and adorable in general. I always try to explain to her that they are just an animals - and act/ behaive according to their brains functionality which is based on instincts.

once I forgot to take my shoes in and left 'em outside - some local stray cat pissed into one of them :o yeah - it amused my wife almost to ecstatic state - and yeah, that cat is so cute and adorable. but shoe stinked nevertheless for long time - despites any amount of cleaning chemicals and deodorants. so, my point is: I did nothing, although definetely was pissed off myself :D coz as you say - cat is cat. whatever inspired it to piss into my shoe ! well, according to my wife, who claims to be an expert of understanding cat's behaviour - this cat expressed its frendliness to me in such way, by marking territory - or something like that.... I simply make sure not to leave my shoes outside anymore !

so I guess that guy - be he Italian or who - is more stupid than cat. he should have taken proper care of his car himself like cover it or something - if he didn't get that cat expressed its frenliness by choosing particularly HIS car ONLY to sleep on ! :D

but stray cats and dogs definetely an annoyance in Thailand.

It's the owner's responsibility to take care of the animal and keep it out of trouble, so if the guy was going to be mad at anyone, he should have been mad at the owners.
I think - very good point ! if one realy loves his pet - should act accordingly, not simply indulge in subtle form of sex (as some psychologists explain human's relations with pet animals - petting them etc.) and avoid responsibility. otherwise may be better not have/ keep pets - at least that would be more respnsible.

on JatuJak weekly who knows how many pups and kittens and rabbits etc etc are sold/ purchased. even "extreme" animals lover as my wife admits realistically that - most of these animals would be abandoned after short while, because they grow up and not cute anymore, but become more annoyance then delight. in Dusit zoo she has shown me in the ponds plenty of turtles - many of Japanese and other foreign species. because owners buy them - and after a while abandon them there in zoo. luckily zoo doesn't mind that. but unfortunately they don't let - and even if they would let couldn't possibly fit in - all the stray dogs and cats. even though HM the King of Thailand has written a book about stray dog and makes sure that Thai dogs are taken care of, and even though HM the Queen is award winner recently (I think during last CITES summit in Bangkok) for care about animals and most if not all zoos are unders some Royal project. simply because it is impossible to take in and provide shelter for all those stray animals !

my wife watched some program on local TV once - I think it is called "Krugthep Mahanakhon" which is sort of exposing all the flaws and bad things in Bangkok - and that program's issue was about one old man taking in and providing shelter to stray dogs to big annoyance of all neigbours - over 120 dogs barking and shiting etc etc. naturally neibours filed multiple complains and local authorities gave him warning - to move out with dogs elsewhere within particular time. so, my wife told me: this is cruel ! and that she hates such people who don't care about animals... and then she revelead that in her hometown she did similar thing like this old man - taking in and giving shelter to stray cats till she kept over dozen of them - perhaps almost 20. then she eventually went to Bangkok to work and left all the cats to be taken care of by her old mother ! nice ! and everytime she calls home - she scolds mother for not taken proper care of cats - coz some cat was crossing the road and was hit by car, other was ripped off by stray dogs etc etc. so, her mother got all the anger and rage from her for not looking after 15 cats - instead of aksing into MOTHER's well being first of all, not cats ! simply amazing !

so, I mean - it is good quality to love animals, BUT some people seems loose their common sense and go into extremes by showing more concern about and care for animals than people. it is crazy world nowdays !

I like animals - including cats. but I think we have to be reasonable in dealings with them and understanding their role and position in human society. such things as spas and massage parlours, and HOTELS for pets - I think these are real extremes. because many HUMAN babies don't get proper food and basic needs. last night due to all the fuss related to Valentine there were news that authorities in Thailand give away free condoms to teenagers - coz they can't prevent or control their inevitable sexual affairs. my wife commented to me that it is a big problem in Thailand now - teenagers follow Western style.... and the results apart from SDDs - babies abandoned. she says according to official reports - 5 babies get abandoned by "mothers" DAILY here in Thailand.

so I think first those STRAY teenagers who make more STRAY babies irresponsibally should be taken care of, then those orphaned babies - and THEN ONLY stray cats and dogs and other pets. because more and more humans become more stray than those animals ! and if nodoby shows them love and care - how they would be able to be responsible for fellow living entities and and take real proper care of stray animals. well not even stray ones - EVEN THEIR OWN PETS ! but humans surely DO have understanding what is what - unlike that cat which pissed into my shoe or the one who get killed by drunk Italian because it innocently slept on his car.

