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Yoskarn Clinic Dr Kunachak


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Hello everyone,

I am planning to come to Bangkok from the UK to have surgery with Dr Kunachak. I am having rhino reduction, alar, eyelid revision and eyelash transplantation, does anyone know how skilled he is in these procedures? I have emailed several other surgeons (poomee, pat, preecha) and unfortunately they either will not operate on me or do not do one of the procedures i require and it seems to be that Dr Kunachak is the only one confident enough to operate on me. Has anyone got any experience or views on him? Ive already searched on the forum for past topics and just wanted a little bit more help and reassurance :)



p.s one thing I forgot to mention is that I notice that he uses sources and pictures from other peoples website, this makes me worry or am I looking into it a bit too much?

Edited by carfare
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Hello everyone,

I am planning to come to Bangkok from the UK to have surgery with Dr Kunachak. I am having rhino reduction, alar, eyelid revision and eyelash transplantation, does anyone know how skilled he is in these procedures? I have emailed several other surgeons (poomee, pat, preecha) and unfortunately they either will not operate on me or do not do one of the procedures i require and it seems to be that Dr Kunachak is the only one confident enough to operate on me. Has anyone got any experience or views on him? Ive already searched on the forum for past topics and just wanted a little bit more help and reassurance :)



p.s one thing I forgot to mention is that I notice that he uses sources and pictures from other peoples website, this makes me worry or am I looking into it a bit too much?

If you have any doubts at all do more research until you are completely confident. You're having your face and eyes operated on for God's sake!

To be clear, I have no knowledge of the mentioned doctor, and he may be the world's leading practitioner at these procedures, but this is elective surgery, so take the time to be sure

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Hi there, thanks for the reponse. I am trying to find out as much as I can but there is little to go on. I have also used singaporexpats forum but there are not alot of people who have experience with Dr Kunachak compared to for example as Dr Nara. I thought this would be the best place to ask :)

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I can only speak from my experience with laser snoring treatment a few years ago,

Dr Somyos was very professional in his manners and treatment. The price he quoted over the internet was the same as he charged. I showed up at the time we had agreed via email. He examined me and explained the procedure including the option to have the surgery done under general at a hospital he is associated with. I decided to have the procedure done under local. This was performed in a treatment room upstairs. I was in and out of his surgery in 2 hours.

The cost of treatment included follow up appointments for as long as was required. Unfortunately a week after the initial operation I got a bit over confident and bust the stitches. The Dr lasered the area again and replaced the stitches at no extra cost.

All in all I was pleased with his service. My only small gripe was the lack of strong pain killers after the first procedure. That was quickly rectified once I told him of the problem.

Edited to add:

During my visits the Yoskarn clinic was always full with patients having various treatments done. It seemed popular with Thai airways flight attendants as there always seemed to be at least one there each time I attended.

Edited by Farma
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Thanks for your reply, its really reasurring to hear feedbck from a past patient. Ive also read that alot of thai airways flight attendants, am guessing thats a good thing? I've heard they are good looking?! lol.

I hope to hear from some more peeps.


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Hi Carfare, I'm from the UK as well and been looking into having eyelash tranplantation done at Yoskarn too within the next 3 weeks or so, infact came across ur post when I was trying to look up so more info cos I had the same concerns as u regarding their website using pics and text from Dr. Bauman, the doctor in the US. I only found one other place in Bangkok that does the procedure so am not too sure which of the two places to go with. Am also gonna have rhino reduction (at Tokai), shame they don't do the lash transplants as well :)

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Hi DM1234,

Yeah it does put me off that he uses other articles or sources. I did read from other people not to stress too much on thier websites as it will have probably been put together by thier assistant as such. Maybe they do not have time to think of information fron scratch maybe? Iv heard of Tokai, thier surgeon is Dr Pat right? Few people in singaporexpats have used him, been positive reviews.

I also contacted another doc called damkerng pathomvanich who does eyelash transplantation in bangkok. I emailed him and unfortunately he will not operate on me because he does not do it for cosmetic reasons, only for traumau patients or those who need it more. Are you wanting eyelash transplantion for cosmetic reasons? I am although I have VERY little eyelashes and no matter how much mascara i put on them it makes no difference. Have you already arranged your flight and stuff? May I ask if you are asian or caucasian? I am oriental, planning to have rhino reduction and dorsal hump removal, eyelid revision and hopefully eyelash transplantation.


