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My House Construction Pictures

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Looks nice whats on the outside?

It looks like Smartboard cladding on the outside.

OP, you would want to place the best insulation between that ceiling and the roof, something really thick to help absorb the sound. I'm really interested in ur house, I wanna build something like that back in Oz & we do have similar type construction there which GungaDin has already pointed out.

It would be advantagous to have some venting into the roof cavity to allow air to move thru there. You should see some of the threads put together by swelters, he seems to know a thing or two about the process of insulation.

I was referring to thick insulation here for its sound properties.

Looks great, keep the pictures coming and plant a few trees around the place too :)

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Looks nice whats on the outside?

It looks like Smartboard cladding on the outside.

OP, you would want to place the best insulation between that ceiling and the roof, something really thick to help absorb the sound. I'm really interested in ur house, I wanna build something like that back in Oz & we do have similar type construction there which GungaDin has already pointed out.

It would be advantagous to have some venting into the roof cavity to allow air to move thru there. You should see some of the threads put together by swelters, he seems to know a thing or two about the process of insulation.

I was referring to thick insulation here for its sound properties.

Looks great, keep the pictures coming and plant a few trees around the place too :)

What they use for the outside walls is called rockwood. Strong and really hard to break. You could probably hit it with a hammer and it woulden't break. It's about 2cm thick.

I have heard from people many ways to insulate the ceiling. I'm going to make it so I can walk in the space between the ceiling and the roof. We may insulate the ceiling and then put a layer of smart board for the floor. That should really cut down any sound there may be. I want to use it as some sort of storage for junk I always seem to collect. There will be a vent in the space between the ceiling and the roof both back and front of the house so there should be a nice airflow through that space.

The owner of the company I'm using ( fresh flow service ) has had over 10 years experience building these type of houses in New Zealand. Then came back to Thailand and has been building them in here for around 10years. He's Thai. I think it must be the same sort of process as Australia too.

As far as Landscaping that will come as soon as we move in. Should be fun doing that. Will add lots of trees and make it nice. I enjoy doing that kind of stuff. Need many thick trees around the house to block the sun.

They are just running all the electrical and water pipes right now and when that's done they will finish putting the walls up. I'll take some more pictures in the next day or so and post them. So check back for new updates in the next few days. Cheers

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Keep 'em coming Rhino :)

Red and Black wiring eh, old Euro standard. Watch that your sparks is consistent with his colours (Red = Live, Black = Neutral) and I don't see a great deal of ground wires (Green). Grounding and bonding will be particularly important in a house with a conductive (metal) structure.

Good to see all the wiring in conduit, but watch for sharp eges where the flexi has been cut (bet they don't have the proper cutter).

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great info and pictures rhino thanks for sharing,,,this looks absolutely great and to me looks easy enough for the workers to build but im no expert,,,how many bedrooms and bathrooms here etc,,and how much is the price ,,if u dont mind sharing with me,,im building a house for the wife in kra nuen,,khon kaen in october 09 so i would be very interested in this style..definately,,if u dont want to share the price could u pm me with some details please?

ps,,,, i notice u say the company website is only in thai and therefore no point in me getting the wife to look at it,,so can i get a number for this company ? are they based near khon kaen... how does the overall price compare to brick built houses...also time scale compared to brick built homs...

cheers and good luck with the finished project m8

Edited by dmax
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ps,,,, i notice u say the company website is only in thai and therefore no point in me getting the wife to look at it,,so can i get a number for this company ? are they based near khon kaen... how does the overall price compare to brick built houses...also time scale compared to brick built homs...

Website works fairly well in Google Translate http://translate.google.com/translate?prev...history_state0=

Certainly good enough to find the phone number :)

I too would be interested in costs / floor plan.

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I used a combination of insulations in my build of steel framed house.

I used Spray foam on outer walls2 1/2" and roof3", to keep house sealed tighter from air movement keeper cool, and keep the ants and bugs from come'n in.

As the cladding is an easy target for bugs. lots of cracks

Inner walls are the same as your with rockwool batting 3" thick.

The roof I also added another layer of foil backed 3'' batt to keep sound transfer from room to room at a minimum. Aslo to keep house cooler as I like to use the aircon. I layed this on top on the ceiling gipsum.

Beauty house, waiting to see it finished.

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I think you're right on with the spray foam and the color of your roof will do a lot to keep the space between the roof and ceiling cooler too. I may have gone with a steeper pitch and carry that angle inside to allow the heat to rise well above the living area.

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I used a combination of insulations in my build of steel framed house.

I used Spray foam on outer walls2 1/2" and roof3", to keep house sealed tighter from air movement keeper cool, and keep the ants and bugs from come'n in.

As the cladding is an easy target for bugs. lots of cracks

Inner walls are the same as your with rockwool batting 3" thick.

The roof I also added another layer of foil backed 3'' batt to keep sound transfer from room to room at a minimum. Aslo to keep house cooler as I like to use the aircon. I layed this on top on the ceiling gipsum.

Beauty house, waiting to see it finished.

Can you please give an indication of the price for the spray-on foam.


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So based on numbers from the web site I make it around 11,865 baht a square meter for a type C-O2 prefab house. Given the material content I would have expected less than 6k a meter.

The main benefit I see will be in construction time. Maybe 4 weeks for the steel prefab vs 16 weeks for conventional construction if the project is managed correctly.

A conventional build with weight bearing Q Con thermal blocks, sow poons and a welded steel roof with C Pack tiles will be around 12k a meter finished with fittings and air cons?

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Pics look great. Now you only have to worry about the termites eating the door & window frames. Good move.

except for substitung welding with screws :D

Seems your more than a resident 'expert' at finance you can weld and get screwed as well......thanks for your fantastic comment....now back to ur number crunching :)

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Here is the website of the Company I'm using to build the house. www.freshflowservice.com (site is only in Thai). They will build anywhere in Thailand. I have to say I'm totally happy with the work they have done and the workers are hard working and not lazy. So far so good. Will keep you posted regularly. If anyone has any questions contact me anytime.

I think someone already mentioned this but if you want to read the freshflowservice.com in English use http://translate.google.com . It translates the site to english pretty good. Well enough to search through the site and understand everything. Cheers

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