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I shouldn't even be typing this, but it makes me so angry I just feel a need to spread this horror story. Guys like Sanook2me will just assume I'm lying, seems like nobody believes or wants to believe these kinds of occurrences. Too threatening to their way of life perhaps.

My friend is a world champion muay Thai Kickboxer, a falang. He's also a bit of a celebrity since he was on an international television show. He was living and training in Thailand for a few years, seeing the same girl, a Thai girl that worked a normal job. Not the kind of guy that played around or even had the time or money to do so, just a serious fighter trying to make a name for himself which he did. He also suffers from a disease that makes him very susceptible to bacteria in food, he has to be very careful what he eats in Thailand because the slightest bacteria will give him diarhea for a couple of weeks and completely mess him up. Anyway, during the past couple of years he would periodically get very sick for several weeks and just assumed it was his disease, one such times was during the time he had the biggest fight of his life coming up and he actually had to fight while extremely sick, needless to say he lost, and he missed a huge opportunity. Not detracting from his opponent but he was totally in rough shape for that fight.

One day the girlfriend wakes him up and gives him a drink she bought from 7/11. He took a sip but she insisted he drink it all, not thinking anything of it he drank it all. 30 seconds later he was in the toilet, on the verge of passing out throwing up and diarhea. She poisoned him, turns out she had been poisoning him regularly for 2 years because she didnt want him to get too famous and leave her. For whatever reason that morning she decided to kill him and gave him a large dose. She confessed all this. I won't even begin to wonder why, crazy is crazy and trying to guess the rationale of someone like this is too much work. For weeks he was excreting blood, it was coming out of his mouth, his eyes were severely infected, his entire body was in constant pain, he was in serious shape. He finally went back home and it took a year to recover.

What makes me so mad is this guy is a champion, he has great things to accomplish in his field and this crazy lunatic sabotaged him for 2 years before finally trying to kill him all for some distorted sense of what?! The guy never did anything wrong except chase his dream. We arent sure if he will ever get back to his normal ability.

I know all Thai women aren't like this, but keep in mind Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery in the world, why is that? Why is murder and mutilation considered a possible form of expressing your jealousy or fear whether founded or unfounded? Sure all Thai women aren't like this, but enough of them are that I consider all of you men totally and completely nuts for dating or marrying them. Russian roullette.

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It does seem that the nice girls in Thailand are the exception to the rule sadly.I lived in Bali,Indonesia a while back and the girls there from all over,Java,Sumatra,Lombok were just lovely.

I read on another thread somebody with an Indonesian girlfriend asked her if she thought he should give her an allowance,like most Thai girls seem to demand and her reaction was:

"Why should you give me money,I'm not a prostitute!"

I've been here for about 6-7 weeks so far but am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the majority of girls should be avoided like the plague! :)

However,saying that,my local Starbucks next to my workplace they are fantastic,normal,friendly girls but as I mentioned,they seem to be in a (shrinking) minority here in Bangkok!


Strange way of thinking some people have, if you are living with a western girl in UK for instance and you transfer money into her bank to help pay for utility bills, food etc, then that makes them all prostitutes. Must tell my sister she is a whore, sure she will see it your way :)

It does seem that the nice girls in Thailand are the exception to the rule sadly.I lived in Bali,Indonesia a while back and the girls there from all over,Java,Sumatra,Lombok were just lovely.

I read on another thread somebody with an Indonesian girlfriend asked her if she thought he should give her an allowance,like most Thai girls seem to demand and her reaction was:

"Why should you give me money,I'm not a prostitute!"

I've been here for about 6-7 weeks so far but am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the majority of girls should be avoided like the plague! :)

However,saying that,my local Starbucks next to my workplace they are fantastic,normal,friendly girls but as I mentioned,they seem to be in a (shrinking) minority here in Bangkok!

In defence of Thai women those types of girls that work at Starbucks are all over the place and vastly outnumber the stereotypical "bad girl". You just might not know this if you live in a falang area or tourist area. But the things is, the girl who poisoned my friend almost to death worked in a similar job as the Starbucks girls.


Are there no psycho women in your home country?? I know there are in England and thats why I chose to live thailand ....... to get away from the loony toons.....yes there are loony toon girls out here......... but there are some great girls as well......... as previously stated your post was going well until the last 2 sentences!!!


Thai women evil? Ahhh so maybe that explains all those homosexuals walking about? Right.

C'mon. Psychos are found everywhere. Thai women have their share of loonies, but so does everywhere else. This is like me saying that all German men are murderers because some German was accused of murdering a Thai lady in Pattaya, or that kiwi computer programmers are psycho killers because of that other story popping up in TV. Insane behaviour is found in all cultures, religions and physical genotypes. In the words of the Partridge family; C'mon now, get happy.


your mate isnt Soren Mongkontong is it? i met him in bkk once and know he was living and training here and a big loss sounds like his loss in contender asia?

Thai women evil? Ahhh so maybe that explains all those homosexuals walking about? Right.


