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Putting Off My Visit To Thailand


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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

You missed the yakult scam! the most dastardly one of all against us farangs..best stay at home and get your mom to wipe the milk from your chin with her hanky you big girls blouse! :)

Best stay at home and read about all the scams, muggings and killing where you from again? The USA :D no murders there then!

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Why "when there are more people there" do you think that other tourists will help you in a nasty situation? Doubt that.

There are already millions of people there who are nice and normal.

With more tourist there, they will have a bigger pool of potential victims to choose from and I may be able to slip under their radar.


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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

You missed the yakult scam! the most dastardly one of all against us farangs..best stay at home and get your mom to wipe the milk from your chin with her hanky you big girls blouse! :)

Best stay at home and read about all the scams, muggings and killing where you from again? The USA :D no murders there then!

Every place has murders but it seems that Thailand's tourist area has more than its fair share.

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I was in Pattaya last month and it was absolutely dead, literally everywhere i went i was getting hassled like never before in LOS off street vendors, massage girls, suit sellers, bar girls, motorbike taxi guys etc etc..... They were a lot ruder then when the place is full and it did get to be a bit of a pain in the ass ...... Still id much rather be in LOS then anywhere else.

Edited by sanmiguellight
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I was in Pattaya last month and it was absolutely dead, literally everywhere i went i was getting hassled like never before in LOS off street vendors, massage girls, suit sellers, bar girls, motorbike taxi guys etc etc..... They were a lot ruder then when the place is full and it did get to be a bit of a pain in the ass ...... Still id much rather be in LOS then anywhere else.

I like to travel out and away from the tourist spots and I am often alone since I like to walk and walk and walk and walk. I have walked myself into some bad situations.... I met a pack of dogs that still send a shiver down my spine when I think of them. Faced down guys with pipes in their hands who mistook me for someone else and offered a chance to be in a porn movei... Well... Maybe the offer of being in a porno was not so bad :)

So while things are lean I think it would be better for me to vist when things get a little better and folks are there spending their money and I won't be seen as such an eaxy target.

In a crowd of tourist, my chances of not being a victim are much better....

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Every place has murders but it seems that Thailand's tourist area has more than its fair share.

then where? Brazil? The Vatikan State? South Africa?

Your right. So far it seems Thailand has more visitors running into trouble than any other place you mentioned. That is why I am going to wait for more folks to be there when I go there.

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I was in Pattaya last month and it was absolutely dead, literally everywhere i went i was getting hassled like never before in LOS off street vendors, massage girls, suit sellers, bar girls, motorbike taxi guys etc etc..... They were a lot ruder then when the place is full and it did get to be a bit of a pain in the ass ...... Still id much rather be in LOS then anywhere else.

Well that finishes it for me then, I was going to the Thaivisa piss-up tomorrow but now I think I'd better stay home where it's safe and warm. Thanks for the warning sanmiguellight, I owe you one. :)

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I was in Pattaya last month and it was absolutely dead, literally everywhere i went i was getting hassled like never before in LOS off street vendors, massage girls, suit sellers, bar girls, motorbike taxi guys etc etc..... They were a lot ruder then when the place is full and it did get to be a bit of a pain in the ass ...... Still id much rather be in LOS then anywhere else.

Well that finishes it for me then, I was going to the Thaivisa piss-up tomorrow but now I think I'd better stay home where it's safe and warm. Thanks for the warning sanmiguellight, I owe you one. :)

Your welcome! If I saved you one minute of aggrivation than I am happy to have helped :D

If you ever watch the TV show Monk, his theme song says it all...

(Monk TV Theme Song)

It's a jungle out there

Disorder and confusion everywhere

No one seems to care. Well I do.

Hey, who's in charge here?

It's a jungle out there

Poison in the very air we breathe

Do you know what's in the water that you drink?

Well I do, and it's amazing

People think I'm crazy, 'cause I worry all the time

If you paid attention, you'd be worried too

You better pay attention

Or this world we love so much might just kill you

I could be wrong now, but I don't think so. It's a jungle out there\

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Why "when there are more people there" do you think that other tourists will help you in a nasty situation? Doubt that.

