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Lets Hear Some Bad Stories For Once


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I would like to here some bad stories about people who chanced everything for a life they have sampled in previous visits to the LoS?


Booma, just head along to Pattaya and see the sights there, the sad looking farangs sitting at a table outside a mama shop drinking beer Chang, same table everyday, with other farangs that look equally lost and bewildered.

I doubt many of these guys actually thought it would come to this, but it has, and it is the same for many many others........

They once loved Thailand, understandably so,it was so different to what they were used to back in their own countries, so they sell up, break ties and clear out to live the dream, that dream often ends up a nightmare, by the time they realise that the grass is certainly not always greener elsewhere, it's too late for them.

They become cynical of all things Thai, they deeply mistrust and resent the very people they once thought were so wonderful, they think that the Thais are out to get them, ( minorities the world over have the same paranoid feelings ), they blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failures, gone are the days of having fun, now they are full time residents of 'Self Pity City'.

It is not difficult to understand why there are so many suicides. :o

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I would like to here some bad stories about people who chanced everything for a life they have sampled in previous visits to the LoS?


Booma, just head along to Pattaya and see the sights there, the sad looking farangs sitting at a table outside a mama shop drinking beer Chang, same table everyday, with other farangs that look equally lost and bewildered.

I doubt many of these guys actually thought it would come to this, but it has, and it is the same for many many others........

They once loved Thailand, understandably so,it was so different to what they were used to back in their own countries, so they sell up, break ties and clear out to live the dream, that dream often ends up a nightmare, by the time they realise that the grass is certainly not always greener elsewhere, it's too late for them.

They become cynical of all things Thai, they deeply mistrust and resent the very people they once thought were so wonderful, they think that the Thais are out to get them, ( minorities the world over have the same paranoid feelings ), they blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failures, gone are the days of having fun, now they are full time residents of 'Self Pity City'.

It is not difficult to understand why there are so many suicides. :o

Surely it can't be all that bad John?

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Some of these sorry suckers end up here on Saipan because it's the closest place they can use their Medicare. They get old, they get sick, they can't afford medical care and, more often than not, they have been drinking themselves to death for years.

Speaking of which, time for a beer.


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I get some ups and down in the business I am in, some times loaded other times flat broke. There never seems to be an inbewteen here. I live in a Thia area and very seldom see other nationalities, I am kind of glad about this as no matter what state my finances are in I can always rely on a friendly greeting from my thai friends, I kind of feel a little isolated from the expats when I am broke. I am self employed and have not been here all that long. my lifestile is more akin to the thais than high rolling expats. I think that helps me get through the tough times. Trying to keep up with expat living on a small budget is a disheartening thing

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I would like to here some bad stories about people who chanced everything for a life they have sampled in previous visits to the LoS?


Why? :o

Why? because It is useful hearing both sides of peoples experiences. Moving to LoS is a big move.

I want to avoid $%^&*() my live up.


PS Sorry about the grammar in my original message, must've been on the krones at the time!

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From a Detached suberban house and a BMW car in UK to a Fan room and an old Honda Dream in Pattaya, getting older, getting fatter, getting greyer and balder, weak bladder, impotence, senility creeping in.............

and having sex with teenagers with no strings (and no g-strings, unlike Bangkok).

All the guys I know in pattaya are having a lovely time. If they don't they leave.

Dr J, you have a very negative outlook about Farangs having fun !

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I would like to here some bad stories about people who chanced everything for a life they have sampled in previous visits to the LoS?


Booma, just head along to Pattaya and see the sights there, the sad looking farangs sitting at a table outside a mama shop drinking beer Chang, same table everyday, with other farangs that look equally lost and bewildered.

I doubt many of these guys actually thought it would come to this, but it has, and it is the same for many many others........

They once loved Thailand, understandably so,it was so different to what they were used to back in their own countries, so they sell up, break ties and clear out to live the dream, that dream often ends up a nightmare, by the time they realise that the grass is certainly not always greener elsewhere, it's too late for them.

They become cynical of all things Thai, they deeply mistrust and resent the very people they once thought were so wonderful, they think that the Thais are out to get them, ( minorities the world over have the same paranoid feelings ), they blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failures, gone are the days of having fun, now they are full time residents of 'Self Pity City'.

