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Mayor’s Nephew Nabbed For Snatching Bag

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"A teenage nephew of Koh Samui Mayor Ramnet Jaikwang and two others were arrested recently for snatching a shoulder bag from a Chinese female tourist."

A teenage nephew of the Major - So what - I expect the Mayor along with everyone else will make sure the 3 are punished and made to understand what they have done wrong .

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A few years ago i asked policeman friend of mine what sort of penalty would this (exact) crime attract. He told me 4 Years in the nick.

Be interesting to see what these lads get.

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I am niether sanctioning nor condemning the law, crime and punishment as it stands in Thailand, They have the right to impose whatever penalties they see fit. I am just teling you what was told to me. At the time I thought it was a bit stiff too, but it's their country not mine.

If this happened in Australia, the offenders would only have to get a good lawyer to state they had a poor upbringing and they would get off with a slap on the wrist.

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My gripe is with Samui Express that publish rubish without any research -

Did they interview the Mayor or his nephew - ? I expect not

Where did the story come from as with their other unresearched articles - where they paid to publish cetrtain articles ?

the Paper is a Joke but it is not funny .

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I do not think that anybody would think that 4 years in prison for snatching a handbag was justified - We have all done silly things as teenagers .

Yes we all done silly things but i never ever stole from someone, burgled or anything like that, 4 Years is strong of course bu for starters they won't get it as it's the Mayors whatever & secondly, if it was enforced, it would make them & others think again before doing it wouldn't it ??

& that applies for all Crime, everywhere..

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Yep, a bad boy in the Mayor's family, my opinion a good SPANKING should be in order, :D:D:D No that's child abuse, a better choice send his to an inactive POST for training, no doubt about it a teen now 30 years at about 47 or so he will be prime to return to this inactive post. :D:):D kids need to learn a lesson.

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I do not think that anybody would think that 4 years in prison for snatching a handbag was justified - We have all done silly things as teenagers .

What mugging people?

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Mayor’s nephew, 2 others nabbed for snatching bag

A teenage nephew of Koh Samui Mayor Ramnet Jaikwang and two others were arrested recently for snatching a shoulder bag from a Chinese female tourist.

More on samuiexpress

I sadly report that Thai society suffer a deep change.................10 years ago this kind of news were infrequent/rare !

I like to remember thai people as loyal people. But in these years this is not the right sentence to describe thai society (obviously I do not say all of them are the same, but I assume the basic values changed already).

and Thailand is not a poor (economically) country...compairing to some Neighbours...

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Being accused of snatching a bag is not the same as being accused of mugging !

I don't think snatching handbags is something most people do when they are young, Its hardly stealing penny sweets from the local shop is it?

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I do not think that anybody would think that 4 years in prison for snatching a handbag was justified - We have all done silly things as teenagers .


Firstly, I think 4 years is probably right on the money and certainly an appropriate sentence for this type of despicable crime. In fact, 4 years should be the bare minimum. I agree with you that we have have all done 'silly' things as teenagers, but I am sure most, if not all us never resorted to this type of criminal behavior.

Bag snatching is a heinous crime as the offender often preys on the weak and vulnerable, such as the elderly who are not so quick on their feet to react. If you don't think that bag snatching is a crime of violence, just Google "bag snatch death", and view for yourself the staggering number of results with regards to people who have died or been seriously injured as the direct result of being the victim of a bag snatch. In many cases death has resulted from a victim falling and hitting their head, and broken hips or also very common. Adding to this the fear in some communities that elderly and frail people, who had once lead productive lives, are too scared and afraid to leave their homes for fear of some thug wanting to steal from them.



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  • 1 month later...
]I do not think that anybody would think that 4 years in prison for snatching a handbag was justified - We have all done silly things as teenagers[/b] .


Firstly, I think 4 years is probably right on the money and certainly an appropriate sentence for this type of despicable crime. In fact, 4 years should be the bare minimum. I agree with you that we have have all done 'silly' things as teenagers, but I am sure most, if not all us never resorted to this type of criminal behavior.

Bag snatching is a heinous crime as the offender often preys on the weak and vulnerable, such as the elderly who are not so quick on their feet to react. If you don't think that bag snatching is a crime of violence, just Google "bag snatch death", and view for yourself the staggering number of results with regards to people who have died or been seriously injured as the direct result of being the victim of a bag snatch. In many cases death has resulted from a victim falling and hitting their head, and broken hips or also very common. Adding to this the fear in some communities that elderly and frail people, who had once lead productive lives, are too scared and afraid to leave their homes for fear of some thug wanting to steal from them.



This is an old forum topic, but I thought I would add to it now given what had happened to the poor lady mentioned below.

