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I came across this 'daopay' on a google sidebar ad, it looks like a fantastic idea, people not wanting to pay for goods or services via credit card on the net, or maybe not even having one, but everyone has a mobile, or simply sending personal money, via text and then added to the 'phone bill. Operates in 200 countries worldwide, including Thailand. Only downside I can see is the 60 day wait to be paid.

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Looks crap to me.

Massive internal costs, low payout percentages, long time before payout, deposits in some instances ! The idea will be broke before you are paid out.

Welcome to the 2009 version of Madoff's new pyramid.

Hello torrenova,

my name is Andreas Pizsa, I manage all marketing related matters here at daopay. I use Google Alerts to get an overview about the general perception of our service :), and I would like to address the issues you're raising:

Credibility and Reputation

We've been in business since 2001, processing many millions of transactions worth multiple millions of Dollars, Euros, Forints, Dinars, Kronas, and other national currencies. A growing number of consumers worldwide is using daopay every day to safely purchase digital goods on the internet without a credit card or bank account, and without exposing any financial or personal information. daopay is ideal for people who don't have a credit card or don't want to share their credit card over the internet. Just like wilsongbrown said: not everyone has a credit card, but everyone has a mobile (as a side not: daopay also works with landline phones).

We work with reputable large global companies such as Nexon or Gameforge, as well as with hundreds of smaller entrepreneurs worldwide whom we help expand their businesses beyond just credit cards.

Payout Terms

Phone payouts seem steep at first sight. And as you obviously know, our standard payout terms are End-Of-Month + 60 days, in some countries it’s even +90 days, which, without doubt, is a pretty long time if you’re eager to receive your hard-earned money.

if you're interested in learning about the details, I've written a blog post about daopay's payout terms that I would like to recommend: (blog.daopay.com/2009/05/12/faq-wheres-my-money/ sorry, the forum doesn't allow me to post clickable URLs)


To sum it all up, I can assure you that daopay is a credible company with reputable partners; of course, that has nothing to do with a pyramid scheme (www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie6nYZytpCU) :D

I came across this 'daopay' on a google sidebar ad, it looks like a fantastic idea, people not wanting to pay for goods or services via credit card on the net, or maybe not even having one, but everyone has a mobile, or simply sending personal money, via text and then added to the 'phone bill. Operates in 200 countries worldwide, including Thailand. Only downside I can see is the 60 day wait to be paid.


thanks for mentioning daopay :D You hit the nail on the head: many people don't want to pay via credit card, and everyone has a phone. We don't see ourselfes as a "replacement" for credit cards - paying by phone is a complementary payment method in addition to many other methods out here(PayPal, Credit Card, PrePaid, etc).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reply here in this forum - I'll keep watching it :D

Kind regards,



Andreas Pizsa

Head of Marketing

daopay - global payments, charged to the phone bill.


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