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Every Thai Man, Woman, And Child Will Pay

sriracha john

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According to the evening news tonight, every man, woman, and child in Thailand will pay 300 baht worth of taxes to finance the additional 12,000 soldiers being sent to the Deep South. These 12,000 are being added to the 25,000 soldiers ALREADY there bringing the force total to an astounding 37,000 troops....or... one soldier for every 120 citizens living there.

Despite all this Army presence and despite martial law, there were three bombs exploded today just hours before PM Thaksin's arrival in the area. Additionally, death threats have been issued against him. His travel schedule is being kept a close secret and his entourage of security is the biggest it's ever been.

In a related development, the American state department issued a report saying that JI (the Islamic extremist group and Al Qedah-linked organization) has been supporting these Southern rebels financially. Thaksin's on-camera response to this was to say that the reports are based on "fanciful imagination".

There are also reports that some of the tsunami cash donations have found their way into the pockets of the Southern rebels.

But hey, no need to worry about any of this, right?

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According to the evening news tonight, every man, woman, and child in Thailand will pay 300 baht worth of taxes to finance the additional 12,000 soldiers being sent to the Deep South. These 12,000 are being added to the 25,000 soldiers ALREADY there bringing the force total to an astounding 37,000 troops....or... one soldier for every 120 citizens living there.

Despite all this Army presence and despite martial law, there were three bombs exploded today just hours before PM Thaksin's arrival in the area. Additionally, death threats have been issued against him. His travel schedule is being kept a close secret and his entourage of security is the biggest it's ever been.

In a related development, the American state department issued a report saying that JI (the Islamic extremist group and Al Qedah-linked organization) has been supporting these Southern rebels financially. Thaksin's on-camera response to this was to say that the reports are based on "fanciful imagination". 

There are also reports that some of the tsunami cash donations have found their way into the pockets of the Southern rebels.

But hey, no need to worry about any of this, right?

I don't expect the Thai gov't will go door-to-door asking for 300 baht. This is merely a way to quantify what it is costing the gov't, and ultimately the taxpayers.

As for the US State Department statement, are you sure this applies to the Southern Thailand, or to the Southern Philippines? If it was the latter, I would tend to believe the statement without a doubt. The JI have strong influence there, and JI has been linked to Al-Qaeda.

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Another thing.... How many people live in Thailand?? If there were say, 40 million people, at 300 baht each, that an astounding amount of money to be collected (via taxes). That's 12,000,000,000 baht. :o

The new troops being reassigned to S. Thailand must have deep pockets.

I don't know what others think, but the 300 baht/person doesn't seem realistic.

Let's see... 12,000 soldiers at 12,000,000,000 baht cost. That is 1 million baht per soldier. Assuming these soldiers will remain getting the same pay they are already drawing from their "comfy" bases throughout Thailand, what is the purpose of the additional monies?

Edited by Gumballl
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but i thought Muslims were peaceful people?  not-----

  80%of war on this planet is caused by Muslim beliefs, 

Mohammad  married a child, how can anyone follow some supposed prophet who was a kiddyfiddler?

but i thought americans were a peaceful people?not------

the last few wars were all-american!

and 75% of the worlds serial killers are american.

and there are more murders in los angeles in a month than in a whole year in the uk.

murder rate in the United States was more than twice that of Northern Ireland, which is torn by civil war; four times that of Italy; nine times England's and 11 times Japan's.

The rape rate in the United States was eight times higher than in France, 15 times higher than in England, 23 times higher than in Italy and 26 times higher than in Japan, according to the report.

Robbery rates followed much the same pattern: six times higher than in England, seven times higher than in Italy--and nearly 150 times higher than in Japan.

U.S. homicide rate is 21.9 per 100,000. Compare that to 1.4 per 100,000 in France, or 1.2 per 100,000 in England, or 0.5 per 100,000 in Japan. Homicide rates among young adults in the United States are twenty-nine times as high as in Japan and thirty-six times as high as in Great Britain. The risk of being robbed is 208 times greater in the U.S. than in Japan.

the average man in American society has an eighty-nine percent probability of being a victim of an attempted crime of violence and the average woman has a seventy-three percent probability.

eighteen percent of women in the United States have been raped or the victim of attempted rape at some point during their lives. That amounts to 17.7 million American women.Sixteen percent were under 12-years-old.

and michael jackson and american priests are all kiddyfiddlers!

