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Rotten Mongrels


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Workers accommodation units perhaps? Maybe built in a block of five, hence the statement 'lucky the fire did not spread'.

'Smoke damage' sounds like a new paint job. Hard to burn concrete though it may well be cracked.

fingerprints and DNA evidence, Would suggest don't put too much hope on that avenue of investigation as they do not have the facilities outside of Bangkok. They will ask a lot of questions around and most likely come up with a culprit though.

Best to keep your head down as your wife suggests.

Sorry for you loss

This act of vandalism is the result of a problem witch have to be solved in the best possible way

+ 66 8649 088 71


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I am a bit pissed of now

Being here for 2 years now, working to make ends meet ( I don't have a pension like most of your guys have) and just finished my first 5 little units whit the help of the

Family and my wife and some Bastard come along and burn one of them down.

So back to square one I guess. Luckily the fire did not spread to all the other units.

Just a bit of smoke damage. And despite about the opinion of the BIB from many

Posters here there were very helpful, they came out as soon I rang them and the

Forensic team followed just after that. They have a lot of prints and DNA and I hope

They will catch the bastard (I have a suspicion) But my hands are tied to say anything.

Not by the BIB but by my wife ( worried about me getting a bullet in the head) from the person who done it.

I guess every body has a story to tell, good or bad this is one of my bad one's

Have a good night all of you

You lost 1 of five units,20% of your income,it's bad but your life is not over or your family's,as you state.It's a setback,anyone who's been in business before has had hundreds of these,you have to pick yourself up and get on with life.

The more times you get knocked down in busines the faster you get up,dust yourself down and get on with it again,that's a fact.

Take your wife's advice,is one unit worth dying for,no it's not.You have 4 more units and there's only smoke damage to the 5th one which can be fixed for not too much money.

It's not a nice story but Fred,it's not the end of the World and a lot of people on here have worse stories to tell,all the best with your building project for the future.

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I am a bit pissed of now

Being here for 2 years now, working to make ends meet ( I don't have a pension like most of your guys have) and just finished my first 5 little units whit the help of the

Family and my wife and some Bastard come along and burn one of them down.

So back to square one I guess. Luckily the fire did not spread to all the other units.

Just a bit of smoke damage. And despite about the opinion of the BIB from many

Posters here there were very helpful, they came out as soon I rang them and the

Forensic team followed just after that. They have a lot of prints and DNA and I hope

They will catch the bastard (I have a suspicion) But my hands are tied to say anything.

Not by the BIB but by my wife ( worried about me getting a bullet in the head) from the person who done it.

I guess every body has a story to tell, good or bad this is one of my bad one's


Have a good night all of you

You lost 1 of five units,20% of your income,it's bad but your life is not over or your family's,as you state.It's a setback,anyone who's been in business before has had hundreds of these,you have to pick yourself up and get on with life.

The more times you get knocked down in busines the faster you get up,dust yourself down and get on with it again,that's a fact.

Take your wife's advice,is one unit worth dying for,no it's not.You have 4 more units and there's only smoke damage to the 5th one which can be fixed for not too much money.

It's not a nice story but Fred,it's not the end of the World and a lot of people on here have worse stories to tell,all the best with your building project for the future.

thanks for your support but let's not forget the guy in the next unit could have died since his motorbike was parked next to the unit a bit more flames he would be dead. But who cares.

I do care!!! It is not just a matter of damage. And I deceided to inform the BIB what I know.

If i get killed never mind, but I like to get the person put in jail for this because it is not just

arson , no it is attemptet murder and I will not stop still he is in jail.

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Not a nice thing to happen Fred I hope you get to the bottom of it and take care .
yes and I know who did it

Do you have some concret evidence or is it just a feeling ?

If so let the police do the job (you have a good friend there)

Anyway don't put ur life at risk, think about the people u love u and care for u.

As we say in my country "revenge is a dish that is eaten cold" so do not act in anger.

You want to react and i will have the same feeling for sure but take ur time to prepare the most effective response to this aggression (which is not necessarily the violence).

Take care

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Not a nice thing to happen Fred I hope you get to the bottom of it and take care .
yes and I know who did it

Do you have some concret evidence or is it just a feeling ?

If so let the police do the job (you have a good friend there)

Anyway don't put ur life at risk, think about the people u love u and care for u.

As we say in my country "revenge is a dish that is eaten cold" so do not act in anger.

You want to react and i will have the same feeling for sure but take ur time to prepare the most effective response to this aggression (which is not necessarily the violence).

