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An extract from The PM's comments attributed to him on the proposed online lottery:

...if we want to proceed, we must clear all doubts surrounding the project,'' Mr Abhisit said. The on-line lottery would eat into the popularity of the illegal lottery and boost the state's income.

However, the prime minister also wanted to be sure that gambling did not become a national obsession, and that measures were in place to tackle possible adverse consequences.'

The thought occurs to me that some of us long term farangs know more about the Thai 'obsessions' than a rich kid who was educated at Eton and Oxford, lists Boris Johnson as one of his close friends and.... supports Newcastle United, because he used to live there.

What think you?


Dont think it matters if he is or isn't. He was "chosen" and will do whatever he is told to do. Its not coincidence that he is a good looking guy, immaculate in dress and style and perfectly spoken. Generally these type ending up being the most popular eg, kennedy, Clinton, Obama

Dont think it matters if he is or isn't. He was "chosen" and will do whatever he is told to do. Its not coincidence that he is a good looking guy, immaculate in dress and style and perfectly spoken. Generally these type ending up being the most popular eg, kennedy, Clinton, Obama

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but if he doesn't know that gambling, especially the lottery, is already a national obsession, then its a bit worrying.

What else doesn't he know?


Absihit is a puppet in the hands of the military, the monarchy and the Chinese Thai business elite. He has achieved nothing whatsoever in the months since he was ejected into holding power, he is a weak leader that can not make decisions on his own. Having a nice face saved him untill now from the severe criticism he should be getting for not having any policies whatsoever and for allowing the stalemate to continue and for not understanding the root-causes of the dissent among the (rural) poor in his country. Absihits unability or unwillingness to try to understand the majority of teh Thai population disqualified him before he began.

He is not the Statesman Thailand needs desperately to prevent this country sliding into mediocracy compared to all its neighbours except Myanmar.

In a few years the Thai national motto will be: 'sauve qui peut'.

I consider it extremely interesting and I feel priviledged to be allowed to see a nation destruct itself (talking about Thailand here, not the USA).

Dont think it matters if he is or isn't. He was "chosen" and will do whatever he is told to do. Its not coincidence that he is a good looking guy, immaculate in dress and style and perfectly spoken. Generally these type ending up being the most popular eg, kennedy, Clinton, Obama

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but if he doesn't know that gambling, especially the lottery, is already a national obsession, then its a bit worrying.

What else doesn't he know?

Of course he knows, don't worry. It's just a comment. I'm sure he knows about the gambling among MP's too.

To me, he seems a man with a vision, intelligent, very hard working, soft-spoken but decisive, not ready to sell the country for his own benefit, not stained by corruption (yet), well mannered but no push-over. Basicly, the young version of Chuan but arguably more handsome.

I hope he gets enough time to prove himself but it would be a miracle if he can keep this government going for much longer. Thailand badly needs some stability.

Of course he knows, don't worry. It's just a comment. I'm sure he knows about the gambling among MP's too.

If he does know, he is being a bit devious.

Not a good sign IMHO.

But I really wonder - has he ever been in a typical Thai village the day the lottery results are announced, and seen almost the whole populace glued to the TV or radio and either squealing with delight or drowning their sorrows, depending on their fortunes. To say nothing of the discussions, arguments and phones calls on the days leading up to the results day when every dream is analysed and the number of a car that nearly killed you is reckoned to be a lucky number. :)

To me, he seems a man with a vision, intelligent, very hard working, soft-spoken but decisive, not ready to sell the country for his own benefit, not stained by corruption (yet), well mannered but no push-over

They used to say similar things about Thaksin :D

Absihit is a puppet in the hands of the military, the monarchy and the Chinese Thai business elite. He has achieved nothing whatsoever in the months since he was ejected into holding power, he is a weak leader that can not make decisions on his own. Having a nice face saved him untill now from the severe criticism he should be getting for not having any policies whatsoever and for allowing the stalemate to continue and for not understanding the root-causes of the dissent among the (rural) poor in his country. Absihits unability or unwillingness to try to understand the majority of teh Thai population disqualified him before he began.

