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Phuket Enforces Draconian Internal Security Act


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Under the harshest laws of the country, which is basically Martial law under a new name, which even it's supporters acknowledge does take away some of the basic human rights of the people for a period of time, Thailand as the Chair of ASEAN is set to proudly unveil the first ever ASEAN human rights body (AHRB) in Phuket. The irony....

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Internal Security Act

Does it mean Phuket can be declared "state of emergency" like Bangkok a few month ago?

What IS the Internal Security Act?

I hope it's 'detention without trail' and any trouble makers can stay behind bars indefinately! :)

Detention without trial?!? You musta loved George Bush and his Dick Cheney!

Seriously, however, Thailand, Toxin and his Red Shirts are a different place from the USA and global terrorism, ie, Jihad vs McWorld as one academic in the US wrote in his book.

I'd like to know more about any actual, real, security threat Toxin and his Red Shirts might pose to the meeting. Are Toxin and his gang washed up or do they truly pose a continued threat to Thailand?

Or is Toxin out of the picture but the Red Shirts would continue to act essentially on their own for their own nefarious purposes?

If there's a choice between continuing Thailand's continued economic plunge or cracking heads to put an end to the chaos, then I'd be there to help hand out the clubs. Big ones.

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They should do like one of the G8 meetings. Hold the event in some castle/mansion far from the city, some place that is easy to cord off some 1km from the site in question and arrest anyone that tries to go over any fence/barricade.

Or draw a line in the sand and shoot anyone that steps over it, but same-same...

Why they need to put these meetings in a tourist-location...is just beyond me. Or actually, it is not...it's about money.

Wow...great idea. :) You should be an advisor for a fascist leader such as those that exist in North Korea, China, Iran, Myanmar, Saudia Arabia, etc. Obviously, you do not believe in freedom, but you do believe in repression by death. You might want to reevaluate your belief system.

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The true purpose, 'INTERNAL SECURITY ACT' is not to protect ASEAN Members, but to stop the Middle and Lower class from obtaining what they lost during the 2006 COUP. When Peoples :) taste FREEDOM it is difficult to stop the urning. Let you not be fooled.

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"I think what other countries want to see is our ability to host the meeting in an orderly manner," Mr. Abhisit told a news conference.

You think too much, Prime Minister. What YOU and your mates want is an orderly meeting to avoid further loss of face.

Exactly. Well said!

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They should do like one of the G8 meetings. Hold the event in some castle/mansion far from the city, some place that is easy to cord off some 1km from the site in question and arrest anyone that tries to go over any fence/barricade.

Or draw a line in the sand and shoot anyone that steps over it, but same-same...

Why they need to put these meetings in a tourist-location...is just beyond me. Or actually, it is not...it's about money.

Mai pursunul cunnspirisy theerie / preedickshun iz that this iz eggzackly wut they arr going to do. All uv the ASSEE-YUNN reprezentutivs will fly into Pooget azz plannd, and then they will be seecritlee shuttld onto unuther airplayn and flone to sum reemoat littel eyeland in the "And A Man See" with armd botes serrounding it. Toorizm munny will bee lost in Pooget, but the greyter loss caused by unnuthur potenshul disrupshun will be avurted.

Eye sedd it heer on Tye Veeza furst but the manns filturs diddint kech it.


Where I live I am surrounded by illegal Mexicans and have known many for many years. I also speak Latin American Spanish. A Mexican would never write like that. The post was purposely writting to seem like an illiterate person or a non-English Speaker wrote it. You got trolled Aussimike. :)

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Internal Security Act

Does it mean Phuket can be declared "state of emergency" like Bangkok a few month ago?

What IS the Internal Security Act?

I hope it's 'detention without trail' and any trouble makers can stay behind bars indefinately! :)

It sounds like you worked in the Cheney / Bush administration/cabinet. If you did, you are out of work now, but should apply for work with the secret police forces of North Korea, Iran, or Saudi Arabia. You sound like a natural at being a fascist.

Once again...Wow...great idea. :D You should be an advisor for a fascist leader such as those that exist in North Korea, China, Iran, Myanmar, Saudia Arabia, etc. Obviously, you do not believe in freedom. You might want to reevaluate your belief system.

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The true purpose, 'INTERNAL SECURITY ACT' is not to protect ASEAN Members, but to stop the Middle and Lower class from obtaining what they lost during the 2006 COUP. When Peoples :) taste FREEDOM it is difficult to stop the urning. Let you not be fooled.

Just where did you get that shred of wisdom from?

A passing garbage truck?

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They should do like one of the G8 meetings. Hold the event in some castle/mansion far from the city, some place that is easy to cord off some 1km from the site in question and arrest anyone that tries to go over any fence/barricade.

Or draw a line in the sand and shoot anyone that steps over it, but same-same...

Why they need to put these meetings in a tourist-location...is just beyond me. Or actually, it is not...it's about money.

Wow...great idea. :) You should be an advisor for a fascist leader such as those that exist in North Korea, China, Iran, Myanmar, Saudia Arabia, etc. Obviously, you do not believe in freedom, but you do believe in repression by death. You might want to reevaluate your belief system.

No way, he is right. I agree with him.

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They should do like one of the G8 meetings. Hold the event in some castle/mansion far from the city, some place that is easy to cord off some 1km from the site in question and arrest anyone that tries to go over any fence/barricade.

Or draw a line in the sand and shoot anyone that steps over it, but same-same...

Why they need to put these meetings in a tourist-location...is just beyond me. Or actually, it is not...it's about money.

Wow...great idea. :) You should be an advisor for a fascist leader such as those that exist in North Korea, China, Iran, Myanmar, Saudia Arabia, etc. Obviously, you do not believe in freedom, but you do believe in repression by death. You might want to reevaluate your belief system.

You seem to be confused.

People are allowed to demonstrate.

They are however not allowed to invade private land to destroy it's property and disrupt whatever is going on there.

I believe each man should rule over their own castle (house) and surely the same protection should be handed out to anyone that has guests over?

Believing in protection against mob-rule isn't fascism, it's the to be a believer in true liberty.

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I love the comments like "one more nail in the coffin". If its a coffin, then please get out, why would anyone choose to live in such a place I do not know, go not because you were kicked out, but because you have a brain and you know whats good for you. Paranoia and distrust is a bad thing, go somewhere where you can heal your mental state. If Thailand is not what you want, there are 200 other nations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is a pity Draconian measures were not used last year against the yellow shirted, gun totting, iron bar wielding, fascist bully boys who occupied the airport..........They made Thailand a laughing stock in the eyes of the world and by wearing yellow shirts devalued and damaged 'Thai institutions' permanently- irrevocably. The red shirts are not the problem. It is the corrupt criminal elite who hide behind patriotism, 'the least refuge of the scoundrel' who have ridden rough shod over the people of Thailand. It is hypocritical that so many foreigners who were brought up with all the benefits of a democracy, education, rule of law, health care, civil order, free media, elections etc are so quick to deny the Thais the same basic human rights. And these are the foreigners who claim to 'love Thailand!' Clearly they do not.

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