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Trying To Rebuild Your Life In Thailand


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I am coming out of a divorce and really feel like Thailand is a place where a man can plant his feet and make a life for himself. Do you agree? Please share your experience on such.

Edited by MikeSoi11
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Apart from Pattaya girl and yourself the rest of us on TV have made an amazing success of our lives both financially and in relationships.

Only playing sometimes the grass is greener on the other side but IMO if there is a more deep rooted problem other then current location then there is a good chance it'll follow you, and if things are really bad Thailand can probably make it worse. The farangs who i meet that seem like a mess in LOS keep non too good company and drink far too much avoid these to give yourself a better chance of making a success.

But good luck to you if you make the jump.

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I am coming out of a divorce and really feel like Thailand is a place where a man can plant his feet and make a life for himself. Do you agree? Please share your experience on such.


Was in a similar situation about 8 years ago in the UK, although at the time Thailand never actually figured in the plans, was working contract in the US and was offered a 6 week job in Thailand.

As I was coming to the end of the US contract, figured why not..6 weeks work, month or two holiday in Thailand.

Due the divorce had one suitcase of clothes, and about 4k USD in the bank account and thats what I arrived with at DM airport and still here 8 years later...... new wife, house paid for, new car every 3 years, and job in Thailand with a salary which keeps me very happy indeed.

So my move to Thailand proved very good for me, have never forgot that luck played a big part in this being the right place at the right time... :)

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Apart from Pattaya girl and yourself the rest of us on TV have made an amazing success of our lives both financially and in relationships.

you speak for everyone?

people say to not burn the bridge but that is very hard to do. most job is not one where you can tell them you will be back next year. your possessions too must be taken care of. so to decide to come to thailand cannot be a long delayed decision for me. to be more clear, i stay in thailand now. why should i spend the big money to go back home then come back here again. if i decide to stay in thailand why not stay now? how i cannot burn the bridge for this decision? everyone must burn the bridge to move on in their life to find the real happiness and enlightenment.

Edited by MikeSoi11
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Apart from Pattaya girl and yourself the rest of us on TV have made an amazing success of our lives both financially and in relationships.

you speak for everyone?

people say to not burn the bridge but that is very hard to do. most job is not one where you can tell them you will be back next year. your possessions too must be taken care of. so to decide to come to thailand cannot be a long delayed decision for me.


Ask yourself, why Thailand for the move ?....if its just because availiblity of "skirt" then think very hard about what you are doing, cos as you are coming through a divorce, you will end up like a kid in candy shop and this could turn out the wrong way for you, ie financially etc

Do you have a job lined up in Thailand? or do you work contract somewhere else?, you have to get the practicalities thought through first

Not trying to put you off....but think very hard about what you doing....

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Nah, get your head together first before you come out here.

It's a dangerous place to be when you are on the rebound.

I vote fot this post. take your time man.

Many artificial paradises here.You need to have clear ideas otherwise it's risky

good luck

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yes risky because you will have no job back home and no home back home. to move back home will be very hard. but sometime you must ask yourself if you are happy with your home because the life is short and if you are still very young (i am 45) you must seize the day.

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for job. i have some savings to use while i find one. i am not sure what to do but i think even if i must teach English as choice it is ok for me because i love thai people and i feel like being around the thai smiles is the one thing in this life that will be great every single day. i will not rush to get a job but find the best job available with my skills. in the past i have done alot of DJ work at private parties and clubs (I am African American and have previously worked behind the scenes in the studio for r+b industry) so that may be an option too.

Edited by MikeSoi11
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yes risky because you will have no job back home and no home back home. to move back home will be very hard. .

Yes and also because living in a foreign country is never easy and specially in thailand.

if it's really what you want to do, fine but living or going on holiday in thailand are completely different things.

You want to burn the bridge try not to burn yourself

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Nah, get your head together first before you come out here.

It's a dangerous place to be when you are on the rebound.

Those were my thoughts too.

So much temptation here flaunted in front of a 'damaged' heart that can be on the rebound and the repercussions could be enormous in respect of you losing so much if you are not very careful and wary.

Difficult for many to even come here for a holiday in the OP's situation without some safeguards in place regarding any properties and current funds that might be there for a future.

Take a break away elsewhere first. Get settled a bit and then come here. Thailand can be such a bewitching place and the women more so.......

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Hello mike

listen to the posts above,take your time,get your head sorted,and then make up your mind!

I've been holidaying in thailand for 6-7 years now,it's a nice place to be!

Never had any big problems there except for the one i posted a few days ago!

I've never lived there but seen a lot of thailand and there's a lot better places than PATTAYA!!

As said above,be careful who you mix with there!

Be careful....clear your head.....beware of scamming bar girls who'll take advantage of a man with a "broken heart"

Hope you make the right choice and things work out for you! good luck :)

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yes risky because you will have no job back home and no home back home. to move back home will be very hard. but sometime you must ask yourself if you are happy with your home because the life is short and if you are still very young (i am 45) you must seize the day.

Mike all very poetic and noble....but this doesnt put food in the table...Think at this stage you are caught up in some "Thai" dream, some utopian vision of Thailand....you may have spent sometime here on holiday, but living here is completely different.

