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i just saw a tv advertisement regarding a 10mb offer per adsl from the company www.3bb.co.Th , the name triple T and triple B looked very similar and on the mainpage, you can see the maxnet link for the three meg offer.

anyone wanna try it and make a report? :)


On my browser (FF) there is no submit button for the application form. Some ISP company can't even put their home page together!


i just saw a tv advertisement regarding a 10mb offer per adsl from the company www.3bb.co.Th , the name triple T and triple B looked very similar and on the mainpage, you can see the maxnet link for the three meg offer.

anyone wanna try it and make a report? :D

Trust this is Maxnet... in a new painted house.... too much Max on this site - which indeed seems to lack a submit button for the application form... :)


Must be maxnet because yesterday my gf was called if she wanted up to 10mb speed. Must have been from maxnet because we already have maxnet.


Is it a hybrid of the old Indy and Premier, or is it more like Premier? The upload speed is higher than both, there is no mention of restrictions on torrent/VoIP usage as there is on Indy, and the e-mail accounts are the same as Premier, but the pricing is more in line with Indy.


We just spoke with customer service. They said 3bb is primarily for domestic use, as is Indy. It is shared load, so when the gamers are on it slows down considerably. Anyway, they confirmed that if you mostly want to access websites overseas, Premier is much better than either Indy or 3bb.


I don't belive, that the price difference between Premier and Indy or 3bb, is equal to the preformance. Last month I could download with 410 kb/sec from overseas server with Indy 4M. I belive there is not big differens between Primier and Indy for normal surfing and downloading, for P2P and voip I don't know, I don't use this.

We just spoke with customer service. They said 3bb is primarily for domestic use, as is Indy. It is shared load, so when the gamers are on it slows down considerably. Anyway, they confirmed that if you mostly want to access websites overseas, Premier is much better than either Indy or 3bb.

Funny when I was talking to the sheila at the office TT&T yesterday she mentioned the same thing and I told her that when she sold the service to me it was advertised as an INTERNET CONNECTION & THAT WWW stands for World Wide Web not Thailand Wide Web.

<deleted> is wrong with these morons.....tomorrow is a new day, the sun will come up and will go down and my internet connection will be RS. That Death and Taxes are the only sure things in this world.


Yes, VERY misleading. Wow, 10megs, whoopie! Great if all content you want is hosted in Thailand. Evidently useless outside, same with Indy. TT&T has set up some kind of porting priority, and access to the international gateway priority goes to Premier customers. I guess every kids internet gaming shop will rush to get the 3bb package now.

The funny thing is that the 5mb Indy package, which is useless, is the same price as the 2mb Premier package, which is somewhat functional.

TIT and This is TT&T


And there I was, very interested in the 3BB..

What a waste of time.

If only laws were stronger, maybe we could do something about these misleading details.

And there I was, very interested in the 3BB..

What a waste of time.

If only laws were stronger, maybe we could do something about these misleading details.

I really don't think stronger laws would do much with internet... see Malaysia for example, lagging behind Thailand on internet.

And there I was, very interested in the 3BB..

What a waste of time.

If only laws were stronger, maybe we could do something about these misleading details.

I really don't think stronger laws would do much with internet... see Malaysia for example, lagging behind Thailand on internet.

I just went down to my local TT&T shop in San Sai, Chiang Mai last week (to tear them a new arseh*le about cr*p internet), and managed to drive straight past it first time, as they had changed the appearance of the shop. It now sports a Triple T logo etc, and after a 10 minute 'discussion' with the wife which went like óh yes it is' 'oh no it isnt' We discovered that it was!

Once inside the staff were so clueless that it had to be TT&T in disguise! I aksed them why the logo changed and got a baffeled look in response.

  • 5 months later...

Dolly birds from 3bb were stuffing letter boxes on our estate this evening abt BB offers.

Has anyone 1st hand experience of 3BB.co.th yet?

Or a link to their English language page?

cheers :)

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