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Thanks To A Fellow Member

Dr. Burrito

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I just wanted to give a big thanks to Thaivisa member, Thaigerd. We had a smallish job in Phuket, but it would have been a nightmare job without the selfless nature of this fellow member. We needed some connections and recommendations for a small video we were doing and without 2nd thought, he extended his time, his cell phone money and his personal reputation I am sure, to get us into more doors, more quickly and more successfully than could have been done otherwise.

This was a great example of the positive side of forums, especially this one, where people do so often try to lend a genuine hand from their years of experience here in Thailand.

Massive boat drinks are coming your way Thaigerd, whenever you are so inclined as to imbibe. Thanks again for all your help and thanks for Thaivisa for the ability to discover great people and develop new friends.

Dr. Burrito

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