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Importing Seeds


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I'm looking at importing some fruit and veg seeds from the US. A small quantity of about 20 packets all containing approx 25 seeds per pack. Has anyone imported seeds before with or without any problems.



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I'm looking at importing some fruit and veg seeds from the US. A small quantity of about 20 packets all containing approx 25 seeds per pack. Has anyone imported seeds before with or without any problems.



Take them in your carry on luggage, the xray machine is not as strong. I've had seeds destroyed by putting them in check-in baggage.

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I'm looking at importing some fruit and veg seeds from the US. A small quantity of about 20 packets all containing approx 25 seeds per pack. Has anyone imported seeds before with or without any problems.



I've brought seeds and roots in my luggage, they even checked my luggage. Not sure if they knew what they were or not, but I've had no problem. I've also mailed some with no problem that way as well.

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It is allowed to import seeds into Thailand (in small quantities for your personnal use) and you don't have to hide, smuggle them or declare anything. Even small plants (except restricted species, ask the list to the customs department). The only restriction being that they should not come with soil (!!), but being Thailand, a little soil (nit noi, mai pen rai) around the roots is OK.

I did shipped seeds from Oregon (seedrack.com) and was not asked for duty fees or had to leave them for a quarantine period. I did pass some young plants in a transparent plastic container through the airport coming from abroad and was not even inspected, although the officers clearly saw what I was carrying.

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u say it is allowed, can u provide the actual regs.? heresay is a dangerous thing....



big edit cause i found this in an other thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Plant-Import...ry-t276537.html

The import of plants into Thailand is ruled by the Plant Quarantine Act (1952, amended 1999), see "Plant Quarantine Import Regulations Thailand".

Administrative body of the Act is

ฝ่ายกักกันพืช กองควบคุมพืชและวัสดุการเกษตร กรมวิชาการเกษตร โทร 660-2940-6573 ต่อ 108

Plant Quarantine Sub-Division, Agricultural Regulatory Division, Department of Agriculture 660-2940-6573 Ext 108

Plants are categorized in "prohibited", "restricted", and "unprohibited" materials.

I plan on importing (parcel post) a small number of certain species (life plants, bare-rooted) of the non-prohibited category, to which the following rules apply:

"Permission and a Phytosanitary Certificate are not required for importation. However, the imported unprohibited materials have to be notified for inspection at ports of entry. All materials are subjected to inspection and also put under quarantine treatment or destruction if plant quarantine pests and diseases are found."

Although import permission and phytosanitary certificate are not required for non-prohibited materials, it might be helpful (e.g. to speed up the process of inspection at port of entry) to have such documents.

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the word : materials.... and just look at the list of the prohibited materials and take it from there....

if the plants are permitted than the seeds are too... if the plants arent (because they are an invasive species or on the plant equivalent of the CITES- that is endangered etc species) then the seeds probably arent either... that being a loose assumption however... my own interpretation....

but wouldnt most seed suppliers that have anything worth shipping have a person that can find out the regs for a specific country?



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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm looking at importing some fruit and veg seeds from the US. A small quantity of about 20 packets all containing approx 25 seeds per pack. Has anyone imported seeds before with or without any problems.



I have had seeds sent by post from UK. canada, US and netherlands with no problem, contents of package clearly marked on the outside of the package.

Because of problems with missing mail some do not mail to Thailand aotomatically, however an e-mail confirming that you will take responsability if they go missing in the post solves that.

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A friend uses my PO Box address here in Ban Dung and has had two shipments (about 1.5 Kg each) of eucalyptus seed sent from Australia:

The first one came straight through, the second was stopped at customs in Nong Khai. He had to drive up and collect them after inspection, no duty was payable and no problems with the officials. Now growing nicely.

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