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Convert *.pdf To Excel?


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Is there any Software out there which can convert a *.pdf file into Excel?

I have a quite large Pricelist in pdf Format from a local supplier and I need to work on the pricing before I send it to a prospective Customer – I know I could simply print it out and then Scan it into Excel but it contains quite a number of photographs and detail / resolution will be lost if I do that.


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yes and not. you can convert pdf into doc file - images, text and layout. But cannot convert data into excel as numbers, currency and other values.

I suggest pdf2doc.exe - look at download.com or simple google...

well known problem - convert supplier pricelist, add your markups and remove supplier contact info...

good luck :-)

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Is there any Software out there which can convert a *.pdf file into Excel?

I have a quite large Pricelist in pdf Format from a local supplier and I need to work on the pricing before I send it to a prospective Customer – I know I could simply print it out and then Scan it into Excel but it contains quite a number of photographs and detail / resolution will be lost if I do that.


converting from any document to pdf is very easy, loads of free apps but the reverse is very difficult. i dont think u can convert pdf to excel or word doc maintaining the pictures/layout. text extraction is easy but wont solve yr purpose.

however there r some pdf editing tools available...google for them i cant remember any names right now...but i feel if u can edit the pdf files directly it should solve yr purpose...

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