Edited by carfare
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Yeah, ur probably right about the website, I haven't read any bad reviews about Yoskarn like certain other places so think I will go with them for the lashes. Yes, it's for cosmetic reasons, I've tried lash extensions but I was thinking the amount of money I spend on them in a year and a half or so would be the same as getting these permanent longer lashes and I really don't wana keep having extensions for the rest of my life. I haven't arranged my flight and stuff yet but will defo be within the next 3 weeks. I'm mixed race, half Caucasian. I checked out the singaporeexpats forum and most of the ppl on there seem to want Dr. Nara for their nosejobs, I know most of the surgeons are obviously more specialised in nose augmentation so it was kinda hard finding a doctor who I thought would do a good job of rhino reduction instead. Can I ask do u know if ur gonna have ur nose done under local or general anaesthetic? I'm wanting to have mine done under general but I know that's not so common over there, forgot to ask Dr. Pat how he prefers to do it.

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They said I could have either local or general, i think i would prefer general to be honest. Are you travelling to thailand alone? I will be, it will be scary but I cant noway afford to have surgery in the UK, especially that no-one specialises in oriental features neway. Actually even though yoskarn is on the 'higher end', it will cost me under £4000 to have 3 procedures done which am prepared to pay. I hear dr nara is popular but he doesnt do tiplasty, he is good for augmentation. I think few very docs such as Dr Pat and Dr somyos do tiplasty in thailand. Its strange that it is not common procedure considering I find it to be the most troublesome area for asians especially.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I consulted w/ Dr. Somyos last year for rhinoplasty. He examined my nose closely. His game plan for my nose was L-shaped silicon which scared me. Maybe I've seen too many pictures of silicon protrusion, I don't know. Yes, I was put off by the website also. My regret was that I did not bring enough pictures of good looking noses so the doctor will have an idea of what my goal was. I ended up postponing my planned rhinoplasty for a year.

I'm going to consult w/ two more doctors here in the US. If they recommend rib cartilage, I'll have it done here in US. But if they say I'm OK w/ L-shaped silicon also, then I'll probably go to Yoskarn and have it done there.

If you're having nose hump reduction, you'll probably be OK w/ Dr. Somyos. He's an ENT and university professor too, which is a plus.

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hi doggone,

Thanks for your post! Did you get to look at many pictures of rhino? If so what was his work like? As I do not plan to have any implants am hoping the procedure will probably be easier but il also be having tiplasty and alar. Mmmmm i will have to start looking for pics but am not too sure what celeb nose id like!

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Really? Thats strange. Considering so many people have seen post-op patient pics from other Drs such as Preecha, Poomee etc. Hmmm unless he knew that you were going to do surgery with him for certain he might have shown you pics. I am a bit concerned! I want to see pics....

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
is the surgeon from yoskarn clinic good at all facial work not just noses? cheers

My mother has just completed a number of facial procedures. So far everything has been excellent but more time is needed to see the final results.

I will post further comments in the next few days and weeks.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi i'm new here, I'm from Indonesia.

I really really want to get my nose done, i have a wide nose, and not so tall nose bridge,

my eyes are ok, i'm not chinese but more like a local Indonesian people with wither skin.

I'm looking for a good PS in Thailand.

i want a natural looking nose and a subtle result.

no HIGH bridge, and i don't want to go to narrow & pointy.,

I heard that Dr. Preecha is good, also Dr. Somyos Kunachak..,

Then i emailed them,

and finally, they replied my email

i got replies from both doctors, ( dr. preecha & somyos ),

it's weird cuz they reply the email in the same day ( yesterday ).

been waiting for almost a week.,

both PAI & Yoskarn suggested me to take rhinoplasty and alarplasty.,

i gave them my pictures so they can suggest the best procedure for me

Dr. Somyos replied my email,he said:

"You have a nice proninent forehead contour ,this make your nasal bridge appear relatively low.This traslate into the neccessity of using the implant. Thus the nose jobe involve.

a Tip plasty

b.L shape implant


the price is $3500 usd include 2 night in our facility.

