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Hi folks....

I posted in the Visa section by mistake... this is where I hope to get a better responce...

I have travelled most of my life. Navy, backpack and sailboat, so although I am not unexperienced I somehow never made it to Thailand and know that those who are there know where the bodies are buried. *smile*

I am going to Nong Khai and do not want to hang in BKK. What is the best way to get to Nong Khai? Also, what is the recommendation as to the 30 non-visa or getting a tourist visa before I leave?

Thanks for the help


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Bit of info from our friends up a the bakers site (with thanks)

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai )

is a border province of Northern Thailand with boundaries in the North at Vientiane divided by the Mekong River, in the South by Udon Thani and Sakon Nakon, in the East by Nakhon Phanon and the West by Loei.

Travel to Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) and the province from Bangkok is by road by car or bus or by air to Udan Thani and thence a short VIP bus trip to Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ).

By car:

Take highway number 2 to Nakhon Ratchasima, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani and Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ). The total distance is 616 km and the highway is good.

By Bus:

The Transport Company operates bus services from Bangkok - both ordinary and air-conditioned.

Bus schedule for Air-Conditioned Buses, (blue ones)


First Departure Time

Last Departure Time

Total of Services (Daily)

Fares (THB) (each trip)

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – BKK (24 Seats)

08.00 pm.

08.00 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – BKK

07.30 am.

08.30 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Rayong

07.00 am.

07.00 pm.



Bung Khan – BKK

06.45 am.

06.00 pm.



Sichiangmai – BKK

08.00 am.

09.00 pm.



Note that prices are due to change following the current fuel prices

Bus schedule for Ordinary Buses, (organge ones)


First Departure Time

Last Departure Time

Total of Services (Daily)

Fares (THB) (each trip)

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – BKK

05.50 am.

05.30 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Udon Thani

05.45 am.

06.00 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Ban Phang

05.30 am.

04.00 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Na Khang

06.00 am.

02.30 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Loei

06.00 am.

04.00 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Rayong

06.00 am.

06.00 pm.



Buang Khan – BKK

06.20 am.

05.30 pm.



Sichiangmai – BKK

09.30 am.

07.10 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Sichiangmai

08.00 am.

09.30 am.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Bung Khan

06.00 am.

07.30 pm.



Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) – Tha Bo

06.00 am.

04.30 pm.



Note that prices are due to change following the current fuel prices

For details please contact: -

Ordinary Buses: Bangkok Tel: (02) 2710101-5

Air-Con Buses: Bangkok Tel: (02) 2794484-7

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) Tel: (042) 411612

In addition there are private companies providing Bus services as follows: -

Air-Con buses:

407 Pattana.

Tel: Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) (042) 411261

Tel: Bangkok (02) 2712996

Chan Tour.

Tel: Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) (042) 4412195

Tel: Bangkok (02) 2790730

Baramee Tour.

Tel: Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) (042) 411103

Tel: Bangkok (02) 2798593

Cherd Chai Tour.

Tel: Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) (042) 411694

Tel: Bangkok (02) 2712985

By Air:

The Thai Airways International

Has scheduled flights to Udan Thani three times daily. From Udan Thani to Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) there is a VIP mini-bus service direct to Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ), a short journey of only 54 km. which takes about fifty minutes and the VIP service will take you direct to your door.

For details of flight times please contact Thai Airways.

Tel: Bangkok (02) 2800070 - 2800080

Tel: Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) (042) 411530

By Train:

The State Railway of Thailand has daily services to and from Bangkok to Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ). For details and bookings for the overnight sleeper please contact: -

Tel: Bangkok (02) 2237010 - 2237020

Tel: Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) (042) 411592

Train Schedule

Dail Train Train Rates at Class Fan Air-Conditioned

From - To Depart Arrive 1 2 3 Upper Bed Lower Bed Upper Bed Lower Bed

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) - BKK Fast 18.10 am. 09.00 pm. 278 143 378 428

