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Who's The Strangest Farang You Ever Met?


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I posted this topic on another board. Hope the mods don't mind. Just love reading peoples experiences when encountering strange/scary farangs. Here a short story of one of mine......

I lived in CM back in 99/2000 and met this seemingly harmless Fin who liked to talk a lot. Anywise, some of his stories ( that he was trying to sell me as fact ) would fall apart when I would try to get more detail etc. So I just thought of him as a harmless BS'r, but entertaining all the same.

One morning the Fin shows up at my door and asks if I want to get a cup of coffee. I thought nothing of and said sure. But instead of going to the local resturaunt, he wants to make me a cup himself. <deleted>? How are you going to do that? I asked. He said we'll go to a store and buy a coffee maker and take it to his place where me and my new Thai fiance are staying and I'll make it there. Thought to myself, "this is strange, but what the hel_l lets go get the coffee maker and meet the Fin's new Thai bride".

We head out the door and it turns out he's got himself a new toyota truck. I asked "Where did you get this from?" He tells me he bought it from his Thai fiance's brother. "OK, probably more BS but it could be true". So we set off into the usual congested CM traffic to get the coffee maker and all of the sudden he starts driving like a maniac. Stepping on the gas, making sharp turns, hitting the brakes. "What the FKC is the problem?!?!?" He tells me there was someone riding his ass chasing us!! I look back and I see nobody behind us. Now I am thinking this guy is officially loony and just try to play along until a tackful exit stragety comes along. Anywise, we finally arrive at the shop and get the coffee maker and then head back to his place. But on the way upstairs to his apartment he starts talking about his Thai fiance and asks me if I want her to give me a "Special massage". I am like "Uh, no thanks dood. I'll just settle for the coffee". Well, we finally get in the apartment and I meet the Fin's fiance who is lying on the bed half asleep. He starts barking orders for her to get up and clean the place and also fix us some coffee. While he's giving her a bunch sh1t, I notice some TV's, sattlelite dish's, stereos and other appliances stacked around the apartment. I am asking myself "where did he get all this stuff from?" "and did I really see him pay for that coffee maker while I was waiting in the truck?". Well, now I am thinking the Fin is a little more serious than a harmless BS artist. So after his Thai girl tells him "we no have coffee for maker" I do a quick "thanks for the offer" and make my exit!!!

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I know a Danish Navy bloke who just gave his missus 500,000 bht to host a flash do for her son becoming a monk (for a week)

Three days later he's threatening to 'finish' her over 300 bht fan she gave to the son to use while he is staying in the temple. :)

Very strange

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I know a Danish Navy bloke who just gave his missus 500,000 bht to host a flash do for her son becoming a monk (for a week)

Three days later he's threatening to 'finish' her over 300 bht fan she gave to the son to use while he is staying in the temple. :)

Very strange

I love your avatar, it's so cool :D

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Great story OP.

One of my mates was probably the weirdest dude I've spent time with in LOS.

This was back when we were a group of lads coming here.

He would complain about the taxis in Pattaya beeping/honking at him whilst walking down beach road.

Everything was always against him.The girls he spent time with would always bring trouble.Going for a

massage (the blind one,north Pattaya), the people would be taking the piss out of his fat belly.

He managed one more time in LOS and that was enough for him I guess.

Don't have contact with him anymore.

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Last night [friday] we were sitting outside salon having a BBQ and a few beers, Me, my son, & Mark, english friend, mrs, staff and others were cooking,

Along comes this skinny falang, with a stick to keep dogs away, he says good evening, mind if i join you? i tell him sit down, have a chat ect, Mrs gave him a plate full of food, egg fried rice with king prawns ect and 4 spare ribs, he was wolfing this down and chatting at the same time, I asked him if he was a geordie or a macam, he said neither, im from Durham, ah, pink panther country!!! he said what do you mean? dur rum dur rum, but he still didnt twig it? anyway, Mark asked him what is he doing in Thai? He said he just spent 6 weeks in a cave with a monk and lived on rats and rainwater, he drank his water, got his stick and off he went, didnt buy a beer for us, or thank the mrs for the food, ! so nearly a naturalised thai i would think!!

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Great story OP.

One of my mates was probably the weirdest dude I've spent time with in LOS.

This was back when we were a group of lads coming here.

He would complain about the taxis in Pattaya beeping/honking at him whilst walking down beach road.

Everything was always against him.The girls he spent time with would always bring trouble.Going for a

massage (the blind one,north Pattaya), the people would be taking the piss out of his fat belly.

He managed one more time in LOS and that was enough for him I guess.

Don't have contact with him anymore.

Thanks longstebe.

