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I can't help myself from posting this interesting tale of social interaction, with one of our darling local maidens. I have recently joined an internet matching website, popular here in LOS, which has many members located in my area. I have only been on this site for about two months, but have met several ladies. Some good and some not so good. But, that is to be expected. I have found it to be a reasonable alternative to other ways of meeting prospective ladies. However, one lady in particular has topped anyone I have met in almost 5 years here for bold and brassy propositions.

After a few introductory conversations by email, she said she would prefer to communicate by SMS. I said OK, but I would like to meet her in person sometime soon. I talked with her once by phone and her English seemed passable. She stated that she was a student at the leading local university. The first SMS I got asked me why I was interested in her and stated that she could not trust me, since she never met me. I replied that she should meet me first and thereafter decide if she thought she could trust me or not. Her second SMS asked me if I was willing to put up a sum of money before meeting (sort of to guarantee my honorable intentions _my words, not hers). I then asked her how much money she was expecting. Her reply was 10,000 bht. My final answer to was to inquire how stupid she thought I was and that I would pay the same as her Thai boyfriend - nothing. Needless to say, I never heard anything further from her. This is a true story. I wonder if any other esteemed members have encountered any similar requests?

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No never and on the same line I have never did the Internet dating thing had no need to. I will say you did the RIGHT ON thing and gave this Ms Thing a wide wide BERTH quickly, sounds like a NUMBER One Gold digger in WAITING. :):D:D

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"My final answer to was to inquire how stupid she thought I was..."

Well, let's see how stupid...you paid to use a Thai internet dating site, and you agreed to an SMS-based relationship.

Holier than thou are we?

There is nothing wrong with using an internet dating site.

A viable option to the local cattle markets.

SMS is a logical way to start a relationship.

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"My final answer to was to inquire how stupid she thought I was..."

Well, let's see how stupid...you paid to use a Thai internet dating site, and you agreed to an SMS-based relationship.

Holier than thou are we?

There is nothing wrong with using an internet dating site.

A viable option to the local cattle markets.

SMS is a logical way to start a relationship.

Agreed nothing wrong with it.....but suppose seeing as the opening gambit was about money, we know where that "relationship" would have ended up, at least the girl was tell the truth....it was all about money from the very start... :)

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I am an acquaintance of a guy who was introduced to a lady in Udon whom he found pleasing on the eye and thought she would make a suitable 'wife'. On their second meeting she informed him that she was being sued for 250,000 baht and couldn't be with him unless he settled up on her behalf.

He did so and regularly complains that she is very high maintenance. He told me that in the first year together she went through 2 mil of his dosh. Seems he is paying through the nose - and every other orifice. It appears from what I have been told that she spends only about 50% of the time with him.

I told him at the outset that I too wouldn't have walked away. I'd have hired Concorde to get me out of there.

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I am an acquaintance of a guy who was introduced to a lady in Udon whom he found pleasing on the eye and thought she would make a suitable 'wife'. On their second meeting she informed him that she was being sued for 250,000 baht and couldn't be with him unless he settled up on her behalf.

He did so and regularly complains that she is very high maintenance. He told me that in the first year together she went through 2 mil of his dosh. Seems he is paying through the nose - and every other orifice. It appears from what I have been told that she spends only about 50% of the time with him.

I told him at the outset that I too wouldn't have walked away. I'd have hired Concorde to get me out of there.

And there we have it.........thinking with the wrong head... :) .... well sorry to say it, but he made his own bed on this one, Are people that desperate for "company"....let me guess the gentleman was a lot older than his beau ??...

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I can't help myself from posting this interesting tale of social interaction, with one of our darling local maidens. I have recently joined an internet matching website, popular here in LOS, which has many members located in my area. I have only been on this site for about two months, but have met several ladies. Some good and some not so good. But, that is to be expected. I have found it to be a reasonable alternative to other ways of meeting prospective ladies. However, one lady in particular has topped anyone I have met in almost 5 years here for bold and brassy propositions.

After a few introductory conversations by email, she said she would prefer to communicate by SMS. I said OK, but I would like to meet her in person sometime soon. I talked with her once by phone and her English seemed passable. She stated that she was a student at the leading local university. The first SMS I got asked me why I was interested in her and stated that she could not trust me, since she never met me. I replied that she should meet me first and thereafter decide if she thought she could trust me or not. Her second SMS asked me if I was willing to put up a sum of money before meeting (sort of to guarantee my honorable intentions _my words, not hers). I then asked her how much money she was expecting. Her reply was 10,000 bht. My final answer to was to inquire how stupid she thought I was and that I would pay the same as her Thai boyfriend - nothing. Needless to say, I never heard anything further from her. This is a true story. I wonder if any other esteemed members have encountered any similar requests?

from your words, i understood one thing that " how girls are crazy about money and how brilliant you were". is that understood my friend?. so better to keep away girls from your life. girls are like medicines, so they came with some expired date. that's why i prefers to say to avoid them from your personal life, just take them light and don't be serious.

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Nope, smarter.