But seriously, that chick must have been completely insecure and a tad bit looney to do that.

Thai women evil? Ahhh so maybe that explains all those homosexuals walking about? Right.


But seriously, that chick must have been completely insecure and a tad bit looney to do that.

Thing is because they are so replaceable that amplifies any insecurity.. Especially if the guy has money and losing him would put her back into a bad life situation..

I have had a few go totally bunny boiler..


I thought you were thelaughingman because you had met a nice Thai lady..yes..some will go "Postal" if provoked..even my wife went postal on me ONCE..remember the story of the Burmese army and the 10,000 plus Thai women after the Burmese army sacked the old capital ???

I'm not trying to win any friends here, or convince anyone of anything. Just wanted to vent.

So I take it you will be staying away from ALL Thai women from now, or only ones that wear a T-Shirt announcing they are a reincarnation of Lucrezia Borgia ?


Can you supply a link to the reported case of attempted murder against this kickboxing world champion, I cannot find one.

I would imagine it was news somewhere with such a high profile guy being poisoned.



This proves the theory that even macho fighting men have poor judgement picking life partners. He's not the first, nor will he be the last.


It seems like this women must have been extremely mentally unbalanced to do stuff like this; you get crazies in every country... i'm not sure it applies to typically Thai life.

It's like saying Austrian men are bastards, just look at Josef Fritzl...

It's like saying Austrian men are bastards, just look at Josef Fritzl...


I was just about to post something similar using Hitler as an example but, since he was Austrian as well, maybe we are on to something here :)


Again I have searched for the World Kickboxing Champion who was poisoned by his evil Thai Girlfriend, I can't find anything at all.

Can the OP please supply a link to this breaking news story, surely the woman must be in jail, why was it never reported, or did he let her off with no charges?

After all it was only attempted murder.


Two problems, at least. Cute narrative, but ya lost the screenplay plot award thingy here somewhere.

Surely numbnuts would have simply gone to the quack or hospital after a while?!

He suddenly gets Montezuma's Revenge big time and still did nothing?!

As the stomach area is the centre of ones very being, he must have been hobbled 24/7

Compete?! Shoot Mon - its difficult to walk or function even.

But overall - pretty good story - rewrite the end part - bring some flash & gunplay, maybe a couple bank robberies to support the vigorous poor foreign/farang lifestyle - banks robberies are always good, especially with ex Prez masks - reminds me of my bud Seagull - he likes Thailand also.


I got diarrhea big time on Mauritius Isle - we used to breakfast alfresco and the birds would eat & excrete on our plates - I had Imodium and took one every 20 minutes - cleared up in a day - never ate with the birds again. It was viscous too. Apparently very common malady there.

Sure all Thai women aren't like this, but enough of them are that I consider all of you men totally and completely nuts for dating or marrying them. Russian roullette.

Is this you trying to come out?


I'm not sure if this thread is going anywhere, just thinking about the 'penis reattachment' statement of the OP. What would you do if your significant other mutilated you? Obviously rush to hospital....

1) is reattachment covered by health insurance?

2) what are the legal consequences for this behaviour for the woman?

if anyone's bored and reading this, I'd like to hear opinions.....

1) is reattachment covered by health insurance?

I don't know, but I think I'd be willing to pay for it out of my own pocket.


Well I was joking a bit when I said you were all crazy for marrying and dating Thai women. This is Thailand, 95% of the men here are into Thai women or are here specifically for Thai women so I was saying that with a humorous flavor. And when I pointed out that Thailand has the highest rate of penis reattachment surgery I wasn't saying all Thai women are evil or crazy, I was saying there are higher chances to get into a relationship with a "cutter" here, or someone that will kill you if they think you are cheating. It's not the norm, most Thai women don't resort to violence, I know that. But more do here than back home that is for sure. A hel_l of a lot more. If western countries had this amount of violence such as this then why is Thailand the leader for nob fixing? No, they are not even close.

Some of you don't understand, I do avoid Thai women, I'm married to a non Thai. When I was single I had several encounters with nutjobs here, got rid of them as quick as I can, then gave up on Thai women.

I knew someone would call me a liar, or at least a story teller, why would I bother? I don't understand the people that constantly call liar at everyone, I dont lie so I always assume everyone else speaks the truth too, maybe that's naive of me but it is often the reason for my complete disagreement with so many of you on many issues, I simply believe people when they tell me they were victimised by such and such, whereas many of you immediately say they are lying and are at fault. Why wasn't this in the news? I'm pretty sure lots of crazy things happen that don't go into the news, my friend was slightly famous, not enough for the news agencies to give a dam_n. This is a close friend of mine that dissapeared for a year and just contacted me today from back home to tell me what happened since he will be returning soon. I was angry because I am the one that convinced him to come here and follow his dreams 5 years ago, and he was fulfilling his dreams right up until that woman started sabotaging him and then trying to kill him. She cost him about 3 years of his prime where he wasnt able to be the best he could be or was in recovery.