Edited by gobkk
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Another thing.... How many people live in Thailand??  If there were say, 40 million people, at 300 baht each, that an astounding amount of money to be collected (via taxes).  That's 12,000,000,000 baht.  :o

The new troops being reassigned to S. Thailand must have deep pockets.

I don't know what others think, but the 300 baht/person doesn't seem realistic.

Let's see... 12,000 soldiers at 12,000,000,000 baht cost.  That is 1 million baht per soldier.  Assuming these soldiers will remain getting the same pay they are already drawing from their "comfy" bases throughout Thailand, what is the purpose of the additional monies?

I think Thailands population is closer to 65mil. That would mean a total of 19500000000 Baht or 1,625000 Baht for each soldier.

Where did this info come from again. :D

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but i thought Muslims were peaceful people?  not-----

  80%of war on this planet is caused by Muslim beliefs, 

Mohammad  married a child, how can anyone follow some supposed prophet who was a kiddyfiddler?

but i thought americans were a peaceful people?not------

the last few wars were all-american!

and 75% of the worlds serial killers are american.

and there are more murders in los angeles in a month than in a whole year in the uk.

murder rate in the United States was more than twice that of Northern Ireland, which is torn by civil war; four times that of Italy; nine times England's and 11 times Japan's.

The rape rate in the United States was eight times higher than in France, 15 times higher than in England, 23 times higher than in Italy and 26 times higher than in Japan, according to the report.

Robbery rates followed much the same pattern: six times higher than in England, seven times higher than in Italy--and nearly 150 times higher than in Japan.

U.S. homicide rate is 21.9 per 100,000. Compare that to 1.4 per 100,000 in France, or 1.2 per 100,000 in England, or 0.5 per 100,000 in Japan. Homicide rates among young adults in the United States are twenty-nine times as high as in Japan and thirty-six times as high as in Great Britain. The risk of being robbed is 208 times greater in the U.S. than in Japan.

the average man in American society has an eighty-nine percent probability of being a victim of an attempted crime of violence and the average woman has a seventy-three percent probability.

eighteen percent of women in the United States have been raped or the victim of attempted rape at some point during their lives. That amounts to 17.7 million American women.Sixteen percent were under 12-years-old.

and michael jackson and american priests are all kiddyfiddlers!

So Muslim Violence in the world was influenced by what goes on in the USA?? Funny how Muslim's are in many different countries fighting for the palestinians :D

Are you American?? Funny how The US runs to help other countries but I didn't see any country coming to the aid of america when we have natural disasters. Maybe you should not believe what you Read!! I was born in Thailand and immigrated to the United States when I was young and grew up here, I have live here for a better part of my life and never had any violence toward me or anyone I know.

You make it sound that I have to fear for my life every time I walk out my front door. If your not american you should spend some time here and then make up your own mind and stop reading statistics. :o

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So Muslim Violence in the world was influenced by what goes on in the USA?? Funny how Muslim's are in many different countries fighting for the palestinians :D

Are you American?? Funny how The US runs to help other countries but I didn't see any country coming to the aid of america when we have natural disasters. Maybe you should not believe what you Read!! I was born in Thailand and immigrated to the United States when I was young and grew up here, I have live here for a better part of my life and never had any violence toward me or anyone I know.

You make it sound that I have to fear for my life every time I walk out my front door. If your not american you should spend some time here and then make up your own mind and stop reading statistics. :o

born,bred,and still living in america.

and its not just hard numbers.

turn on your tv and between jerry springer and stupid reality tv just watch your local newscasts.murder,rape,shootings,murder,molestings,rape.

but you must live in iowa or north dakota.

everyone i know including family members have been mugged or burglarized or assaulted here in manhattan.

try walking down the streets at night in nyc or la or detroit or chicago or miami or any-non fargo or non-des moines city.

good luck!

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So Muslim Violence in the world was influenced by what goes on in the USA?? Funny how Muslim's are in many different countries fighting for the palestinians :D

Are you American?? Funny how The US runs to help other countries but I didn't see any country coming to the aid of america when we have natural disasters. Maybe you should not believe what you Read!! I was born in Thailand and immigrated to the United States when I was young and grew up here, I have live here for a better part of my life and never had any violence toward me or anyone I know.