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) - BKK Fast 07.25 pm. 09.10 am. 278 143 378 428

BKK - Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) Fast 06.00 am. 06.00 pm. 278 143 378 428

BKK - Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) Fast 07.00 pm. 07.10 am. 278 143 378 428

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) - BKK Express 06.35 pm. 06.00 am. 1077 298 163 398 448 548 618

BKK - Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) Express 08.30 pm. 08.40 am. 1077 298 163 398 448 548 618

Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) (Amphoe) Town

This is the main town in the province, the Amphoe Muang and is the starting point for the tourists visiting the province. It is a small, quiet town and is situated either side of the two main roads, Prajak Road and Mee Chai Road. A third main road, Phonpisai Road is now nearing completion. Small Soi, internal streets, are interlaced between the main roads connecting the town.

There are three hospitals, a provincial main office (Amphoe), Police station, Court, Bus station, Railway station, major Post Office and the crossing into Laos at the Friendship Bridge. For many tourists and Thai inhabitants Nong Khai ( Nongkhai ) is the stepping stone to Laos.


There are a good number of Hotels, Guest Houses and Resorts in Nong Khai


It's a long way by bus.

Take the train.

2nd Class Lower Berth with a/c for about 730baht.

Leave BKK 7:30 pm arrive refreshed about 9am.

Train has comfy berths, clean sheets, reading light.

Lower berth is best as it has a window, the upper feels confined because of the ceiling curve of the railcar.

For 730bath you get transport and a clean comfy bed.

Train has acceptable Thai food, avoid falang food as its microwaved eggs etc etc

TIP: Take your own bumwad as the toilets are not dependable.

You can buy beer or water on board.


I second johnnyk's recommendation. I did this last July. As soon as the train departed the station, I got up and headed for the galley. Asked for a bottle of Sang Som and some cokes, and struck up friendly conversations with the other passengers. Food is so-so, but edible. After getting mildy drunk, headed back to my bunk, and enjoyed the rest of the journey with my eyes closed. Great trip!

P.S. I can't recall why, but I was told prior to booking passage, that 2nd class is better than 1st. Not only is it less expensive, but there was another reason... and I can't put my finger on it right now... maybe something to do with access to the galley?. Anyhow, I have zero complaints with travelling 2nd-class. I would recommend it to anyone travelling to Nong Khai.

what is the recommendation as to the 30 non-visa or getting a tourist visa before I leave?

Can you explain a bit more?

Where r u from (passport)?

Good advice above re the train. :o


Get train from Laksi, station fare is 500bt for sleeper and let me tell you the beds are very comfortable a/c not really required if you are on a budget and lower bunk preferable as it sways lesss. Udon dead easy to get to the border take a jumbo from the station about 40bt when you get to the border 10bt bus will take you over, (I often walk for that walking across the border experience, makes me feel all funny inside)

on the other side miss out the boys on the desk hustling for taxi fares go to the car park and negotiate, 150bt will do you nicely to Vientien. One more thing, change your money, although you can use Baht or dollars you always get a better deal when using kip. enjoy Lao the beer is great and Lao bagguettes are to die for

Udon dead easy to get to the border take a jumbo from the station about 40bt when you get to the border 10bt bus will take you over, (I often walk for that walking across the border experience, makes me feel all funny inside)

on the other side miss out the boys on the desk hustling for taxi fares go to the car park and negotiate, 150bt will do you nicely to Vientien.

There are buses now that do this direct..Udon to Vientienne 80 baht :o


Thanks to all the information...

I am anxious to get going. I am currently in Florida and will fly to Californina on the 1st and then book to Bangkok. As per the visa question.... I know that I do not require a visa for up to 30 days. I have no schedule and am retired... should I go ahead and get an extended visa as I may find that I might like to stay longer or can I do this in Thailand?

Additionally, I am planning on traveling pretty light... I thought about one pull-a-long suitcase or should I go with a pull-a-long backpack? I will also bring my laptop which I will have in a seperate bag. I figure I can get stuff washed cheap or just buy something if I need it... what think?

