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Chiang Mai Mayor Stops Working

sriracha john

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I think it is despicable that a woman has her private life released on DVD by her political enemies. It is a fact that DVDs were sold and given away for free by her political opposition. As to the road widening scheme, it has been stamped and approved decades ago, it was just brought up again for consideration. Obviously it didn't pass. I first met the mayor when I was six years old, so nearly 30 years ago. I don't know her well, but have always found her to be very open to suggestions and I can only claim this as my opinion, I believe she is sincere. She was voted in a landslide election but was stuck with municipal team which was run with a huge majority of her opposition. This has meant that she has been unable to do as much as she wanted to. I think that unless we know more about the situation, it's best to leave speculation out of it. I am about to interview her for my August magazine next week so if any of you have any quesitons you wish me to ask her, please pm me. She has promised to be completely open. So, perhaps wait to hear from her rather than sprouting all this nonsense and once again besmirch a lady's good name. And as to every Thai you know here hating her, I am afraid that you have not met every Thai. There are many who support her. As of course there are many who don't. I won't theorise further until I have facts.

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I just read the above post by Lannarebirth who claimed his wife called the mayor whorish. O my god where is the compassion? That video was not made for you or your wife to watch. And therefore it is not yours to judge. I am sure your wife's exploits in your bedroom could be miscontrued if viewed by the masses, which luckily for you it won't be as it is a private matter.

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I think it's disgusting the DVD was released (actually sold by the boyfriend to Khun B for 10 million it's rumoured) but it's a bit like the photographs on the front page of Thai Rath, you can't help but look. At the end of the day she was still cheating on her husband and she holds public office.

Question 1 for your interview:

Do you respect the institution of marriage?

Question 2:

Do you think politicians who hold public office should set examples of honest and integrity?

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Thanks, I will ask her, but let me remind you that she has been seperated from her husband for many years, and both husband and wife have moved on. But yes, I will ask her. Funny how she is expected to rise to a level never demanded of male politicians in this country though...

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Thanks, I will ask her, but let me remind you that she has been seperated from her husband for many years, and both husband and wife have moved on. But yes, I will ask her. Funny how she is expected to rise to a level never demanded of male politicians in this country though...

As she is female, expectations were very high. The vast majority of male politicians of this country are some of the worst human forms that ever walked this planet and I hope their mistresses give them genital warts.

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OK, sorry I am sounding rabid, but I am biased through friendship and I really think that she is wronged here. Loaded, are you sure of your facts? 1. that the man in the video was her body guard 2. that he was the one who sold the video and 3. that he got 10 million? If you are just sprouting rumours, of which there are many, perhaps it is best to wait until you really know the facts. I know that she has yet to make a public explanation, so do you really trust your sources? I wouldn't. And I am not sure I understand your question about honesty and intergrity? Though if it's a general question then I shall ask her, but how is this scandal a manner of honesty and integrity on her part?

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As one who believes in the equality of the sexes can you explain to me why 'as she is female expectations are very high?' Expectations should be high accross the board surely. Why put more pressure on women who are far and few in politics than on men?

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As one who believes in the equality of the sexes can you explain to me why 'as she is female expectations are very high?' Expectations should be high accross the board surely. Why put more pressure on women who are far and few in politics than on men?

Because in general and in my opinion they are usually better people than men. It wasn't a criticism but it was an observation. Hopes are higher I guess.

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I just read the above post by Lannarebirth who claimed his wife called the mayor whorish. O my god where is the compassion? That video was not made for you or your wife to watch. And therefore it is not yours to judge. I am sure your wife's exploits in your bedroom could be miscontrued if viewed by the masses, which luckily for you it won't be as it is a private matter.

That's what she said alright. I think she was feeling terribly let down and her compassion seems reserved for "her poor family", whom she has known for many years. She voted for her and encouraged others to vote for her and claims to be quite disappointed with her accomplishments as mayor (prior to this example of extremely poor judgement).

My wife despised Thaksin and all his cronies which permeated the former government, but she now claims "IHO", "that at least they got some things done for Chiang Mai". Personally, I have no opinion in the matter.

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Thanks, I will ask her, but let me remind you that she has been seperated from her husband for many years, and both husband and wife have moved on. But yes, I will ask her. Funny how she is expected to rise to a level never demanded of male politicians in this country though...

That is really sad, but I have feeling that anyone with a X rated video on the internet in Thailand - even a man - would not be allowed to hold public office for long - even though it is not REALLY their fault. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Dr. Duerntemduang resigned from City’s Mayor

On Wednesday 24 June, 2009, Dr. Duentemduang na Chiang Mai resigned from the position of Lord Mayor of Chiang Mai but on the same day declared that she would run again in the next election.

The Supreme Administrative Court, declared her Mayorship void due two technicalities – she hadn’t registered her tabian ban (house registration) as a Chiang Mai resident for the required minimum of one year prior to election (as she had been living in Bangkok for a number of years before returning to her home town), and she was not up to date on her tax payment for her residence. It was a tearful farewell at the Municipality crowded with supporters and press. Following an unfortunate scandal which Citylife will report on in the August edition, in an exclusive interview with the ex mayor, Dr. Duerntemduang is adamant that she will continue with politics. Though she questions the judgment and will appeal, her and her administrative committee decided to resign.