You make it sound that I have to fear for my life every time I walk out my front door. If your not american you should spend some time here and then make up your own mind and stop reading statistics. :D

born,bred,and still living in america.

and its not just hard numbers.

turn on your tv and between jerry springer and stupid reality tv just watch your local newscasts.murder,rape,shootings,murder,molestings,rape.

but you must live in iowa or north dakota.

everyone i know including family members have been mugged or burglarized or assaulted here in manhattan.

try walking down the streets at night in nyc or la or detroit or chicago or miami or any-non fargo or non-des moines city.

good luck!

I live in Florida and use to live in NYC and you believe news programs?? when they show statistics?? I 'm sorry about your family members but NYC was not that bad when I lived there and I didn't feel a threat at all and I lived there during the 70's 80's and 90's I have been to miami also and i never felt a threat there either maybe you shouldn't be so paranoid and even if I lived in iowa or north dakota those places don't have crime?? :o

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Another thing.... How many people live in Thailand??  If there were say, 40 million people, at 300 baht each, that an astounding amount of money to be collected (via taxes).  That's 12,000,000,000 baht.  :o

The new troops being reassigned to S. Thailand must have deep pockets.

I don't know what others think, but the 300 baht/person doesn't seem realistic.

Let's see... 12,000 soldiers at 12,000,000,000 baht cost.  That is 1 million baht per soldier.  Assuming these soldiers will remain getting the same pay they are already drawing from their "comfy" bases throughout Thailand, what is the purpose of the additional monies?

How do you think all the generals got to be driving merc's, living fancy houses, supporting mia nois ... on a general salary?

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murder rate in the United States was more than twice that of Northern Ireland, which is torn by civil war; four times that of Italy; nine times England's and 11 times Japan's.

U.S. homicide rate is 21.9 per 100,000. Compare that to 1.4 per 100,000 in France, or 1.2 per 100,000 in England, or 0.5 per 100,000 in Japan.

I'm not trying to get in the way of your "conversation" and I'm no statitician but I don't think these two lots of figures add up.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm usually right 90% of the time. Wrong 50% of the time but 40% of the time is not my fault

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born,bred,and still living in america.

and its not just hard numbers.

turn on your tv and between jerry springer and stupid reality tv just watch your local newscasts.murder,rape,shootings,murder,molestings,rape.

but you must live in iowa or north dakota.

everyone i know including family members have been mugged or burglarized or assaulted here in manhattan.

try walking down the streets at night in nyc or la or detroit or chicago or miami or any-non fargo or non-des moines city.

good luck!

what a load of crap. By the sounds of these ramblings I would say you never been to manhattan. Sure there are un-safe places in NY, Chicago or Mami, but it is nothing like you portray it. I think you whatch to much NYPD blues.

lay off the juice!


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but i thought Muslims were peaceful people?  not-----

  80%of war on this planet is caused by Muslim beliefs, 

Mohammad  married a child, how can anyone follow some supposed prophet who was a kiddyfiddler?

but i thought americans were a peaceful people?not------

the last few wars were all-american!

and 75% of the worlds serial killers are american.

and there are more murders in los angeles in a month than in a whole year in the uk.

murder rate in the United States was more than twice that of Northern Ireland, which is torn by civil war; four times that of Italy; nine times England's and 11 times Japan's.

The rape rate in the United States was eight times higher than in France, 15 times higher than in England, 23 times higher than in Italy and 26 times higher than in Japan, according to the report.

Robbery rates followed much the same pattern: six times higher than in England, seven times higher than in Italy--and nearly 150 times higher than in Japan.

U.S. homicide rate is 21.9 per 100,000. Compare that to 1.4 per 100,000 in France, or 1.2 per 100,000 in England, or 0.5 per 100,000 in Japan. Homicide rates among young adults in the United States are twenty-nine times as high as in Japan and thirty-six times as high as in Great Britain. The risk of being robbed is 208 times greater in the U.S. than in Japan.

the average man in American society has an eighty-nine percent probability of being a victim of an attempted crime of violence and the average woman has a seventy-three percent probability.

eighteen percent of women in the United States have been raped or the victim of attempted rape at some point during their lives. That amounts to 17.7 million American women.Sixteen percent were under 12-years-old.

and michael jackson and american priests are all kiddyfiddlers!

