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Maxnet 3mbs Indy


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I notice Maxnet 3mbs Indy is 590B. This would on first appearance seem good value for money Vs my current 256kbs Service Premium ADSL account with CSLox which I've had for yrs and has never changed in price or speed?

Both accounts are the most basic services offered by each ISP. Should I switch because on paper it looks a no brainer? Just cannot be bothered with hassle of switching ISPs' and would be annoyed if Maxnet was unreliable. CSlox is reliable but not that fast for the price I pay and I don't really want to pay much more than 1000B. But if prices are so extremely different and there are no catches why not?

I'm in central Bangkok so no phone line problems.

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Including Vat it works out at 631 Baht plus 107 Baht for the phone line.

On a good day it is very good. On a bad day, forget it. For instance last night it was non existent all evening. Tried this morning and it was working fine.

Note that if you look at your bill it will say "to 3m" you will be lucky to get 3 m. Mine never goes over 0.89.


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Mine was great for the first few months then went downhill fast. Around the beginning of April I went from being able to do torrents in the middle of the day at 300KBps to about 20-30 regardless of time, and i was no longer able to use it reliably for skype, voip, etc. I changed to the 2048/1024 Premier package and speeds are better but still just 2/3 of what i had previously on cheaper package. Honestly, nothing they offer works well. I have a Biz package for the office and even that slows to a crawl at times with just a few lite users.

Until Thailand understands why internet begins with inter, it's going to just get worse imho. TIT....

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Appreciate the feedback guys on Maxnet. Guess I'll stick with CSLox for time being. I've been with them several yrs and I find there service and support very good. The line or access speed never drops. I complained to them about the huge difference in rates vs other current providers and they replied with an new offer such as 2mbs for 690B/m Vs the current same price for 256kbs! I guess they have got me back on their side for time being at least.

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we changed to maxnet and friigin wish we hadnt....not fast and down often for no real reason...sometimes a day or two, sometimes a few hours but more often than the previous provider and now im locked in a contract, will change back after for sure and customer service <deleted> as passed around or held on phone for ages just for them to say a technician will ring back which they never do and then you ask for someone to come around and they come in 3 days after ringing everyday wondering where they are and by then its working again and they still use the same old excuse....rain even though it may not have rained for ages when it goes down......end of rant. When i signed up in ofice at carrefour there were people complaining about it going down.....i should have took notice and left there office !!!

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Haha ha haha ...OMG Maxnet ....DON'T DO IT. I'm one of those sad customers on Maxdogexcerementnet ...and basically it is a pile of pooh.

I've been on it for 44 weeks, of which to date it has worked properly for about 9 of those weeks ..leaving 35 weeks on one problem or another. Phone calls+ E-mails to near infinity ...a total waste of time. Fob off answers and ineptitude rules the day.

Just in the last 6 days: Internet down last Saturday night from 9.25pm untill I went to bed at 2.30am. I phoned, they said: No problem ...untill my neighbour also phoned them to say his internet was down too. Since then ...click on a WWW. anything, 1st time 'internet cannot connect' blue page ..try try again sometimes lucky. Wens: Google ...2 minutes to open front page Mmmm. Now (this evening as I write this LOL) No connection whatsoever to ANY U.S. website. Just phoned ...ans: 'yes we know we have a problem'. Waiting with bated breath to see if they can fix this before the w/end is out LOL.

Maxnet: You are just plain excrement. 8 more weeks for me ...I've had it. You crazy kids out there .. don't put yourself through this torture AKA 'the Maxexcrement experience'.

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Sez it all ...happy with that after last week it was 1.8MB down 0.22 up ping 262 MS ??

Lol ..I've had it as low as 140 KPBS down in April and pings over 2000 MS. What a sad ISProvider. P.S. other sites such as Las Vegas and Utah ....Hmmm 'latency error' ..can't even check the speed.

Maxdogexcrement ....stop conning the customers ... bunch of robbing wasters !!!!

Edited by YouYouYou
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LOL ...even better now to San Fran ....err LOL. Make your decisions yourself LOL.


The speedtest doesn't lie ..no I believe this or that ...here it is ..Up TO You You You.

That's horrid, you should log into the modem and check the SNR ratio. I wonder if your phone line is having issues.

