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I think the opposite problem is worse.

Farang that decide by choice or circumstance to live by modest means. A small home with a motorbike (no car) He is often looked down upon and gossiped about by old betel nut chewing women who haven't got a pot to piss in their wooden shack, let alone a motrobike or a car.

The more farangs that move to Issan and splash money around the more compitition abounds - Keeping up with the Boueys and all that BS.

Would like to be respected by, or have anything to do with people that only care about 'face'? Sorts the wheat from the chaff.

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I have never found jeoulsy from Thai people...except one...General manager of a company I worked for in Samui and for some reason she hated us all...two faced person she was....on the contrary...I find Farangs are the jealous ones and would grass you up and do you over anyway they can.....just my own experience...I think the Thais are happy with their lot, whether rich or poor.......footnote...am not that stupid to trust anyone but this thread is about jealousy

My experience....jealousy is not part of the equation. Only surprise that anyone would invest in a comparatively 'expensive' house in a village....and in a location where it is not easily seen. When I describe the traffic, pollution etc of the mega-cities we have lived in and point out the natural beauty around us, I believe they start to 'get it'.

We have never experienced jealous.

Instead my wife tells me, that if one says he/she will fx. build a big house or buy a new car, and then don't do it, people will look down at him/her.

I think the opposite problem is worse.

Farang that decide by choice or circumstance to live by modest means. A small home with a motorbike (no car) He is often looked down upon and gossiped about by old betel nut chewing women who haven't got a pot to piss in their wooden shack, let alone a motrobike or a car.

The more farangs that move to Issan and splash money around the more compitition abounds - Keeping up with the Boueys and all that BS.

Yes, but there is a great comeback for those you mention above.

I quote from the wisdom of His Majesty The King.

'Por Piang'.

they can't argue with that regardless of what they think of you. it certainly raises eyebrows and puts them on the backfoot.

Especially since I am a great believer of 'Por Piang' and try to live my life that way.

Sorry - I'm not familar with the phrase 'Por Piang' but am intrigued. Can you explain?

  • 3 weeks later...
In general The Thai people have always been great to me.

We all know that Farangs have been living in the villages for some time now.

I often wonder, are some of the village people jealous? Most of the time the farangs have the nice house

with the nice car and the nice motorbike etc...

Has anyone encountered any problems due to this? Or what you think is due to this.

Probably not. Not any more envious than any other cultural character. Been reading too many sociological books that dwell upon stereotypes.

I have experienced jealousy from farangs more so than Thais. A lot of times, I think the Thais are a remarkably "un-jealous" people...I don't know how to express it clearly in words but if they do do something "bad" to you, it maybe driven by greed or anger or maybe even sheer ignorance but seldom have I encountered one who is jealous simply because I have more material things. Not talking abt affairs of the heart though, cos that's a different story :D

On the other hand, judging from the sniping that occurs on this forum, which also happens outside in real life, directed at other farangs and the often snide remarks towards people (thais or other farangs) who have something, it is pretty clear a lot of it is driven by sheer jealousy. There are many posts that say "you got more money than brains" or words to that effect directed towards other farangs who have something that the attackers don't.

More truthful wisdom couldn't have been written more clearly. Cheers!! :)


Timing chain went on the pick-up last year, wrecking the engine. Really inconvenient for the farm. Neighbour turned up the next day and left his Triton for us to use, whilst ours was repaired. :D On return, wouldn't take any money. Only thing we could do was leave him with a brimming fuel tank.

I've found the more I integrate the better life here gets. People around us were shy to talk to me. I mistook it at first for animosity. No such thing. Market trips, Making monks, harvest parties, any old parties. Our neighbours might not have alot of money, but they sure know how to live well. :) I'm going native and I like it.

Is anyone like me and glued to zzaa's avatar? Disgusting........too small. :D




Sorry I took so long in saying so.


Terry, if you're up for it, some weekend we could a little tour of all the garden centres I know in the area. Know where to get pebbles, stone etc too. Great marble shop on that same road.

I'll PM you.

Is anyone like me and glued to zzaa's avatar? Disgusting........too small. :D


Well..if we are going to go down that route...maybe members should balance things out and add images like this:


Off topic. Sorry. :)

Our neighbours might not have alot of money, but they sure know how to live well.

Reality. More comfortable and stable than it appears. Better life then most Western ways. Social, familial, and community extentions. Can't buy that.

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