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This is a link to an email I received from some friends in Phuket that gave me the idea for a website:


This is the link to the website itself:


Read the account if you have time. And if you have even more time sign up to the website and add appropriate comments in the various forums.


George, I don't think this will conflict with thaivisa?

  • 2 weeks later...

I read a remarkable story in the Phuket Gaz, the story is of Franky Gun, if you have not read it - its a must to get an understanding of what it was like to be in the coastal area of Khao Lak when the waves came.

You can see it on the followimng web page........

Thailand Tsunami - A Survivors Story


I have read the "eyewitness accounts" above and would really like to know if the 2 hour warning that Thailand is supposed to have recieved is fact or rumour!? I have heard many stories and could someone please set the record straight.

I lost my only sibling "my adorable ever loving sister" on the 26th December 2004 in Khao Lak. I am still coming to terms with this although i cannot see how i will ever be able to! I still feel so close to her that it just doesn't seem real! I cannot believe that this disaster has happened in such a "technology" filled world as it is today, without there being some sort of alert or something! This is something you would maybe think to happen in 1950 but in 2004? How could so many people have died? Or if this 2 hour warning is true.... my sister was really murdered?


Hi Iceangel

I have a number of press cuttings on the subject of warnings (or lack of them) and I could send them to you if you feel that would be helpful. Email me through my web site and we can arrange the transfer.

My personal view is that this was a 'natural disaster' an 'act of god' - call it what you will. No one could have prevented it from happening, that’s for sure and beyond debate. Could a warning system have been put in place and helped to save lives? - yes of course. I read some scientists were reporting that a large proportion of the lives lost could have been saved if a warning system had been in place and equally important, a fast and effective system for then advising those people in the coastal areas to be effected.

We have to bear in mind that in the last 170 years only 2 earthquakes have registered 9 on the Richter scale but those were not in the Indian Ocean and so this was the most unlikely of events.

Thailand was hit a couple of hours after the earthquake and so one has to wonder what could have be done to warn at least some of the areas likely to be hit. There was some confusion on the size of the earthquake initially and this undoubtedly didn't help those trying to make sense of it in the early stages. In those couple of hours after the quake more could have been done, with the benefit of hindsight I think most people would agree.

Was anybody to blame for not alerting you and the others? I guess the answer has to be yes. Its no one person though - I believe hundreds if not thousands would need to be accountable and you would have to turn the clock back considerably to identify all those that might be accused - as mistakes, or at least complacency, are now evident many years back.

The point is Iceangel you are hurt and mourning your loss of your sister, what happened to her should never have happened at all, no mount of explanation or blame will ever make it just or right – it couldn’t. Trying to make any sense out of what happened is never going to happen, it makes no sense it was not in any way justifiable, and if you do try it will drive you insane. Given what has happened spend a moment to reflect on what your sister would want from you and for you now – my feeling is that she would love your comments about never having felt closer to her and she would probable concur with them about the way she also feels now about you. My other thoughts are that she would want you to accept what has happened as the terrible natural disaster that it is and draw strength from the fact that your memories can never be taken away. She is at rest and peaceful, now it us your turn to learn how to move on positively, perhaps with some sort of actions within the area she died that she would herself have appreciated.

Hope this reply is not too personal - your note made my heart bleed.

Thailand Tsunami

sincerly, Peewee



The lag time was not two hours but 30 to 45 minutes. And yes the weather institute wanted to give out a warning wich was prohibited by higher authorities. By the time they were discussing it it was already to late. Personally i don't think it would even have changed something as people would have treated it as a joke or curiosity which might even have killed more people.

You have to understand that thailand isn't europe or the US with set alarm procedures, very good communications and a good police/fire/medical emergency teams.

If you search through the tsunami forum you'll find posts of our members asking about the tremours they felt , 20 30 minutes later the waves hit . it wasn't two hours..

You have to realize that only your world is technology filled , it's not in india, sri lanka or indonesia and only medium in thailand.

Sorry to hear of your loss. my condolences.


