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Flood Control


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Anyone else having problems with search control ?

I use the "view new posts" link/search quite often to refresh topic list and to see if there is new posts on particular topics i'm following. For some time now i keep getting this error message all the time.

"Sorry, the board administrator has enabled search flood control. Please wait at least 20 seconds before trying again."

The thing is that it appears even if i have been reading posts for few minutes so nothing to do with 20 secs most of the time. Also it appears when the page hangs and load only the top portion (adds) and i return to previous page and hit the new posts link again.

Also couple of times i just keep getting it even if i wait good 30 secs or more.

So quite annoying and perhaps something that could be fixed fairly easy.

Using FF 3.0.11

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I've reported it to our web guru, gungadin. its an odd one. did it start when you upgraded to the latest ff? I am assuming you've done the usual and cleared your cache etc?

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Here is the message I get about 30% of the time I hit "View New Posts"

----Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

Sorry, the board administrator has enabled search flood control. Please wait at least 20 seconds before trying again.


I reported this a while back but I think I misled the support person as I thought it was a "hotzone" problem. Looks like it is more involved than that.

edit... Upgraded FF yesterday.

Edited by T_Dog
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I've misled you.

My prob is when I try to see the posts by a member or his/her topics, I get the dreaded flood control msg.

It refuses to let me see the members posts even after a minute's wait, repeatedly


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And it doesn't matter if its been more than 20 seconds t_dog?

Can you duplicate this with IE also?

SBK.... Hmmm, maybe this is user error on my part. I just tried it with Safari and the same thing happens. Once I get that message, I start clicking on "view new posts" until I actually get them. I am sure I am not waiting 20 seconds. Is Flood Control a limitation on User Requests? If so, that would explain the message. It FEELS like one is not hitting the right hot zone as ultimately, you get to see the new posts. I'll slow down and see if that resolves it.

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Give it a try now, guys.

SBK, I gave it try in my usual spastic surfing mode and was not able to get the error message. Whatever you did (so far at least), appears to get the "view new posts" to work right away without error messages. Thanks!

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