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I'm with Sao Jiang Mai on this one. The woman's sex life is none of our business, even we have access to it through someone else's deceitful actions. What she does in the bedroom with her lover is entirely a private matter.

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I'm with Sao Jiang Mai on this one. The woman's sex life is none of our business, even we have access to it through someone else's deceitful actions. What she does in the bedroom with her lover is entirely a private matter.

Me too. Its the poor judgement I think we're talking about.

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I'm with Sao Jiang Mai on this one. The woman's sex life is none of our business, even we have access to it through someone else's deceitful actions. What she does in the bedroom with her lover is entirely a private matter.

She is a public figure.

She is married to another man and I heard she still lives with him. Are you blaming the person who released this video for her cheating? She cheated and was caught. She is Thai and will be judged by Thais.

However, our opinion's are completely irrelevant as to whether she will be able to continue as a Thai politician in Thailand.

Personally, I have a great deal of sympathy for her family. The Na Chiang Mai name is a big name descended from Chiang Mai royalty and many members of her family have high positions within society. It must be devastating for them.

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...As to the road widening scheme, it has been stamped and approved decades ago, it was just brought up again for consideration.

Obviously it didn't pass.

She was voted in a landslide election but was stuck with municipal team which was run with a huge majority of her opposition. This has meant that she has been unable to do as much as she wanted to...

A few more questions for the magazine interview:

1. Was any member of her family involved in the original proposed widening scheme 20 years ago?

(Her family have nearly exclusively run Chiang Mai since 1774)

2. Did the lady mayor approve, or disapprove, of the scheme?

(You mention she wasn't able to do as much as she wanted)

3. Was it not approved because of her actions, or the oppositions'?

(Inferred from your comments)

4. How much time did she spend in Chiang Mai last March and April?

(She was thrown out of office due to residency discrepancies so it would be interesting to know whether she suffers along with her electorate during this period)

5. What did she do to tackle the pollution Chiang Mai residents suffer every year during March and April?

(I still see burning of rubbish and rice stubble outside of the city although it does seem to be less than previous years. Those fans on Nawarat Bridge are quite funny though)

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She was forced out of office 'politically motivated' :D

All of us know that who has a strong 'following' in the north here. She is pro-Democrat,Thus the supporters of Thaksin will find any little fault to blow up the issues.

The first issue was settled due to some forms she filed for elections . I think it is something about a house address that was still under constructions and cannot be used.

Next, they dig up more about she was not in ChiangMai for a 'full year' period to qualify.

Unfortunately, the final outcome of the court's verdict from Bangkok come as a surprise.

Videos or not, I agree with some posters here that it is non of our business to put our nose into other's private life.

Look at Mr Bill Clinton. He did a marvelous job as president compared to some prime and proper front with no sexual misconducts that create such big mess! :)

Give me Mr Clinton any time! :D

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I'm with Sao Jiang Mai on this one. The woman's sex life is none of our business, even we have access to it through someone else's deceitful actions. What she does in the bedroom with her lover is entirely a private matter.

I'm (almost) a card carrying red-shirt, but in this case I got to agree. If someone is elected with an overwhelming majority then there should not be some clown court in Bangkok banning her on a technicality, especially one that's widely known by the people voting for her. Same rationale as why I generally support the Red side of things.

( As for sex videos, I wish more people made them. :) )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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That is really sad, but I have feeling that anyone with a X rated video on the internet in Thailand - even a man - would not be allowed to hold public office for long

Wanna bet? :D Remember some of the other videos out there? :)

Actually no, or I would not have made that statement. Care to remind me? :D

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Well she has two choices. Either dissapear completely and probably spends the rest of her life hiding and bitter, or fight back. And she is fighting. I respect her for that. Can you imagine how hard it is to go out in public knowing what others know? And no, it is not her fault that someone steals and disseminnates her private video. How can it be? I for one fully intend to support her.

As to other vids, I shall not mention those very socially 'high', but even Apasara Hongsakul had a sex snap of her published everywhere (a picture in every pidgeon hole in the house of parliament, etc.) and has not suffered from it at all. I think that sensible people will react sensibly. We all have memories of gnats anyway, so by the time the election comes round, hopefully there will be more pressing issues...though, of course I am not saying that this is not going to stick with her for a very long time. Let's not forget we have yet to hear anything from her side. So far, much of what has been said, like Loaded's suggestion that she is still living with her husband - NOT - are just rumours. I don't consider it cheating if both husband and wife agree to move on and tacitly accept each other's new partners. To me, cheating is lying.

She was out at two embassy events last night and though seemed quite shy, it was lovely to see how many people came running up to her to offer support. She is coming out of her shell again and building up her shattered confidence. But thanks for the suggested questions, any more? The more the better. I think it's important to ask these questions and I have warned her that I am not going to go too softly. So bring them on! (I don't quite understand what you mean by the April/May question though.)