He didnt suddenly get sick, he has been living with his disease all his life so thought it was living in Thailand that was making it act up all the time, only to find out from her that she had been poisoning him.

So, the message was not, "this Thai woman did something bad so all Thai women are bad", I specifically did not say that. Was just venting about what happened to my good friend but it made me think of the obvious fact that there is more violence from women (most likely goes both ways) here than back home otherwise why would Thailand be known as the worlds number one location for sewing on severed members?

It seems like this women must have been extremely mentally unbalanced to do stuff like this; you get crazies in every country... i'm not sure it applies to typically Thai life.

It's like saying Austrian men are bastards, just look at Josef Fritzl...

It's nothing of the sort Dave...

Of course you get crazies in every Country but come on, be fair, the Fritzl/Austrian comparison is wrong & nowhere near comparable..

Of course it all depends what " type " of Thai Women we know, are in our Circles & our Friends Circles etc, but i have various Friends numbering into double figures that i know have been attacked by their so called, at the time in some cases, GF's with Weapons that, in the West, could be construed as attempted Murder..

Here however it just, for some incredible reason, seems to get brushed under the Carpet & they seem to suffer it & get on with it & continue to stay with that same Girl in the majority of these cases..

Mental in my opinion but it's up top them, it's their health, not mine..

It does seem that the nice girls in Thailand are the exception to the rule sadly.I lived in Bali,Indonesia a while back and the girls there from all over,Java,Sumatra,Lombok were just lovely.

I read on another thread somebody with an Indonesian girlfriend asked her if she thought he should give her an allowance,like most Thai girls seem to demand and her reaction was:

"Why should you give me money,I'm not a prostitute!"

I've been here for about 6-7 weeks so far but am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the majority of girls should be avoided like the plague! :)

However,saying that,my local Starbucks next to my workplace they are fantastic,normal,friendly girls but as I mentioned,they seem to be in a (shrinking) minority here in Bangkok!

This incident is a one off - I don't believe it reflects in any way Thai women (plural), but rather a particular Thai womans' response to a situation she wasn't emotionaly mature enough to handle.

Is there any evidence to support a theory that this incident was any more likely to occur in Thailand than say in Cambodia or Vietnam (Buddist cultures), or Iran or Iraq (Islamic cultures), or the USA or Europe (Christian cultures)?

By contrast, here is certainly evidence to support such personality types/profiles and acting out (as this young woman displayed) occuring in all the above socities i.e. I don;t believe its a function of culture - more so of personality and character.

As for suggestions that nice girls in Thailand are the exception - I don't buy that for one minute. That I think is more a reflection of the demographic group within Thai society that one has most interaction and/or experiance of associating with, than it is of Thai females overall.

...... and as the majoirty of ex-pat association (majority - not all), is with Thai girls from or with exposure to "bright lights" industry, I can understand why the perception is so prevalent. However, the demographic group of Thai females who are genuine nice girls and who would not accept/expect support in the context described above, far far outstrip those who would. Nice girls are the norm - un-nice girls just happen to be present in greater numbers within the demographic group - okay, okay ... social group - that ex-pats are likely (or should that be "more likely") to associate with.


Although I'm certainly no angel myself,I have had some experience with unreasonable behaviour

from thai females,that being the weapon of their choice,the knife.I understand the OP's concerns regarding his topic,but obviously this is an extreme case.Unfortunately,this phenomium would be of no surprise in the west.What irritates me (to be polite) and seems to be the norm on TV,is the antagonistic replies,totally ignoring the main topic and focusing on a few sentences in the post.You could post that black is black and white is white on TV,some poster would still dispute it.

This incident is a one off - I don't believe it reflects in any way Thai women (plural), but rather a particular Thai womans' response to a situation she wasn't emotionaly mature enough to handle.

Is there any evidence to support a theory that this incident was any more likely to occur in Thailand than say in Cambodia or Vietnam (Buddist cultures), or Iran or Iraq (Islamic cultures), or the USA or Europe (Christian cultures)?

By contrast, here is certainly evidence to support such personality types/profiles and acting out (as this young woman displayed) occuring in all the above socities i.e. I don;t believe its a function of culture - more so of personality and character.

As for suggestions that nice girls in Thailand are the exception - I don't buy that for one minute. That I think is more a reflection of the demographic group within Thai society that one has most interaction and/or experiance of associating with, than it is of Thai females overall.

...... and as the majoirty of ex-pat association (majority - not all), is with Thai girls from or with exposure to "bright lights" industry, I can understand why the perception is so prevalent. However, the demographic group of Thai females who are genuine nice girls and who would not accept/expect support in the context described above, far far outstrip those who would. Nice girls are the norm - un-nice girls just happen to be present in greater numbers within the demographic group - okay, okay ... social group - that ex-pats are likely (or should that be "more likely") to associate with.

Then how do you explain Thailand being the number one place in the world for penis reattachment surgery?

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