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Shooting In Our Village


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I was not suggesting he be scared, only that he be smart. Confronting anyone who is angry and has a gun is a bad business, not for the hobbyist. Certainly if the man came onto his property waving a gun around he would have no choice but to take direct action. Any sober family man who is not being directly threatened should only be concerned about his family and should put them first. This may sound pretty tough but if the woman was dumb enough to get involved with violent idiot and then not get her self away from him its not the responsibility of anyone but her and her family to keep her safe.

Truth is, in most cases confronting a family feud will not make you a hero. Usually they end up hating you for your trouble, being this is free advice/commentary, take it or leave it.

I completely agree with Mai Krap.

I don't think it is acting like a coward to think about moving because the safety of his family come first.

it is simply acting as a responsible husband and father.

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All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Great to see a good man doing something.
I agree with you No Krap, getting physically involved in a domestic dispute usually leads to you being the target of both the disputing parties. It like arguing with a drunk, a no win situation.

Welcome back to reality :)

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All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Great to see a good man doing something.
I agree with you No Krap, getting physically involved in a domestic dispute usually leads to you being the target of both the disputing parties. It like arguing with a drunk, a no win situation.

Welcome back to reality :)

The reality is, the OP is a good man who didnt get physically involved, but made his presence felt, and pushed for the involvement of the relevant authorities. In other words he tried to defuse the situation, but not escalate the confict soiral. He didnt cower in his house making plans to move his family like other advised him to do.

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In my opinion your first mistake was to make your presence known outside...

Regardless of what the law can or cannot do,the only thing you have succeeded in doing is making yourself a target, and in doing so you have inadvertantly drawn undue attention to you and your family.

I would advise keeping shutters down,avoiding any contact (especially eye contact with neighbour) and not even peeping outside and directing the family to do the same..and possibly hide under the bed at the slightest hint of trouble.

While us farang have little chance of communicating effectively with police,seeking justice and prompt action will always be a hard ask.

I dont think anyone would consider you a coward for keeping your family out of harms way.

good luck,god bless and stay safe

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Hmmm where did Mai Krap say this.................. don't think it is acting like a coward to think about moving because the safety of his family come first.

Sorry maybe i was not clear, i just said that i agree with his post and i add my comment after.

You can not react in the same way when you live in thailand because the rules are not the same

that in a civilized country.

As i have to work i can not be all the time near my family to protect them and i have two small

children who like to play in the garden all the day.

In the same situation it would be unbearable for me and i will move my family.

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If you want to get involved pick an extremely discrete way of doing it.

Standing in the road on your own to see what is going on and having the police pitch 10 minutes later isn't exactly discrete. I wouldn't give the perpetrator any chance to know it is you who dragged the authorities into it.

Police do get involved in these type of things. The guy has a gun and is trigger happy, and he (more worryingly) will lose a huge amount of face. You don't want to play with fire.

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A fair few. actually

I know one personally, then there was the guy in Ranong murdered by his wife, the guy in Chumphon shot by his neighbor in a dispute, those Russian girls murdered on the beach in Pattaya....

OK, perhaps I wasn't making myself clear. How many non-hookers, not involved with Pattaya mafia, in fact exclude Pattaya all together, how many expats have been shot in Thailand in the last 10 years by Thais? As crazy as some people on this forum think that Thailand is, 99% of Thais are not going to settle arguments using a gun, with civilized, working expats as they know that foreign business and tourism would suffer and so to would the Thai economy.

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A fair few. actually

I know one personally, then there was the guy in Ranong murdered by his wife, the guy in Chumphon shot by his neighbor in a dispute, those Russian girls murdered on the beach in Pattaya....

OK, perhaps I wasn't making myself clear. How many non-hookers, not involved with Pattaya mafia, in fact exclude Pattaya all together, how many expats have been shot in Thailand in the last 10 years by Thais? As crazy as some people on this forum think that Thailand is, 99% of Thais are not going to settle arguments using a gun, with civilized, working expats as they know that foreign business and tourism would suffer and so to would the Thai economy.

How many farang deaths do we get to hear about?

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A fair few. actually

I know one personally, then there was the guy in Ranong murdered by his wife, the guy in Chumphon shot by his neighbor in a dispute, those Russian girls murdered on the beach in Pattaya....

OK, perhaps I wasn't making myself clear. How many non-hookers, not involved with Pattaya mafia, in fact exclude Pattaya all together, how many expats have been shot in Thailand in the last 10 years by Thais? As crazy as some people on this forum think that Thailand is, 99% of Thais are not going to settle arguments using a gun, with civilized, working expats as they know that foreign business and tourism would suffer and so to would the Thai economy.

How many farang deaths do we get to hear about?

Yes, the mysterious Thais have a way of shutting up every expat in Thailand so that when one of us is knocked off, we all remain silent just in case all of us are liquidated.

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I agree with you No Krap, getting physically involved in a domestic dispute usually leads to you being the target of both the disputing parties. It like arguing with a drunk, a no win situation.

Just let him shoot her dead and that will be the end of it. I once watched a bloke drag a woman down the road by her hair in the UK and I mean drag i dont mean pull her along whilst she was standing, I called the Police and of course said woman didnt want to do anything re pressing charges despite screaming all the way down the road. Stuff em let get on with it so long as he isnt aiming it at you and if he is u got two choices either way you will end up the loser. One run away, two kill him, because if u dont he may well kill you. You cant win.

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Thanks Kurnell, appreciated. It's obviously not that easy to just sell up and move. I sure those of you who own a house understand. It would be great to hear if anyone has an idea on exactly what laws have been broken by his actions? I would have thought there were some very strict laws about firing a gun in public, and pointing a loaded weapon at someone.


1. Firing firearm in public without appropriate course

2. Attempt murder

3. Detain a person against his/her will with the threat of weapon

4. The gun should be checked if it is registered on his name or not?

If he is charged he can be kept locked up for a few days before he can get a leave permit on bail of around 200K B.

PS: He may have more than one gun and two arms...

making some assumptions here arent you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

making some assumptions here arent you?


No not me, it's just standard legal assumption in TL. One can be charged with attempt murder if he/she point a loaded gun at other, shot at someone running away and miss or shot at a car with people inside etc.

The judge will say the final words later.

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