There are already millions of people there who are nice and normal.

With more tourist there, they will have a bigger pool of potential victims to choose from and I may be able to slip under their radar.


Because nothing deters pickpockets like large groups of tourists. :D

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Every place has murders but it seems that Thailand's tourist area has more than its fair share.

then where? Brazil? The Vatikan State? South Africa?

Your right. So far it seems Thailand has more visitors running into trouble than any other place you mentioned. That is why I am going to wait for more folks to be there when I go there.

Thank you for reconfirming, that the purpose of your thread is Thailand bashing only.

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Every place has murders but it seems that Thailand's tourist area has more than its fair share.

then where? Brazil? The Vatikan State? South Africa?

Your right. So far it seems Thailand has more visitors running into trouble than any other place you mentioned. That is why I am going to wait for more folks to be there when I go there.

Thank you for reconfirming, that the purpose of your thread is Thailand bashing only.

Why would I want to "BASH" Thailand? You asked a question and I answered it. No more and no less.

I would be a fool to go wondering around and not know what dangers await me.

I read the news and I have friends there who tell me what they are going through.

If I were having family problems and a family member mentioned another problem we were having we would not look at it as them "BASHING" the family.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.


That seems really silly to me.

With a little common sense and judgement you will be better off in Thailand than in most cities in the U.S.

No "drive by" shootings in Bangkok...but there are in L.A.

I personally would feel safer walking down Sukhumvit road than walking through Central park in New York. Even at 3 a.m. in the morning (although I probably wouldn't be walking at that time either place.)


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Why "when there are more people there" do you think that other tourists will help you in a nasty situation? Doubt that.

There are already millions of people there who are nice and normal.

With more tourist there, they will have a bigger pool of potential victims to choose from and I may be able to slip under their radar.


Because nothing deters pickpockets like large groups of tourists. :D

Last time I think I was a target of that pickpocket because I made myself a target but with more tourist there I will make sure that they will seem easier marks than me. :)

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.


That seems really silly to me.

With a little common sense and judgement you will be better off in Thailand than in most cities in the U.S.

No "drive by" shootings in Bangkok...but there are in L.A.

I personally would feel safer walking down Sukhumvit road than walking through Central park in New York. Even at 3 a.m. in the morning (although I probably wouldn't be walking at that time either place.)


I have been to Thailand many times before and I know what is best for me and I know that last time I was getting too much attention from vendors, touts and the working girls and it made my walks frustrating. With empty bars, shops and taxis.... I am sure I would be that much more bothered so I am going to wait till there are more fish in the sea as it were.

Silly or not, I made my choice and I am happier for it :D

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I read the news and I have friends there who tell me what they are going through.

I'm interested in knowing what your friends are going through?

come on tell us.....

Petty thefts, beign stopped and questioned or closly watched by police. Being cheated more than usual. Folks being rude to them and the general requests for money. Hints that things are going on that they don't want to talk about.

But I am only a visitor and I am more focused on what my 4 weeks will be like. I know the streets I travel and the folks I come across and I know that with things the way they are right now.... Won't be a good time for me.

No offense to you guys... But I can stand the rain, but I don't search it out.... so to speak...

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that last time I was getting too much attention from vendors, touts and the working girls and it made my walks frustrating.

Thought you stayed away from tourist areas? Or maybe you just walk up and down Sukhumvit or Khao Sarn Road......

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I read the news and I have friends there who tell me what they are going through.

I'm interested in knowing what your friends are going through?

come on tell us.....

They would probably tell him anything to stop him coming back though....... :)

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You could try sneaking out the back entrance of your 5* hotel to avoid the pickpockets

Wear the same clothes for your entire trip

Employ a bodyguard maybe.....just to be on the safe side

What does a 5* hotel have to do with it? I have stayed in some nice places... Maybe they were 4* but I prefer the 2 to 3 star places. Just give me a good value..... :)

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