If you have a wad of cash in the bank...yes you can make ago at Thailand, but the fact you mention working as an English teacher suggests to me you may not have a wad of cash, cetainly bourne out by the fact you have come out of a divorce, guessing ex-wifey got just about the whole box of choccies..

As regard your work skills, think you may find it hard going in Thailand based on this skill set...

Its apparant to me that you believe moving to Thailand will solve all your "problems", just be aware that any current problems can be compounded even further..

My suggestion..dont burn any bridges, take an extended "holiday" in Thailand say 6 months and then revisit your options..

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I am coming out of a divorce and really feel like Thailand is a place where a man can plant his feet and make a life for himself. Do you agree? Please share your experience on such.

I can think of easier and safer places - where the formalities involved in setting up a business and settling in are a lot more "user friendly" and a lot less frustrating (Thailand ranks quite high in the "how to make things difficult, complicated and confusing" league).

Thailand is also one of those places where a fool and his money have no problems at all parting ways.

It really is all about what you want to do, but Thailand is no easy "escape" and the novalties of its lifestyle and relaxed attitudes to behaviour not conducted back in the West (excepting invlovement in drugs), quickly wears off. Things can fast spiral out of control.

On the other hand there are many examples of ex-pats who have done very well in Thailand and started up companies/businesses that go on to be very successful.

There is no "yes/no, right/wrong, go for it/dont go for it" kind of answer to your question, except to say: before making any committments on any level, best come out to Thailand, spend some time here - and then go back home and think things over.

All the best

And one last point (personal opinion - although I think a lot of folk will agree with the comment): if you are thinking of changing a largish lump sum of Euro/Dollar/Sterling - hold on a bit: the baht is currently as storng as it has been for many years, way over what it should be. I personaly believe its going to turn round sometime in the not to far furture (meaning later this year, first half of next year) and dont be suprized if its a turn around in the region of 30% or so!

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Thank you for the information. in regard to your username, my people's were actually maize farmers as slaves here in America (i recently did some geology work and traced my paternal ancestors and was able to find out what plantation they worked on, where in Africa they came from, even the ship they were sent to America on in bondage).

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Be careful....clear your head.....beware of scamming bar girls who'll take advantage of a man with a "broken heart"

dont worry i have read stickmanbangkok and i am definitely not a guy who is going to be tricked into sick buffalo stories.

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Mike, if you're for real, I'd advise you to go by the rule of thumb that says wait two years after a divorce to make any major change in your life. Most people find that if they take the time to get back in touch with who they really are, the quantity of risk in their decisions diminishes.

That being said, in reading your posts, you do not sound like a native English speaker. Where in the States were you raised? Where have you spent most of your 45 years? What's your educational background?

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Be careful....clear your head.....beware of scamming bar girls who'll take advantage of a man with a "broken heart"

dont worry i have read stickmanbangkok and i am definitely not a guy who is going to be tricked into sick buffalo stories.

We will see.... :)

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That being said, in reading your posts, you do not sound like a native English speaker. Where in the States were you raised? Where have you spent most of your 45 years? What's your educational background?

Harlem NYC in da house. Some college. Mostly worked in music behind the scenes doing production work. worked in the service industry and DJing. was involved in a company that does private party planning etc.

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Be careful....clear your head.....beware of scamming bar girls who'll take advantage of a man with a "broken heart"

dont worry i have read stickmanbangkok and i am definitely not a guy who is going to be tricked into sick buffalo stories.

I bet you were just as confident when you married. Not slagging you here, but things do have a tendency to wrap around you without you even noticing.

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Be careful....clear your head.....beware of scamming bar girls who'll take advantage of a man with a "broken heart"

dont worry i have read stickmanbangkok and i am definitely not a guy who is going to be tricked into sick buffalo stories.

Ahhh....there's more than those old buffalo stories...they're very smart be on your toe's at all time's!!

You say that you have little money and no work lined up....ok here's what i would do...

Go home work and save as much money as possible for a few years...plan...do your research...plan some more...

..know what you want and how your going to do it....Dont just jump into something(it's very likely you'll fail in thailand)

I plan on living in thailand too..some day! But i'm still young,not married and don't have kid's,and in my line of work

i'm not even going to think about this until my contract is up and i have enough money to make a final move to thailand!

Just my thought's but as they say in thailand "up to you" good look mate!! :)

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Thank you for the information. in regard to your username, my people's were actually maize farmers as slaves here in America (i recently did some geology work and traced my paternal ancestors and was able to find out what plantation they worked on, where in Africa they came from, even the ship they were sent to America on in bondage).

My family actually owned slaves in the past.

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Thank you for the information. in regard to your username, my people's were actually maize farmers as slaves here in America (i recently did some geology work and traced my paternal ancestors and was able to find out what plantation they worked on, where in Africa they came from, even the ship they were sent to America on in bondage).

My family actually owned slaves in the past.

Hit me up with some reparations dawg.

Edited by MikeSoi11
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well one thing i have to consider strongly is that if i stay in the usa i will be on the hook for child and spouse support. with taht money alone i could probably survive in Thailand.

Ive never called anyone a troll before, but youve got to be the first.

I'm surprised it took 28 posts for this to be brought up.

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