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I also like to drive fast, but it is the old man on the motorbike that pulls out in front of you, that I worry about. Even worse the truck coming the other way, overtaking a bus on your side of the road, 30 feet from you.

I was lucky enough to be involved with the "Cannon Ball Run" in the Northern Terrotory (Australia) a few years ago. There is no speed limit in the NT and I was a passenger in a Lambourghini for 100 kms, doin speeds in excess of 220 kmh.

The same race, a F40 Ferrari, driven by a Japanese bloke missed the bend and plowed into a drinks station, killing himself and 2 or 3 others. Im not sure if it has been run again since.

It was a good place to put a drinks station - on the outside of a sweeping right hander :o

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Crazy Dave, I wonder if you'd be so smug about your speeding after you have wiped out a Thai family on a motorcycle??



Pull ya head in Dave before you kill someone.

I must agree with you Torphun on this one... :D

It is a pretty reckless and irresponsible attitude. :o

Having said that, just to lighten up the tone of this thread a bit...

Here's somthing I think I posted elsewhere... originally from Stickman's reader's submission I think...



In order to successfully drive a motor vehicle in Thailand you must understand the transportation gestalt in an entirely different way. Definitions which you once thought were above definition will be immediately re-defined.

Please note the following:


The road includes not only the paved portion of the highway, but also what we might call the verge, the curb, the sidewalk, the front yard, the roadside footstalls and the Wat. The paved portion of the roadway is generally one lane wide. Not one lane wide in each direction – just one lane.


These colorful white and yellow lines mark the center of the lanes and are especially useful on dark and rainy nights.


Passing or overtaking is the national pastime in Thailand. Observant motorists among you may have encountered the following:

1. The Vertical Triple Maneuver

The act of passing three vehicles in one accelerated movement.

2. The Horizontal Triple Maneuver

The act of passing a vehicle that in itself is in the act of passing another vehicle.

3. The Double, Double Maneuver

The act of passing a vehicle at precisely the same time that another vehicle, coming from the opposite direction, is also engaged in the act of passing.


Tailgating is what you do when not overtaking.


The act of being overtaken is an insult not to be endured. The greater the differential between the vehicle being passed (BMW) and the passing vehicle (pickup or a low ranking saloon) the greater the potential loss of prestige and face. The owner of the more expensive vehicle must always do everything possible to thwart the attempt of the less expensive vehicle attempting to overtake.


Rapidly flashing headlights can mean anything including but not limited to the following:

• OK to pass now.

• Do not pass now

• Get out of my way

• Help, I am in trouble

It takes years or sometimes an entire lifetime to learn this subtle, intriguing, and non-verbal communication skill. Generally however, you have three seconds


When sounded loudly and frequently, the horn sets up an invisible energy barrier protecting the vehicle and its passengers from all harm. The faster the vehicle is traveling, the better the horn works.


Not only are seatbelts not worn, seatbelts are absolutely unnecessary. Driver and passengers are protected by the horn.


Motorcycles will appear from nowhere and are to be treated with absolute and complete disregard. Animals on the other hand must be treated with great respect. It is presumed that highly evolved creatures like water buffalos, prized bulls, cows, chickens and ducks know how to sidestep a modern vehicle travelling at 150 Km. per hour on a rain slicked road. Dogs born in Thailand on the other hand possess an inbred instinct to leap in front of a speeding vehicle.


Accidents are rare in Thailand and are usually the result of a malfunctioning horn. Be aware that most heavy vehicle drivers if involved in a serious accident will immediately leave the scene of and run to the nearest police station to inform them of the accident. This age old practice is commonly known as “fleeing the scene”


Lights on vehicles are not needed especially at night as they are a drain on the battery. The larger the vehicle (10 wheeled truck, bus, etc.) the less need for illuminating it. Motorcycle riders are presumed to have 20/20 vision in the dark and are immune to all other traffic on the road. If lights are used however, at least one headlight must be pointing in the air. This will ensure that low flying aircraft are detected and will have the added advantage of blinding on-coming drivers.


It is recommended that others purchase insurance. This will ensure that any foreigner involved in an accident will be in a position to take the blame and let the insurance company pay for any damage to both vehicles as well as all hospital bills.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

now thailand is great for road racing, the police at worst will fine you like 100baht.

ever since i passed my driving test all those years ago i have never been able to stick to speed limits, they are all way too low, actually in the 2 pics underneath i had earlier overtaken 2 police cars while i was doing like 190km, as they were only doing 70km and i came upto them just round a bend i had no chance to slow down and pretend to be driving at a sensible speed so i didnt bother slowing down.

anyway the first pic is of the new merc i was racing with, he drove quite dangerously but wouldnt go over 160km, maybe thats as fast as they go ?


note the red plates, so do you lot road race?


as i over took him :o

Hard to believe a 'little girly' car like yours will do 180kph!