Where are your sources for these figures?

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18% of American women raped or attempted rape - I just don't believe that, unless they all say they have been to get attention or sympathy.

But i have read many times that the usa has 2 million prisoners - which is more than Iran or China. There are 8 million prisoners world wide. USA also has the most state executions in the world, ahead of China and Iran. Obviously a pretty violent place. Even though many people can say that they personally have not had problems, that can hardly be taken as a National trend.

I also estimate the Iraq war at 200 billion, divided amongst almost 300 mil population amounts to 6-7 hundred dollars per person. But then, most of it comes from protectionist import duties on European steel.

Edited by pandit35
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born,bred,and still living in america.

and its not just hard numbers.

turn on your tv and between jerry springer and stupid reality tv just watch your local newscasts.murder,rape,shootings,murder,molestings,rape.

but you must live in iowa or north dakota.

everyone i know including family members have been mugged or burglarized or assaulted here in manhattan.

try walking down the streets at night in nyc or la or detroit or chicago or miami or any-non fargo or non-des moines city.

good luck!

what a load of crap. By the sounds of these ramblings I would say you never been to manhattan. Sure there are un-safe places in NY, Chicago or Mami, but it is nothing like you portray it. I think you whatch to much NYPD blues.

lay off the juice!


gee...a street saavy cheesehead hick from menasha wisconsin?


fuhgeddaboutit and bahfongoo!!!



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but i thought Muslims were peaceful people?  not-----

  80%of war on this planet is caused by Muslim beliefs, 

Mohammad  married a child, how can anyone follow some supposed prophet who was a kiddyfiddler?

but i thought americans were a peaceful people?not------

the last few wars were all-american!

and 75% of the worlds serial killers are american.

and there are more murders in los angeles in a month than in a whole year in the uk.

murder rate in the United States was more than twice that of Northern Ireland, which is torn by civil war; four times that of Italy; nine times England's and 11 times Japan's.

The rape rate in the United States was eight times higher than in France, 15 times higher than in England, 23 times higher than in Italy and 26 times higher than in Japan, according to the report.

Robbery rates followed much the same pattern: six times higher than in England, seven times higher than in Italy--and nearly 150 times higher than in Japan.

U.S. homicide rate is 21.9 per 100,000. Compare that to 1.4 per 100,000 in France, or 1.2 per 100,000 in England, or 0.5 per 100,000 in Japan. Homicide rates among young adults in the United States are twenty-nine times as high as in Japan and thirty-six times as high as in Great Britain. The risk of being robbed is 208 times greater in the U.S. than in Japan.

the average man in American society has an eighty-nine percent probability of being a victim of an attempted crime of violence and the average woman has a seventy-three percent probability.

eighteen percent of women in the United States have been raped or the victim of attempted rape at some point during their lives. That amounts to 17.7 million American women.Sixteen percent were under 12-years-old.

and michael jackson and american priests are all kiddyfiddlers!

Where are your sources for these figures?

Violence is the American Way


U.S. is No. 1--in Murder, Rape, Robbery

No other nation comes close, congressional report shows


Desperate People Do Desperate Things

A People Terrorized by Crime


The US produces more serial killers than any other country. Up to 85% of the world's serial killers are in America.


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I don't expect the Thai gov't will go door-to-door asking for 300 baht.  This is merely a way to quantify what it is costing the gov't, and ultimately the taxpayers.

Yes, OF COURSE, it is for graphic purposes... but you have to admit, it's very dramatic as it represents that amount of resources Thaksin has dedicated.

As for the US State Department statement, are you sure this applies to the Southern Thailand, or to the Southern Philippines?  If it was the latter, I would tend to believe the statement without a doubt.  The JI have strong influence there, and JI has been linked to Al-Qaeda.

Yes, OF COURSE, it is Southern Thailand.

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Another thing.... How many people live in Thailand??  If there were say, 40 million people, at 300 baht each, that an astounding amount of money to be collected (via taxes).  That's 12,000,000,000 baht.  :o

Actually, it's 18 BILLION baht as there are 60 million Thais, more or less.

The new troops being reassigned to S. Thailand must have deep pockets.

The troops are paying for it themselves, the Thai taxpayers are.