Hi Darknight, the info you have on the timing might be confused by what people felt locally 30 - 40 mins before the waves arrived but with some things the facts are the facts which ever way you look at them.

The west coast of Northern Sumatra close to where the epicentre was is UTC, coordinated universal time (same as GMT = Greenwich mean time) plus 7 hours. Thailand is on the same time scale as this.

The earthquake happened at 00.58.53 UTC on Sunday 26th. This was precisely 07.58.53 in Thailand as well at the epicentre.

The time the waves arrived off the coast of Thailand has been widely reported and was certainly not before 9am as you are suggesting.

I know that a warning system would need to be technically elaborate but it is not beyond the Asian people - it just needs money.

Also, it is surprising what can happen with some knowledge of the situation, for example did you hear of these reports ............

One of the few coastal areas to evacuate ahead of the tsunami was on the Indonesian island of Simeulue, very close to the epicentre. Island folklore recounted an earthquake and tsunami in 1907 and the islanders fled to inland hills after the initial shaking — before the tsunami struck.

On Maikhao beach in northern Phuket, Thailand, a 10 year old British girl named Tilly Smith had studied tsunamis in geography class at school and recognised the warning sign of the receding ocean. She and her parents warned others on the beach, which was evacuated safely. This is remarkable as first; the girls Mother took the word of her young daughter and relied upon it. Second when the Mother told the Thai hotel staff they too did not question the information but took immediate action to get people to high ground.

We need the warning system but these stories also show technology is not the only answer.

Kind regards, Peewee

The point is Iceangel you are hurt and mourning your loss of your sister, what happened to her should never have happened at all, no mount of explanation or blame will ever make it just or right – it couldn’t.  Trying to make any sense out of what happened is never going to happen, it makes no sense it was not in any way justifiable, and if you do try it will drive you insane.  Given what has happened spend a moment to reflect on what your sister would want from you and for you now – my feeling is that she would love your comments about never having felt closer to her and she would probable concur with them about the way she also feels now about you.  My other thoughts are that she would want you to accept what has happened as the terrible natural disaster that it is and draw strength from the fact that your memories can never be taken away.  She is at rest and peaceful, now it us your turn to learn how to move on positively, perhaps with some sort of actions within the area she died that she would herself have appreciated.

Hope this reply is not too personal - your note made my heart bleed.

Thailand Tsunami

sincerly, Peewee


Thanks so much for your post Peewee! Thank you for taking the time to explain things the way you did. I have read so many sites, forums etc. on this terrible event, i actually think i'm getting myself too distressed. I think at times like these we kind of try to grab at straws for explanations. I really should know this as i'm an RN (Registered Nurse) and i come across this everyday, but i didn't see myself doing this until i read your reply and re-read my post?! It's very true when they say, you don't know how it feels until it happens to you personally!

Thank you for the offer of the newspaper clippings etc. but i really think i need to move away from this and put my heart into something more positive, however hard this maybe. I see people go through these feelings all the time, but i never imagined it to be like this! The terrible way these people died and the fear they must have felt ....... I have nightmares constantly.

I cannot watch anything on tv to do with this disaster or even read detailed descriptions. I think this all started with emails of terrible photos of the unidentified, that people sent my Family in emails during our search which will haunt us for a very long time, i just hope she didn't suffer like those poor souls had. This is something i am sure many people are dealing with and will take a long time to come to terms with. One particular photo we were sent was absolutely terrifying of a river or lake with debris and hundreds of bodies. It was so graphic! It's a picture i see in my head many times daily. Even after Em was identified i have been a regular visitor to forums that are helping families search for loved ones. It's like an addiction, i cannot explain why?! I sit there for hours at a time reading, and crying constantly for the thousands of missing and their families. It's something i need to deal with and that's the reason why i am declining the newspaper clippings etc. as i really think i should personally get some help to deal with my emotions.

I'm sorry this post is so long and i have probably said too much, and gone on repeatedly. I probably also sound selfish, as i wasn't even physically there myself, but this is the hardest thing i have ever had to deal with before, but i am sure there are thousands of people that are worse off though.

