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Bottled In Lk Metro


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hi guys , i know this incident was almost a month ago , but when you read lies about yourself on an internet forum then i think it only fair that you get the chance to reply .

yes , i hit an individual over the head with a bottle , i did so because he was in the process of attacking me and as i was pinned against a wall , behind a table, on a seat at the time , and as i had someone to the left of me and someone to the right of me and had nowhere to go , i defended myself the best way i could with only a split second to react .

obviously i wish it would never have happened and i do regret it and feel sorry for the guy with the sore head , but it would never have happened , had he not have attacked me .

some people would have been happy if id just have let myself be assaulted , but i dont think along those lines .

it is true that myself and the other guy have not got on for a couple of years , but it is incorrect that the trouble had anything to do with any pattaya based forum as suggested by paul1970 , who is banned from our forum for shit stirring and lying (draw your own conclusions ).

it is also true that another person unconnected to me did assault the same guy as he was leaving the bar , but it is untrue once again that anyone kicked the guy at all , never mind kicked him on the head , another rumour created by paul1970 , who was not there the night in question .

in fact the guy landed 2 or 3 punches on him . now i know it doesnt make it any better , but at least you now have the truth , instead of the lies and gossip that some in pattaya are very good at creating , if they have a grudge against anyone .

now as it happens , i had quite a few friends in the bar at the time and yes they thought i was in danger and wanted to join in to help me , but anyone there will know that i went out of my way to make sure they did not get involved or do anything .

i run a good clean bar , no drugs , no weapons and no fighting , in fact this is the only 1 incident that i have ever had in 7 years of running bars in pattaya and not many bars can boast a good record like that .

i am aware of what gets said on other forums , but i am unable to do anything about that , so i dont let it bother me , im here to tell you the truth .

im disappointed in my good mate nookiebear for his comments , because he has drank in the rockhouse countless times and i know for a fact he has never seen the slightest hint of trouble in the bar before , because there has never been any .

he was there on the night , but he knows that what happened was not premeditated nor is it likely to recurr again .

it is true that the guy and myself are on talking terms , but not friendly terms and that is fine by me .

it is also true that i compensated the guy for his medical expenses , time off of work and the clothes he was wearing that night .

the guy has had an apology from me but knows that if he hadnt have been aggressive the incident would never have happened .

im not telling this story for any other reason than to put the record straight . if there is one thing in life i detest , it is liars .

i know no matter how this story comes out , it would never look good on me , even if i would have simply punched the guy to defend myself instead , but as i said if im attacked , i have the right to defend myself and i will use that right .

to finalise this comment from me , im probably the biggest victim of gossip and lies from vindictive people out of all of the pattaya based forums , (not this one ) your own torrenova (andy) for some reason only known to himself has taken to abusing me and lying about me on all sorts of forums .

if i was this bad , nasty , evil character im painted out to be , do you think his typing fingers would still be working ?

work that one out for yourself next time you see him posting .

Having been there on the night in question, I cannot see how you thought you were in danger, from what I saw there was a argument that you weren't winning, got angry and smashed a bottle over his head, cowardly and unnecessary to the maximum.

You are banned from pretty much every Pattaya based forum are you not? For abuse, threats and lies. But of course it's always 'them' never you!!

Being an ex-prison warden, you are well trained in how to deal with violence but instead you chose to be the attacker, no excuse and no way out I'm afraid, good advise for people who want a good night out would be to steer well clear of the types of you. No one wants to go out and end up having there head sewn back together because of an argument. Adults should be able to deal with these kind of situations without resorting to violence, only thugs and cowards feel the need to lash out.

Have you ever been man enough to apologise? No, as you still think you weren't to blame and were only 'defending yourself'. Yes I've heard you compensated him for his hospital bill and time of work, and quite right too. But is he compensated? No. He's now left with a big scar on his head, which will remain there for life, this cannot be compensated for by paying his hospital bill in my opinion.

If you were in the UK you would be looking forward to a court case right now, and probably a a prison sentence, the term 'defending yourself' by using a bottle simply wouldn't stand up in court, you'd be paying his bills, loss of earnings AND compensation for his physical injury, plus, probably a short spell inside HMP.

You got of lightly Mulphy, now stop cowering behind your 'it was his fault' rubbish, be a man! Stand up and take responsibility for your actions.

Edited by PattayaBob
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hi guys , i know this incident was almost a month ago , but when you read lies about yourself ....... if there is one thing in life i detest , it is liars....

That's a joke, right? Thou doth protest too much.

You are well known for your bending of the truth(lying).

I pointed this out many a time on a couple of the other forums where you attempted to SPAM your way to infamy.

When you did reply, you just lied some more and became abusive. I came to the conclusion that you are a compulsive liar and probably worse.

It's not by mistake that you have been banned from many a forum. In fact it was I who suggested that you begin your own forum, rather than leeching of others work.

I'll leave it there for now.

