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Bangkok Gay Farangs Bashing!


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Bangkok Gay farangs bashing!

Yesterday I saw this post.

I capture it to email to someone, can not remember where from now….

Here is the post again.

just find the link :



Edited by sbk
direct url to outside forum removed--sbk
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I have not personally heard anything, but really I don't hang out in those areas, which are well-known Bangkok hangouts for those foreigners involved in some of the sleaziest forms of commercial "nightlife" (though I would hasten to add that there is a legitimate 'cruisy' thing going on in the parks as well; however given the other things there I wouldn't recommend it). Given the likely overlap of a criminal element, the dire economic straits, being a tourist, and dark areas at night, it's not the most surprising thing I've heard- most foreign tourist friends who have reported to me in the past being victims or knowing victims of crimes are talking about these areas (Silom more commonly, though it is hardly surprising to hear about criminal activity in Sanam Luang).

Well, be careful out there- people will be getting desperate- and tourists make good targets.

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I hope if anyone has any knowledge of this they will post some information. I very, very seldom go down there anymore, but I always felt reasonably safe when I did. I am curious if this was a case of bashing or robbery. Robbery is almost understandable, but bashing is quite scary.

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I still find Bangkok incredibly safe (compared to Australia). The only concession I make when I go out is to put my wallet in the front pocket of my jeans/shorts and put my mobile phone in the other front pocket.

I have been jostled/bumped a couple of times at busy markets, possibly by pick-pockets, but that's in broad daylight.


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Heard nothing about this. Pan Pacific is freelance hustlers on the street, so possible danger.

About soi six, Lumpini and Sanam luang nothing heard, although I asked around people who would know.

Maybe the original source should come up with more than rumours.

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I love the explanation that the English language press will not print the story because it is concerned with the image of Thailand.

I find it so obviously not true that I hardly feel the need to argue it. If the newspapers knew about it I am sure they would print it.

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Bangkok Gay farangs bashing!

Yesterday I saw this post.

I capture it to email to someone, can not remember where from now….

Here is the post again.

just find the link :


I am not gay but if I see a scene like this I will surely go to help. These bunches of monkeys (Wairoon gangs) are becoming more common today. Thailand is changing fast, and in a bad manner: old value like respect of elders, animal, diversity, handicap are all gone a latent racism is also coming out. I assisted personally this viles threatening old people, dogs etc...

a decent lesson from the police could help....

But sorry, one question: what are doing gay people there? Is is a spot for concregate between themselves or something? If so they better change for another place...If happen already few times it can happen again. :)

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Along with the vast majority of posters on this thread and most of my acquaintances, I have heard nothing about any actual gay bashing anywhere in Thailand. Until a commercial link or convincing source is found, I'm closing this thread for being based on rumour.

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