Your mate sounds like the kind of guy that shows up to a party just to spoil it.

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Deffo Belgian Jonny/Papa John famous for dancing around Pattaya with his motor bike and side car plus dentist's chair and full row of optics.

Followed closely by Sausage Mickey, the Soi 8 harpoon menace/bin dodger and Cumberland Sausage purveyor.

Got to be 10 years since i saw either!

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Good story, OP. South East Asia attracts a lot of strange farangs... myself included. It goes with the territory. Any time there is a bunch of bars with available women there will be men of a certain type hanging around. Some of those dudes can be REALLY strange. I've met a few, but most of the time I steer clear of them because you can get into trouble very quickly without it being your fault.

When I first visited Thailand and the Philippines 12 years ago I wasn't as cautious as I am today, and I was a little gullible. I went off one evening with a good friend I knew and two other blokes I didn't know. One of the guys took us to a rougher part of Pattaya where the Thais go to visit their girls. The girls all appeared very young and hardly spoke any English. I wanted none of that scene and would have left, but didn't know how we got there or how to get back. There were some evil looking Thai men who were definitely not friendly and I wasn't about to head back on my own. The farang guy who was leading us made a few mouthy comments at the rough looking Thai men, and I could see it escalating into a brawl if I didn't settle it down. I apologized for our mouthy "friend" and bought the Thai guys a beer to keep it civil, but there was still a lot of tension. I vowed never to go off again with some stranger I didn't know personally. As it turned out later the guy was a pedophile who liked his girls very young... 12 or 13 years old. He was an interesting character who knew his way around south east Asia, but not somebody you would want to associate with.

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Yes i have seen and experienced so many ba farangs, all over the world,(still do)that i have become a "racist" against my "own" folks..Am so ashamed cuse of the label we have got during thee "Years "No wonder they want to "kick" us out world wide,nai Guess why! I can write a thick book about that,but i wont! So why do sooo many people hate us,!,and want "our" money,? (only!).Paybacktime.(guess its to late they all got the white mans decease),,,(greed) :) By the way, haha,to comment on OPs Taste of the Finns, Finnish people are Ting tong (not Ba),but they are Good as friends ( baaad as enemies). They go Berserk,,,hehe, and old expression about the vikings go crazy,,,,,,Actually Berserk indicate a person who is dressed in clothes made from a bear ( ber,,Bear ,serk clothes).they also used garments made from Hemp ,remember the good old Levis jeans? No more.,,,Omy God what am leaving the "track" now, :D ... PS: Am sure i missed something :D what, ? leave that to the reader. If any1 bother reading this.ENTER

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Last year i saw a man (from Australia) sitting alone talking to him self (no wrong in that,i often do) :) .He had a 6pack of beer and a plastic bag.Now i see something that make me get dooopie eyes, He take up a DIPER!!! Not those with gel inside (found that out later) Filled slowly a bottle of beer in it put it up 2 his face and start sucking...wooow,,,I was paralyzed my darling was there to ,she shook her head and said Bai Baiiiii,lao lao..hehehehehe...if that wasnt "strange" so what is....( Kho Phangan)

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I posted this topic on another board. Hope the mods don't mind. Just love reading peoples experiences when encountering strange/scary farangs. Here a short story of one of mine......

I lived in CM back in 99/2000 and met this seemingly harmless Fin who liked to talk a lot. Anywise, some of his stories ( that he was trying to sell me as fact ) would fall apart when I would try to get more detail etc. So I just thought of him as a harmless BS'r, but entertaining all the same.

One morning the Fin shows up at my door and asks if I want to get a cup of coffee. I thought nothing of and said sure. But instead of going to the local resturaunt, he wants to make me a cup himself. <deleted>? How are you going to do that? I asked. He said we'll go to a store and buy a coffee maker and take it to his place where me and my new Thai fiance are staying and I'll make it there. Thought to myself, "this is strange, but what the hel_l lets go get the coffee maker and meet the Fin's new Thai bride".

We head out the door and it turns out he's got himself a new toyota truck. I asked "Where did you get this from?" He tells me he bought it from his Thai fiance's brother. "OK, probably more BS but it could be true". So we set off into the usual congested CM traffic to get the coffee maker and all of the sudden he starts driving like a maniac. Stepping on the gas, making sharp turns, hitting the brakes. "What the FKC is the problem?!?!?" He tells me there was someone riding his ass chasing us!! I look back and I see nobody behind us. Now I am thinking this guy is officially loony and just try to play along until a tackful exit stragety comes along. Anywise, we finally arrive at the shop and get the coffee maker and then head back to his place. But on the way upstairs to his apartment he starts talking about his Thai fiance and asks me if I want her to give me a "Special massage". I am like "Uh, no thanks dood. I'll just settle for the coffee". Well, we finally get in the apartment and I meet the Fin's fiance who is lying on the bed half asleep. He starts barking orders for her to get up and clean the place and also fix us some coffee. While he's giving her a bunch sh1t, I notice some TV's, sattlelite dish's, stereos and other appliances stacked around the apartment. I am asking myself "where did he get all this stuff from?" "and did I really see him pay for that coffee maker while I was waiting in the truck?". Well, now I am thinking the Fin is a little more serious than a harmless BS artist. So after his Thai girl tells him "we no have coffee for maker" I do a quick "thanks for the offer" and make my exit!!!

