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Bud field report!


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Actually I was hoping you all would go onto this free email sight and report back to me ... she is on a different one ...


But first I would read my latest reply post on email proposals and learn how it works.

Note all comments by Big John in his reply. He knows what is going on. I just received another from soul mate last night, but with this return email I included a modified copy of what Big John said... so maybe she feels napped .. she had offered the Guide Tour, she is obviously planning an airport pick up and planning to stay with me .. she has managed to keep from emailing anyone but her .. is she honest or a real pro?


PS: If my lap top is not stolen I will keep up. hee hee

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It is a go .. maybe my big mistake .. but I will try it .. God help me ..

This is an official report, soul mates latest email and my reply to her remarks ..

{Name deleted to protect the innocent?}

{She says} "It's about 6 days in which I can prove my true love and my sincereity...{Bud says}actually it is 6 days till I see you and after I meet with you we will both decide together who loves who and who is sincere .. Axxxx I am sorry if some of my questions bothered you .. but I must ask the hard questions sometimes .. I hope you understand my tactics .. {she says} I'm ready to prove my love. {Bud says}...it is up to both of us to prove we love each other .. {she says} I will take you go to my home to see my small business involving tailoring and dressing then meet my sister and my friends.{Bud says} I will enjoy that .. {She says} I’ll pick you up at the airport and greet you with a flower and love hug on 4th October.{Bud says} OK, but I would feel more comfortable if you come with Aey and the car that only you and her be in the car, I get uneasy if there are males that accompany you both, so please no male brothers or cousins with you all at the airport pick up, if you are not coming with Aey, but if you come alone by taxi I will pay you back for the taxi or bus, so it does not cost you anything, we can always take a taxi to the hotel from the airport, probably about 500 baht .. look I know your getting kind of stressed out, but do not worry, I am not a butterfly, but I must be sure you are not one either ..

{She says} Only time will prove true love and if we are sincere.{Bud says} yes, you are correct ..  Bud

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I think we are selling ourselves short in demands.. Why stop at only a Bud Field report?? what we really want, need, deserve is an entire section devoted to Bud and his exploits! Gosh, we have one's dedicated to such drab subjects as Finance and expat organizations, what is stopping us from getting what we really want - a section to all things BUD!

Demand your rights today!! Suport the new Bud forum!!

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what we really want, need, deserve is an entire section devoted to Bud and his exploits!


Moderators, George et. al.  please hear our cries for a separate forum topic...


Everything Bud, from relationships, to career advice (done everything), to advice on just about anything.....

I expect to see this topic/section up and running before Bud beats Toxin at the next general elections.....

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['as cunning as a black rat with a gold tooth'.] ???

To Macherel,

I really do not fully understand the above statement. I will say that I hope I have not offended anyone for I mean only the best for all, I have gotten a little carried with my replies, I guess it is because I have nothing much scheduled to do before my departure this Friday, Oct 3 for my trip to Bangkok. I read everything on this site, the new VISA regulations about Foreigners not being wanted within Thailand are very long and require hours to read. I truly wanted to move to Thailand and finding the right lady was very important. The country seems not to want us, it all seems foolish, their laws to come, their motives to possibly get our money, before making us leave, investment is not stable, going to jail for five years for a faulty stamp on a PASSPORT VISA, only letting 100 people per year get Naturalized Citizenship. This all effects their own ladies, their future, limits plans for us to be their permanent men. I feel so bad for them {the honest ladies}, the ones who fall in love with only to have the system separate us.

The real rat with a gold tooth is Thai Residency requirements for farangs, the Immagration Police who incarcerate us only to let us die in prision as first time offenders following an open policy of VISA Agencies, who operate in the open unrestricted by local authorities. This is only my opinion, but who would you call the real rat with the gold tooth. Perhaps Bud is just is a down to earth guy, trying to make sense out of an unstable little third world country in South East Asia.


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To TizMe and you all,

The lastest flash email has just arrived and this was the message.


Axxxx and Aey will pick you up at airport with Aey's car.{Bud replies} Oh, how very kind of the both of you, two ladies coming to greet me at the airport, certainly I feel so honored .. {Axxxx states} Aey will drop us off at Woodland Inn hotel. {Bud replies} Aey is so kind to be so helpful too the both of us, she is truly very idealistic, and very kind. She truly is such a friend and support system to you ..

{Axxxx says} Miss you, {Bud replies} I look forward to meeting the both of you in person ..


