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Hi, we have a very large property and every now and then one of my wifes friends comes around and sprays the weeds for us to knock them back.

Now she uses Gramoxone or Roundup, her name for it, not sure if it's some Thai generic, but just wraps a scarf around her face for protection.

I have tied to get her to wear a proper mask but she always refuses, 'not comfortable'.

I would like to know what type of protection she should be wearing as the least I can do is offer it to her, maybe even insist, when she is working on our property.

All the local agricultural supply shops only seem to have those 'doctor' type masks, the ones they are handing out to avoid swine flu. I have my doubts these are up to scratch when chemical spraying somehow.

Thanks for reading, Andy.


Andy, Gramoxone and Round Up are very different herbacides. Gramoxone is 'paraquat' a very effective herbacide but a dangerous substance for the applicator and the environment. Read from the following link and label with precautionary statements and personal protective requirements.

This is a category 1, Danger/Poison rated, and restricted use pesticide (professional applicators only), the highest hazard rating from the US EPA out of 3 categories. I would strongly discourage you from using paraquat, and if I were you I would take a strong stand and forbid it's use by your wife or anyone you care about, without full protection; the same stance you might take toward letting them play with a loaded gun when they didn't have a clue about the dangers.

http://www.cdms.net/LDat/ld77A053.pdf. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/paraquat/basics/facts.asp

Round UP is a product name for one company's herbacide with the 'glyphosate' active ingredient. This is not without cautions for applicator safety and environmental impact, but it is much safer to use than paraquat. Still insist on applicator protective gear, handling and mixing according to the label recommendations. But this is a category 3/Caution rated pesticide, a big difference in hazard potential.


If you have considered alternatives to herbacide use, like cutting, hoeing, mulching, plastic mulching, and you still feel that you have to use an herbacide, then glyphosate may be a better choice. But google these chemicals and become informed.

Pesticide rated masks are available in Thailand, we have shops here in Chiang Mai that carry them; Home Pro and other stores have painting masks, disposable jump suits, rubber gloves and boots that you could adapt to pesticide use for category 3 substances. If you are going to have category 1 pesticides around, then I would look for the more serious protection. don


This won't be relevant to the OP, but an interesting fact I discovered recently.

I work for an oil and gas pipeline inspection firm, and tried to source some full face gas masks/ face shields for mercury protection. As the Thai government feels these may be used for bomb manufacturing we have to apply for a license from the government before we are allowed to purchase them, a process which takes 2 months!

I'm pretty sure for a normal respirator type thing this won't apply :)

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