The dating web sites are a clearinghouse for prostitutes. SMS is perfect for guys without the intelligence and social graces to carry on a viable conversation.

Absolute twaddle my friend

Agreed that there are working girls on these dating sites, but intelligence lies in the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff :)

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Nope, smarter.

The dating web sites are a clearinghouse for prostitutes. SMS is perfect for guys without the intelligence and social graces to carry on a viable conversation.

Absolute twaddle my friend

Agreed that there are working girls on these dating sites, but intelligence lies in the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff :)

And booking a later meet with the chaff in case the wheat turns out to be past harvest time..

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"My final answer to was to inquire how stupid she thought I was..."

Well, let's see how stupid...you paid to use a Thai internet dating site, and you agreed to an SMS-based relationship.

Holier than thou are we?

There is nothing wrong with using an internet dating site.

A viable option to the local cattle markets.

SMS is a logical way to start a relationship.

Thank you very much. I think the holy member has never got off his front porch since 1960. I Hope he has heard of computers & cell phones.

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Nope, smarter.

The dating web sites are a clearinghouse for prostitutes. SMS is perfect for guys without the intelligence and social graces to carry on a viable conversation.

Smarter? Is that so? Until now I have not met any prostitutes this site and in fact have met some quite intelligent and univ educated women. It beats sitting on a bar stool somewhere, where unfortunately many foreign men spend their time in Thailand. The SMS preference for communication was suggested by the lady in my story, not my choice. I would say I am fully capable of having a face to face conversation with anyone.

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I am an acquaintance of a guy who was introduced to a lady in Udon whom he found pleasing on the eye and thought she would make a suitable 'wife'. On their second meeting she informed him that she was being sued for 250,000 baht and couldn't be with him unless he settled up on her behalf.

He did so and regularly complains that she is very high maintenance. He told me that in the first year together she went through 2 mil of his dosh. Seems he is paying through the nose - and every other orifice. It appears from what I have been told that she spends only about 50% of the time with him.

I told him at the outset that I too wouldn't have walked away. I'd have hired Concorde to get me out of there.

I know a guy here in LOS, who has gone through about 18 million on his "sweet pea" and thinks nothing of it. The counter is still ticking. I'm glad I'm such a cheapskate not to part with 10,000.

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Was chatting to a friend of mine today. We got onto the subject of relationships for a short while. He is elderly and doesnt want some of the young girls who say they want to take care of him get their hooks into him (his words). (I dont mean ALL Thai ladies are this way please!) He bemoaned about a mutual friend a little, and his relationship with a (slightly) younger Thai girl here who he has been with a couple of years. The guy is fun, attractive, articulate, and intelligent. He chooses to be in a relationship with a girl who (apparently) gives him a lot of grief and nags and bullies him. He also pays for everything. She doesnt work. We thought over this for a while, then both agreed it wasnt really our business, and that its of course his choice. Maybe he likes it that way..no idea. Of course thats a kind of hearsay too..as we dont really know what goes on in private.

However, i do sometimes wonder about why its considered completely normal here to some western guys that they should pay for everything, and even on top of that, to also give some kind of income. (I realise when people are married/living long term, things change a bit, especially if raising children is involved.) As a woman I do like to be taken out and 'treated', but I also do my fair share which balances that out. I would say it evens out around me paying 40% or something like that. But, I also do more of the chores and things. Ive never expected a guy to pay for everything, or give me an income, or pay for my schooling or a project or whatever, or my families bills and things. I have also had occasions where this was offered / possible..but I personally would not feel good being in a situation where I have to ask (or rely on) my other half for money. I also think it shifts the balance a lot and would make me feel quite uneasy and vulnerable.

But..each to their own really. If a man thinks this is perfectly ok..then its his choice.

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But does your friend spend his time complaining on internet forums, or is he happy ?

I am sure he is happy as long as his money holds out. By my estimate, he's gone through about 50% of it in 5 years. Up to him, as they say here. By the way, I think this forum should be a place for sharing information, some good and some bad. Hopefully, such will enable people to have a more secure and enjoyable life in Thailand.

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Was chatting to a friend of mine today. We got onto the subject of relationships for a short while. He is elderly and doesnt want some of the young girls who say they want to take care of him get their hooks into him (his words). (I dont mean ALL Thai ladies are this way please!) He bemoaned about a mutual friend a little, and his relationship with a (slightly) younger Thai girl here who he has been with a couple of years. The guy is fun, attractive, articulate, and intelligent. He chooses to be in a relationship with a girl who (apparently) gives him a lot of grief and nags and bullies him. He also pays for everything. She doesnt work. We thought over this for a while, then both agreed it wasnt really our business, and that its of course his choice. Maybe he likes it that way..no idea. Of course thats a kind of hearsay too..as we dont really know what goes on in private.