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Let me say up front, that I have never met the lady, and probably not recognize her were she to walk in my front gate..

But I will say, if I were a citizen I would vote for her......... and if I was Thai I would vote for her a couple times....

Too many have convicted her on hearsay, bcause that is what they want to believe, probably because that is the type of life they , themselves lead , and are happy that someone known, appears to be as low as they themselves.

I don't like what the machine of local scumbags [apparently] has done to her.

I do hope she runs again, and sincerely hope she wins. If, as SJM relates, she has not lived with her husband for some time, she is entitled to a life. If this video, is in fact genuine, then the male partner, doing it for money as reported, makes him lower than whalesh*t in my opinion

Lady mayor, I'll am one falang awaiting your return. Look forward to your interview and "Give em He*l" I think you have more support than you know.

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(I don't quite understand what you mean by the April/May question though.)

Does she stay in Chiang Mai or go somewhere with less pollution during this period? I've heard she goes somewhere with less pollution but if we can ask her directly and she says no it would shut up people like me.

The thing about still living with her husband in their Chiang Mai residence came from her gardener's sister who does some cleaning for me. Not sure that evidence would stand up in court but still fairly strong. In the video she looks younger and thinner than she is now so I would assume the cheating happened a few years ago and possibly not after any seperation. You could ask her directly though.

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(I don't quite understand what you mean by the April/May question though.)

Does she stay in Chiang Mai or go somewhere with less pollution during this period? I've heard she goes somewhere with less pollution but if we can ask her directly and she says no it would shut up people like me.

The thing about still living with her husband in their Chiang Mai residence came from her gardener's sister who does some cleaning for me. Not sure that evidence would stand up in court but still fairly strong. In the video she looks younger and thinner than she is now so I would assume the cheating happened a few years ago and possibly not after any seperation. You could ask her directly though.

Loaded, your tone sounds biased and as if you are already hanging her...... you have something against her????

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Yeah, sorry but your gardener's sister is not going to cut it for me as any form of argument. (A mate of mine insisted that his neighbour's daughter saw Michael Jackson in Brighton the other day too!) I will ask her about the holiday and the pollution but I think that you are really stretching things a bit here with your numerous allegations many of which I would love to refute but won't do so until I get a proper interview. Loaded in name loaded in questions!! :)

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(I don't quite understand what you mean by the April/May question though.)

Does she stay in Chiang Mai or go somewhere with less pollution during this period? I've heard she goes somewhere with less pollution but if we can ask her directly and she says no it would shut up people like me.

The thing about still living with her husband in their Chiang Mai residence came from her gardener's sister who does some cleaning for me. Not sure that evidence would stand up in court but still fairly strong. In the video she looks younger and thinner than she is now so I would assume the cheating happened a few years ago and possibly not after any seperation. You could ask her directly though.

Loaded, your tone sounds biased and as if you are already hanging her...... you have something against her????

From my reading of Loaded he shows no bias and is merely asking questions ( as requested)

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Let me say up front, that I have never met the lady, and probably not recognize her were she to walk in my front gate..

But I will say, if I were a citizen I would vote for her......... and if I was Thai I would vote for her a couple times....

Too many have convicted her on hearsay, bcause that is what they want to believe, probably because that is the type of life they , themselves lead , and are happy that someone known, appears to be as low as they themselves.

I don't like what the machine of local scumbags [apparently] has done to her.

I do hope she runs again, and sincerely hope she wins. If, as SJM relates, she has not lived with her husband for some time, she is entitled to a life. If this video, is in fact genuine, then the male partner, doing it for money as reported, makes him lower than whalesh*t in my opinion

Lady mayor, I'll am one falang awaiting your return. Look forward to your interview and "Give em He*l" I think you have more support than you know.


you accuse others of bias yet you say "Let me say up front, that I have never met the lady, and probably not recognize her were she to walk in my front gate. But I will say, if I were a citizen I would vote for her." That sounds a bit biased to me.

you are also making the mistake you are accusing others of, of condemning people on rumour.

"I don't like what the machine of local scumbags [apparently] has done to her."

let people have their view as you have yours: "appears to be as low as they themselves".

no-one is making comments like that of you are they? respect all people's views in the forum

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Questions are all good, it's the speculations on damaging and unprooven rumours that I object to. Anyway, sorry didn't mean to appoint myself as her champion, but really do feel for her, as I am sure many people can...

My comment was not aimed at you. I think you have taken a very proper stance in these posts and as you youirself actually said you do not intend giving her soft questions.

The video is a private matter and I believe should remain so. The only fair criticisms and questions should be on her role as mayor. Just my point of view.

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Questions are all good, it's the speculations on damaging and unprooven rumours that I object to. Anyway, sorry didn't mean to appoint myself as her champion, but really do feel for her, as I am sure many people can...

I look forward to an unbiased interview.

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