Take care

I am not violent at all, the police has all the evidents I guess, but this person is not normal, let's say

he or she has a IQ less then my fridge

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I am a bit pissed of now

Being here for 2 years now, working to make ends meet ( I don’t have a pension like most of your guys have) and just finished my first 5 little units whit the help of the

Family and my wife and some Bastard come along and burn one of them down.

So back to square one I guess. Luckily the fire did not spread to all the other units.

Just a bit of smoke damage. And despite about the opinion of the BIB from many

Posters here there were very helpful, they came out as soon I rang them and the

Forensic team followed just after that. They have a lot of prints and DNA and I hope

They will catch the bastard (I have a suspicion) But my hands are tied to say anything.

Not by the BIB but by my wife ( worried about me getting a bullet in the head) from the person who done it.

I guess every body has a story to tell, good or bad this is one of my bad one’s

Have a good night all of you

Judging by your swearing and general tone in your post, you appear to be an aggressive person with a low degree of temper control.

Perhaps you are antagonistic, this being the reasons for these attacks against you.

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Judging by your swearing and general tone in your post, you appear to be an aggressive person with a low degree of temper control.

Perhaps you are antagonistic, this being the reasons for these attacks against you.

Sassienie, I think you're being a bit harsh. This is always a possibility, but from reading his posts, I don't think Fred is like this. He simply seems outraged that his hard work has been ruined. This is only natural. If you want to bring up the possibility of his being an antagonistic person, I really think it would be better to do so more gently, instead of in such a judgemental way. He is obviously and naturally upset. Look at his post above.....he says that some of the responses really hurt him. Do you want to drive him away from this forum ? He came here for a little understanding and fellowship, as we all do.

I myself swear a lot when things like this happen, but I have a huge amount of temper control.

Fred, sorry to hear about this. I saw your photos, and it would pee me off too. But let the police do all the work......this is what they are there for.

Edited by Latindancer
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Judging by your swearing and general tone in your post, you appear to be an aggressive person with a low degree of temper control.

Perhaps you are antagonistic, this being the reasons for these attacks against you.

:) Weren't you the person that squared up to a Thai recently who was having a domestic with his girlfriend?

I think he has pretty good reason to be a little emotional considering he's just been an Arson victim. I wonder how you would react in a similar position?

Best of luck to you Fred, and I hope that the arsonist is bought to justice.

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Revenge may be an option in your home country but certainly not in Thailand!

Situations here have a habit of turning very nasty, very fast!

Fred, take a deep breath and think before you do anything.

The repair costs may well be a lot less than you first imagine.

Best of luck to you.

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I am personally so GLAD that you have now told the Police about the person you suspect, that is definately the right way to go.

I can fully understand why you are completely p!ssedoff at this situation but please try to vent in a way that won't get you killed or locked up. If you are permitted to, get into trying to clean the appartments up & get back on track. Hopefully the COPS will lock this imbocile up asap.

Good luck & I hope you get a heap of good luck coming your way!

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Ohhh come on guys, you want to introduce some violence into this. Fred wasnt it you that was too afraid to tell the police who the offender might of been, due to the chance you may have been shot? Suddenly now with the help of Nignoy, you suddenly now want to break skulls :) .

Naturally Nignoy, if your silly enuf to use a shotgun & baseball bat to end a property dispute in Australia (which I seriously doubt you did :D ) & risk being jailed yourself (kind of sounds like you conducted some kind of home invasion & ransom robbery). Get real, thats bad advice.

Well sorry you think I am lying but if you care to check sunshine coast localpapers ,the Incident at our home caused quite a stir and contrary to your opinion , I did not break any laws ,As a 85%disabled penioner I was defending my self and my property against a group of typical Australian Dole bludgers who thought they could threaten me and wreck my house, and to be honest with you, I would do it AGAIN!!

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The op is understandably upset & has been asked to tone down on his agression. There is no need to flame or insult him & any more posts doing so will be removed & warnings given.
Boo I am not agressive at all I just posted my bad luck I did not insult anybody, if I did let me know, what I am trying to say I just lost every thing I have worked for and now I have to start again

Sorry to hear that Fred but remember this-your units are material things and although I appreciate your frustrations at some lowlife **** taking it away from you, perspective must prevail-Don't be a hero Fred! I think the kind of people that would do this to you believe they are entitled, and if you respond (which I believe you must) they will percieve that as you crossing the line, now the fight is raised to a new level!!!! :)

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