Still, foolish or not, I must congratulate you on your photography skills.

One wonders what other amazing accomplishments you mastered whilst driving at speed! :D



This is one for the 'Why women live longer than men' list. Especially in Thailand..

Have to say though, I'm impressed at how fast you can go in that Korean tin can crotch rocket. :o


That's the one right?


There must be a carbon monoxide leak from your exhaust going into your car, if you believe your Korean rust bucket is more powerful then that fine piece of German technology....The guy realised there was a crazy farang in his rear view mirror and didn't want to risk an accident in his brand new car. You are completely shameless to even show us pics of that plastic hunk of junk....

By the way, it seems they rolled back your odometer O4667.0 km ????

you are on 5,200 rpms at 183 km/hr.....I would say maximum speed with a tail wind and slightly downhill 200km max...... :o


The best bit of road racing i've done is on a Harley on the motorway going to KL, Great smooth roads with great curves in the Highlands. (brilliant sound 10 of more Harleys going through a tunnel)

In pattaya i've poodled along at 100kph in the slow lane only to have idiots flashing me etc :o tossers, What they don't know is after kickdown my truck can top 200kph with ease. :D Bye Bye.

I had a mate who was fond of road racing in Pattaya (jap bikes), He stopped when a coach ran over his head outside V2 last year. :D

ppl die in accidents at 30mph, half these idiots cant drive and dont have driving licenses so they shouldnt be on the road, i believe its called darwins theory, the idiots will be wiped out, as for familys on a single motorbike, i assume you mean couples or do you mean ppl driving illegally with like 3 ppl on a motorbike.

Two wrongs don't make a right Dave

I once nearly wiped out a family of 4 including a baby that were on a motorcycle.

It was my first trip up SH201 to see the prospective inlaws, was doing 120kph and this motorcycle cut in front of me..... slammed on the brakes, the GF had forgot to put her seat belt on and she smashed her head into the dash board........ just missed that motorcycle by inches..... It was not a good look to meet the parents with my G/f having a bloodied face :D

I'll say it again Dave............ Pull ya head in before you kill someone :o

oh..... and I have since made sure that all passengers put on their seatbelts...... and I married my G/f...... after her face had healed :D


torphun. so you was breaking the speed limit and doing 120km, no roads here motorbikes are allowed on that have 120 km limits, so now you are saying its ok for you to break the speed limit but not me, you and your passengers wearing seatbelts will not save that moronic drunken family on their motorbike when they pull out in front of you, so you advocate breaking the laws but have decided yourself on wot speeds other ppl should travel at, i might add that i am probably the best qualified driver at speed in thailand and doubt that you have even had any extra tuition after passing your driving test, but here you are saying its ok for you to speed but not me, i passed my test at 17 first time, then at 24 or 25 i spent 6 months learning to drive properly, yep 6 months, theres a lot of differance between driving a car and driving a car properly....

hmmm and chanchao get back to lonely planet with your poor friends :o

poolie, you know im a genius :D


In the Uk I did stupid speeds in my Skyline ( 0- 60 in 4.9 seconds) the quickest top speed would be around 177mph/293 kmh

This was all at Santa Pod ( private/public drag strip) so pretty safe for everyone except me.

The fastest I have done in Los would have been about 10 years ago just outside Pattaya on Sukhumvit , I hit 160 mph on a Fireblade , wearing just shorts sandals and a vest. Felt great until I had a slight speed wobble , then I shat myself and slowed down to a girly speed.

My Current Squeeze , a C36 Merc ( AMG) is good for 180mph , but with a wife and 2 kids I can't afford the petrol for those speeds , plus the family would miss me if I ended up in a pine box.


torphun. so you was breaking the speed limit and doing 120km, no roads here motorbikes are allowed on that have 120 km limits, so now you are saying its ok for you to break the speed limit but not me, you and your passengers wearing seatbelts will not save that moronic drunken family on their motorbike when they pull out in front of you, so you advocate breaking the laws but have decided yourself on wot speeds other ppl should travel at, i might add that i am probably the best qualified driver at speed in thailand and doubt that you have even had any extra tuition after passing your driving test, but here you are saying its ok for you to speed but not me, i passed my test at 17 first time, then at 24 or 25 i spent 6 months learning to drive properly, yep 6 months, theres a lot of differance between driving a car and driving a car properly....

hmmm and chanchao get back to lonely planet with your poor friends :D

poolie, you know im a genius :D

yes I was breaking the speed limit..... that was 2 years ago and I have since modified my driving style to suit the conditions in TL...... here you have to be more defensive in your driving, watching the road well ahead and especially for motorcyles that are turning left onto a main road... these guys never look right :o and how many times do you see guys overtaking as they approach the brows of hills..... and were talking of trucks and busses doing this too.

