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Bud field report!


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This most recent email, kind of has me puzzled. She does not address any of the questions I posed, like maybe sleeping together too so is not the way, perhaps your just going to Con my out of everything, she is stead fast on picking me up whenever and heading out to the hotel with me?? Anyone who can help me on this subject.

The most recent email ..


{She says} Please tell me about your trip when you finished your work in Saigon. {Bud replies} I will be arriving before my scheduled surgery on Wednesday, so maybe Tuesday or later Monday night .. I have no set time yet, but it may be at a time of day when Aey is working, I know she is a chef at some big four star hotel, but once in Saigon I must check flights, and see how much I can get done .. but like I said I must make my arrival in Bangkok before my surgery date, I will keep you informed ..{She states} Axxxx and Aey will pick you up at the airport. Aey will drop us off at hotel (free cost) and give flower for you.{Bud replies} because of Aey's work schedule and availability it may be necessary I can use the air port shuttle, no problem, but I can always call you from the hotel once settled in and rested..

I look forward too when we meet, your certainly a very concerned special friend,


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Maybe looking from her point of view shes just scared that if she doesn't meet you at the airport then some other lady will get her claws into you before she meets up with you.

These girls can be very jealous when it comes to either a guy or a potential goldmine, understandably really there is just

a lot of choice in thailand.

Hmmm, yes thinking there always does seem to be many ladies available to every man, i wonder what the actual boyfriends per thai girl ratio is nowdays  ???

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Whatever has happened to our Bud ?   Did the chickies kidnap the boy, and maybe they are using his body for their pleasure or they might have stolen his laptop, he's never gone this long without double or triple postings before. On the other hand, the heavies in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam wooed our Bud with enticing offers that he couldn't resist     :o
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Seriously though I bet he has posted undercover everyday

Haha - perhaps he is the chap currently attempting to insult our intelligence on a nearby thread, posting under the name of "WHOPPING BIG TROUSER PYTHON LEE JACKSON" or some other useless crap guise.

No, Sir Chon, I'd be fairly sure that if Bud were to re-appear we would pick it in a second - he may change the aviator-style dark glasses, but he will still double & triple-post all over the board and amuse us with his ever-amazing self promotion.

Even I am starting to worry about poor ol' Bud.... :o

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Interesting posting of the Life and Times of BUD....

Let's hope he has not been caught up in a Thai Love Whirlwind....whirlwinds like this can be very devastating and I'm speaking from my very own experiences...

Bud, if you are reading this...I have one piece of advice for you about Thai pu yin...never judge a lady for long-term companionship based on a few weeks understanding of her in Thailand...they can be the nicest people on earth, until they start eating away at you, one small piece at a time, like the dreaded cancer plague...

Rawaang and choke dee...my friend...

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Bud was saving up a long time for this trip....and I ain't talking about money.

You people who now regard regular sex as the norm, should try and remember what it was like many years ago to have lovers balls.

The co-pilot on Bud's plane had to continuously re-adjust the balance of the aircraft, to compensate for the additional weight that Bud was carrying around in his trousers.

You need to feel sorry for that unfortunate first girl that Bud lined as the means for him to release his pent up sexual frustrations.

Not only does Bud need time to recover from his first night of bedroom olympics and subsequent physical explosion of pure animal debauchery, but he also needs to time to clean up the walls and ceilings of his hotel room.

I know you all eagerly await a blow by blow description of his adventures, but give the poor guy time to recover enough energy to allow him to type his report.

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Not only does Bud need time to recover from his first night of bedroom olympics and subsequent physical explosion of pure animal debauchery, but he also needs to time to clean up the walls and ceilings of his hotel room.

I know you all eagerly await a blow by blow description of his adventures, but give the poor guy time to recover enough energy to allow him to type his report.

Yeah, but 2+ weeks?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't remember our Bud as being a guy short of energy, esp. when it came to double/triple posting and butting into other's threads, so there's got to be a better explanation for his disappearance than post-coital exhaustion.

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The Vietnamese Government might have discovered that Captain Bud was that pesky VD warden who closed down places wherein G.I's got doses. They evened up by banging Bud into the can as a pay back.

If they did "bang Bud into the can", perhaps all those other sex starved inmates would now be "banging Bud."

                    *Ouch !!!*

I hope Bud knows how to type his report standing up.

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