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British Airways: A Warning In Today's Newspaper

syd barrett

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Ahhh, isn't that sweet. He's giving up his salary for a month. I suppose he may have a bit saved since his base salary is 732,000 GBP per year. I wonder what his fringe benefits are?

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Ahhh, isn't that sweet. He's giving up his salary for a month. I suppose he may have a bit saved since his base salary is 732,000 GBP per year. I wonder what his fringe benefits are?

Free flights on BA of course. :D


I wonder if he will ask all of those old employees who now benefit from a very very generous pension scheme if they will forgo a few quid to help the company.

After all they are one of the reasons the airline is in the position it is.

Must agree that the staff in general have the attitude that the airline would work a lot better if it did not have the inconvenience of carrying passengers! :)


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But the media says the recession is over??????????????????

Oh it will be...then we will get hit by inflation because the obama administration is printing out cash faster than at any rate in U.S. history...then the poo will hit the fan...yea!

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Beware of making bookings with British Airways. There are a whole host of strikes and grief ahead and they might well go bust in the next few months.

Outlandish union demands and threats of strike are incompatible with a stable, profitable business model in this day and age, as if GM, Chrysler, the Underground, the postal system, etc., etc., haven't provided enough evidence already. When are business leaders going to tell the unions to bugger off and move to a policy of hiring strictly non-union workers. As one who works every day in an "at-will employment" arrangement, many of these union stances and demands make me want to puke.

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Beware of making bookings with British Airways. There are a whole host of strikes and grief ahead and they might well go bust in the next few months.

See Link Below from Daily Mail June 16th 2009

British Airways: A Warning!


Typical over-reaction by the British tabloid press.

In fact, British Airlines is having problems, as are most airlines, with declining revenues...especially on the higher end... known as "seats up front" (i.e. business and first class passenegers). That has always been the revenue that gave them the money to keep them profitable. But the "recession" has cut down on business travel.

BA is asking it's pilots to defray some of it's wages and other compensation, not taking it in cash, but as shares in airline stock. The pilots association has agreed to some of the requests. It looks like there will also have to be staff cuts, mostly in flight personnel, including pilots. Fewer cabin staff, and that means, staff cuts.

There was an article about this last week on the BBC World service.

BA is doing all they can to hold on to it's staff, and hoping to minimise cuts...but they need to cut operating costs.

The pilots unions are working with BA to come to an agreement. Right now, both BA and the unions want to hold on to as many staff jobs as they can. We will see what happens later...when it gets down to the crunch of costs and staffing cuts. Right now, both sides realise cuts have to happen, but they want to minimise them as much as possible.

Expect BA to cut down on the number of flights and to combine it's routes to cut costs as much as possible....which means more full flights...and fewer flights per week. More work for flight attendents too.


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But the media says the recession is over??????????????????

Yeah, I get a laugh out of that one too...

Just what B.A needs right now. The extent of damage done by the media in the last year in contributing to the recession is immense beyond calculation but selling papers keeps THEM out of bankruptcy :)

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The pension argument is utter tosh. Taking holidays from paying into the pension fund was the start of the road to ruin. Couple that with that clown Brown's first "robber" act to withdraw the dividend reclaim tax on pension funds and the writing was on the wall. Shareholders have been paid out way too much and not enough has been put into the kitty to pay for pensions which were fully funded before. Final salary should be the way but Brown killed that.

BA has to cut costs and then get it's internals sorted out. Not a penny to shareholders until then.

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Brit government about to let their national flag carrier go bankrupt ? Don't think so.

Enter Richard Branson.

Why would he want BA?, he owns his own Virgin. It's only good for his own company when BA goes broke. But as stated above, goverment would not let it happen. Our Dutch KLM, is the worlds oldest airline, but a while ago the went asside with Air France when it went bad, such a stupid choise.

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Beware of making bookings with British Airways. There are a whole host of strikes and grief ahead and they might well go bust in the next few months.

See Link Below from Daily Mail June 16th 2009

British Airways: A Warning!

Struggling BA asks 40,000 staff to work for nothing in desperate fight for survival


Don't these people have families to feed? :)

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Having spent 131 days as "human shield hostage" after BA landed at Kuwait airport on August 2, 1990 - 4 hours AFTER the Iraqi invasion and when other carriers had already diverted - in order to land it's contingent of "undercover operatives" I hope they go belly up.

Statutory minimums all round. I will be able to empathise with their staff and management when they too lose their homes as a result. I know what it feels like to get f++ked without any compensation.

Lord King is dead. I understand it was a long and painfull illness. I now look forward to seeing the UK flag carrier go down the toilet too - together with the rest of the UK economy.

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British airways owns around 85% of the planes in the sky.

They lease them to carriers which is a major chunk of their business model.

If other airlines are failing, british airways will be hurting right along with them.

Sometimes it sucks to have a monopoly.

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British airways owns around 85% of the planes in the sky.

They lease them to carriers which is a major chunk of their business model.

If other airlines are failing, british airways will be hurting right along with them.

Sometimes it sucks to have a monopoly.

please enlighten me with more details of this revelation.

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British airways owns around 85% of the planes in the sky.

They lease them to carriers which is a major chunk of their business model.

If other airlines are failing, british airways will be hurting right along with them.

Sometimes it sucks to have a monopoly.

please enlighten me with more details of this revelation.

Just google British airways leasing.

100's of articles related to their leasing to airlines but nothing on percentages, sorry :)

Both of my brothers are in aircraft maintenance for BA and it's common knowledge in the airline industry about the monopoly BA holds in leasing.

Ask anyone in the industry,you will hear the same thing.

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i'm needing to buy tickets from edinburgh to london (going to bangkok) on august and coming back september.

should i have something to worry about if i book them?


Economy - Lousy legroom- 31". Nannying, indifferent staff.

Club - Coffin like flat bed that costs 60% more than most other airlines. Worst business class food in the sky. "Raid the larder" that will contain two bags of walkers crisps and goo paste sandwiches that S and P might have sold in 1995 to be shared amnong 20 passengers.

First - Crowded, dated cabin. Even Thai only puts 10 seats where BA squeezes 14. Most likely full of "re-positioning" BA crew / job club members who will be served before you and be allocated the best seats.

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i'm needing to buy tickets from edinburgh to london (going to bangkok) on august and coming back september.

should i have something to worry about if i book them?


Economy - Lousy legroom- 31". Nannying, indifferent staff.

Club - Coffin like flat bed that costs 60% more than most other airlines. Worst business class food in the sky. "Raid the larder" that will contain two bags of walkers crisps and goo paste sandwiches that S and P might have sold in 1995 to be shared amnong 20 passengers.

First - Crowded, dated cabin. Even Thai only puts 10 seats where BA squeezes 14. Most likely full of "re-positioning" BA crew / job club members who will be served before you and be allocated the best seats.

Edinburgh to London only has one class - economy. I have already booked London-Edinburgh-London in August, before the threat of strikes. If there's a strike I will have to make alternative arrangements, such as BMI, or the train. I think if BA strike, the predicted "fighting for survival" threat by Walsh will be a self fulfilling prophecy.

Edited by samtam
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