It is not difficult to understand why there are so many suicides. :D

if the losers took some time out to study the winners they would not be in this state :D

there are plenty of successful guys as well here, and yes i do drink and i do shag also :D

the point is, when you come here don't think with your dick and let common sense prevail, you're out on your own, as always :o

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Have you had a bad experience Dr J, AKA Doom Merchant? :o

I met guys who have ended up down and out and also met guys who have made it in Thailand, I couldn't put a figure on it but I think most guys are happier living in LOS in their fan room and Honda Dream than living back home with the hateful wife and dead end job. As long as the guy with the fan room has enough money to live on and/or a regular income I dont see the problem. I would happily trade a BMW in for a life in LOS compared to having one and working the rest of my life in the UK.

Its always going to be risky (unless you are considerably well off) moving from your home to LOS, if you try and with a bit of luck you can make it, if you cannot make it the trick is to get out of there before you end up completely broke with no where to turn other than a 30m drop from the balcony.

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Why? because It is useful hearing both sides of peoples experiences. Moving to LoS is a big move.

I want to avoid $%^&*() my live up.


PS Sorry about the grammar in my original message, must've been on the krones at the time!

Oh, OK - I didn't realise you weren't already here (Thailand). Afraid I can't contribute too much to this thread then, as not much really bad has happened to me :o:D

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I would like to here some bad stories about people who chanced everything for a life they have sampled in previous visits to the LoS?


Booma, just head along to Pattaya and see the sights there, the sad looking farangs sitting at a table outside a mama shop drinking beer Chang, same table everyday, with other farangs that look equally lost and bewildered.

I doubt many of these guys actually thought it would come to this, but it has, and it is the same for many many others........

They once loved Thailand, understandably so,it was so different to what they were used to back in their own countries, so they sell up, break ties and clear out to live the dream, that dream often ends up a nightmare, by the time they realise that the grass is certainly not always greener elsewhere, it's too late for them.

They become cynical of all things Thai, they deeply mistrust and resent the very people they once thought were so wonderful, they think that the Thais are out to get them, ( minorities the world over have the same paranoid feelings ), they blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failures, gone are the days of having fun, now they are full time residents of 'Self Pity City'.

It is not difficult to understand why there are so many suicides. :o

I think I meet that guy a couple of times in the ten years I have been here.

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Very interesting thread. I have been here for almost 5 months now and very dissapointed. I can remember the "old days" when Bangkok and the whole country was wild and wonderful.

It appears that the hey-day is gone and I don't feel the excitement. Getting a little bored actually. I live in Saphan Khwai. Perhaps I'll do what someone mentioned above, move to the suburbs and try to live a quiet life in a private house.

I wonder how many expats have left since "Toxin"arrived? This guy really scares me.


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I would like to here some bad stories about people who chanced everything for a life they have sampled in previous visits to the LoS?


Booma, just head along to Pattaya and see the sights there, the sad looking farangs sitting at a table outside a mama shop drinking beer Chang, same table everyday, with other farangs that look equally lost and bewildered.

I doubt many of these guys actually thought it would come to this, but it has, and it is the same for many many others........

They once loved Thailand, understandably so,it was so different to what they were used to back in their own countries, so they sell up, break ties and clear out to live the dream, that dream often ends up a nightmare, by the time they realise that the grass is certainly not always greener elsewhere, it's too late for them.

They become cynical of all things Thai, they deeply mistrust and resent the very people they once thought were so wonderful, they think that the Thais are out to get them, ( minorities the world over have the same paranoid feelings ), they blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failures, gone are the days of having fun, now they are full time residents of 'Self Pity City'.

It is not difficult to understand why there are so many suicides. :o

Are these your own thoughts and feelings. Doctor John ?

Everyone is looking for their own piece of paradise. Unfortunately, we all get bored with everything after a while. Truly, I have found it's the people we meet and befriend that count, not the surroundings, although that helps. We can all get bored lying on an exotic beach while on holiday, but when we return home to our humdrum jobs in the middle of a cold winter, we dream about that same beach.

More often than not, it's the wanting, not the having. I sometimes get bored here, but when I think about what I would return to. there is no contest.

Long may it last ! :D

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I was speaking with a guy last weekend at a party at one of the wife's Thai friends in the UK. He has been married for eight years to a Thai lady and spent a year working in Pattaya recently.

During his time in Pattaya he witnessed countless occasions where farang men were losing their life savings to greedy Thai women, lawyers and business partners. The sad thing is that most farangs are not interested in 'the reality' of life in Thailand and are far happier in their dream of tropical paradise until they wake up one morning to discover it was a nightmare.

Unlike the UK, Thailand does not look after the old and sick. If you have money and are not ill then life in Thailand can be very good, but living in Thailand is like a high wire act with no safety-net.

Edited by ghengis
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