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Software Download - Access Denied. Why?


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Staying in Thailand for a month at an apartment block equipped with wireless internet. Works fine (manager registered my laptop's MAC address on their network) and I've had everything up and running fine for a week.

Tried to download some trial software and constantly get "HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden.......... You are not authorized to view this page" from numerous sites that hold the programme (Window Washer, as it happens).

I'm running XP Pro (SP2) as named user with full privileges (I'm the only user). I didn't have this problem on my home broadband set-up in UK, so I'm wondering if it's maybe a] restriction from the apartment block's network or b] because I'm in Thailand?

I've checked all the things I can think of. Any thoughts from wiser heads out there? Thanks in advance.

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maybe you appt network configured in the wrong way - so download sites cannot recognise client. btw, why manager had to register your MAC adress ? seemes he's using some kind of auth or access setup on his gateway.

Can be - he's too smart, as usual ? try to use proxy with "funny" port number, can help.

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some links to the files u r tryin to download would be helpful....

i can check if i have the same error or not...

Thanks, guys. Here are some that I've tried - although I really think that it's something else causing the problem because I also tried some other random ones for other software with the same result.


(download link at right of page)


"Try it for free" button top right of page)


(XP in version download list)

Waldwolf, I'm actually clicking on the download links (not typing in URL's), so not much chance of typing errors.

Coincidentally, the apartment block had internet problems in the last 24 hours - way slow connections compared to the first few days. I asked last night and was told "Yes, owner has called to Bangkok to fix it". Better today, though still causing the occasional time-out. But again, can't think that this would cause the "access denied" messages.

Oleg_Rus, all I know is that my wireless-enabled laptop wouldn't connect when I first tried in the apartment. I asked the manager and he said he needed to enter my MAC address on their network "for security". As soon as he did it, my connection worked fine. I'm not really up-to-speed on networks - just use my laptop and desktop PC's separately at home; when I switch them over on my ADSL line at home, I just have to re-boot the modem for it to learn the new address for the new computer. Sad to say, I don't know enough about ports, proxies etc to understand what you mean by "try to use proxy with "funny" port number, can help"...................



I just tried another download (PGP freeware from http://cws.internet.com/file/11593.htm) and got the following error message:

No Referrer Information

Sorry, in order to download this software we require that your browser be enabled to send Referrer Information. If you are using a firewall program like Norton Internet Security 2003, Norton Personal Firewall or another firewall program you may not be able download without altering their settings.

This information is required to insure that all software is downloaded directly from our site and not mirrored and that all downloads are in agreement with our EULA. Please see our Privacy Statement for more information. If you have further questions or concerns please email [email protected].

On that same page is a panel headed "Download of the day" which is also showing "You are not authorised to view this page" without me doing anything and mentions contacting ad.doubleclick.net (cookie senders par excellence :o )

Makes me thing that this problem may be firewall- or cookie-related. Since coming here, I've replaced the dreaded Norton Internet Security (came pre-installed) with Zone Alarm Pro which is still learning and I may need to tweak the configuration for dealing with cookies etc. At the moment, I've got both the Internet Zone and Trusted Zone set for High Security "stealth" mode. It's customisable, but I don't know enough to tweak the choice of settings safely. Can any Zone Alarm experts advise?

Edited by Steve2UK
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i dunno what yr exact problem is....

the link opens up in my pc.....im on dial up...

u try downloadin frm http://www.webroot.com/download/trial/1/wwsetup1.exe

n tell if u still get the error...

i assume u use IE....

check if you have File downloads enabled...

click on tools > internet options.

choose security, click on custom level, scrol down, you will get file downloads, make sure its enabled...

make sure u have cokies enabled..

when exactly do u get the error?

when u click on download on http://www.downloadatoz.com/wwasher/ or on some other page at a later stage?