It really doesn't matter now if they could have given warnings or not, it's happened and we cannot turn back time. The story of the little 10 year old girl is remarkable, she is an angel on earth and should be very proud of what she has achieved.

Once Again...

Thank You

Kate (iCEaNGEL)


Hello Iceangel - I have put some comments within yours in blue....

Thanks so much for your post Peewee! Thank you for taking the time to explain things the way you did. I have read so many sites, forums etc. on this terrible event, i actually think i'm getting myself too distressed. I think at times like these we kind of try to grab at straws for explanations. I really should know this as i'm an RN (Registered Nurse) and i come across this everyday, but i didn't see myself doing this until i read your reply and re-read my post?! It's very true when they say, you don't know how it feels until it happens to you personally!

Peewee… there are a lot of people trained to know a little of how you feel (some with personal experience too) and I would try and make contact with them to discuss the way you are feeling. The important think to know is that you are not unusual in the thought process you are following – its very natural.

Thank you for the offer of the newspaper clippings etc. but i really think i need to move away from this and put my heart into something more positive, however hard this maybe.

Peewee…. Good decision. Get rid of the anger and you a long way down the road to getting on top of things.

I see people go through these feelings all the time, but i never imagined it to be like this! The terrible way these people died and the fear they must have felt ....... I have nightmares constantly.

I cannot watch anything on tv to do with this disaster or even read detailed descriptions. I think this all started with emails of terrible photos of the unidentified, that people sent my Family in emails during our search which will haunt us for a very long time, i just hope she didn't suffer like those poor souls had. This is something i am sure many people are dealing with and will take a long time to come to terms with. One particular photo we were sent was absolutely terrifying of a river or lake with debris and hundreds of bodies. It was so graphic! It's a picture i see in my head many times daily. Even after Em was identified i have been a regular visitor to forums that are helping families search for loved ones. It's like an addiction, i cannot explain why?! I sit there for hours at a time reading, and crying constantly for the thousands of missing and their families. It's something i need to deal with and that's the reason why i am declining the newspaper clippings etc. as i really think i should personally get some help to deal with my emotions.

Peewee…. What country are you in? – There are organisations which can help you. You have to stop thinking about the pictures and what the victims would have felt – believe me, they would have not felt what you imagine. In that situation the adrenalin rush would have protected them from pain and suffering. What you saw in the pictures does not reflect what they would have personally felt at all – don’t overlook that most injuries would have been created after the victims were beyond ‘feeling’ anything.

I'm sorry this post is so long and i have probably said too much, and gone on repeatedly. I probably also sound selfish, as i wasn't even physically there myself, but this is the hardest thing i have ever had to deal with before, but i am sure there are thousands of people that are worse off though.

Peewee… That’s often the case. I was encouraged to see and meet so many families in the effected areas of Baan Nam Khem dealing with their problems in a positive way. Like you they needed understanding, recognition for what had happened to them, someone to listen to them when they wanted to talk and a bit of help to move on.

It really doesn't matter now if they could have given warnings or not, it's happened and we cannot turn back time. The story of the little 10 year old girl is remarkable, she is an angel on earth and should be very proud of what she has achieved.

Peewee…. When ever you feel the need to chat – use my email address within my web site – you have found a friend.

My Webpage - Thailands Tsunami

Sincerely peewee.

Once Again...

Thank You

Kate (iCEaNGEL

If you search through the tsunami forum you'll find posts of our members asking about the tremours they felt , 20 30 minutes later the waves hit . it wasn't two hours..

Sorry - cannot !

20 minutes to hit Aceh maybe - but for a wave to hit Thailand from the epicentre in that time period would need it to travel four times quicker than a tsunami has ever travelled.

Tsunamis travel at 500 mph not 2000 mph.

8 am tremors felt by me in Bangkok, Tornado said the surge at about 10 in Phuket.

By the way - there IS a Warning protocol in Thailand, it just wasn't triggered on this occasion.

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