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Yep Khongniam ..It Greate !! for Thailand ...the issue is anything else ...err WWW ... the 1st 'W' means 'World' and doesn't stand for Thailand Khongniam.

As to Veaser, SNR figs are always good according to Interface page. No, I don't think it is the phone line per se as speedcheck to Bangkok is consistent (less than 50 miles) figures 95% of time 2.6 MB down 0.38 MB up and ping @45 MS. (and was so when I checked San Fran last night)

I'm not a computer expert but I would be inclined to believe that traffic is being manipulated at BKK going out int. or their infrastructure is inadequate for the amount of users subscribed to it.

To point out again ...one week it's fine and the next bad, then good, then bad. This has certainly been the case for several months now ... there is no consistency with MaxdogexcrementNet.

Yes phone calls, E-mails, engineers and replies ....still the problems persist ...about 7 weeks of contract left ....YEEEAH !

P.S. My Thai wife Khongniam think it greate too (most of time) but she uses Mthai for cartoons and other Thai webs, because she's Thai ...however, I think most Farangs want some webs in English and most of them are inter. Happy Thai's, Sad Farangs.

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San Fran today


2 minutes later to BKK


And just for Khongniam ...Dussledorf ...bit better figs but slower ping


Up to You you you.

Ok BKK again


and I am farang too, I look mostly german pages such as www.express.de, www.bild.de, oder TV Streaming at http://rtlnow.de

and watch this !!!!!


and just for you "youyouyou" Frisco:




don´t tell me this is bad !!!

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I switched to Maxnet Indy 5MB after a 5 day outage on TOT. No problems since. I think quality of service depends a lot on your region. I would add the following though: forget Indy and use Premier (I upgraded after a month). Indy has all kinds of restrictions on it for international connections. Even with Premier, they seem to mess with the settings: I cannot connect to a Subversion archive through Maxnet, and they restrict you to their own DNS I think, which has been a bit dodgy lately. The Maxnet billing department is also a bit random, and customer service is as good (bad) as you might expect. However, any of that is still preferable to outages, which I found common on TOT. If your current provider has good service and speed, you may as well stick with them. Maxnet is not bad, but it is not great.

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Khongniam's figs

and just for you "youyouyou" Frisco:




don´t tell me this is bad !!!

Yep that is 'greate' farang Khongniam (ping 276), but there it is in a nutshell: 'CONSISTENCY' !!!. We are both checking with the same speedtest site on the same ISP provider ... why the big swings from one hour/day/week/month to another?? Therein lies the problem.

Today, as the maxnet engineers were at my house ...San fran 2032 ping DL 130 KBPS UL 20 KBPS ...engineers said 'may dii loey' ...they say they're coming tomorrow to 'change the lines and exchange' ..whatever that implies.

Up to You You You.

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I am using Maxnet Premier package for 1090 baht since about 3 years now (2Mbit), after being totally disappointed with the indy packages.

As with any Internet line in Thailand there has been ups and downs, but I have moved houses 3 times as well and the line has been the same in every house, so I don't think I was "lucky" to have a good line. Many friends call me to see if I can access a certain website to find out if it is the website or their line that is the problem, as everyone knows I am almost always online. So far there has been only 2 (of over 20) people that I have recommended to get Maxnet Premier that did have a bad line, however ANY other line they had/got were even worse which makes me believe they just had physically bad lines (old broken cables).

Overall I can say from my experience that (in Hua Hin) Maxnet Premier is the best line you can get, I do a lot of downloading and it is stable at about 190kB/s 24h a day, also website load fast. The only other line I ever used that performed the same was the 2Mbit CAT line for 2600 Baht per month.

I feel sorry to hear people had bad experiences with Maxnet (Premier), still I wonder why I never read a message saying: "I used Maxnet Premier before, but now I use XYZ and they are so much better". :)

p.s. Maxnet has been having big problems with their DNS servers since a couple of months now, sometimes you have to click reload/refresh many times before the server is found... I suggest using http://www.opendns.com which is a free and VERY FAST dns service, it is easy to setup as well and they have step by step help with screenshots. Even if you do not use Maxnet, you may be surprised how much faster you can access websites.

Edited by jbhh
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