Expat Scot Mugged In Thailand Is Fighting For Her Life

A Scots expat is fighting for her life after she was mugged by two thieves in Thailand.

Lydia Riach, 52, from Inverness, who lives in Bangkok with her husband, Dougie, was attacked by the men at the weekend.

Details only emerged yesterday of the incident. Mrs Riach, a mother of two, is on a life support machine in hospital.

Her daughter Patricia and son Roger were last night described as being "devastated" by the incident.

The attack was carried out by two men on a moped in Bangkok city centre on Saturday. One was driving while the other grabbed her handbag.

Mrs Riach was carried a considerable distance before being thrown to the ground and was knocked instantly unconscious as her head struck the pavement.

She was rushed to hospital and has been in a coma on a ventilator ever since.

Nicol Adie, Patricia's husband, said: "It is a really difficult time for the family and we would like to be left alone and our privacy respected."

A family friend, who did not wish to be named, said: "It doesn't sound very good for Lydia. The family are fearing the worst."

Another said: "Everyone in Inverness knew the family."

Mrs Riach had worked as a part-time teacher and also worked in supermarkets in Inverness. She had recently returned to Inverness to visit her grandchildren.

The family friend added: "It is tragic something like this has happened to her. She was devoted to her family and loved returning to Inverness to see them."

Mr Riach is a past Scottish rally champion, and is honorary life president of the Highland Car Club. He is also a founding director of Caledonian Thistle Football Club, and was also a keen curler.

The family friend continued: "He was at one time a very, very good rally driver. He was pretty big in rallying.

"He worked for quite a number of people. He was a good salesman, working for the likes of Arnold Clark and John Weir in car sales."

-- theherald.co.uk 2009-09-01

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]I do not think that anybody would think that 4 years in prison for snatching a handbag was justified - We have all done silly things as teenagers[/b] .


Firstly, I think 4 years is probably right on the money and certainly an appropriate sentence for this type of despicable crime. In fact, 4 years should be the bare minimum. I agree with you that we have have all done 'silly' things as teenagers, but I am sure most, if not all us never resorted to this type of criminal behavior.

Bag snatching is a heinous crime as the offender often preys on the weak and vulnerable, such as the elderly who are not so quick on their feet to react. If you don't think that bag snatching is a crime of violence, just Google "bag snatch death", and view for yourself the staggering number of results with regards to people who have died or been seriously injured as the direct result of being the victim of a bag snatch. In many cases death has resulted from a victim falling and hitting their head, and broken hips or also very common. Adding to this the fear in some communities that elderly and frail people, who had once lead productive lives, are too scared and afraid to leave their homes for fear of some thug wanting to steal from them.



This is an old forum topic, but I thought I would add to it now given what had happened to the poor lady mentioned below.

Expat Scot Mugged In Thailand Is Fighting For Her Life

A Scots expat is fighting for her life after she was mugged by two thieves in Thailand.

Lydia Riach, 52, from Inverness, who lives in Bangkok with her husband, Dougie, was attacked by the men at the weekend.

Details only emerged yesterday of the incident. Mrs Riach, a mother of two, is on a life support machine in hospital.

Her daughter Patricia and son Roger were last night described as being "devastated" by the incident.

The attack was carried out by two men on a moped in Bangkok city centre on Saturday. One was driving while the other grabbed her handbag.

Mrs Riach was carried a considerable distance before being thrown to the ground and was knocked instantly unconscious as her head struck the pavement.

She was rushed to hospital and has been in a coma on a ventilator ever since.

Nicol Adie, Patricia's husband, said: "It is a really difficult time for the family and we would like to be left alone and our privacy respected."

A family friend, who did not wish to be named, said: "It doesn't sound very good for Lydia. The family are fearing the worst."

Another said: "Everyone in Inverness knew the family."

Mrs Riach had worked as a part-time teacher and also worked in supermarkets in Inverness. She had recently returned to Inverness to visit her grandchildren.

The family friend added: "It is tragic something like this has happened to her. She was devoted to her family and loved returning to Inverness to see them."

Mr Riach is a past Scottish rally champion, and is honorary life president of the Highland Car Club. He is also a founding director of Caledonian Thistle Football Club, and was also a keen curler.

The family friend continued: "He was at one time a very, very good rally driver. He was pretty big in rallying.

"He worked for quite a number of people. He was a good salesman, working for the likes of Arnold Clark and John Weir in car sales."

-- theherald.co.uk 2009-09-01

horrible, but rare. I would and do still feel much safer walking around at any time in BKK than pretty much any European or US big city. Yes, I know the issue is whether purse snatching is that serious or not...obviously, and sadly in this case, it is.

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