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Ufc 100 I Can Not Wait


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a new venue wud be a nice change, cheaper beers wud also be a brucie bonus!!
I asked Xbox bar they said yes prices 120 up for a beer

I asked Jersey pub prices 130 up for a beer.

If anyone has a place that is willing to let our team in and offers cheaper beers then cool lets change.

I went in and asked if we could alter the prices on the beers in the place we use now. The answer was a swift no as once we are outside of happy hour the prices we get charged are either the same or cheaper than other places locally.

They did also add that they would drop the prices if more people show and they where quite enthusiastic about this. At present they are offering us for our relativity small numbers a few plates of free fruit and snacks like crisps etc plus the use of the place. Seems a good deal to me.

Edited by barrella
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cheers pete,charles,paul or maybe derek for askin round anyway m8. so whens the next fight night? looks like we will be stickin with annies for now then, no problemo.
I can be there tonight downstairs again and I am downloading the fight as I type StrikeForce "Fedor vs Rogers". It looks like I will have to stream the same as last time. There is an added problem all the electricity in that area was down last night. I was at xbox bar and the owner told me that the power will be down again today for most of the day but not tonight. You know Thai style workman maybe down for the night as well so I will be there backing the play but if power is down not sure what we can do.

Next UFC fight is 105 held on 14th so I can have it down loaded for the 16th. Not the most inspiring card. Will be hosted in Manchester England.

A few good fights for us UK guys and a sort of interesting main event but nothing that moves or shakes.

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OK electricity is working in the area.

I am streaming the first 60 minutes and I am downloading the rest.

I do not think I will get it all in time but I will be there tonight if anyone shows up and I will show what I can if no one gets this message and shows.

Also lets make it 8:30pm gives me the extra 30 minutes for downloading time.

Edited by barrella
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cant make tonight m8 im skint!! im lookin forward to next ufc 1 tho swick against hardy shud be a cracker!

Wow me and 2 Thai guys tonight cool. Well its better than me watching it on my computer screen on my own. :)

See you all for UFC 105

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