2.Your lower lip reduction is apporpriate ,however the upper may be your option ,since it is not that thick.

The cost for lower lip is $450 each under local anesthesia unless you combinded with nose surgery .We will do your lip surgery under gerneral anesthesia with the price $450 . Ohterwise if you prefer lip surgery under IV sedation the price is $800 usd with 1 night"

As for Dr. Preecha,

He costs me USD800 for Rhinoplasty

and USD 550 for Alarplasty.

why it's much cheaper than Dr. Somyos????

now i'm a bit confuse., cuz i want to safe money too., >.<

Is L-Shaped implant would be fine?

what i'm afraid of implants are:

1. i'm afraid it'll make my nose look too pointy..

2. my nose look unatural

3. hardness of nasal tip

4. n so on..

i'm actually happy with round tip which look more natural.. but more defined would be nice

here i give you my pic:


can anyone suggest what would look good and what's not?

i want a natural look, no fake looking, no HIGH bridge, a bit higher is ok..

anyone have some reference noses pictures that suits me well??

if you don't mind please share with me since i just started my research from now..

I really appreciate if you'd share some before-after photos.

please PM me or email me ( will give you my email by PM )

thanks before =D

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Hi there, thanks for the reponse. I am trying to find out as much as I can but there is little to go on. I have also used singaporexpats forum but there are not alot of people who have experience with Dr Kunachak compared to for example as Dr Nara. I thought this would be the best place to ask :D

Please do not take any offense to this but thats because most people on singaporeexpats are cheap :) they stay with low budge docs like Nara, Tokai pat, or even cheapest Hatyai. I mean come on, they want to go on a bus to Hatyai and get their liposuction done for like $400 jeeeez.

And yes it is actually AGAINST THE LAW to show photos of patients without their concent. IF the doctors have patients consent then its ok which im guessing might be the case with those at Pai yanhee etc.

Edited by jackoneilone
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Yes i have been a customer of the mentioned clinic many years back and i can say that from my personal experience he did a good job, no problem afterwards at all and i am still happy with it, i also noticed he's still in business so he must be doing things the right way, even if his advertising might have a few issues i think what it really counts are the results of his operations, not the way he show what can he do (however that would help him hugely for sure, but maybe he doesn't care much because seems to have customers all the times?), good luck all!

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(however that would help him hugely for sure, but maybe he doesn't care much because seems to have customers all the times?

well as you probably also know he doesnt actually do write any of his emails or correspodence. His assistant, the same one that charges and bills you especially if your a foreigner, does all that. She simply shows him all the info he quickly tells her his opinion and then she replies. Now since its technically illegal to actually show info without patient consent she's probably the one trying to show possible patients an idea and not the good doctor himself.

as I mentioned before it is actually illegal to show patient photos or info.

an indicator of how good he or bad is how busy he is. the guy is really busy. A busy professor and head of a whole division at a prestigious university and hospital and then comes in busy seeing tons of patients at his private clinic and then performing procedures and operating in cases well past midnight. He even has assistant doctors that help him out with surgeries ie him and another doc or two.

I dont recall ever seeing his clinic empty or free. and arguably considering his background and professorial status at university i would say his speciality more than anything else is the nose.

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  • 4 weeks later...
(however that would help him hugely for sure, but maybe he doesn't care much because seems to have customers all the times?

well as you probably also know he doesnt actually do write any of his emails or correspodence. His assistant, the same one that charges and bills you especially if your a foreigner, does all that. She simply shows him all the info he quickly tells her his opinion and then she replies. Now since its technically illegal to actually show info without patient consent she's probably the one trying to show possible patients an idea and not the good doctor himself.

as I mentioned before it is actually illegal to show patient photos or info.

an indicator of how good he or bad is how busy he is. the guy is really busy. A busy professor and head of a whole division at a prestigious university and hospital and then comes in busy seeing tons of patients at his private clinic and then performing procedures and operating in cases well past midnight. He even has assistant doctors that help him out with surgeries ie him and another doc or two.