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hi guys , i know this incident was almost a month ago , but when you read lies about yourself on an internet forum then i think it only fair that you get the chance to reply .

yes , i hit an individual over the head with a bottle , i did so because he was in the process of attacking me and as i was pinned against a wall , behind a table, on a seat at the time , and as i had someone to the left of me and someone to the right of me and had nowhere to go , i defended myself the best way i could with only a split second to react .

obviously i wish it would never have happened and i do regret it and feel sorry for the guy with the sore head , but it would never have happened , had he not have attacked me .

some people would have been happy if id just have let myself be assaulted , but i dont think along those lines .

it is true that myself and the other guy have not got on for a couple of years , but it is incorrect that the trouble had anything to do with any pattaya based forum as suggested by paul1970 , who is banned from our forum for shit stirring and lying (draw your own conclusions ).

it is also true that another person unconnected to me did assault the same guy as he was leaving the bar , but it is untrue once again that anyone kicked the guy at all , never mind kicked him on the head , another rumour created by paul1970 , who was not there the night in question .

in fact the guy landed 2 or 3 punches on him . now i know it doesnt make it any better , but at least you now have the truth , instead of the lies and gossip that some in pattaya are very good at creating , if they have a grudge against anyone .

now as it happens , i had quite a few friends in the bar at the time and yes they thought i was in danger and wanted to join in to help me , but anyone there will know that i went out of my way to make sure they did not get involved or do anything .

i run a good clean bar , no drugs , no weapons and no fighting , in fact this is the only 1 incident that i have ever had in 7 years of running bars in pattaya and not many bars can boast a good record like that .

i am aware of what gets said on other forums , but i am unable to do anything about that , so i dont let it bother me , im here to tell you the truth .

im disappointed in my good mate nookiebear for his comments , because he has drank in the rockhouse countless times and i know for a fact he has never seen the slightest hint of trouble in the bar before , because there has never been any .

he was there on the night , but he knows that what happened was not premeditated nor is it likely to recurr again .

it is true that the guy and myself are on talking terms , but not friendly terms and that is fine by me .

it is also true that i compensated the guy for his medical expenses , time off of work and the clothes he was wearing that night .

the guy has had an apology from me but knows that if he hadnt have been aggressive the incident would never have happened .

im not telling this story for any other reason than to put the record straight . if there is one thing in life i detest , it is liars .

i know no matter how this story comes out , it would never look good on me , even if i would have simply punched the guy to defend myself instead , but as i said if im attacked , i have the right to defend myself and i will use that right .

to finalise this comment from me , im probably the biggest victim of gossip and lies from vindictive people out of all of the pattaya based forums , (not this one ) your own torrenova (andy) for some reason only known to himself has taken to abusing me and lying about me on all sorts of forums .

if i was this bad , nasty , evil character im painted out to be , do you think his typing fingers would still be working ?

work that one out for yourself next time you see him posting .

Having been there on the night in question, I cannot see how you thought you were in danger, from what I saw there was a argument that you weren't winning, got angry and smashed a bottle over his head, cowardly and unnecessary to the maximum.

You are banned from pretty much every Pattaya based forum are you not? For abuse, threats and lies. But of course it's always 'them' never you!!

Being an ex-prison warden, you are well trained in how to deal with violence but instead you chose to be the attacker, no excuse and no way out I'm afraid, good advise for people who want a good night out would be to steer well clear of the types of you. No one wants to go out and end up having there head sewn back together because of an argument. Adults should be able to deal with these kind of situations without resorting to violence, only thugs and cowards feel the need to lash out.

Have you ever been man enough to apologise? No, as you still think you weren't to blame and were only 'defending yourself'. Yes I've heard you compensated him for his hospital bill and time of work, and quite right too. But is he compensated? No. He's now left with a big scar on his head, which will remain there for life, this cannot be compensated for by paying his hospital bill in my opinion.

If you were in the UK you would be looking forward to a court case right now, and probably a a prison sentence, the term 'defending yourself' by using a bottle simply wouldn't stand up in court, you'd be paying his bills, loss of earnings AND compensation for his physical injury, plus, probably a short spell inside HMP.

You got of lightly Mulphy, now stop cowering behind your 'it was his fault' rubbish, be a man! Stand up and take responsibility for your actions.

interesting first post from some annonomous guy that only signs up today .

some folk just cant help but poke their nose in with zero facts .

there was no arguement at any time , what there was , was a drunken guy being abusive and aggressive .

his agressiveness was tolerated as long as he stayed far enough away from me , but when he made his way round the table to assault me , then that is a different story .

id be more than happy to face a court case here in thailand too by the way , and i believe i would walk free from it , self defense , especially in your own property is well covered under thai law .

i ll ignore the rest f your bile and i ll stick to the facts .

pity you cant do the same .

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hi guys , i know this incident was almost a month ago , but when you read lies about yourself ....... if there is one thing in life i detest , it is liars....

That's a joke, right? Thou doth protest too much.

You are well known for your bending of the truth(lying).

I pointed this out many a time on a couple of the other forums where you attempted to SPAM your way to infamy.

When you did reply, you just lied some more and became abusive. I came to the conclusion that you are a compulsive liar and probably worse.

It's not by mistake that you have been banned from many a forum. In fact it was I who suggested that you begin your own forum, rather than leeching of others work.

I'll leave it there for now.

whoever you are , im afraid , your mixing up your facts .

yes i am banned from a couple of forums , but not for lying or bending the truth at any time , but for the exact opposite , for actually standing up and telling the truth that others dont want to hear .

like i could care less what yourself or anyone else actually thinks , all ive done is come on here and told you people what really happened , nothing more and nothing less , do with it what you will .

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We heard the case, the defense made its statement and also some eyewitnesses testified.

As all seems to be said and done, I'd prefer to close this topic before we get into verbal bashings.


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