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To Sea Vision and TizMe,

First of all I am not a flasher, I never take anything out I do not intend to use, secondly I am not a rat, for those who actually do know me, most ladies will say I am a super nice guy who never does anything unless it feels right for both parties concerned, I did not invite this lady to come to my hotel, she invited herself, so the true rat may not be me, but if that is so, I guess it is very easy to rid yourself of a two legged rat, just show her the door, I hope that will not be the case, as far as the gold goes, I am not bringing much gold along, other than easily replaceable VISA Traveler Checks if they turn up missing, they are replaceable, my VISA Card, exta baht, all of the above is protected at night seems the Woodlin Inn does has a safe for any valuables, hope to fit the lap top in as well. So I guess this not a very naive American coming from where some think the streets are paved with gold, seems he has his gold tooth well covered. I am sorry if this is disappointing to any rats within Thailand.

To Chon, my sarcasm is sometimes very shuttle.


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Axxxx and Aey will pick you up at airport with Aey's car.{Bud replies} Oh, how very kind of the both of you, two ladies coming to greet me at the airport, certainly I feel so honored .. {Axxxx states} Aey will drop us off at Woodland Inn hotel. {Bud replies} Aey is so kind to be so helpful too the both of us, she is truly very idealistic, and very kind. She truly is such a friend and support system to you ..

{Axxxx says} Miss you, {Bud replies} I look forward to meeting the both of you in person ..


hook,line and sinker.

reel 'em in.

chew 'em up.

spit 'em out.

may the good lord have mercy on your soul.

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To texexile.

Who said quote:

hook,line and sinker.

reel 'em in.

chew 'em up.

spit 'em out.

may the good lord have mercy on your soul.

Texexile, excuse me have mercy on my soul, just suppose it is the other way around. You all got me wrong, I am not a ever all dressed up in nice clothes, I mostly wear jeans and a golf shirt with sandals, I gave up three piece suits for casual clothes and Yacht Captain. I have probably one of the biggest self proclaimed hearts on the face of this earth. If this lady is sincere, I will know it and I am not spitting her out.

I guess your objectivity is rather narrow minded and has missed out on the many farangs who have been taken in many a slickie lady scenario.

I hope I did not offend anyone, but I must defend my sincerity towards honorable Thai ladies, but realize all may not be.


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To taxexile,

Yes, I am truly about 30/70 on this, but maybe my heart has gotten in the way, my head is not functioning, personally I am not really into having bum bum with her that first night in after 30 hours of traveling, half way around the world, generally speaking the physical end of it was not my motive, I wanted only to find a woman who was sincere, perhaps I believed her when she said she had not done anything in bed since her husband left five years ago, come on Bud are you a complete fool .. she is dragging you back to the hotel .. I am no virgin .. but blind dates half way around the world even scare me, however judging by all the photos of her filling my hard drive, none that are obscene, she is not someone to throw out of your bed, but I am kind of hoping she does not mind using a separate guest bed .. even though she refused too, if I wanted a long time I know where to go Nana plaza, Patpong, Soi Cowboy and Pattaya, but that is not what I wanted .. I seek someone more conservative, if a bar lady up front tells me she is I know she is honest, someone else claiming she is something else, well not too honest, it is an honesty thing with me .. not a bum bum issue .. and $1,000 baht each morning. Not this time. I am looking to settle with someone special this time.


1-really quick to the bedroom, considering not a Pro lady,

2-almost positive her friends or she has other email addresses and has probed me for information by back door,

3-why stay with me while I am in Bangkok, if she does have a business, tailoring, which she is going to show me, but really it could be anyone's business,

4-she tried the Tour Guide thing on me already, and marrage!

5-continues her ad, but claims she has only answered me,

6-has changed her email address several times, now her latest starts out lee_yacht, perhaps to tell her I it is mail from me or to help her realize only I have that address and anyone other than I sending email to that address is just one of my friends checking on her, so tell em I am taken by Buddy and get lost,

7-she never seems to tell me to get lost, no matter what, I included what Big John said about scams, and the funny scenario I copied off the other replies to proposal via email showing how stupid farangs send money back while stateside,

8-I got red flags waving everywhere, but somehow I just let her reel me in,

9-I emailed an address got friendly with someone I think may have been her friend who had probed me and made friends with me only to check to see my level of gold back in USA, just the other day, this time that same friend asked to pick me up at the airport, further asked me if I was traveling with other males from American and she was available to take care of all of us!! No problem!!

Really if that was a friend of hers, or even her under a different email address, wow!! That is a rat with one big gold tooth!!

Maybe I need to wake up and smell the roses. She knows I am alert to all the scams out there, she knows I am not naive and will be heads up, yet she is so persistent. I may come up with something to avoid her, but my plan is far from complete and I keep sinking deeper. Maybe someone can help me with some good advice.