Taking it out on the cat is pointless, and doing violence to the cat is simply unforgiveable.

good point - I agree. violence to anyone is wrong, especially to those who can't defend themsleves

but then - what can be expected from people who violent even to humans and even to themselves - like this guy who abuses his health etc by getting drunk...

human society has many wrongs. violence to animals - only tiny thing on the surface of that iseberg. hardly such issue can be solved easily and simply without addressing the cause roots of the violent attitudes....

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Animal lovers, yikes. How many kids were abused or jerked over in this town last night and you're ready to go too war over a cat. Start a thread about a woman getting abused and there's the usual, íts awful, too bad, keep yuor nose out, etc...'and about two ounces of real anger. A cat gets popped and half of Sukhumvit has an opinion.

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I think bad things WILL happen to this bloke , but there's no harm in hurrying the process along a bit.

He's obviously mad about his car.

Does this guy actually know you or know of your anger about this horrible incident?

If not then you could be the one to do some damage , as long as no-one sees you doing the act.

If the car isn't in great shape then scratching or denting it probably wouldn't hurt him that much. The engines on these beasts are always expensive to maintain / repair.So sugar in the tank would be nice , or cat piss in the radiator would have a nice effect . Use your imagination , but don't brag about it afterwards

ps Let us know what happens !


he does not know who iam but if something happens he will suspect My Girlfriend, and i dont want her to get in any trouble, i will give this a little time and though but thank you and thank you to everybody for your comments.


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I think it's terrible this man throwing the cat in the road only to be run over by a car. What if the driver had swerved and run someone over for a cat. Better he ring its neck and put it in the bin. I would have done if it slept on my Skoda. :o

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It would be much better to have a cat sleeping on your car than a dog...cats have retractable claws and are not too heavy. Covering the vehicle would be a good idea if you're really concerned about the paint. For the poster who had a cat pee in his shoe, just be glad it wasn't inside your car or a carpeted room :o

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I would have done if it slept on my Skoda.  :D

Simbo! I'm not very versed in cars models - can you educate me, Skoda is more expensive than Porshe?

I'd like to hear more ideas of reactions from cars/ cats owners towards owner/ cat/ Italian - especially according to car's model . say - if it is Lexus or Benz or BMW - would the cat's fate differ? and then another suggestion for possible developmnet of this thread: the cat's species. some cats might be more expensive than latest models of fansy cars !

and yeah - we forgot the twists of scenarios related to Hi-So woman - such a shame ! :o

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Pudgimelon, you seem to be inteligent in some ways and yet look like an idiot sometimes. I have to wonder how serious you really are in your post.

I'm pretty sure the people in that office never bothered to neuter or de-claw that animal.
the owner of an animal
But what I am pointing out is that someone who lets their cat run around the city all night shouldn't be surprised or upset when the animal is killed
I suppose you don't wander into an African jungle and ask who's the owner of this pack of lions? This is Bangkok!!! And you are even suggesting Ryan to do something illegal!!! which could possibly ruin his life!!!

Back to topic.

Ryan don't do anything stupid! Just hope this guy ends up being another suicide case here in Thailand!

There would never ever be any any excuse in this world for this kind of act.

And I would be more than happy to put a bullet through the brains of these sort of lowlives. Just send the bastard to Iraq!!

I feel ashame for being human!


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For the poster who had a cat pee in his shoe, just be glad it wasn't inside your car or a carpeted room :D

yeah - that was me and here I am still! thanks buddy for condolence - sure I'm glad ! also that it was just a pee - not something more substantial, or that it was just a cat - some people keep larger animals!

Miathai ! :D wow - such a honest and straight forward confession and suggestions! perhaps you could suggest the gun's brand and model and all the details how to do that ? about being a human - well, be carefull in what you wish, karma may let you re-incarnet into cat's body and it is risky as you can see from the case of this poor one ! :o

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It comes down to common decency. It dosn't really matter if you are a cat lover or not.The act that this Italian has done is not decent.

Personally I would confront the prick.Most people do not like confrontation...especially Italians.(Worlds thinest book..Italian War Heroes!)

There is no need for this type of behaviour.

Ajarns advise is probably the best though.Call Mr Plod.

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