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Student Group To Chiang Mai: Any Suggestions?


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I'll be bringing a group of 15 university students from the U.S. to Chiang Mai in September. They are studying global business. I am looking for something for them to do of educational value e.g. visit a good NGO, a factory tour, a farm. Something beyond the usual elephant camp tours. Any suggestions? They have raised some money so a donation to a charity would also be nice as long as it is of educational value. You can PM me if you wish.


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I'll be bringing a group of 15 university students from the U.S. to Chiang Mai in September. They are studying global business. I am looking for something for them to do of educational value e.g. visit a good NGO, a factory tour, a farm. Something beyond the usual elephant camp tours. Any suggestions? They have raised some money so a donation to a charity would also be nice as long as it is of educational value. You can PM me if you wish.


Seems like an obvious place to start, but still...... have you contacted the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok and the Consulate here in Chiangmai? Go to http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/contactus.html and pose your question there and I think you will get some help and/or advice.

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You might want to contact Mark Richie: https://www.strategicnetwork.org/index.php?...dly=Y〈=

Mark A. Ritchie is Director of the Chiang Mai Sustainable Education Center at the Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University (www.chiangmaicenter.org). He has been working with a consortium of tribal NGOs in Thailand on a large-scale survey of tribal citizenship issues, and is involved in working alongside tribal NGOs on issues of cultural preservation and culturally appropriate education and sustainable development. He can be reached at markr (at) pobox.com.

He is also the director of The International Sustainable Development Studies Institute (ISDSI) in Chiang Mai: http://www.isdsi.org/about/.

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A Social Entrepreneurship group from Pepperdine did the same thing about 2 months ago. They visited several organizations including ours. You may want to connect with them and see if you can get their contacts. If you're looking for Social Business/Enterprises, I can provide a few names. PM me for more details.

As mentioned above, Mark Ritchie is a good contact if you're looking for environmental-type experiences. I wasn't aware that they did tribal citizenship stuff so they may have other programs as well.

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Just a little warning to take care of lightning during Thunderstorms in the wet season. Last year a teacher and a couple of Australian students were killed by lighting near here. It is more dangerous than people think so respect it.

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I'll be bringing a group of 15 university students from the U.S. to Chiang Mai in September. They are studying global business. I am looking for something for them to do of educational value e.g. visit a good NGO, a factory tour, a farm. Something beyond the usual elephant camp tours. Any suggestions?


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I'll be bringing a group of 15 university students from the U.S. to Chiang Mai in September. They are studying global business. I am looking for something for them to do of educational value e.g. visit a good NGO, a factory tour, a farm. Something beyond the usual elephant camp tours. Any suggestions? They have raised some money so a donation to a charity would also be nice as long as it is of educational value. You can PM me if you wish.


Take them down to Lampang and tour through the numerous ceramic factories. It is very interesting to see the large amount of products being produced, many of them name brands.

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I'll be bringing a group of 15 university students from the U.S. to Chiang Mai in September. They are studying global business. I am looking for something for them to do of educational value e.g. visit a good NGO, a factory tour, a farm. Something beyond the usual elephant camp tours. Any suggestions? They have raised some money so a donation to a charity would also be nice as long as it is of educational value. You can PM me if you wish.


I just finished running two US-Thai community/education development exchange programs: university students - Chiang Mai, high school students - Mae Khajan. I also run a Thai NGO an hour and a half north of Chiang Mai. You're welcome to come visit! Or we can exchange ideas on other cool places where you and your students can visit.

email: [email protected]

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