However, i do sometimes wonder about why its considered completely normal here to some western guys that they should pay for everything, and even on top of that, to also give some kind of income. (I realise when people are married/living long term, things change a bit, especially if raising children is involved.) As a woman I do like to be taken out and 'treated', but I also do my fair share which balances that out. I would say it evens out around me paying 40% or something like that. But, I also do more of the chores and things. Ive never expected a guy to pay for everything, or give me an income, or pay for my schooling or a project or whatever, or my families bills and things. I have also had occasions where this was offered / possible..but I personally would not feel good being in a situation where I have to ask (or rely on) my other half for money. I also think it shifts the balance a lot and would make me feel quite uneasy and vulnerable.

But..each to their own really. If a man thinks this is perfectly ok..then its his choice.

I have never seen any nagging and bullying women in Thailand. I thought I left them all behind back in my home country. I certainly wouldn't spend 5 minutes with one in any country. There are plenty of "older" ladies here, who may be more careing and "settled" in a relationship with an elderly gent. I am talking over age 40-45. However, if the guy is 60+, he may consider the young chicks.

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She a Ho. Stupid is as stupid does, and, yes, they think you're stupider than them. That's human nature.

Last thought on this subject. I did the same in Mexico once, but placed an ad in the local paper with a friend. 75% were Ho's, but he met a nice lady, and lived with her for quite some time. He had very little in the way of money. Paying someone for companionship is a very slippery slope. However, everybody's got to eat.

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And there we have it.........thinking with the wrong head... :) .... well sorry to say it, but he made his own bed on this one, Are people that desperate for "company"....let me guess the gentleman was a lot older than his beau ??...

Only by nearly 50 years! He thinks she is Miss World but I find her very ordinary. To each their own I guess.

I keep my own counsel, it's his life after all. I have not gone beyond telling him that he needs to learn what he needs and ignore what he wants. In my mind he would be better off with a nurse than a 'glamour girl'.

At his age I don't think that his small head does any thinking - or anything else for that matter. :D

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Forgive my ignorance, but what is an SMS?

There is nothing wrong with internet dating sites. It is the modern way for reaching more people than you could using the old methods. If we remember our youthful dating days we had most of our "action" at highschool or university where we were surrounded by hundreds of others of the opposite sex (or same sex if you are that way inclined). In the working field there are only a few places where there are a lot of opportunities, and it's never wise to date someone from the same office. Too many later problems occur when the relationship ends.

Finding a soul mate is always a game of sampling many to find the right one. The OP's story WAS a funny one and it was handled properly. People always put their best features forward at the beginning and it does take a little time to get to know somebody.

Thai women who don't work in bars are hard to meet by farangs who don't speak Thai fluently. The farang might not even know the Thai woman is available, or even likes farangs. The internet dating game is one way to get past that issue. I don't use a dating system because I don't want a serious relationship and I have more than enough "friends" as it is.

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Why would you want to join an internet dating site in Thailand , there is an endless supply of available beautiful ladies around and I don't mean bars and go go's just be polite to them.

Please see IanForbes comment, which explains it exactly. Maybe there is an "endless" supply of ladies in Bangkok, but certainly not where I live. Most of them (non-entertainment girls) speak zero English, have boyfriends, don't like Farangs and are otherwise unapproachable.

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Forgive my ignorance, but what is an SMS?

There is nothing wrong with internet dating sites. It is the modern way for reaching more people than you could using the old methods. If we remember our youthful dating days we had most of our "action" at highschool or university where we were surrounded by hundreds of others of the opposite sex (or same sex if you are that way inclined). In the working field there are only a few places where there are a lot of opportunities, and it's never wise to date someone from the same office. Too many later problems occur when the relationship ends.

Finding a soul mate is always a game of sampling many to find the right one. The OP's story WAS a funny one and it was handled properly. People always put their best features forward at the beginning and it does take a little time to get to know somebody.

Thai women who don't work in bars are hard to meet by farangs who don't speak Thai fluently. The farang might not even know the Thai woman is available, or even likes farangs. The internet dating game is one way to get past that issue. I don't use a dating system because I don't want a serious relationship and I have more than enough "friends" as it is.

SMS means "Simple or Short Message Service", is basically sending text messages by mobile phone. Many people prefer this as a means of communication alternative to email. It has many advantages to ladies, who may have many things "on their plate" at a particular moment.

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Forgive my ignorance, but what is an SMS?

SMS means "Simple or Short Message Service", is basically sending text messages by mobile phone. Many people prefer this as a means of communication alternative to email. It has many advantages to ladies, who may have many things "on their plate" at a particular moment.

Thanks. I use that system all the time with my lady friends. It means they can answer at their convenience if they don't want to answer right away, or have their cel phone turned off to save battery. E-mail is not always available or convenient. If you have a cel-phone it always keeps you connected if there is local coverage.

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"My final answer to was to inquire how stupid she thought I was..."

Well, let's see how stupid...you paid to use a Thai internet dating site, and you agreed to an SMS-based relationship.

Holier than thou are we?

There is nothing wrong with using an internet dating site.

A viable option to the local cattle markets.

SMS is a logical way to start a relationship.

Thank you very much. I think the holy member has never got off his front porch since 1960. I Hope he has heard of computers & cell phones.

SMS a logical way to start a relationship? i think both entries are making fun of you and the person asking you to send the 10000 baht was probably the guy in the picture below.


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