Oleg_Rus : most wireless routers have an option of mac address filtering. the router admin will type in the permitted mac addresses and the router will comunicate to only those lan cards.

this is a very good security option rather than use only SSID. if there is no MAC filtering and the only securty option is SSID ,then the apartment manager would have to distribute the SSID to everyone in the apartment. these ppl could share the SSID with ppl who didnt pay for the wireless internet including some ppl frm nearby apartments.

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At the moment, I've got both the Internet Zone and Trusted Zone set for High Security "stealth" mode. It's customisable, but I don't know enough to tweak the choice of settings safely.

In my version of Zone Alarm it recommends MEDIUM for the Trusted Zone. High is recommended only for the Internet Zone. All the links l tried in this topic worked fine btw.

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i dunno what yr exact problem is....

the link opens up in my pc.....im on dial up...

u try downloadin frm http://www.webroot.com/download/trial/1/wwsetup1.exe

n tell if u still get the error...

i assume u  use IE....

check if you have File downloads enabled...

click on tools > internet options.

choose security, click on custom level, scrol down, you will get file downloads, make sure its enabled...

make sure u have cokies enabled..

when exactly do u get the error?

when u click on download on http://www.downloadatoz.com/wwasher/  or on some other page at a later stage?

I get the same error clicking on those links - immediately on clicking the Webroot link and at the later (download link) stage with downloadatoz.

Yes, I'm using IE6 and File Downloads is enabled. IE cookie protection is set at "low" - just restricting 3rd-party cookies. Even over-riding the settings in IE to prompt me, I still get the "not authorised to view" message (I tried it just now).

As I say, instinct tells me that it's the Zone Alarm firewall settings that are too severe and blocking comms between the sites and my computer. Trouble is, I want to be particularly well protected in Thailand :o and on a wireless network.

Highwayman, I've been looking at the same thing in Zone Alarm. At the moment, the apartment block's network is sitting in the Internet Zone (High). A few days after that was set up, a new network was picked up by ZA - also now sitting in the Internet Zone and it appears to be the active one (judging by its symbol). Should the wireless network be in the Trusted Zone - and then set to Medium? If so, could be that I should remove both and let Zone Alarm re-find the network, I'll name it and put it in the Trusted Zone at Medium..............

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Sorry, wireless networks l know nothing about.

Having everything set to high security with your firewall and cookie settings means not everything will run. It's a matter of seeking a compromise. Allow everything free range and you will cripple your computer very quickly with all the garbage you accumulate while surfing. Stop everything and you will lose all functionality. Realistically you need to trust some programs.

If you're worried about security then look at the IE settings and disable ActiveX, don't allow any programs to install/download automatically and adjust your cookie settings etc. etc. Better still upgrade to Firefox. :o

Also keep your anti-virus up to date, use Windows Update and regularly run programs like Spybot, Ad-aware, Spyware Blaster and WinPatrol.

Being in an apartment might be part of the problem as you can't control settings as you'd wish. I'd be tempted to reinstall ZoneAlarm and try running it just using it's default settings. I pretty much do that and don't have any problems. I make every program that wants to access the internet ask for permission. No problems so far, and l think having Spybot and other programs available helps a lot. One thing l have noticed is that most people who complain about problems with ZoneAlarm are using the Pro version. For most people the free version is good enough l reckon unless using wireless means you have to have the pro version.

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some links to the files u r tryin to download would be helpful....

i can check if i have the same error or not...

Thanks, guys. Here are some that I've tried - although I really think that it's something else causing the problem because I also tried some other random ones for other software with the same result.


(download link at right of page)


"Try it for free" button top right of page)


(XP in version download list)

Waldwolf, I'm actually clicking on the download links (not typing in URL's), so not much chance of typing errors.

Coincidentally, the apartment block had internet problems in the last 24 hours - way slow connections compared to the first few days. I asked last night and was told "Yes, owner has called to Bangkok to fix it". Better today, though still causing the occasional time-out. But again, can't think that this would cause the "access denied" messages.

