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"diet" Whole Grain Pancakes (no Sugar)

Ulysses G.

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Oh bananas, I'd forgotten about using those in pancakes. The little Thai bananas are really sweet.

Gatorhead, you are going to pack on the pounds if you use that recipe to make pancakes.

The "complete" mixes are much higher in fat and lower in fiber than the "incomplete" mixes where you have to add your own egg and milk. That way you can use non-fat milk and eggs without the yolks to cut the calories instead of just going with whatever they put in the "complete" mix. Thai bananas seem sweeter than the ones we got in the States, so I'd just put a couple teaspoons of a Splenda/cinnamon mix on the sliced bananas and let them sit for a few minutes prior to adding to the batter. No need to add sugar to a mix. And why the pecans? That's another unnecessary source of calories. You could easily adjust this recipe to make it much healthier.

Getgoin's right. You gain weight when you consume more calories than you burn. Carbs are very much a part of a healthy diet. For me, I need lots of fiber to feel full. The whole grain pancakes kept me from getting hungry all morning.

I'm off to research pancake recipes on-line and make a trip to Rim Ping Supermarket. And to think that Canadian guy wondered how we fill our time here as retirees! This little project should keep me busy all day.

your 1950's thinking about food groups is very cute!

o.k. eat a siver dollars size pancake for breakfast if you must have a carb fix..

bananas you eat to put on the pounds.they are weight gainers too, just ask aunt jamima!

the Pillsberry dough boy on the television comes to mind..

Let's see,

Banana 1 medium 80 cal. 20 gr. carbs

Apple 1 medium 90 cal. 23 gr. carbs

Durian 125 grams 165 cal. 28 gr. carbs

Grapes 130 grams 100 cal. 24 gr. carbs

Mango 1/2 medium 70 cal. 11 gr. carbs

Pineapple 125 grams 75 cal. 19 gr. carbs

Tangerine 1 medium 50 cal. 12 gr. carbs

Lychees 4 fruit 25 cal. 6 gr. carbs

The list goes on with the citrus and some of the Thai white fleshed fruits having the lessor calories and not as many carbs. Seems that it might be alright to have a banana. Just don't eat 10.

It is food portion size and total calories that count, whether from carbs, or protein.

must go by a real measurement system ! see cups below.

look at raisins!! way off limits for the non pillsberry people.. there are diets that manipulate your body chemistry that help loose weight much faster .

Food Item:Bananas, raw

Food Quantity: 1 cup bananas

Carbs: 34.3g

Dietary Fiber: 3.9g

Net Carbs: 30.4g

Food Item:Oranges, raw

Food Quantity: 1 cup

Carbs: 21g

Dietary Fiber: 4.3g

Net Carbs: 16.7g

Food Item:Papayas, raw

Food Quantity: 1 cup

Carbs: 13.7g

Dietary Fiber: 2.5g

Net Carbs: 11.2g

Food Item:Watermelon, raw

Food Quantity: 1 cup

Carbs: 11.5g

Dietary Fiber: 0.6g

Net Carbs: 10.9g

Food Item:Raisins, seedless

Food Quantity: 1 cup

Carbs: 115g

Dietary Fiber: 5.4g

Net Carbs: 109.6g

fruit --good! but to maintain healthy weight some fruit very good with many veggies but fruit must be viewed as a dessert type food

steamed veggies much better to fight off when the Pillsberry dough boy is looking back at you when you peek in the mirror !!

Edited by gatorhead333
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