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Pensioner Tells Of Thai Prison hel_l


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Besides the appalling British OAP, the appalling bias report, what else i found appalling was that this trash newspaper can't even spell :):D

So? Neither can the two leading English language daily papers here.

The Thai Justice system is a complete farce, so this guy needs all the help he can get, guilty or not.

It's amazing the amount of foreigners that come onto Thaivisa and denigrate their own kind.

You'd never get the Thais doing it.

I guess there's a little irony in that.


This guy fractured someone’s skull.

That’s a very serious offence; the man could have died and will probably be suffering from the affects of this horrific injury for the rest of his life.


This is the exact type of behaviour that was one of the main reasons my family and I left the UK. A place where young aggressive thugs have claimed the streets as their territory, where you could be beaten up for looking at somebody and aggression and lack of respect has become a way of life.

I have no sympathies for the victor of this fight or for the guy who suffered a fractured skull.

In Thailand violent aggression is just not tolerated. Of course it happens, but whoever becomes involved in a violent dispute and someone gets seriously hurt or killed, than be prepared to suffer the consequences, either by injury, death or a long prison sentence.

As I said in my previous post; it takes more guts to walk away from a fight than to become involved with one.

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He should just plead guilty, That Aussie who shot and killed the American in Chang Mai got 2 years and the aussie sheila who pinched the bar mat ran from police, then abused them, got an apology. Both pleaded guilty. He should should get off fairly easy..(edited bit) Just an observation, but it seems the more you fight the thai system the harder the penalties.

:) I read in the paper that it has come out she did abuse the Thai police and its all on record.


How funny that at the time it was reported that she wasn't drunk, didn't run away or abuse the police :D

and people believed this BS... :D

well she was white, blond, and reasonably attactive. She also had white, blond, doe eyed children crying on TV for their mummy. So of course she couldn't have done it, could she?

one good thing that came out of all that is that i learned a new word: bogan. my aussi friends were delighted!

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It seems you've already decided there were no extreme circumstances, if a guy feels he is being threatended or about to be hit is defending ones self extreme enough, in the eyes of the moral elite of TV posters? ..... and dont give me the cod philosophy <deleted> its a real man that walks away from a fight as this isnt always possible in the real world.

Thailand is full of <deleted> maybe just maybe this guy met one of them, but i like everyone on here doesnt know.

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This is the exact type of behaviour that was one of the main reasons my family and I left the UK.

I could accept this but you've moved to the most violent country in SEA one that if statistics are to be believed is far more violent then the UK, where rape is feared by all women.

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A 62 Yr old pensioner fighting in Thailand, I would be ashamed if it was my Father.

He should have known better really at his age.

Now this is scary, when at age 62 you can look anywhere from 50 to 80, depending on genes and lifestye..when I was a kid I automatically thought people with grey hair were "wise" and "mature"...oh boy, was I ever wrong... AGAIN...

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Alcohol, drugs, immaturity,and loss of self respect and no respect for the country you are a guest in.

Then ask yourselves this , maybe this behaviour is what makes life so difficult for those of us that want to live in another country and enjoy the lifestyle and culture.

It seems to me that many here that like to womanise and take drugs and drink till in a coma think they are above the law well wrong.

Whats the phrase 'One bad apple' and with the Thai culture the phrase is taken seriously.

Whilst we may criticise and debate amongst ourselves about procedures et etc at the end of the day we must respect the law of the land

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Bar fight on Dec 31st, while on holiday, but not arrested until Jan 16th? Perhaps too busy boozing and chasing skirts instead of thinking about getting the heck out of the area or better yet, out of the country? Something's not quite right with this picture, other than apparently never seeing an episode of "Banged Up Abroad."

Brit, Taffy, bar fit, Pattaya (?), New Year's Eve, guests in a foreign country ... no sympathy vote here ...

Based on what I've seen of Welsh bar drunks and family ties, this guy oughta be more worried about payback in the UK.

