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Joining The Military


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What age do one need to have to join the Thai National army or navy?

Does one need certain educational papers (need some passing grade or so) to join?

Is Joining the military in Thailand a good thing discipline wise or is this yet another farce in Thailand. One of the kids here would love to join he army and I think it could help himas he has some difficulties in school?

Whats you guys advise on this

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What age do one need to have to join the Thai National army or navy?

Does one need certain educational papers (need some passing grade or so) to join?

Is Joining the military in Thailand a good thing discipline wise or is this yet another farce in Thailand. One of the kids here would love to join he army and I think it could help himas he has some difficulties in school?

Whats you guys advise on this

Think joining the navy would be a better option, a least he will learn a trade he can use in the future, ie once finishing his time he could join up with a marine company in some shape or form...

Army is a waste of time....

To get anywhere in military these days ie to become a REMF...you need a University education, or some very serious high-ranking contacts...

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As he has some difficulty at school the military will put some discipline on him but in the hard way. Don't want to know about his difficulty in school but if it is of teen energy the military officer pre-cadet school can be good choice for him especially when he himself want it.

1. For the officer career

1.1 After the 10 grade (Mor. 4), enter the Pre-Cadet School. You select to take exam into your choices be it Army, Navy, Air Forces and Police. They all get training together in boarding school, go home during weekend if there is nothing wrong wih your performance during the week. It offers high school certificate.

Then, to your academy, be it Army, Navy etc. 4 more years and get enlisted as Sub Lt. Almost all can be retired as Maj.Gen. as least.

1.2 After University degree, pass the exam to be Sub Lt. candicate, get some month of training and get enlisted. The position is very limited and this kind of officer will not command the force nor get to top brass position, unwritten rule.

2. For the NCO career

2.2 Same as 1.1 but to NCO school to be corporal after 2-3 years I am not sure

2.2 Volunteer to be private.

Starting as NCO the highest rank when you retire is around Maj. or Lt.Col.

I am a Thai and many in the family were and are in the military. They all like it more or less.

PS: The military academies also have scholarships for some cadets to go to West Point or USAF Academy at Colorado Spring or Spanish Navel School.

Edited by oldsparrow
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To answer the OP questions.

You can join up at 18 years of age

As a by note, at 20 years of age every male thai is subject to compilsory military service of 2 years. This is bypassed by maybe 70% of the population mainly with the aid of cash.

One previous poster mentioned regarding courses for officer and nco level entry. Both these are available and yes, it is corrupt and will generally be filled with thise that can pay. the police is virtually considered a branch of the miliaty as far as this procedure is concerned.

there is still scope for a gifted individual with no family background to rise above and beyond......but unfortunately that scope is very limited and it will generally n be the money that speaks louder than the achievements.

If the fella, or gal, that u are talkingh about really wants to join up...then by all means help then go for it....they'll be treated like dirt....paid less than half the salary of a KFC worker and a multitude of other really bad situations.....

.....but they'll build character, comradery, and a range of skills that will be invaluable for the remainder of their lives.....regardless of which service they choose

Don't let people fool you into thinking that you have to make cololnel or higher to have achieved in the military. There have been many who have stayed at the bottom because of love of what they are doing and have had just as long and illustrious careers

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The schools mentioned above are hard to get into. They are very competitive. They don't take students that are having difficulties.

"As a by note, at 20 years of age every male thai is subject to compilsory military service of 2 years."

That is not correct. If not already exempt because of classes taken in high school, or for medical reasons, they are eligible for the lottery.

At the lottery the young men draw either red or black. The percentages for actually having to serve are on the lower side. The actual number required each year depends on how many recruits the military needs for that year.

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To answer the OP questions. You can join up at 18 years of age As a by note, at 20 years of age every male thai is subject to compilsory military service of 2 years. This is bypassed by maybe 70% of the population mainly with the aid of cash. One previous poster mentioned regarding courses for officer and nco level entry. Both these are available and yes, it is corrupt and will generally be filled with thise that can pay. the police is virtually considered a branch of the miliaty as far as this procedure is concerned. there is still scope for a gifted individual with no family background to rise above and beyond......but unfortunately that scope is very limited and it will generally n be the money that speaks louder than the achievements. If the fella, or gal, that u are talkingh about really wants to join up...then by all means help then go for it....they'll be treated like dirt....paid less than half the salary of a KFC worker and a multitude of other really bad situations..... .....but they'll build character, comradery, and a range of skills that will be invaluable for the remainder of their lives.....regardless of which service they choose Don't let people fool you into thinking that you have to make cololnel or higher to have achieved in the military. There have been many who have stayed at the bottom because of love of what they are doing and have had just as long and illustrious careers

And you are an expert on Thai military history of this country?

Of course the connection system exist in the system but in general the military officer career path is one favorite for the disadvantage Thais who want to step up the social ladder. Once they get in they don't have to pay anything and if they do good they have opportunity. Many country boys took the exam several time.

Small sample:

There was a son of a well known Comunist insurgent, the red guy in the jungle was the whost enemy of the state for he was the defected government officer, a traitor.

In fact, the communist's son did join the cadet school. He perform very well and got scholarship to West Point. He serve in the elite special force of the Paratroop. He became the Paratroop Commander. He became four stars general and the Army Commander. The most powerful soldier of TL.

His name is Gen. Surayud Chulanond

For concern on the look prejudice, no prob on this, we had half farang Permanent-Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affair, the top guy in the Ministry representing the country to the world.

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