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At a meeting at Pattaya City Hall, chaired by Deputy Mayor, Khun Ronnakit Ekkasing,

Issue on the Homeless in Pattaya

the problem of the beggars and hawkers along Walking Street and other tourist areas was up for discussion.

Mr. Suntorn Kangsirikul, Chairman of the Walking Street Community, stated that they were still receiving a tremendous amount of complaints from tourists, fed up to the teeth, with the continuous harassment from these vendors, with no apparent action being taken by police officers to stop it.

The Deputy Mayor explained that this topic had been brought to the attention of the City Hall on numerous occasions, however, despite the best actions of the Town Hall and Police, no sooner had they cleared the problem, when miraculously, they all reappeared, and this has been an ongoing problem for many years.

The Deputy Mayor went on to explain that they had now managed to arrange co-operation between the Pattaya Police, Tourist Police, Volunteer Police and Immigration Officers, he believed that in the near future the problem would be dealt with.

At the meeting a ‘Powerpoint’ presentation showed video footage of the problems, which are not helping the already badly damaged image of Pattaya City. It causes a negative effect on businesses and residents who work in the city.

For Pattaya to regain its good image the Deputy Mayor admitted that a solution to the problem must be found. He is confident that with the new initiative, the problem will soon be a thing of the past. By working together, the police and residents can help to clean up this ever increasing problem. The Deputy Mayor concluded with the observation that most of the children begging are part of organised gangs; we must take the initiative and find the culprits responsible for this heartbreak.

Some pictures at


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


So a powerpoint presentation is going to work where other things have failed? :) Or is this proof that something concrete is being done, they have found someone who can identify the problem(makers).

At a meeting at Pattaya City Hall, chaired by Deputy Mayor, Khun Ronnakit Ekkasing,

Issue on the Homeless in Pattaya

the problem of the beggars and hawkers along Walking Street and other tourist areas was up for discussion.

Mr. Suntorn Kangsirikul, Chairman of the Walking Street Community, stated that they were still receiving a tremendous amount of complaints from tourists, fed up to the teeth, with the continuous harassment from these vendors, with no apparent action being taken by police officers to stop it.

The Deputy Mayor explained that this topic had been brought to the attention of the City Hall on numerous occasions, however, despite the best actions of the Town Hall and Police, no sooner had they cleared the problem, when miraculously, they all reappeared, and this has been an ongoing problem for many years.

The Deputy Mayor went on to explain that they had now managed to arrange co-operation between the Pattaya Police, Tourist Police, Volunteer Police and Immigration Officers, he believed that in the near future the problem would be dealt with.

At the meeting a ‘Powerpoint’ presentation showed video footage of the problems, which are not helping the already badly damaged image of Pattaya City. It causes a negative effect on businesses and residents who work in the city.

For Pattaya to regain its good image the Deputy Mayor admitted that a solution to the problem must be found. He is confident that with the new initiative, the problem will soon be a thing of the past. By working together, the police and residents can help to clean up this ever increasing problem. The Deputy Mayor concluded with the observation that most of the children begging are part of organised gangs; we must take the initiative and find the culprits responsible for this heartbreak.

Some pictures at


I hate to state the obvious here, but there is a huge difference between "Homeless People" and the group of "Street Hawkers" this particular article is purporting to relate to.

Very, very few of the people in the latter catagory are, in fact, "Homeles People". The "Street Hawkers" are highly oganized; use children as 'bait' and those people should be dealt with and punished for their disgusting practices.

Homeless People, form a siginificant group, in Pattaya. But if yo want to observe them, just drive around and loo at most of these people going through garbage cans etc., picking-up anything of (recycling)-value.

One day I was following my (Thai) wife home.She was in er car and I was in mine.At some point, in Soi 17, we had to wait for a light to change.So here we sat, looking around the busy street. I noticed a 2-wheeled push-cart, being lowly pushed forward by a very much elderly chap, while his wife was walking in front of this contraption, and armed with a metal pick, she would scrutinize every garbage an whic hapened on their way. - Just then, the old man took the lid of a small water conatiner, which was sitting on a make-shift little shelf,close to the handle-bar of this cart,contining their 'private stuff' - and took a drink. His elderly wife, who had been limping ahead, noticed the lack of her, also limping, husand and said somethig to him, under her breath. He recoiled slightly at this obvious abnomition and proceeded to get their little "caravan" back on the move, if that is what ne can call it.

I observed all this (and later learned that my wife did so too) and I thought abuut my parents and the parents of my wifel. Then I quickly started to get a feeling of 'guilt' over me, because compared to these poor, old and phyically not very well people, the parents in our families were sooooo much better off ! !

I said to my wife afterwards; yo know; here we are, considering selling your car, since it's getting on a bit and buying a new one. We are tying to work-out what car next to buy . . . . and then there are people like that, who have absolutelly NOTHING, pick through garbage all day long; OBVIOUSLY don;t have children who can or are willing to support them; - and they probaby sleep under some bridge somewhere . . . . . . .

What an unfair world ! ! !

But; I have an idea - and I think it will work.

The most important thing is that people should feel dignified, needed andl oved. Most important of all; they must have a decent roof over their heads, sufficient food and access to proper medical services.

Soon I will let you know, what my idea is; but one thingI can tell you now: something MUST be done by us "The Fortunates" of this society to help these so "Ufortunate" of that same society. Otherwise; how can WE sleep at night ?



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