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Bangkok Is Steadily Sinking


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Bangkok and neighbouring provinces are at risk of being swamped as sea levels rise, according to warnings at the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change meeting. The capital rests about 3½ to 5 feet above the nearby gulf, although some areas already lie below sea level. The gulf's waters have been rising by about a tenth of an inch a year. But the city, built on clay rather than bedrock, has also been sinking at a far faster pace of up to 4 inches annually as its population and factories pump some 2.5 million cubic tons of water out of its aquifers. This compacts the layers of clay and causes the land to sink. The capital could be under the sea as early as 15-20 years. These pictures were taken at Samut Prakan this morning as high tide flooded the city center. There has been no rain for the last several weeks. (Richard Barrow/ThaiPhotoBlogs.com)


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Bangkok and neighbouring provinces are at risk of being swamped as sea levels rise, according to warnings at the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change meeting. The capital rests about 3½ to 5 feet above the nearby gulf, although some areas already lie below sea level. The gulf's waters have been rising by about a tenth of an inch a year. But the city, built on clay rather than bedrock, has also been sinking at a far faster pace of up to 4 inches annually as its population and factories pump some 2.5 million cubic tons of water out of its aquifers. This compacts the layers of clay and causes the land to sink. The capital could be under the sea as early as 15-20 years. These pictures were taken at Samut Prakan this morning as high tide flooded the city center. There has been no rain for the last several weeks. (Richard Barrow/ThaiPhotoBlogs.com)


Cannot do what the little boy did with the Dyke either to stem the flood :)

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So is there any current news on this? If it's rising 65 mm a year there must be some goverment activity.

Did you mean Government?

YES, the thai authorities have indeed noticed this is a burning issue and as such have assured us (in true thai style) they will be sparing no expense in pouring copious amounts of Sang Thip on the issue


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As someone mentioned, sea ice melting has no effect on sea level as it is already displacing it's own equivalent water volume for it's weight.

There IS an effect though of sea ice melting, and that is albido: the reflective affect of the ice caps on the sun's heat. A smaller reflection of the heat results in greater heating of the earth.

But then again, according to both Nostradamus AND the Mayan calandar, it's all going to end in 2012....so eat, drink and be merry. :)

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It's okay if Bangkok sinks a bit. I'll just move all the bar girls from Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy onto my new yacht and we'll have a big party... :):D:D I'll need a little lead time to set up the arrangements but after that we should have clear sailing. :D Let me know when your feet are getting wet.



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As someone mentioned, sea ice melting has no effect on sea level as it is already displacing it's own equivalent water volume for it's weight.

There IS an effect though of sea ice melting, and that is albido: the reflective affect of the ice caps on the sun's heat. A smaller reflection of the heat results in greater heating of the earth.

But then again, according to both Nostradamus AND the Mayan calandar, it's all going to end in 2012....so eat, drink and be merry. :)

When solid ice melts that is over a land mass (e.g., Greenland), water rises. Scientists are seeing this all over the planet. If you think it is a joke, you need to talk to people living on small island nations in the Pacific.

The pseudo-scientists claim that the rise will only be a few inches if at all. But imagine what even a few inches would do to places like Bangkok.

Bangkok is not on a high elevation (e.g., Denver is). It is at sea level. The main river is dangerously close to spilling over its banks now. A few more inches and Bangkok will be in serious trouble.

If you don't believe me, put on a pair of 500 dollar shoes and stand near the river. The water rises and spills over its bank. Now your shoes are wet and ruined.

There is no place for you to go to get out of the water in Bangkok (small that it is) except up.

At street level everything is flooded. And it does not recede or does so sporadically, only to flood again.

What will be the solution? Elevate all the streets and buildings? How much would that cost?

The fact is that if Bangkok is flooded for most of the year, people will move out, businesses will shut down.

It will be the most devastating economic event in the history of Thailand.

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Large areas of coastal Texas sank below sea level and some huge estates were flooded. I remember seeing before and after photos in the National Geographic magazine. In the 1950s a beautiful estate home was surrunded by lovely landscape. 40 years later the sea water completely covered the first floor of the home. I believe it was caused by the ground sinking after well water was removed which caused a huge underground hole.

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The only reason my condo purchase is on the 11th floor. After studying the Analysts reports my conclusion was the 7th floor would probably become the the ground floor hopefully with a water taxi station nearby

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For some interesting articles on this topic:

Google: bangkok ground settlement

Talking about settlement, a friend has an town house around Sathorn, and when doing renovation, part of the ground floor collapsed and revealed a big hole (1-2 meters) due to this.

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^^ Ian, I have spoken to you before about posting pictures of my motor yacht. :)

Downsizing are we? :D

If you were moving like a young man again, I'd get you to knock up another one, just like the one in ur avatar, no need for much room when ur travelin solo :D

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It's not just rising sea levels is it? I seem to remember warnings as far back as the 80s that Bangkok was sinking due to the canals having been filled in to build more roads.

I guess only a scientists familiar with the situation can say for sure, but it seems logical to assume that had they not filled in all those ancient canals, the "drainage problem" would be far less than it is today.

It would also probably be a much more beautiful city.......more like Venice than the crap hole it is now. Too bad.......one bad decision after another after another after another............

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