You still need to be a confident driver and make the right decisions quickly, you certainly do not want to be a timid driver or your car will never be taken out of its garage.

I still maintain that your driving at 180kph is reckless despite your claimed experience..... yes that was your overtaking speed, but what was your average 160kph???.

You seem to still have that adolescent mindset of being inderstructible while driving at excessive speed.

Perhaps your little red rocket's ABS and air bags is giving you a false sense of security that you'd be ok if you were ever in a crash.

Have you ever thought what would happen if your car hit something while doing 180kph??? how many times would it roll over?? would you survive, how many others may be killed???? do you not have a responcibilty to your passengers and to other road users???

and one last thing that I would like to know........ did you take that photo of the spedo or was it someone in the back seat???

I'll say it again Dave....... pull ya head in before you kill someone!

and find yourself a legit race track

If there is God in heaven may he send your DOHC through the bonnet of the red rocket the next time you hit 180kph :D


ermmmm, i suppose i will have to admit that i did indeed take the picture :o, but i did slow down to take the picture :D

actually the road was clear and straight for about 10 km when i took the pic, no traffic and no side roads, and i did put me can of beer in the cup holder though when i took the pic :D

only kidding :D

ermmmm, i suppose i will have to admit that i did indeed take the picture :o, but i did slow down to take the picture :D

actually the road was clear and straight for about 10 km when i took the pic, no traffic and no side roads, and i did put me can of beer in the cup holder though when i took the pic :D

only kidding :D


While i share your passion for driving the others do not...

They will never understand what precauctions an educated person takes to insure that the risks are calculated. They have simply made up their own ignorant ideas about how all speeding is reckless.

I come from Sydney... Police spend more time on the roads trying to enforce speed limits then they would investigating general crime. Still here in AUS we have a high road toll and everyone still wonders why people are loosing their life on the roads...

Its not only about speeding... Its about driver education, about road quality, about the quality of your car... . About making sure you know how to control a car... knowing to do regular checks on your car... making sure your tyres are at the right pressure... Knowing what to do when your car spins out instead of closing your eyes and taking your hands off the wheel.

Anyone with real concern for other peoples lives on the road will educate themselfs with experience on a skid pan... Spend a few weekends at a driver training course...

I would be more worried about having a rear ender with a utility full of builders... Lack of education is what causes road fatalities... speed is only one of many factors.

Weather or not you are an educated driver is not for me to say... Maybe you should honestly ask yourself that question for your own good atleast.


ermmmm, i suppose i will have to admit that i did indeed take the picture :o, but i did slow down to take the picture :D

actually the road was clear and straight for about 10 km when i took the pic, no traffic and no side roads, and i did put me can of beer in the cup holder though when i took the pic :D

only kidding :D


While i share your passion for driving the others do not...

They will never understand what precauctions an educated person takes to insure that the risks are calculated. They have simply made up their own ignorant ideas about how all speeding is reckless.

I come from Sydney... Police spend more time on the roads trying to enforce speed limits then they would investigating general crime. Still here in AUS we have a high road toll and everyone still wonders why people are loosing their life on the roads...

Its not only about speeding... Its about driver education, about road quality, about the quality of your car... . About making sure you know how to control a car... knowing to do regular checks on your car... making sure your tyres are at the right pressure... Knowing what to do when your car spins out instead of closing your eyes and taking your hands off the wheel.

Anyone with real concern for other peoples lives on the road will educate themselfs with experience on a skid pan... Spend a few weekends at a driver training course...

I would be more worried about having a rear ender with a utility full of builders... Lack of education is what causes road fatalities... speed is only one of many factors.

Weather or not you are an educated driver is not for me to say... Maybe you should honestly ask yourself that question for your own good atleast.


"They will never understand what precauctions an educated person takes to insure that the risks are calculated."

Oh Please give me a break...........beam me up Scotty.......

so Dave is an educated person, he took precauctions before driving at 180kph..... when he rounded that bend he already knew the cops were there traveling at 70kph because he looked into his crystal ball.....

