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The Swine Flu Now In Pattays


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:) As everybody knows the swine flu started in Mexico and crossed the border into the US. The first two cases of swine flu in thailand were two thai's returning to thailand from the US. In a previous post I was criticized for stating that people traveling from the US has spread the flu to other countries. I was stating the facts and not wanting to bash the US. I understand many farang's living in pattaya are not concerned about the swine flu and more concened about having a driving accident or catching hiv/aids on soi 6. The flu has been mild and there are no deaths from the flu in thailand. I hope the not concerned farang's make an effort to protect themselves. Also, be careful ther are scams advertising drugs/vacines for the swine flu.
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:) As everybody knows the swine flu started in Mexico and crossed the border into the US. The first two cases of swine flu in thailand were two thai's returning to thailand from the US. In a previous post I was criticized for stating that people traveling from the US has spread the flu to other countries. I was stating the facts and not wanting to bash the US. I understand many farang's living in pattaya are not concerned about the swine flu and more concened about having a driving accident or catching hiv/aids on soi 6. The flu has been mild and there are no deaths from the flu in thailand. I hope the not concerned farang's make an effort to protect themselves. Also, be careful ther are scams advertising drugs/vacines for the swine flu.

The Swine Flu, also known as H1N1 Virus, is just another strain of flu. Nothing to be alarmed about, and if you come down with a bad case of flu, just go to the doctor and they have medications that will eradicate it. All this has been blown up out of proportion.


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All this has been blown up out of proportion.

Maybe. Maybe not. It certainly is blown up if you are limit yourself to consider the CURRENT situation only.

Yes, the current bug is mild for most people. However, if as the WHO projects 1/3 of the entire world population catches this first wave of this new strain, it has the potential of mutating and transferring back and forth across human, bird, and pig species potentially creating a much more virulent problem. Research now shows that the 1918 flu infected almost all humans on earth at that time, sooner or later, and that was BEFORE air travel.

Edited by Jingthing
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1000's more people die from the ' ORDINARY FLU " every year than have died from this so called killer. Do a Google search on flu deaths. So why all of a sudden are you all worried about a flu with a number ? I'm curious! Why is H1N1 bad but the one that kills thousands of people every year not bad ? H5N1 never turned out to be a killer ? just because some scientist tells us it MIGHT mutate and wipe out the human race ? Are people turning on mass to be hypochondriacs ?

I find all this a little co incidental! in the biggest financial melt down in history , with big multi national companies going to the wall every day we have the big pharmaceutical companies making BILLIONS :) Doesn't anybody out there remember SARS ? That was going to wipe out most of Asia and after that it was bird flu / chicken flu. Governments and big companies like to keep the population scared! It makes us easier to control and fleece.

As we say back in the UK " Swine flu, I've s#it it! "

I for 1 wont be worrying 1 iota about this latest incarnation!

Edited by H2oDunc
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Researching other medias than the mass media can be interesting.

Here is a clip that I find most interesting:

CBS " 60 MINUTES" documentary on the swine flu epidemics of 1976 in the U.S.

It went on air only once and was never shown again.


Not sure if I am allowed to post it but I will try.

Edited by HarriB
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