I dont recall ever seeing his clinic empty or free. and arguably considering his background and professorial status at university i would say his speciality more than anything else is the nose.

I have been a patient of Professor Kunachak and I must say, the result of my rhinosurgery is astonishing. This surgery took place 7 months ago and I'm really content with the nose I have now. I am a professor at a university in Waseda Japan, If anyone have any quesitons concerning Mr. Kunachak, you can ask me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
is the surgeon from yoskarn clinic good at all facial work not just noses? cheers

My mother has just completed a number of facial procedures. So far everything has been excellent but more time is needed to see the final results.

I will post further comments in the next few days and weeks.

I have been a couple of times at Yoskarn clinic for different matters and I ve never been disappointed and in November I had a mid-facelifting with fillers implan around the month


The Pr Kunachak did a good job. the result is simply astonished However, I also could find some photos from his website and had to trust him otherwise I would not done it. I live in Thailand and the Pr Kunachak is well-known for being one of the best plastic surgeon.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Yoskarn has a high standard of service, however if you search through the threads you will also find other Doctors who do great work in Thailand.

Look before you leap. The clinic ambience is great, the staff very hospitable but the doctor is a man in a great hurry. No notes were taken in my pre-operation discussions with him. I asked for, but when Dr Kunachak informed me he doesnt use computer models for discussions with patients to get an idea of the desired result, I demurred - regrettably. Non of what we discussed made it to the operating table. maybe he just had a bad day. Not to scare you, but shop around before you sign away your face...

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(however that would help him hugely for sure, but maybe he doesn't care much because seems to have customers all the times?

well as you probably also know he doesnt actually do write any of his emails or correspodence. His assistant, the same one that charges and bills you especially if your a foreigner, does all that. She simply shows him all the info he quickly tells her his opinion and then she replies. Now since its technically illegal to actually show info without patient consent she's probably the one trying to show possible patients an idea and not the good doctor himself.

as I mentioned before it is actually illegal to show patient photos or info.

an indicator of how good he or bad is how busy he is. the guy is really busy. A busy professor and head of a whole division at a prestigious university and hospital and then comes in busy seeing tons of patients at his private clinic and then performing procedures and operating in cases well past midnight. He even has assistant doctors that help him out with surgeries ie him and another doc or two.

I dont recall ever seeing his clinic empty or free. and arguably considering his background and professorial status at university i would say his speciality more than anything else is the nose.

I have been a patient of Professor Kunachak and I must say, the result of my rhinosurgery is astonishing. This surgery took place 7 months ago and I'm really content with the nose I have now. I am a professor at a university in Waseda Japan, If anyone have any quesitons concerning Mr. Kunachak, you can ask me.

During my pre-operation discussions no notes were taken at all! maybe i shold have taken a tape recorder. none of what we discussed made it to the oprating table. He doesn't even use computer imaging to give an idea of the desired results. He seems too busy. If i had to do it all again i would insist on some computer models. carfare ask around

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  • 3 months later...

I want to add this reply even though it's a long time since the original post, for people looking for reviews of doctors.

I had surgery with Dr. Somyos Kunachak in early 2010. This man knows what he's doing, and he has more advanced experience with techniques and procedures that the other top surgeons in BKK won't even do. I know this because I consulted with quite a few doctor. I am tremendously pleased with my results, and his staff took care of me like I'd never have imagined. I was alone and nervous, and they made me feel sooooo much more comfortable and I really felt like I was in good hands and that they actually cared about me (and I wasn't just a number). A little over a year later, and I'm so happy with my results that I'm coming back to BKK in about 3 months to have another surgery with him.

The other doctor I consulted with was Amorn Poomee and if for some reason Kunachak wasn't available, I'd go with Poomee. They both have outstanding reputations. You can always go to BKK, have a consultation with BOTH doctors, and then take a few days to decide. Generally they can fit your surgery in within a few days of your consult.

I also went to Yanhee for something, and I would never return. It was extremely frightening and my result was very unsatisfactory, almost like unfinished. I have met personally two women who were happy with Yanhee, but I was not.

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