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To dr_Pat_Pong

You just figured out for me how too best handle this, above situation. I will owe you for life. Thanks, Dr. great to hear from you. I guess I just made history in now being the only person on this web site actually, minus any doubt, without reservation to prove you wrong, please feel fee to email her and ask her if she knows me, additionally anyone else can, then ask her for her photos, and droll all over them.

Hey come on Dr. lets be friends. You have her email address.

Subject: Dearest Peter Date: 9/28 11:47 AM From: [email protected]  

Subject: Dearest Peter

Date: 9/28/2003 11:47:39 AM SA Eastern Standard Time

From: [email protected]

Reply To:  

To: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

Dearest Peter

Arlee and Aey will pick you up at airport with Aey's car. Aey will drop us off at Woodland Inn hotel.

Miss you



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To you all,

I have made a slight change in my airline arrangements, the itineracy, I will not be arriving at BKK Airport as previously stated. This is my note to my friend in Thailand, she is really so nice ..

Latest email and written in replies,

Axxxx, dearest ..

When you start your travel? {Bud says}I have a slight change in plans, I will be flying straight into Saigon first, my stay in Saigon will be short. So do not bother going to the airport, I will be calling you from the hotel when I arrive, so we can meet. It should only be a matter of a short time longer than expected .. I hope you understand my change is necessary .. I need to take care of a little business in Saigon first .. please be patient .. I would enjoy meeting you when in the best possible appearance .. {She says} Axxxx packed my cloths already for stay with you at hotel and hospital.{Bud says} I definitely will call you once in Bangkok .. be patient .. patience is a virtue .. {She said} See you on xth October at airport. not on the xth but soon after .. wait for my call .. please ..

Peter or Bud

PS:Unfortunately I am very busy and can not produce many replies at this time.

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The lastest email including Bud's answers, this one is must reading ...

Axxxx dearest,

Thanks for you telling me about the delay in your trip.{Bud says} It is not much of a delay, I just will visit their Vietnam Immigration people and look at some other social economic details, just a few days, you see right now it is my opinion that farangs are no longer wanted within Thailand by some of your people and their government, so a smart man always checks his options before he decides, now Saigon is only a 15 minute flight from where you live, so I will be with you soon .. {She says}I am never too bored to meet you.{Bud says}I realize you do not get bored easily, and unless your actually turn out to be the biggest con on God's Green Earth, and out too fleece Bud for all he's worth, I will not be bored with you either ..

{She says} I wish you are happy about your work in Saigon. {Bud says}it is kind of work, no play, no ladies, I am not a butterfly .. {She says} I always understand you.{Bud says}one of the few that do .. {She says} Please tell me about your trip via email because I have some problems about listening to English via phone which may cause wrong communication between us. {Bud says}OK, I will find an interpreter to speak for me, when I see you I will have computer software, so when I type in what I have to say, it will show you in Thai language .. communication not a problem for us .. do not worry about it .. {She says}I’m waiting for you. {Bud says} I  am really interested in you, I am sometimes amazed with you .. I think since it is my objective to find a long term lady, even if I have to travel from Vietnam to see her or stay with her .. it is for the best we just do not meet, then head straight to the hotel, really Arlee you must realize that to fast into the bed does not show well for long term possibilities .. so this way is best .. right??

Peter or Bud

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Why do you keep double (and even triple) posting? It's very irritating. Wherever I look you are there. Like a lost puppy that you can't get away from. Just start a new thread so we can all follow your adventures.

btw you forgot to blank out Arlee's name at the end of your last post.

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Why do you keep double (and even triple) posting? It's very irritating. Wherever I look you are there. Like a lost puppy that you can't get away from. Just start a new thread so we can all follow your adventures.

btw you forgot to blank out Arlee's name at the end of your last post.

Ooops thats torn it !


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To Ed. B.,

Your right about at least one thing, I forgot to Axxxx out her first name, but her last name is still confidential.

Good to hear from you again old buddy. Your comments are not taken without consideration, what would I ever do without you. Thanks a million Ed, tell me more. Your advise is well taken. I enjoy any comments, an old dog can always learn new tricks. My trick is trying to keep Ed happy. I will work on it. Believe it or not I like Ed.


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I must say that you changed a #### of a lot after your week off from the forum. What did you do? Have a sex change or something? OK, I'll be nice from now on but just behave alright? You've got guts and I like that. Many others would have shrivelled up and gone away (where is Kwiz by the way) but you came back bigger and stronger than ever. Keep it going mate (just don't double post).


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