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Right, Scouse, don't say anything. Keep your mouth shut. The walls have ears. I swear there's some bast**d checking my email. And those funny clicks on my phone line!!! Must be those 3,000 spies Dubya is sending to Bangkok for the Apec meeting. Christ, can't even take a shower without checking the soap for bugs. This ajarn.com site is right -- too many paranoids on thaivisa, not normal people like me. Gotta go -- stay on line for more than 30 seconds and THEY can track you. Bast**ds.


To George or any administrator,

On a more serious note, I need to find out one important thing. I realize this web forum is monitored by Thai Government Officials. I am just wondering if anyone here can be held accountable for anything that they say, i.e., disagreement with things the Thai Government may be doing.

The New Visa Requirements, some people may have violated Thai law by saying things they should have not, or maybe some Thai Government Officials disagree with something I may have said. If so I apologize.

But even more scary for me is can anyone be accountable to them for these email opinions once arriving in Thailand. Can you suffer retribution for whatever was said, be legally accountable and end up in jail or be banned from entering the country even thou your passport is in order?

I am serious, I hope one of the administrators, like George will clear this up.



I think Bud has a rather valid, yet extreme point. If there was indeed any person who alledgedly admitted to any fraud or illegal conduct in these forums, and *if* the thai "cyber" official monitored, then it could become a rather nasty little pickle for the admins. Unless of course the logs are sent to /dev/null - as many a disk space aware admin always points them too :o



I seem to recall one of the admins saying that emails and identities would be protected and that this website was hosted outside of thailand, but I'm not certain.  

How this would help those of us who have posted their first and last names, business websites, and even home addresses I don't know.

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