Oleg_Rus, all I know is that my wireless-enabled laptop wouldn't connect when I first tried in the apartment. I asked the manager and he said he needed to enter my MAC address on their network "for security". As soon as he did it, my connection worked fine. I'm not really up-to-speed on networks - just use my laptop and desktop PC's separately at home; when I switch them over on my ADSL line at home, I just have to re-boot the modem for it to learn the new address for the new computer. Sad to say, I don't know enough about ports, proxies etc to understand what you mean by "try to use proxy with "funny" port number, can help"...................



I just tried another download (PGP freeware from http://cws.internet.com/file/11593.htm) and got the following error message:

No Referrer Information

Sorry, in order to download this software we require that your browser be enabled to send Referrer Information. If you are using a firewall program like Norton Internet Security 2003, Norton Personal Firewall or another firewall program you may not be able download without altering their settings.

This information is required to insure that all software is downloaded directly from our site and not mirrored and that all downloads are in agreement with our EULA. Please see our Privacy Statement for more information. If you have further questions or concerns please email [email protected].

On that same page is a panel headed "Download of the day" which is also showing "You are not authorised to view this page" without me doing anything and mentions contacting ad.doubleclick.net (cookie senders par excellence :o )

Makes me thing that this problem may be firewall- or cookie-related. Since coming here, I've replaced the dreaded Norton Internet Security (came pre-installed) with Zone Alarm Pro which is still learning and I may need to tweak the configuration for dealing with cookies etc. At the moment, I've got both the Internet Zone and Trusted Zone set for High Security "stealth" mode. It's customisable, but I don't know enough to tweak the choice of settings safely. Can any Zone Alarm experts advise?

I can access these from Bangkok with no problem at all

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Very easy answer! This is very common in public hotspots but normally not in private networks such as in condo's...

In short:

Your buildings gateway software blocks you from accessing files with certain extensions such as .exe, .zip, .mp3, ...

When you click on a url containing such file you will get the "page cannot be displayed" thingy.

This makes that nobody can overload the internet feed into the building by download most popular file formats...

More detailed explanation:

Most "closed" wireless networks are routed through a gateway, normally a linux machine running NoCat. What nocat does is capture your request for a webpage, redirects you to a log-in page, where you have to give your username and password, which when it gets cleared then forwards you to the page you initially requested.

This is what happens at most public hotspots!

In your case the building opted to authorize you through your MAC address instead of the more regular username/password routine. This MAC is a unique number of your computer (your wireless network card in this case) so when the gateway sees your MAC you'll get authorized to access the internet, but a non-registered pc not.

One of the nice things in NoCat is that you can assign "classes" to the users of the network, with certain classes having more "privileges" then others.

These privileges can be higher download speeds, opening of some ports allowing you to do FTP transfers, etc.

In the lower classes you can for example block users from accessing .exe, .mp3, .zip files etc.

This is nice for the operator of the network (your building) because this seriously reduces the load on his main internet link. When his users practically can only surf the web and get blocke from downloading most files he will be able to get decent surfing speeds with just a 256/128 internet line!

In your case you might get lucky with asking your building manager to upgrade you to a higher class where these restrictions don't apply!

Good luck...

PS it's not NoCat alone doing all the above stuff but some more softwares acting all together!

Edited by monty
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Sorry, wireless networks l know nothing about.

Having everything set to high security with your firewall and cookie settings means not everything will run. It's a matter of seeking a compromise. Allow everything free range and you will cripple your computer very quickly with all the garbage you accumulate while surfing. Stop everything and you will lose all functionality. Realistically you need to trust some programs.

If you're worried about security then look at the IE settings and disable ActiveX, don't allow any programs to install/download automatically and adjust your cookie settings etc. etc.  Better still upgrade to Firefox:o

Also keep your anti-virus up to date, use Windows Update and regularly run programs like Spybot, Ad-aware, Spyware Blaster and WinPatrol.