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He should just plead guilty, That Aussie who shot and killed the American in Chang Mai got 2 years and the aussie sheila who pinched the bar mat ran from police, then abused them, got an apology. Both pleaded guilty. He should should get off fairly easy..(edited bit) Just an observation, but it seems the more you fight the thai system the harder the penalties.

:) I read in the paper that it has come out she did abuse the Thai police and its all on record.


How funny that at the time it was reported that she wasn't drunk, didn't run away or abuse the police :D

and people believed this BS... :D

well she was white, blond, and reasonably attactive. She also had white, blond, doe eyed children crying on TV for their mummy. So of course she couldn't have done it, could she?

one good thing that came out of all that is that i learned a new word: bogan. my aussi friends were delighted!

here is another one: bogan barbie

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Besides the appalling British OAP, the appalling bias report, what else i found appalling was that this trash newspaper can't even spell :):D

So? Neither can the two leading English language daily papers here.

The Thai Justice system is a complete farce, so this guy needs all the help he can get, guilty or not.

It's amazing the amount of foreigners that come onto Thaivisa and denigrate their own kind.

You'd never get the Thais doing it.

I guess there's a little irony in that.

I am not demigrating a farang, I am supporting the poor farang that got his skull cracked

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Besides the appalling British OAP, the appalling bias report, what else i found appalling was that this trash newspaper can't even spell :):D

So? Neither can the two leading English language daily papers here.

The Thai Justice system is a complete farce, so this guy needs all the help he can get, guilty or not.

It's amazing the amount of foreigners that come onto Thaivisa and denigrate their own kind.

You'd never get the Thais doing it.

I guess there's a little irony in that.

Thailand is one of the most political, backstabbing, machievellian of societies . Or haven't you noticed the political events of the past couple of years?

Edited by samran
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one good thing that came out of all that is that i learned a new word: bogan. my aussi friends were delighted!

Is this how she is perceived back home? As some low class uneducated gob <deleted>! :) i thought it maybe but you have confirmed it.

Laughing man it was in the Bangkok Post but i cannot find it online the only source is this one credited to the Bangkok Post


Maybe another TVer read the article it twas only in the last week.

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Everyone seems to be convicting this guy without knowing what actually happened.

Yes the Welshman seems to have had a fractured skull which resulted in his hospitalisation and as a result the other half of the altercation has been charged and spent time in custody.

Maybe, just maybe, the alleged perpetrator was assaulted by the Welshman, was defending himself and the Welshman slipped and banged his head resulting in the injury. I really don't know what happened as I wasn't there, perhaps the Thai Visa Judge and Jury were there or at least have all the evidence, if so it makes all their comments credible.

Maybe the Thai Police have carried out a full and fair and investigation on this occasion, now that would be good.

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62 years old for a man is not a pensioner in the UK. Pension age currently for males in the UK is 65.

Alcohol involved yet again. So often violence in this country, involving both locals and foreigners, involves alcohol. Thank God they put the taxes up.

No-one has mentioned what they were fighting over. My guess is a garee in the bar.

Despite his protestations of innonence, you can guarantee when the court case comes up, he will plead guilty. Especially when someone explains to him, his prison sentence will be at least double if he doesn't.

Although this case is far more serious as it involves a fractured skull, you have to question the current Thai tactic of "kidnapping" foreigners for months for all offences even very minor ones and then forcing them to plead guilty under threat of a court case lasting years and long periods spent sitting in Thailand with no means to support oneself and/or locked up in remand. Also the high bail amounts often running into thousands of pounds for people not convicted of anything seem punitive and pointless. One wonders how many people successfully get this bail money returned after the case.

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What makes you think this is a current practice? I have known foreigners arrested for small amounts of marijuana that had to wait months for a court case as well. And my memory of this is going back at least 15 years.