Look at this way "everyone thinks they are normal"

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I posted this topic on another board. Hope the mods don't mind. Just love reading peoples experiences when encountering strange/scary farangs. ........ for maker" I do a quick "thanks for the offer" and make my exit!!!

Look at this way "everyone thinks they are normal"

Nope! Hehe, I KNOW I'm not, thank the good heavens! :)

What's the word that is the opposite of "subnormal"?

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A few years ago I taught an Irish guy to dive. When I asked what he did for a living back home he replied " I rob banks " he had just robbed one and was here on the proceeds. He evidently did this often. He also travelled everywhere with a full leprechaun fancy dress outfit. He said everywhere he went some bar always had a fancy dress party and he always won. He was right. That week one of the bars had one and he indeed did win. I also got a good tip and a bottle of irish whisky :)

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Anyone who hung out around Washington Square during the early 90's would no doubt have met German Jack. He still had his jack boots and other Nazi things. He would click his heels and give people the Hiel Hitler salute. Had he not been in his 80's then, I'm sure someone would have killed him. Yes, he was obnoxious and extremely irritating.

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Not so strange, more like sad...

I met an Aussie guy in Saigon back in 98. Really nice young guy, harmless but really loopy. We all used to meet at a pizza shop nearly every afternoon.

In the 2 years I lived there he began to slowly loose his mind, telling us about these strange happenings and drinking more and more.

Cut to about 2003 and I bump him in Bangkok on Sukhumvit. He had this hard nose tart in tow and we went for a beer. I could not stay with them more than 15 mins, he was completely crazy, just babbling about plots to kill him and others. He was 33 years old but now looked in his late 40's.

Cut again to about 2 years ago I was in Darlinghurst Sydney when I doticed this bum sitting on the kerb drinking metho. It was him!

I tried to talk to him but he was completely out of it. It was very sad, I often think of him.

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Just the other day I saw two old farang, one was in a wheel chair and the other was pushing him, they were racing down the street and only caught a glimpse. The guy in the wheel chair had lesions on his face and arms and the one pushing him looked extremely thin and frail. They were going at full pelt and screaming random sh8it. My guess is they both had one too many bare back moments and are subsequently living out the rest of their short days not giving a fu7ck.

Has anyone else seen these two and got a better look ?

PS. This was just the other day.

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Long ago around 3 in the afternoon I was in the Meeting Place in Nong Khai filling out the paperwork to make a visa run into Laos the next day. In strolls this Ozzie who had just finished walking along the river from Chang Khan to Nong Khai. Told how he had slept and eaten in Wats along the way because they were free. Said he was 50 something and had been in country about 3 months staying mostly in Wats. I bought him a beer while we waited for the bar owner to come back from the shops and he asked me many questions including how much my wife cost. When I allowed how she wasn't for sale he started asking about costs of other stuff. When the owner came back he said he really wanted to stay in a room with pillows and sheets on the bed, maybe a warm shower and some of the finer things in life, but sadly, even though the owner discounted a room from 100B to 50 the guy said it was too expensive and boogied. I would have probably paid for the room but I was so surprised he was gone before I could gather my senses.

Early the next morning I stopped by an ATM on my way to the bridge and there he was sleeping on the walk by the bank. I put a couple hundred baht in his shirt pocket and I went on my way without him waking. Ofter wondered what became of him. I don't consider it a very bright thing to do but sure takes brass nuts to go on such a venture.

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Few years ago,in LOS for holidays,i was in Chiang Mai,hanging around bars and discos at night,when i met a French guy and start to talk with him.He sounded quite interesting,well travelled and cultured,so i really enjoyed the conversation for one hour or more.At some point we started talking about sex,and he told me about a story he had with a very young girl in Nepal.I was probably looking completely astonished,as it was the first (and the last)time i talked to a paedophile;so,after trying to convince me that that was an extreme pleasure,he shouted "you're insane!" in my face,and abruptly walked away,leaving me scratching my head.. :D:D:)

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