He is not the Statesman Thailand needs desperately to prevent this country sliding into mediocracy compared to all its neighbours except Myanmar.

In a few years the Thai national motto will be: 'sauve qui peut'.

I consider it extremely interesting and I feel priviledged to be allowed to see a nation destruct itself (talking about Thailand here, not the USA).

Beat me to it but you forgot to mention how often they have to change his batteries.

Or is he clockwork ? :)


has this man been elected democratically? = no, he taked power by force against the will of his own people, that would say it all i guess :)

An extract from The PM's comments attributed to him on the proposed online lottery:

...if we want to proceed, we must clear all doubts surrounding the project,'' Mr Abhisit said. The on-line lottery would eat into the popularity of the illegal lottery and boost the state's income.

However, the prime minister also wanted to be sure that gambling did not become a national obsession, and that measures were in place to tackle possible adverse consequences.'

The thought occurs to me that some of us long term farangs know more about the Thai 'obsessions' than a rich kid who was educated at Eton and Oxford, lists Boris Johnson as one of his close friends and.... supports Newcastle United, because he used to live there.

What think you?

I think you are missing the point.

All politicians have to speak at certain times to certain constituents. In this case, it is the relgious and moral zealots who would cause havoc for his government if he said anything else.

Same applies to issues of alcohol, prostitution, gambling, issues of 'thai culture' etc etc. On these types of issues politicians are between a rock and a hard place, cause in general Thai's a massive hypocrites when it comes to these issues. They generally like them to be banned on paper, lest they Thailand (in their eyes) becomes a land of moral decay if these things were ever leaglised. But they are happy to partake in them otherwise. That is why politicans generally talk the talk, but not walk the walk. Nothing to be gained by going against the grain on these issues. Everyone is happy, and feels like they are getting what they want.

People also tend, i think, to overestimate the power of money to get its way when it comes to these issues, and underestimate the power of the representatives of 'all that is right'. The listing of Thai Bev on the SET forever gets cancelled due to pressure from the monks (and remains listed in signapore instead...thats ok for the mad monks) and Thaksin, for all the money he spead around, could never get a casino off the ground here.

That is why (thaksin I think) established the Ministry of Culture. It was a repository for all the big haired, old money moralists and hypocrites to sit and come up with 'plans' to save all things thai and stop the 'moral decay' of Thailand. The bueaty of it all, was the Ministry will never acheive any of its aims, but the people who populate it feel wanted, and get status as civil servants, which is important.

The MoC people feel useful, as they are trotted out every songkran to decry the upsurge in spaghetti strap usage during the holidays, and beg Thai girls to be more modest by dressing in burkhas (sp?)..... Of course it is all ineffectual. But that is only half the battle, there are still the non-MOC moral zealots out there, who easily appeal to the majority of Thai's a majoirty in my view are hypocritical about these issues. So even with the MoC, it is still a non-win situation for any politician...

So the PM is just mouthing words to soothe the souls of those at the MoC and the mad monkhood. Of course he'll do very little about things, other than to make sure the democrats (like TRT before) get their cut of the lottery proceeds.

To me, he seems a man with a vision, intelligent, very hard working, soft-spoken but decisive, not ready to sell the country for his own benefit, not stained by corruption (yet), well mannered but no push-over

They used to say similar things about Thaksin :)

I think you got your answer in post 11.

I accept that people have different views but I think it's clear thaksin was corrupt, worked mostly for his own benefit, has no good manners at all and is certainly not soft-spoken.

I never really understood this. One of the first things you learn about when in Thailand is 'don't raise your voice, don't show anger, always stay cool'.

And then you see these people like samak, chalerm and thaksin among others who just scold and bad-mouth anyone who annoys them, get so angry on live tv their head looks set to explode, use foul and very abusive language and still the general public respects them a lot.

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