I don't know what others think, but the 300 baht/person doesn't seem realistic.

Let's see... 12,000 soldiers at 12,000,000,000 baht cost.  That is 1 million baht per soldier.  Assuming these soldiers will remain getting the same pay they are already drawing from their "comfy" bases throughout Thailand, what is the purpose of the additional monies?

We're talking about an entire DIVISION of soldiers.... that doesn't come cheap. There is military hardward, equipment, supplies, buildings, etc. etc. etc.

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Another thing.... How many people live in Thailand??  If there were say, 40 million people, at 300 baht each, that an astounding amount of money to be collected (via taxes).  That's 12,000,000,000 baht.   :o

The new troops being reassigned to S. Thailand must have deep pockets.

I don't know what others think, but the 300 baht/person doesn't seem realistic.

Let's see... 12,000 soldiers at 12,000,000,000 baht cost.  That is 1 million baht per soldier.  Assuming these soldiers will remain getting the same pay they are already drawing from their "comfy" bases throughout Thailand, what is the purpose of the additional monies?

I think Thailands population is closer to 65mil. That would mean a total of 19500000000 Baht or 1,625000 Baht for each soldier.

welcome to the wonderful world of defense spending...it's VERY expensive to man and equip an army... the amount is right on track when you consider the American defense is spending TRILLIONS of baht.

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I was born in Thailand and immigrated to the United States  when  I was young and grew up here,  I have live here for a better part  of my life and never  had any violence toward me or anyone I know.

granted it's off topic, but I would say you've led a very charmed life in the USA, as it's certainly not typical to have never known violence there or to have never known anyone else that has been a victim. You must possess some very powerful amulets.

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just watch your local newscasts.murder,rape,shootings,murder,molestings,rape.

but you must live in iowa or north dakota.

try walking down the streets at night in nyc or la or detroit or chicago or miami or any-non fargo or non-des moines city.

Iowa and North Dakota are NO exception:

DES MOINES, Iowa -- A Des Moines County medical examiner took the stand Friday in the case of a teenager charged with killing a classmate over a paintball gun.


The man charged with kidnapping University of North Dakota student Dru Sjodin could face a federal murder charge after the woman's body was apparently discovered in a ravine near his hometown after she had been raped then murdered.


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So Muslim Violence in the world was influenced by what goes on in the USA?? Funny how Muslim's are in many different countries fighting for the palestinians :D

Are you American?? Funny how The US runs to help other countries but I didn't see any country coming to the aid of america when we have natural disasters. Maybe you should not believe what you Read!! I was born in Thailand and immigrated to the United States when I was young and grew up here, I have live here for a better part of my life and never had any violence toward me or anyone I know.

You make it sound that I have to fear for my life every time I walk out my front door. If your not american you should spend some time here and then make up your own mind and stop reading statistics. :o

born,bred,and still living in america.

and its not just hard numbers.

turn on your tv and between jerry springer and stupid reality tv just watch your local newscasts.murder,rape,shootings,murder,molestings,rape.

but you must live in iowa or north dakota.

everyone i know including family members have been mugged or burglarized or assaulted here in manhattan.

try walking down the streets at night in nyc or la or detroit or chicago or miami or any-non fargo or non-des moines city.

good luck!


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So Muslim Violence in the world was influenced by what goes on in the USA?? Funny how Muslim's are in many different countries fighting for the palestinians :D

Are you American?? Funny how The US runs to help other countries but I didn't see any country coming to the aid of america when we have natural disasters. Maybe you should not believe what you Read!! I was born in Thailand and immigrated to the United States when I was young and grew up here, I have live here for a better part of my life and never had any violence toward me or anyone I know.

You make it sound that I have to fear for my life every time I walk out my front door. If your not american you should spend some time here and then make up your own mind and stop reading statistics. :D

born,bred,and still living in america.

and its not just hard numbers.

turn on your tv and between jerry springer and stupid reality tv just watch your local newscasts.murder,rape,shootings,murder,molestings,rape.

but you must live in iowa or north dakota.

everyone i know including family members have been mugged or burglarized or assaulted here in manhattan.

try walking down the streets at night in nyc or la or detroit or chicago or miami or any-non fargo or non-des moines city.

good luck!


He tried to , but got mugged on the way to LAX.


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