I am grateful for the 'old hands' information



If you think you will be in Thailand more than 30 days, best to get a 60 day visa back home. Pack light, clothes at markets are very cheap, so is the laundry. Rucksack is the way to go if you intend moving around. Those cases with wheels are good enough for airports but, a burden when travelling.


...thanks again for the info. Yes, the rucksack is probably best... I saw one in a sports shop with a strap and wheels too. I have no idea about the length of stay but I suppose I could stay longer than 30 days if I were having the time of my life to to speak... I was asked why I am going to Nong Khai and I said I really did not know other than it was there and I am not into the booze and sex scene not that I am not interested in a nice Thai lady past 40... I guess I just wanted to get out in the outback to get my first Thai exposure and I have been chatting with a lady that live there. I know, I know... the internet thing is suspect. I am not stupid nor are my hormones running the show. The lady is 52 and appearantly doesn't speak much English. I am letting fate play its hand and it I am not digging the Nong Khai thing, I can just move along to Chaing Mai or where-ever....

Guess I need to get busy on the visa thing... should I just got with one of the internet folks... like Thaivisa.com?



If it works the same as it does in the UK (Your in America, yes?) A form is filled in issued from a consulate in your country. When you are in receipt of a 60 day tourist visa form, you simply fill it in, send your passport along with the money required. It comes back to you with a 60 day visa stamped in it.

Enjoy Nong Khai. Its an OK place.


If you are going to be jumping about so much I would suggest you leave the laptop and dont worry about losing it.

Great to have but BAGGAGE.....

Travel as light as possible,single rucksack,minimun clothes as you can buy anything you need to wear...polo shirts..jeans etc for a few dollars and chuck them away when/if they ever wear out.

Internet cafes are almost everywhere (OK not in the boondocks or up mountains)and aint expensive.

I have used them for as little as 10bt an hour.

The only things you really need are you passport,tickets,

C.C.emergency telephone Numbers (sorry..be realistic)some dosh (money)sense of adventure and a smile and you will be OK. :o


...thanks again to all.

As per laptop. I have a relatively new one and I think I will got to ebay or a used comp store and buy a cheap disposable one. I am a writter of sorts... short stories and articles... make a few $$ now and then and for me it is a great outlet when alone. Yep, I am a American, however, I normally do not advertize it and because I have spent about 80% of my 65 years outside CONUS I am able to blend pretty well.

...again thanks for the responce... knowledge is power.



If you plan to go to Laos the visa fee at the border is $30US. They will take baht but charged me 1500 baht for the privilage, which is closer to $40US.

So take US$ for that as they prefer greenbacks.

Travel light, you don't need much and you can buy anything you need in Thailand.

Have a good one!


Been to Nong Khai many times and sitting by the river of an evening as the sun sets over Laos is lovely but i think after more than a few days you will run out of things to see and do.

Been to Nong Khai many times and sitting by the river of an evening as the sun sets over Laos is lovely but i think after more than a few days you will run out of things to see and do.

You are probably right... however I thought what the ######, I will start north and then move around at whatever pace I wish... From Nong Khai I can ask around and maybe ride a bus elsewhere. I am in no hurry

Thanks for the link.



Isaarn is red hot at the moment so you might want to pop up North after to visit Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai which are at higher altitudes and cooler.


...thanks for the thought aletta

I had more or less been thinking the same thing. As I said... I am going to meet a lady in Nong Khai... it may be for naught but I really don't have a travel plan and am just going with the flow. I had thought I would go north eventually and maybe south later although having lived in the Caribbean for many years aboard a sailboat I have seen all the beaches I need. Don't get me wrong, I love the beach and maybe I should include the southern shores.

BTW... what amount of cash $$$ would you consider prudent to arrive with... in pocket? I was thinking about five bills (US)... then banks or atm's after that.


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