Being in an apartment might be part of the problem as you can't control settings as you'd wish. I'd be tempted to reinstall ZoneAlarm and try running it just using it's default settings. I pretty much do that and don't have any problems. I make every program that wants to access the internet ask for permission. No problems so far, and l think having Spybot and other programs available helps a lot. One thing l have noticed is that most people who complain about problems with ZoneAlarm are using the Pro version. For most people the free version is good enough l reckon unless using wireless means you have to have the pro version.

Excellent sense in what you say - and I do already apply most of it. I think I will re-install Zone Alarm; since my previous post, I checked on network IP's with the front desk and there definitely seems to be a spare one floating around in Zone Alarm which it won't let me delete. Better to trash that set-up and start again. Also starting to agree about Zone Alarm Pro generally - seems to me sometimes that the Pro versions just have extra complications added to make them seem worth the extra............ This is my first outing with wireless, so I don't really know if ZA Pro gives me anything better.

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Very easy answer! This is very common in public hotspots but normally not in private networks such as in condo's...

In short:

Your buildings gateway software blocks you from accessing files with certain extensions such as .exe, .zip, .mp3, ...

When you click on a url containing such file you will get the "page cannot be displayed" thingy.

This makes that nobody can overload the internet feed into the building by download most popular file formats...

More detailed explanation:

Most "closed" wireless networks are routed through a gateway, normally a linux machine running NoCat. What nocat does is capture your request for a webpage, redirects you to a log-in page, where you have to give your username and password, which when it gets cleared then forwards you to the page you initially requested.

This is what happens at most public hotspots!

In your case the building opted to authorize you through your MAC address instead of the more regular username/password routine. This MAC is a unique number of your computer (your wireless network card in this case) so when the gateway sees your MAC you'll get authorized to access the internet, but a non-registered pc not.

One of the nice things in NoCat is that you can assign "classes" to the users of the network, with certain classes having more "privileges" then others.

These privileges can be higher download speeds, opening of some ports allowing you to do FTP transfers, etc.

In the lower classes you can for example block users from accessing .exe, .mp3, .zip files etc.

This is nice for the operator of the network (your building) because this seriously reduces the load on his main internet link. When his users practically can only surf the web and get blocke from downloading most files he will be able to get decent surfing speeds with just a 256/128 internet line!

In your case you might get lucky with asking your building manager to upgrade you to a higher class where these restrictions don't apply!

Good luck...

Wow............. that easy? Must be something in my psychology that always makes me think the problem's at my end :o

Seriously, that makes a lot of sense. No big deal as I'm only here for a month and can get by without those file types. But I think I will ask the manager about it, even if only out of interest and for future reference.

Thanks, Monty!

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Wow............. that easy? Must be something in my psychology that always makes me think the problem's at my end  :o

Seriously, that makes a lot of sense. No big deal as I'm only here for a month and can get by without those file types. But I think I will ask the manager about it, even if only out of interest and for future reference.

Thanks, Monty!

Why don't you try disabling Zonealarm for a test, it's only a right click on the icon? Then you can eliminate that from your list of possibilities. I doubt the local provider is limiting the downloads.

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Wow............. that easy? Must be something in my psychology that always makes me think the problem's at my end  :o

Seriously, that makes a lot of sense. No big deal as I'm only here for a month and can get by without those file types. But I think I will ask the manager about it, even if only out of interest and for future reference.

Thanks, Monty!

Why don't you try disabling Zonealarm for a test, it's only a right click on the icon? Then you can eliminate that from your list of possibilities. I doubt the local provider is limiting the downloads.

Spot on........... it IS Zone Alarm (download startable with ZA disabled). Thanks for that, Bakdong - I should have thought to try it myself. I've already got the wireless network in the Trusted Zone set at Medium (still not sure how safe wireless network is in there) - which leaves me looking for the right tweaks to get the right balance of security versus freedom of action...........

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