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A wild and crazy story, see many farangs take the Thai Justice system to light until that are face to face with it, these folks get you behind closw doors(bars) and things can get really serious in a heart beat as I'M sure this Pensioners has found out. About all he can do now is rely on the support of family, friends and a GREAT Thai Lawyer, difficut to tell the who"s right, who's wrong here, but what ever the case this should be a lesson learn for this guy and many other Farangs in the Land of Smiles. :D:)

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What makes you think this is a current practice? I have known foreigners arrested for small amounts of marijuana that had to wait months for a court case as well. And my memory of this is going back at least 15 years.

The high profile cases involving Harry Nicolaides, Simon Burrowes, the Australian women in Phuket, etc. may have created a false impression. It appeared to me the practice of confiscating the passport and thus preventing the defendant skipping the country along with long delays in resolving the case to force a guilty plea was becoming more the norm.

I accept this is a subjective opinion and that this practice certainly happened in the past. It could be it is becoming more common and on the other hand it could be a false impression.

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Besides the appalling British OAP, the appalling bias report, what else i found appalling was that this trash newspaper can't even spell :):D

So? Neither can the two leading English language daily papers here.

I guess the implication went over your head...so to clarify it for you one might be understandably dismayed that a supposedly native-English speaking paper in England would have a better handle on the English language. They are English afterall, and not Thai.

It's amazing the amount of foreigners that come onto Thaivisa and denigrate their own kind.

You'd never get the Thais doing it.

You're showing your lack of contact with the Thai community with ridiculously erroneous statements like that.

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What makes you think this is a current practice? I have known foreigners arrested for small amounts of marijuana that had to wait months for a court case as well. And my memory of this is going back at least 15 years.

The high profile cases involving Harry Nicolaides, Simon Burrowes, the Australian women in Phuket, etc. may have created a false impression. It appeared to me the practice of confiscating the passport and thus preventing the defendant skipping the country along with long delays in resolving the case to force a guilty plea was becoming more the norm.

I accept this is a subjective opinion and that this practice certainly happened in the past. It could be it is becoming more common and on the other hand it could be a false impression.

No, not in my experience. I would have to say I have heard quite a few stories from tourists nicked for small amounts of drugs on Koh Phangan and forced to stay for months on end. As said, I have lived there for quite some time now and can recall these stories (most told first hand from people I met who came to me for help, being a foreigner living there they felt I might have some advice to offer) going back at least 15 years.

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So british !


Yes, that's what I am thinking too!

Whenever you read about these violent drunken episodes 99% of the time it is a Britt!

What is it with these people?

Unlike the Aussie that just shot someone in cold blood after a drinking session in Chiang Mai :):D

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Posts have been deleted. A reminder of the forum rules appears to be in order:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Posts have been deleted. A reminder of the forum rules appears to be in order:
7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Further such posts will result in formal moderator action.

I personally object to (livinginexile) stating that 99% of these incidents are Brits - so please delete that racist post according to forum rules - thanks

Edited by deprogrammed
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So british !


Yes, that's what I am thinking too!

Whenever you read about these violent drunken episodes 99% of the time it is a Britt!

What is it with these people?

Unlike the Aussie that just shot someone in cold blood after a drinking session in Chiang Mai :D :D

True, true but they are very few and far between :D

But come on you gotta admit...The vast majority of these drunken violent incidents are perpetrated by the British.

And one constantly reads the main reason the Britt’s move to Thailand is to escape the exact same thing!!

Go figure. :)

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This is the exact type of behaviour that was one of the main reasons my family and I left the UK.

I could accept this but you've moved to the most violent country in SEA one that if statistics are to be believed is far more violent then the UK, where rape is feared by all women.

Could you please share the source these statistics. I find it very hard to get facts about anything in Thailand.

And if rape really is feared by all women in the UK, wouldn't that tend to day something about the violent nature of that part of the world, rather than Thailand? Seems a little irrational of all UK women to fear being raped.

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“I will never come back to Thailand. I used to love it here, thinking that the Thai's were such a nice people, but the way that they treat foreigners who have been caught up in their legal system is apalling.”

Are they suppose to treat foreigners different then Thais? Weren't most of the other 70 people he was packed into a cell with Thais?


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