Do you not understand the concept that "TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT"

I'll tell you what......... you get every single person that uses the road to have a high level of "driver education" and I'll join you in a race with me old hilux

ermmmm, i suppose i will have to admit that i did indeed take the picture :o, but i did slow down to take the picture :D

actually the road was clear and straight for about 10 km when i took the pic, no traffic and no side roads, and i did put me can of beer in the cup holder though when i took the pic :D

only kidding :D


While i share your passion for driving the others do not...

They will never understand what precauctions an educated person takes to insure that the risks are calculated. They have simply made up their own ignorant ideas about how all speeding is reckless.

I come from Sydney...

Look mate driving in TL is not the same as doing the ton on the Nullabor....... the conditions here are just not comparable to Aussie..... 180kph is dangerous here....

if anyone can argue that it's safe for all road users, please inform me...


I had some big bikes in Thailand,

Honda 750

Honda 1100

Suzuki 1400 Intruder

I used to give them all a real handful, especially away from the lights, fastest I went was about 220KPH, but things come at you so fast at that speed, it's difficult to keep it up for long periods, too much concentration needed.

It was Good fun and I went on a few great bike trips, Pattaya- Penang- Phuket- Pattaya, Pattaya- Chiang rai- Chiang mai -mae sai-Pattaya, Pattaya-Isaan tour-Pattaya, but now its 4 wheels and air con for me, 145 in the pick up maybe, but the guy in the Isuzu dealership reckons the new Isuzu Turbo will hit 190kph.


Please everyone, some fo you seem to miss the point:

1. Having regularly hurtled along on a motorbike in the UK at speeds of uo to 250 KPH I must say I don;t have a problem with speeding if you take the the road conditions into account.

2. I doubt, however, that the conditions in Thailand would ever lead me to think it's safe to travel at speeds in excess of 160 KPH for all the reasons outlined previously - although i don't believe anyone mentioned the posibility of colliding with an 2 tonne Articulated Elephant that is travelling at 5 KPH.

3. Racing, however, should be strictly kept to the track as if you are concentrating too much on only one other car said Elephant WILL one day be the cause of your demise.

In summary then Dave, by all means get where you're going quickly, do it without racing, concentrate on what's going on around you, pray incessantly, sound one's all impotant horn for protedtion and you might just live to see ya next birthday.

Alternatively carry on as normal with you "devil may care" attitude and my GF and I will be sure to come to your funeral.

but now its 4 wheels and air con for me, 145 in the pick up maybe, but the guy in the Isuzu dealership reckons the new Isuzu Turbo will hit 190kph.

:o Wow! That sounds interesting...which model is that then? I barely hit 130 km/hr but my speedo needs to be recalibrated, as the truck has been raised 5 inches and had new wheels with 33'' tires.... :D


Why would you want to race or go fast in a pickup??

but now its 4 wheels and air con for me, 145 in the pick up maybe, but the guy in the Isuzu dealership reckons the new Isuzu Turbo will hit 190kph.

:o Wow! That sounds interesting...which model is that then? I barely hit 130 km/hr but my speedo needs to be recalibrated, as the truck has been raised 5 inches and had new wheels with 33'' tires.... :D

Why would you want to race or go fast in a pickup??
but now its 4 wheels and air con for me, 145 in the pick up maybe, but the guy in the Isuzu dealership reckons the new Isuzu Turbo will hit 190kph.

:D Wow! That sounds interesting...which model is that then? I barely hit 130 km/hr but my speedo needs to be recalibrated, as the truck has been raised 5 inches and had new wheels with 33'' tires.... :D



From stampeding buffalos? :D

Why would you want to race or go fast in a pickup??
but now its 4 wheels and air con for me, 145 in the pick up maybe, but the guy in the Isuzu dealership reckons the new Isuzu Turbo will hit 190kph.

:D Wow! That sounds interesting...which model is that then? I barely hit 130 km/hr but my speedo needs to be recalibrated, as the truck has been raised 5 inches and had new wheels with 33'' tires.... :D


I had some big bikes in Thailand,

Honda 750

Honda 1100

Suzuki 1400 Intruder

I used to give them all a real handful, especially away from the lights, fastest I went was about 220KPH, but things come at you so fast at that speed, it's difficult to keep it up for long periods, too much concentration needed.

