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been here over a year now

in the last week i have killed 2 centipedes - just outside the house - both over 20cm in length and jet black

our neighbour also killed one a couple of weeks ago

i know someone who got bitten by one whilst they slept got a nasty bite, swelling and had to go to the hospital

so is it centipede season - are they breeding - just seem more of them now



Had two in the house in one week. One about 10cm the other was much bigger. I was genuinely scared of it. It was total fight or flight response when I finally caught up with it and swatted it out the door with a broom. I should have killed it as we have many neighbor kids around, but I was too freaked out.


When the heavy rains come they seek higher ground, never be afraid of a centipede you see, it's the ones you don't see that get you!

When the heavy rains come they seek higher ground, never be afraid of a centipede you see, it's the ones you don't see that get you!

unable to wear a shoe for three weeks last year, i second that.


They are regular unwelcomed guests in my home since many years. Crawl in through the bathroom canalisation system. The red, big ones. Best way to kill is to put a cheap rag over it and then bang on that with a hammer several times. They are very quick and once behind a cupboard, you have to remove that to kill it.


Killed a centipede near my weight machine last week - when I hit it with a stick, a snake slid out from under the machine. Luckily my dogs were there and killed it - while I was changing my shorts. :)


Nasty things, very toxic. Got bitten on the ankle once, never felt it, & took about 6 weeks to heal. Our dogs kill snakes no worries but won't go near the centipedes

been here over a year now

in the last week i have killed 2 centipedes - just outside the house - both over 20cm in length and jet black

our neighbour also killed one a couple of weeks ago

i know someone who got bitten by one whilst they slept got a nasty bite, swelling and had to go to the hospital

so is it centipede season - are they breeding - just seem more of them now


Centipedes are a red/brown in colour, millipedes are black and their bite isn't as venomous. Millipedes have 2 pairs of legs per body segment, as opossed to the centipedes one

Killed a centipede near my weight machine last week - when I hit it with a stick, a snake slid out from under the machine. Luckily my dogs were there and killed it - while I was changing my shorts. :D

So WeeGB, how big was the snake(?) Did you number one or number two in your SHORTS(?) Is your Dog ok(?) :D:):D:D:D

Killed a centipede near my weight machine last week - when I hit it with a stick, a snake slid out from under the machine. Luckily my dogs were there and killed it - while I was changing my shorts. :D

So WeeGB, how big was the snake(?) Did you number one or number two in your SHORTS(?) Is your Dog ok(?) :D:):D:D:D

The snake was reasonably small, about 3 feet long, black and white in colour. We've had much larger in the garden before, the dogs usually get to them before we do.

Was only joking about changing my shorts - honestly!! :D

I always worry that one day the snake will win, but so far so good, the dogs have always been OK until now.

Killed a centipede near my weight machine last week - when I hit it with a stick, a snake slid out from under the machine. Luckily my dogs were there and killed it - while I was changing my shorts. :D

Jeezuz! Snakes, centipedes, millipedes in your houses? !! Do you guys keep your doors open or what?

If I ever see any of those in the house we'll be renting I am sure I will get cardiac arrest ! :) ... then (if I survive the heart attack) probably take weeks to be comfortable sleeping there again, if ever. This could be a big problem for us - the wife hates snakes too!

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