It was Good fun and I went on a few great bike trips, Pattaya- Penang- Phuket- Pattaya, Pattaya- Chiang rai- Chiang mai -mae sai-Pattaya, Pattaya-Isaan tour-Pattaya, but now its 4 wheels and air con for me, 145 in the pick up maybe, but the guy in the Isuzu dealership reckons the new Isuzu Turbo will hit 190kph.

This is what you need Doc



Yea, I am thinking about the Vigo, I have a Tiger 4WD at the moment, I think I would have to give my motor and 500,000 Baht for a Vigo 4WD 4 Door, about 860,000 if I remember right.

If I can justify that outlay is another matter though, at the moment i am still working overseas, so my pick up is covered up a couple of months at a time, maybe I will wait for next year when I finish up working so much. :o

Yea, I am thinking about the Vigo, I have a Tiger 4WD at the moment, I think I would have to give my motor and 500,000 Baht for a Vigo 4WD 4 Door, about 860,000 if I remember right.

If I can justify that outlay is another matter though, at the moment i am still working overseas, so my pick up is covered up a couple of months at a time, maybe I will wait for next year when I finish up working so much.  :D

Yeah I know Doc :o I reinvented myself..... able to have a go at people with a new profile and have a bit more fun

house site looks good..... will take another photo for you

Yea, I am thinking about the Vigo, I have a Tiger 4WD at the moment, I think I would have to give my motor and 500,000 Baht for a Vigo 4WD 4 Door, about 860,000 if I remember right.

If I can justify that outlay is another matter though, at the moment i am still working overseas, so my pick up is covered up a couple of months at a time, maybe I will wait for next year when I finish up working so much.   :D

Yeah I know Doc :o I reinvented myself..... able to have a go at people with a new profile and have a bit more fun

house site looks good..... will take another photo for you

Ok, got ya........... :D

Yea, I would appreciate some pics now the site has been worked on a bit. All I need now is a design of a house to follow.

ermmmm, i suppose i will have to admit that i did indeed take the picture :o, but i did slow down to take the picture :D

actually the road was clear and straight for about 10 km when i took the pic, no traffic and no side roads, and i did put me can of beer in the cup holder though when i took the pic :D

only kidding :D


While i share your passion for driving the others do not...

They will never understand what precauctions an educated person takes to insure that the risks are calculated. They have simply made up their own ignorant ideas about how all speeding is reckless.

I come from Sydney...

Look mate driving in TL is not the same as doing the ton on the Nullabor....... the conditions here are just not comparable to Aussie..... 180kph is dangerous here....

if anyone can argue that it's safe for all road users, please inform me...

Torphun... I think i agree with you to a point however your post doesn't seem to make too much sense. I suspect you are just out for an argument rather then trying and understand another point of view because your replies are way off track to what i wrote.

Lets start with a reply of yours....

- You seem to accuse me of comparing Aussie roads to Thai roads.... "Look mate driving in TL is not the same as doing the ton on the Nullabor....... the conditions here are just not comparable to Aussie"..... I don't remember saying they were. I was simply stating that we have a large problem of road toll in AUS and that we have learnt that speeding is only a factor and not the sole cause.

Lets finish with your other reply...

- You consider racing your Hilux... "I'll tell you what......... you get every single person that uses the road to have a high level of "driver education" and I'll join you in a race with me old hilux"... This statement basically enforces my whole point. A hilux is obviously not built for high speeds... however some idiots still insist on racing them and then eventually, if they are unlucky, crashing them. Driver education gives everyone an understanding of what the safe thing to do is and where to do it.

Torphun, I understand you have an opinion about the topic and why not.. its a forum all about peoples opinions... Everyone's opinion should be voiced. No hard feelings mate, but try to come up with a decent reply with why you feel the way you do rather then just trying to burn me.


The thing is,it doesn't matter much if you're as good a driver as Michael Schumacher here, there are so many people on the roads at all times that do so many totally unpredictable things...

You might be cool-headed enough to steer away from whatever it is in front of you,a good thing to do is often to steer off the road but not here.

Why? Coz noone here thinks like that,there are lots of obstacles just off the road;trees,rocks..you name it(elephants too).

I always liked fast driving too, used to drive real motorbikes, but it's just not safe here.

Worst thing is;you're speeding while being aware of the risks(someone said"live fast,die(relatively)young and become a beautiful corpse"),the thai family of three(or four) on a motorcy(that's what they can afford maybe)isn't aware of your philosophy,not even of your presence on the road.

I agree,lots of people here shouldn't be out on the roads,but still they are.

Things are busy enough here anyway,don't add to it that way,just not worth it,buy time at some racetrack instead.

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